A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

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anger 370 rapprocher ranger du monde sur une manoeuvre, (cord.) to man a rope; se , to place one's self, to take up a certain position; to leave the way clear, to get out of the way; (of the wind) to veer: (man.) of the horse, to take up a proper position; (mil.) to fall in, to be drawn up for battle; se h bord, h quai, (nav.) to come up along side of a ship, of a quay; se sous les drapeaux de , (mil.) to take service tinder ; des troupes, (mil.) to draw up troops. rangette, f., sheet iron for stovepipes. ranguillon, m., tongue (of a buckle). rapage, m., rasping. rapatelle, f., horsehair cloth for sieves. rapatrlement, m., sending home (of soldiers, sailors, citizens, from a foreign country or expedition, etc.). rapatrier, v. a., to send home, to one's country; to send home (from the colonies, from foreign expeditions, time-expired men, etc.). rape, f.. rasp, file, grater; (hipp.) in plural, malanders with a transverse crack; bt, bois, wood rasp; h bois to, fine (grosse, moyenne) piqure, fine- Coarse-, medium-) cut wood rasp; h chaud, rasp for hot iron; afroid, rasp for cold iron; de marechal, v. d, sabot; a sabot, (fan.) farrier's rasp. raper, y. a., to rasp, to scrape, to grate; machine & , rasping mill. rapetassage, m., patching. rapetasser, v. a., to patch, patch up, piece, botch. rapetisser, v. a. n., to lessen, make shorter, shorten, to become little. raphS, m., (hipp.) median r^phe. rapide, a., rapid, quick; steep (of a slope); m., rapid(s) (of a river); canon a tir , (art. ) rapid-fire gun; de maree, v. s. v. raz de ; tir , (mil.) rapid fire. rapidite, f., rapidity, velocity; indice de , (phot.) ratio of working aperture to focal length; d'un objectif, (pilot.) rapidity of a lens; du tir, (art., sm. a.) rapidity, rate of fire. raptecer, v. a., to piece, to put in a piece, to patch. rapiere, f., (sm. a.) rapier. rapine, f., rapine, pillage, plunder, plundering. rapiner, v. a., to commit rapine; to pillage, plunder, etc. rapointlr, v. a., to repoint (as a broken tool). rappareiller, v. a., to match, to get a pair, a match; des chevaux, to match horses. rapparier, v. a., v. rappareiller. rappel, m., recall; (mil.) battery or call for assembly, i. e., first call; summons to service; withdrawal from command; (art.) return to battery; (nav.) beating to quarters; (adm.) further payment, payment of what remains due; d'un ambassadeur, recall of an ambassador; battre le , (mil.) to beat the assembly; (nav.) to beat to quarters; pour I'incendie, fire call; lettre de , letter of recall (of an ambassador); fi I'ordre, call to order (in deliberative assem- blies); (mil.. (sounded pneumatlque, (mach.) dashpot gear of Frikart- C orliss engine; de pret, v. de solde,' a la question, bringing back to the point (in deliberative assemblies) ; the previous question; de roulis, (nav.) weather roll; de solde, (mil.) further payment, restoration of retained pay; rappel, le aux tambours et aux ctairons, (mil.) call for the assembly of field music (assembly of trumpeters, U. S. A.). rappeler, v. a., to recall; to call up (by telegraph); (cord.) to grow; (mil.) to beat, sound, the assembly; & , (mil.) to sound the call for ; a, pour, la garde, (mil.) to sound the call for guard mounting; aux malades, (mil.) to sound sick call; ti I'ordre, to call to order (deliberative assemblies); a la question, to bring back to the point (deliberative assemblies); to call for the previous question; au reglement, to protest against a violation of regulations. rappointis, m., plastering nail; (inpl.) generic term for nails, spikes, hooks, etc. rapport, m., action of bringing; report (in general); statement, account; return (from property), income, revenue, profit; reimbursement; evidence, testimony; ratio, relation, connection; (mil.) orderly hour, orderly call; (regimental) daily report, morning report, guard report; publication of orders, etc.; (fond.) false core, drawback; (mach.) take-up for wear; au , (mil.) at orderly hour; au de, on the report of; avant le , (mil.) before orderly hour; d'avaries, (nav.) damage report; de la charge au projectile, (art.) ratio of the charge to the projectile; sur la conduite, (mil.) confidential report on conduct; d' experts, report of a survey, etc. ; general de la place, (mil.) consolidated guard report; Jieure du , (mil.) orderly hour; journalier, (mil.) daily (morning) report; de maree, volume of water brought by the tide into a canal, river, etc.; du matin ; (mil.) morning report; de mer, (nav.) shipmaster's protest against responsibility for damage to ship or cargo, or for a collision; piece de , v. s. v. piece; salle des s, du , (mil.) orderly room; de sante, (mil.) medical return; ^situation, situation , (mil.) morning report of a company, troop, or battery; report, return; du soir, (mil.) evening report; terres de , made ground. rapports, a., inlaid, inserted, not in one piece with; (mach.) with take-up for wear; piece e, inlaid or inserted piece. rapporter, v. a. n., to bring back, to add; to report, make a report ; to state, show; to join, fit in a piece, insert, inlay, join; to repeal; to yield, to produce, bring in; to repay; (of the tides) to increase; (of the sea) torise; (drawing) to set down, trace, protract, plot a survey; (nav.) to bring up, to show (so many fathoms, of a sounding line); une lot, etc., to repeal a law; une piece, to inlay; to insert a piece; des terres, to fill in with (transported) earth; un toron, (cord.) to lay in a strand. rapporteur, m., reporter; secretary of a board, chairman of a commission, etc.; (mil.) recorder of a board; in France, the major in a conseil d''administration, judge-advocate of a courtmartial; (inst.) protractor, semicircular protractor; d'atelier, (inst.) bevel protractor; du budget, (adm.) official charged with the preparation of the budget; eclimetre, (inst.) clinometer protractor; a limbe complet, (inst.) circular protractor; officier , (mil.) judge-advocate of a courtmartial. rapprochement, m., bringing, placing, putting together; conjunction; junction. rapprocher, v. a., to bring nearer or together; (of a telescope) to bring up, bring near.

apurc 371 ratelier rftimre, f., rasping. rapuroir, m., copper boiler (for potassium nitrate). raqnette, f., racket; snowshoe; sort of saw for ripping curved pieces; (artif.) rocket without a stick; perceuse, ratchet drill. rarefaction, f., rarefaction; tuyau de , air pipe. rarfefier, v. a. , to rarefy. ras, a., close, smooth, cropped close (of hair) flush; bare, open, flat; level with the surface of; h au, de, to the level of; a du sol, flush, level, with the ground; au de reau, to the water's edge; bateau , flat-bottomed boat; batiment , dismasted ship; e campagne, open, flat, country (no hills, nor trees, rivers, etc.); en e campagne, (mil} in the open, in the field (as distinguished from forts, etc.); mesure e, strike measure; & terre, along the ground, down to the ground. ras, m., reef (awash); race; punt; floating stage; flat-bottomed boat; de carene, floating stage; de courant, race; de maree, race, tide gate; bore; eagre; de metal, (art. ) face of the tulip of a gun. rasage, m., shaving. rasance, f., de la trajectoire, (ball.) flatness of the trajectory. rasant, a., (art.) sweeping, grazing; (fort.) rasant; feu . (art.) grazing fire (i. e., going along, or but little above, the object fired at); flanc , (fort.) flank sweeping the face of the opposite bastion; fortification e, (fort.) a fortification having little or no command; rasant, low-built work or fortification; ligne e, v. flanc ; tir , (art.) horizontal fire; vue e, view of an open, flat country. rase, f., (nav.) a mixture of rosin, sulphur, ground glass, etc., to protect the underwater hull against insects; turpentine oil; eau de , oil of turpentine. ras, p. p., shaven; razed to the ground; (nav.) razeed, dismasted; (hipp.) having lost the mark of mouth. rasement, m., razing to the ground, demolishing, pulling down; (hipp.) loss, disappearance, of the mark of mouth; (art.) shearing (of the studs, obs.). raser, v. a., to shave; to dismantle; to raze; to demolish, overthrow; to pass very near to (e. g., the enemy); to lay flat, level with the ground; (hipp.) to raze or lose mark of mouth, to lose the mark; (art.) to sweep; to demolish by artillery fire; la campagne, (art.) to sweep the terrain with shot, shells, etc.; la cote, (nav.) to keep the land aboard; faire une tuybre, (met.) to diminish the inclination of a twyer; un navire, (nav.) to cut down a ship; to dismantle a ship (in battle); au niveau du sol, to raze to the ground; se , (r. r.) to follow the level of the ground; le tapis, (man.) (of a horse) to go too near the ground. rasc-tapis, m., (hipp. and slang) horse that goes too near the ground; daisy cutter. rasoir, m., razor; de surete, safety razor. rassemblage, m., (mach.) connection. rassemblement, m., gathering, assemblage, crowd; (mil.) mustering, collecting, assembling, troops preparatory to forming a march- ing order; re-forming in normal order of troops (infantry) that have been engaged in the dispersed order; (more esp., Fr. a.) formation of a scjuad in line, of a company in column of sections, of a battalion in double column, at sixpace intervals; command for these movements; assembly of skirmishers; (on a large scale) temporary formation of troops between the order of march and that of battle; (art.) forming up of a gun detachment, of a battery; command for these movements; (fenc.) return to the upright position from that of guard; assemble, finish. rassemblement en arriere, (fenc.) return, etc., in which the right is brought back to the left foot; en avant, (fenc.) return, etc., in which the left is brought up to the right foot; formation de , (mil.) v. s. v. formation; (art.) general term fqjr the assemblage of th,e various sub units of a battery into greater units these forming up the battery; gare de , v. s. v. gare; de la garde, (mil) assembly of guard details; call for same; au pare, (art.) formation of a battery at its sans materiel, v. s. v. formation. rassembler, v. a., to gather, collect, draw, bring together; to put together, to mount; (mil.) to collect, assemble (troops, an army, material etc.); to assemble troops for a march formation; (more esp.) to re-form in normal from dispersed order (v. s. v. rassembkment); (art.) to form upa gun detachment, a battery; (man.) to gather a horse; (fenc.) to assemble, finish; to return to an upright position from that of guard; m., (man.) position of having hind legs under horse, gathering up (operation of bringing the four feet under base of support); un cheval, (man.) to gather a horse; les quatre jambes, (man.) (of the horse) to gather (the legs) for a jump; se , (mil.) to form in normal from dispersed order; (art.) to form up (detachment, battery); se en arriere (avant), (fenc.) to finish to the rear (front), v. s. v. rassemblement; se faire , (mil. slang) to get reprimanded or punished. rasseoir, v. a., to seat again; (fan.) to refasten a horseshoe. rassieger, v. a., (mil.) to besiege anew. rassis, p. p., reseated; reset; m., (fan.) horseshoe set on again with new nails; pain , stale bread; terre e, packed, well-settled earth. rassurer, v. a., to settle, clear up; to secure, strengthen (as a weak bridge). rastel, m.. (fort.) ramp (out of the covered way through the glacis). rastelle, f., v. rastel. rat, m., rat; (Polytechnique slang) cadet who is late at a formation; de pont, (Polytechnique slang) cadet whose marks are not high enough to put him into the Ponts et Chaussees; prendre un , (sm. a.) to miss fire; queue de , v. s. v. queue. ratafia, m., ratafia. rataplan, m., "rub-a-dub." ratapoil, m., unconditional partisan of militarism. rat, p. p., missed; m. (art., sm. a.) misfire; (min.) misfire; de charge, (art.) (of the charge) misfire, failure to go off; (more esp.) misfire caused by pushing a reduced charge too far into the breech . (powder chamber). rateau, m., rake; rack; coal fork; ward (of a lock); fair-lead; a cheval, hay rake; faire son , (mil. slang) of reservists, to remain over time with the regiment by way of punishment. ratelage, m., raking. ratelee, f., rakeful. rateler, v. a., to rake. ratelier, m., rack; hayrack; tool rack; (mil.) armrack, rack of arms; d'armes, (mil.) gun rack, armrack; d'ecurie, hayrack; d'etabli, tool rack; remettre les armes au , (fig.) to sheathe one's sword, to retire from the service.

anger 370 rapprocher<br />

ranger du monde sur une manoeuvre, (cord.) to man<br />

a rope;<br />

se , to place one's self, to take up a certain<br />

position; to leave the way clear, to get out of<br />

the way; (of the wind) to veer: (man.) of the<br />

horse, to take up a proper position; (mil.) to<br />

fall in, to be drawn up for battle;<br />

se h bord, h quai, (nav.) to <strong>com</strong>e up along side<br />

of a ship, of a quay;<br />

se sous les drapeaux de , (mil.) to take service<br />

tinder ;<br />

des troupes, (mil.) to draw up troops.<br />

rangette, f., sheet iron for stovepipes.<br />

ranguillon, m., tongue (of a buckle).<br />

rapage, m., rasping.<br />

rapatelle, f., horsehair cloth for sieves.<br />

rapatrlement, m., sending home (of soldiers, sailors,<br />

citizens, from a foreign country or expedition,<br />

etc.).<br />

rapatrier, v. a., to send home, to one's country; to<br />

send home (from the colonies, from foreign expeditions,<br />

time-expired men, etc.).<br />

rape, f.. rasp, file, grater; (hipp.) in plural, malanders<br />

with a transverse crack;<br />

bt, bois, wood rasp;<br />

h bois to, fine (grosse, moyenne) piqure, fine-<br />

Coarse-, medium-) cut wood rasp;<br />

h chaud, rasp for hot iron;<br />

afroid, rasp for cold iron;<br />

de marechal, v. d, sabot;<br />

a sabot, (fan.) farrier's rasp.<br />

raper, y. a., to rasp, to scrape, to grate;<br />

machine & , rasping mill.<br />

rapetassage, m., patching.<br />

rapetasser, v. a., to patch, patch up, piece, botch.<br />

rapetisser, v. a. n., to lessen, make shorter,<br />

shorten, to be<strong>com</strong>e little.<br />

raphS, m., (hipp.) median r^phe.<br />

rapide, a., rapid, quick; steep (of a slope); m.,<br />

rapid(s) (of a river);<br />

canon a tir , (art. ) rapid-fire gun;<br />

de maree, v. s. v. raz de ;<br />

tir , (mil.) rapid fire.<br />

rapidite, f., rapidity, velocity;<br />

indice de , (phot.) ratio of working aperture to<br />

focal length;<br />

d'un objectif, (pilot.) rapidity of a lens;<br />

du tir, (art., sm. a.) rapidity, rate of fire.<br />

raptecer, v. a., to piece, to put in a piece, to patch.<br />

rapiere, f., (sm. a.) rapier.<br />

rapine, f., rapine, pillage, plunder, plundering.<br />

rapiner, v. a., to <strong>com</strong>mit rapine; to pillage, plunder,<br />

etc.<br />

rapointlr, v. a., to repoint (as a broken tool).<br />

rappareiller, v. a., to match, to get a pair, a match;<br />

des chevaux, to match horses.<br />

rapparier, v. a., v. rappareiller.<br />

rappel, m., recall; (mil.) battery or call for assembly,<br />

i. e., first call; summons to service; withdrawal<br />

from <strong>com</strong>mand; (art.) return to battery;<br />

(nav.) beating to quarters; (adm.) further payment,<br />

payment of what remains due;<br />

d'un ambassadeur, recall of an ambassador;<br />

battre le , (mil.) to beat the assembly; (nav.)<br />

to beat to quarters;<br />

pour I'incendie, fire call;<br />

lettre de , letter of recall (of an ambassador);<br />

fi I'ordre, call to order (in deliberative assem-<br />

blies);<br />

(mil..<br />

(sounded<br />

pneumatlque, (mach.) dashpot gear of Frikart-<br />

C orliss engine;<br />

de pret, v. de solde,'<br />

a la question, bringing back to the point (in<br />

deliberative assemblies) ; the previous question;<br />

de roulis, (nav.) weather roll;<br />

de solde, (mil.) further payment, restoration<br />

of retained pay;<br />

rappel, le aux tambours et aux ctairons, (mil.)<br />

call for the assembly of field music (assembly<br />

of trumpeters, U. S. A.).<br />

rappeler, v. a., to recall; to call up (by telegraph);<br />

(cord.) to grow; (mil.) to beat, sound, the assembly;<br />

& , (mil.) to sound the call for ;<br />

a, pour, la garde, (mil.) to sound the call for<br />

guard mounting;<br />

aux malades, (mil.) to sound sick call;<br />

ti I'ordre, to call to order (deliberative assemblies);<br />

a la question, to bring back to the point (deliberative<br />

assemblies); to call for the previous<br />

question;<br />

au reglement, to protest against a violation of<br />

regulations.<br />

rappointis, m., plastering nail; (inpl.) generic term<br />

for nails, spikes, hooks, etc.<br />

rapport, m., action of bringing; report (in general);<br />

statement, account; return (from property),<br />

in<strong>com</strong>e, revenue, profit; reimbursement; evidence,<br />

testimony; ratio, relation, connection;<br />

(mil.) orderly hour, orderly call; (regimental)<br />

daily report, morning report, guard report;<br />

publication of orders, etc.; (fond.) false core,<br />

drawback; (mach.) take-up for wear;<br />

au , (mil.) at orderly hour;<br />

au de, on the report of;<br />

avant le , (mil.) before orderly hour;<br />

d'avaries, (nav.) damage report;<br />

de la charge au projectile, (art.) ratio of the<br />

charge to the projectile;<br />

sur la conduite, (mil.) confidential report on<br />

conduct;<br />

d' experts, report of a survey, etc. ;<br />

general de la place, (mil.) consolidated guard<br />

report;<br />

Jieure du , (mil.) orderly hour;<br />

journalier, (mil.) daily (morning) report;<br />

de maree, volume of water brought by the<br />

tide into a canal, river, etc.;<br />

du matin ; (mil.) morning report;<br />

de mer, (nav.) shipmaster's protest against<br />

responsibility for damage to ship or cargo, or<br />

for a collision;<br />

piece de , v. s. v. piece;<br />

salle des s, du , (mil.) orderly room;<br />

de sante, (mil.) medical return;<br />

^situation, situation , (mil.) morning report<br />

of a <strong>com</strong>pany, troop, or battery; report,<br />

return;<br />

du soir, (mil.) evening report;<br />

terres de , made ground.<br />

rapports, a., inlaid, inserted, not in one piece with;<br />

(mach.) with take-up for wear;<br />

piece e, inlaid or inserted piece.<br />

rapporter, v. a. n., to bring back, to add; to report,<br />

make a report ; to state, show; to join, fit in a<br />

piece, insert, inlay, join; to repeal; to yield, to<br />

produce, bring in; to repay; (of the tides) to increase;<br />

(of the sea) torise; (drawing) to set down,<br />

trace, protract, plot a survey; (nav.) to bring<br />

up, to show (so many fathoms, of a sounding<br />

line);<br />

une lot, etc., to repeal a law;<br />

une piece, to inlay; to insert a piece;<br />

des terres, to fill in with (transported) earth;<br />

un toron, (cord.) to lay in a strand.<br />

rapporteur, m., reporter; secretary of a board,<br />

chairman of a <strong>com</strong>mission, etc.; (mil.) recorder<br />

of a board; in France, the major in a conseil<br />

d''administration, judge-advocate of a courtmartial;<br />

(inst.) protractor, semicircular protractor;<br />

d'atelier, (inst.) bevel protractor;<br />

du budget, (adm.) official charged with the<br />

preparation of the budget;<br />

eclimetre, (inst.) clinometer protractor;<br />

a limbe <strong>com</strong>plet, (inst.) circular protractor;<br />

officier , (mil.) judge-advocate of a courtmartial.<br />

rapprochement, m., bringing, placing, putting<br />

together; conjunction; junction.<br />

rapprocher, v. a., to bring nearer or together; (of<br />

a telescope) to bring up, bring near.

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