A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com


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ecevoir 375 reconnaissance<br />

recevoir, atter Us ordres de , to report to<br />

for orders;<br />

une balle, to be hit by a bullet;<br />

la bataille, (mil.) to accept battle;<br />

& bord, (nav.) to receive on board, to ship;<br />

un coup d'epee, to get a sword thrust;<br />

un coup de vent au mouillage, (nav.) to ride<br />

out a gale;<br />

dans son grade, v. un officier;<br />

une lame, (nav.) to be struck by a sea;<br />

le mot d'ordre, (mil.) v. prendre le s. v.<br />

,<br />

mot; to receive the mot from a sentinel, etc.;<br />

un officier, (Fr. a.) to receive an officer (formality<br />

upon his joining after a promotion);<br />

se , (man.) (of a horse) to land after a jump.<br />

rechange, m., spare part; duplicate (generally in<br />

the plural);<br />

de , spare;<br />

s d'ecole, ( Fr. art.) spare parts for target practice<br />

(ecoleiifeu);<br />

piece de , duplicate;<br />

roue de , (art.) spare wheel.<br />

rechargement, m., reloading; remetaling of a<br />

road; reballasting of a railway.<br />

recharger, y. r., to reload; to put on a load or burden<br />

again, to lade again; to restore the worn<br />

parts of a (metal) tool; to remetal a road; (r. r.)<br />

to reballast; (mil.) to recharge, make a fresh<br />

charge; (art., sm. a.) to reload;<br />

un essieu, to line an axletree, to repair it<br />

where it is much worn by friction;<br />

un plancher, to renew the worn parts of a floor;<br />

un prisonnier par un nouvel ecrou, (law) to<br />

reconfine a prisoner.<br />

rechasser, v. a., to drive back.<br />

rfcchaud, m., chafing dish;<br />

de rempart, (fort.) rampart grate.<br />

rechauffage, m., (met., etc.) reheating.<br />

rechauffement, m., heating (as feed water).<br />

rtchaufler, v. a., to heat, to heat over again;<br />

un cheval, (man.) to warm a horse up to his<br />

work;<br />

la machine, to warm the engine.<br />

rechauffeur, m., (steam) feed-water heater; tube<br />

, feed-water heater.<br />

rechausser, v. a., to shoe over again; to bank up<br />

the foot of a tree;<br />

un mur, to line the foot of a wall, underpin it,<br />

strengthen it;<br />

une roue, (mack.) to new cog a wheel.<br />

rfiche, a., rough or hard to the touch.<br />

recherche, f., search, pursuit, investigation, inquiry,<br />

research; repair of a roof, of a pavement;<br />

des deserteurs, (mil.) search for deserters;<br />

du lieu de dlfaut, (elec.) localization of a fault;<br />

minutieuse, minute investigation, inquiry.<br />

rechercher, v. a., to search for (into, out); to inquire<br />

after; (chem.) to test for;<br />

un cheval, (man.) to animate a horse;<br />

la longe, (man.) to make a horse take the full<br />

length of the longing rein.<br />

recheville, a., rebolted.<br />

rechute, f., relapse (of an illness); (fort.) bonnette.<br />

rtcidive, f., repetition of an offense or crime after<br />

condemnation for the same previous offense.<br />

rficidiver, v. n., to repeat an offense or crime.<br />

recidiviste, m., old offender.<br />

rtcif, m., (hydr.) reef;<br />

barriere, barrier reef;<br />

en bordure, fringing reef;<br />

de cdte, v. en bordure.<br />

rtcipiangle, m., recipiangle (obs.).<br />

rtcipiendaire, m., person received formally into<br />

the Legion of Honor, the Academy, into a<br />

grade, etc.<br />

recipient, m., recipient; receiver; well, cistern;<br />

condenser;<br />

dejecteur, (steam) settling receiver;<br />

d'eau chaudc, (steam) hot well;<br />

& huile, oil receiver.<br />

reciprocation, f., (mach.) reciprocation.<br />

reciprocite, f., (mach.) reciprocating motion.<br />

rtciproque, a., reciprocal; (mach.) reciprocating'<br />

reversible.<br />

recirer, v. a., to wax again;<br />

un joint, (mas.) in pointing, to smooth the<br />

mortar in a joint.<br />

reciter, v. a., to recite;<br />

la rose des vents, to box the <strong>com</strong>pass.<br />

rtclamateur, m., claimant.<br />

reclamation, f., claim, demand; objection, <strong>com</strong>plaint;<br />

protest.<br />

reclamer, v. a., to claim, demand, reclaim; to object,<br />

make objection; to protest against;<br />

course & , selling race.<br />

reclamper, v. a., to fish a mast, etc., when sprung.<br />

reclasser, v. a., to reclass (a ship).<br />

reclinaison, f., inclination toward the horizon.<br />

reclouer, v. a., to nail on again, to nail up again.<br />

reclusion, f , solitary confinement, imprisonment<br />

in a penitentiary.<br />

recolement, m., examination, verification; verification<br />

of an inventory, of the building line of a<br />

house;<br />

de bois, verification of a fall of timber.<br />

rficoler, v. a., to examine, verify.<br />

recoller, v. a., to paste, glue, on again.<br />

respite, f., harvest;<br />

sur pied, standing crop.<br />

rficolter, v. a., to harvest.<br />

re<strong>com</strong>battre, v. a., to fight anew.<br />

reeomblement, m., (mil. min.) falling back of<br />

earth into a crater.<br />

re<strong>com</strong>bler, v. a., to fill in again.<br />

re<strong>com</strong>mande, p. p., registered (of a letter).<br />

re<strong>com</strong>pense, f., reward, re<strong>com</strong>pense; <strong>com</strong>pensation,<br />

indemnity, amends.<br />

re<strong>com</strong>penser, v. a., to reward, re<strong>com</strong>pense, <strong>com</strong>pensate,<br />

indemnify, repay, make up for.<br />

reconduire, v. a., to take back, to ac<strong>com</strong>pany (a<br />

visitor) to the door;<br />

se faire , to be <strong>com</strong>pelled to beat a hasty retreat;<br />

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