A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com


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apurc 371 ratelier<br />

rftimre, f., rasping.<br />

rapuroir, m., copper boiler (for potassium nitrate).<br />

raqnette, f., racket; snowshoe; sort of saw for ripping<br />

curved pieces; (artif.) rocket without a<br />

stick;<br />

perceuse, ratchet drill.<br />

rarefaction, f., rarefaction;<br />

tuyau de , air pipe.<br />

rarfefier, v. a. , to rarefy.<br />

ras, a., close, smooth, cropped close (of hair) flush;<br />

bare, open, flat; level with the surface of;<br />

h au, de, to the level of;<br />

a du sol, flush, level, with the ground;<br />

au de reau, to the water's edge;<br />

bateau , flat-bottomed boat;<br />

batiment , dismasted ship;<br />

e campagne, open, flat, country (no hills, nor<br />

trees, rivers, etc.);<br />

en e campagne, (mil} in the open, in the field<br />

(as distinguished from forts, etc.);<br />

mesure e, strike measure;<br />

& terre, along the ground, down to the ground.<br />

ras, m., reef (awash); race; punt; floating stage;<br />

flat-bottomed boat;<br />

de carene, floating stage;<br />

de courant, race;<br />

de maree, race, tide gate; bore; eagre;<br />

de metal, (art. ) face of the tulip of a gun.<br />

rasage, m., shaving.<br />

rasance, f., de la trajectoire, (ball.) flatness of<br />

the trajectory.<br />

rasant, a., (art.) sweeping, grazing; (fort.) rasant;<br />

feu . (art.) grazing fire (i. e., going along, or<br />

but little above, the object fired at);<br />

flanc , (fort.) flank sweeping the face of the<br />

opposite bastion;<br />

fortification e, (fort.) a fortification having<br />

little or no <strong>com</strong>mand; rasant, low-built work<br />

or fortification;<br />

ligne e, v. flanc ;<br />

tir , (art.) horizontal fire;<br />

vue e, view of an open, flat country.<br />

rase, f., (nav.) a mixture of rosin, sulphur, ground<br />

glass, etc., to protect the underwater hull<br />

against insects; turpentine oil;<br />

eau de , oil of turpentine.<br />

ras, p. p., shaven; razed to the ground; (nav.)<br />

razeed, dismasted; (hipp.) having lost the mark<br />

of mouth.<br />

rasement, m., razing to the ground, demolishing,<br />

pulling down; (hipp.) loss, disappearance, of the<br />

mark of mouth; (art.) shearing (of the studs,<br />

obs.).<br />

raser, v. a., to shave; to dismantle; to raze; to demolish,<br />

overthrow; to pass very near to (e. g.,<br />

the enemy); to lay flat, level with the ground;<br />

(hipp.) to raze or lose mark of mouth, to lose<br />

the mark; (art.) to sweep; to demolish by artillery<br />

fire;<br />

la campagne, (art.) to sweep the terrain with<br />

shot, shells, etc.;<br />

la cote, (nav.) to keep the land aboard;<br />

faire une tuybre, (met.) to diminish the inclination<br />

of a twyer;<br />

un navire, (nav.) to cut down a ship; to dismantle<br />

a ship (in battle);<br />

au niveau du sol, to raze to the ground;<br />

se , (r. r.) to follow the level of the ground;<br />

le tapis, (man.) (of a horse) to go too near the<br />

ground.<br />

rasc-tapis, m., (hipp. and slang) horse that goes<br />

too near the ground; daisy cutter.<br />

rasoir, m., razor;<br />

de surete, safety razor.<br />

rassemblage, m., (mach.) connection.<br />

rassemblement, m., gathering, assemblage,<br />

crowd; (mil.) mustering, collecting, assembling,<br />

troops preparatory to forming a march-<br />

ing order; re-forming in normal order of troops<br />

(infantry) that have been engaged in the dispersed<br />

order; (more esp., Fr. a.) formation of a<br />

scjuad in line, of a <strong>com</strong>pany in column of sections,<br />

of a battalion in double column, at sixpace<br />

intervals; <strong>com</strong>mand for these movements;<br />

assembly of skirmishers; (on a large scale) temporary<br />

formation of troops between the order of<br />

march and that of battle; (art.) forming up of a<br />

gun detachment, of a battery; <strong>com</strong>mand for<br />

these movements; (fenc.) return to the upright<br />

position from that of guard; assemble, finish.<br />

rassemblement en arriere, (fenc.) return, etc., in<br />

which the right is brought back to the left foot;<br />

en avant, (fenc.) return, etc., in which the<br />

left is brought up to the right foot;<br />

formation de , (mil.) v. s. v. formation; (art.)<br />

general term fqjr the assemblage of th,e various<br />

sub units of a battery into greater units these<br />

forming up the battery;<br />

gare de , v. s. v. gare;<br />

de la garde, (mil) assembly of guard details;<br />

call for same;<br />

au pare, (art.) formation of a battery at its<br />

sans materiel, v. s. v. formation.<br />

rassembler, v. a., to gather, collect, draw, bring<br />

together; to put together, to mount; (mil.) to<br />

collect, assemble (troops, an army, material<br />

etc.); to assemble troops for a march formation;<br />

(more esp.) to re-form in normal from dispersed<br />

order (v. s. v. rassembkment); (art.) to form upa<br />

gun detachment, a battery; (man.) to gather a<br />

horse; (fenc.) to assemble, finish; to return to an<br />

upright position from that of guard; m., (man.)<br />

position of having hind legs under horse, gathering<br />

up (operation of bringing the four feet<br />

under base of support);<br />

un cheval, (man.) to gather a horse;<br />

les quatre jambes, (man.) (of the horse) to<br />

gather (the legs) for a jump;<br />

se , (mil.) to form in normal from dispersed<br />

order; (art.) to form up (detachment, battery);<br />

se en arriere (avant), (fenc.) to finish to the<br />

rear (front), v. s. v. rassemblement;<br />

se faire , (mil. slang) to get reprimanded or<br />

punished.<br />

rasseoir, v. a., to seat again; (fan.) to refasten a<br />

horseshoe.<br />

rassieger, v. a., (mil.) to besiege anew.<br />

rassis, p. p., reseated; reset; m., (fan.) horseshoe<br />

set on again with new nails;<br />

pain , stale bread;<br />

terre e, packed, well-settled earth.<br />

rassurer, v. a., to settle, clear up; to secure,<br />

strengthen (as a weak bridge).<br />

rastel, m.. (fort.) ramp (out of the covered way<br />

through the glacis).<br />

rastelle, f., v. rastel.<br />

rat, m., rat; (Polytechnique slang) cadet who is late<br />

at a formation;<br />

de pont, (Polytechnique slang) cadet whose<br />

marks are not high enough to put him into the<br />

Ponts et Chaussees;<br />

prendre un , (sm. a.) to miss fire;<br />

queue de , v. s. v. queue.<br />

ratafia, m., ratafia.<br />

rataplan, m., "rub-a-dub."<br />

ratapoil, m., unconditional partisan of militarism.<br />

rat, p. p., missed; m. (art., sm. a.) misfire; (min.)<br />

misfire;<br />

de charge, (art.) (of the charge) misfire, failure<br />

to go off; (more esp.) misfire caused by<br />

pushing a reduced charge too far into the breech<br />

. (powder chamber).<br />

rateau, m., rake; rack; coal fork; ward (of a lock);<br />

fair-lead;<br />

a cheval, hay rake;<br />

faire son , (mil. slang) of reservists, to remain<br />

over time with the regiment by way of punishment.<br />

ratelage, m., raking.<br />

ratelee, f., rakeful.<br />

rateler, v. a., to rake.<br />

ratelier, m., rack; hayrack; tool rack; (mil.) armrack,<br />

rack of arms;<br />

d'armes, (mil.) gun rack, armrack;<br />

d'ecurie, hayrack;<br />

d'etabli, tool rack;<br />

remettre les armes au , (fig.) to sheathe one's<br />

sword, to retire from the service.

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