A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

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alingue 368 rampin ralliigue, f., (nav.) boltrope. ralinguer, v. a., (nav.) to sew on the boltropes of a sail. railiement, m., (mil.) rallying, rally, rallying into groups; rallying of s'cirmishers; rallying of troops after a charge or battle; (nav.) rallying, assembling,. of ships; le , (mil.) call for a rally; mot de , (mil.) v. s. v. mot; point de , (mil.) rallying point; signal de , (nav.) rallying signal for ships to take respective stations; signe de , (mil.) rallying sign; sonner au , (mil.) to sound the rally. rallie-papier, m., paper chase. rallier, v. a., (mil.) to rally; to re-form; (nav.) to join (a ship); to approach (the land, a port); le camp, (mil.) to rejoin camp; le corps, (mil.) to rejoin one's regiment; un port, (nav.) to approach a port; la terre, (nav.) to stand for the land; un vaisseau, (nav.) to rejoin a ship. rallonge, f., any extension piece, eking piece in general; leaf of a table; (in balloons) rope forming the extension of the net proper; (sm. a.) rear-sight extension leaf; curseur & -, (sm. a.) extension slide of a sight; de fleche, (Fr. art.) trail extension piece of the 80mm mountain gun; de trait, (harn.) the rope extension piece of the French artillery trace. rallongememVm., eking, lengthening; splicing (of timbers). rallonger, to lengthen; to eke out; to splice (timbers). rallumer, v. a. r., to rekindle, light again; to break, burst out again. ramandot, m., (powd.) crust of powder (forming in barrels during glazing), ramas, m., heap. ramasse, f., sort of sled used in the Alps; (tech.) sort of reaming rod or tool (for enlarging a cylindrical hole in wood or metal); (sm. a.) steel cleaning rod. ramasse, p. p., thickset, squat; compact (e. g., an engine); (hipp.) short in the joints. ramasser, v. a., to pick up, take up; to gather; to rake and scrape together; to collect; to drag on a ramasse, q. v.; (cord.) to take in; de la bolte, (mil. slang) to be locked up; les fourreaux de baionnette, (mil. slang) to come up after a battle has been fought; une pelle, (Jam.) to get a tumble from a bicycle, ramo, f.. oar, scull, paddle; ream of paper; & bateau, (pont.) pontoon oar; canot & , rowboat; d,force de s, by dint of rowing, by hard pulling; leve s, oars! unship oars! lever les s, to lie or rest on the oars; & n s, w-oared; & nacelle, (pont.) mooring boat oar; tirer ti la , to pull at the oar. ram6, p. p., rowed; boulet , (art.) bar shot (obs.).' rameau, m., branch, bough; (mil. min.) branch or small mine gallery. (The following terms relate to military mining): ascendant, ascending branch; de combat, small branch (0.70 high and 0.60 wide, requires cases); descendant, descending branch; & double retour d'equerre, (mil, min.) double rectangular branch (i. e., a branch breaking out at right angles and then making a rec tangular change of direction); ecoute, branch between, and parallel to, listening galleries (ecoutes); entrer en , to open a branch; grand , great branch (l m high and 0.80* wide, requires cases); grimpant, climbing or ascending branch; hollandais, d, la hollandaise, v. petit ; rameau, petit , small branch (0.80 high and 0.65" wide, requires cases); & retour d'equerre, branch broken out at right angles from a gallery. ramen@, p. p., brought back; m., (man.) the position of the horse's head, when brought down and in; &tre , (mil.) to be pursued, forced to retreat, defeated; to be taken, brought, into camp (said of cavalry). ramener, v. a. r., to bring, take, lead, drive, back; to recall, retrieve; to recover, restore; (man.) (of the rider) to lower and bring in the head of a horse (is also said of a bit); (substantively) the act of lowering, etc., the head; (of the horse) to carry the head; (mil.) to handle roughly; to take into camp (said of cavalry); bien, (man.) to carry the head well; un cheval, (man.) to force a horse to bring his head down and in; cheval qui se ramene bien, horse that carries his head well; I'ennemi, (mil.) to defeat and drive back the enemy, to take him into camp; se , (of a horse) to carry the head well. rameneret, m., stroke with a chalk line. ramcr, v. a., to row, to pull (the naval expression is nager); to paddle. rameur, m., oarsman (nageur in the navy). ramification, f., ramification. ramifie", a., ramified; (hydr.) having arms (said of a bay). ramllle, f., stick, twig, bavin. ramingue, f., restive; (man.) disobedient to the spur; cheval , v. s. v. cheval. ramollir, v. a., to soften. ramonage, m., chimney sweeping. ramoner, v. a., to sweep chimneys. ramoneur, rn., chimney sweep. rampant, a., crawling, creeping, climbing, rising; (cons., etc.) inclined, sloping; m., slope, sloping part; (met.) sloping side of the bed of a reverberatory furnace; flue of a reverberatory furnace (between the crown and the chimney proper); arc , rampant arch; bandage , (med.) spiral bandage; fenetre e, (cons.) oblique staircase window; limon , (cons.) continuous (unbroken) stringpiece; lunette e, (cons.) sectroid; marche e, v. s. v. marches voute e, rampant arch. rampe, f., slope, ascent, descent, declivity, acclivity; (cons.) flight of straight stairs, slope or inclined plane on which the steps are constructed; hand rail, railing (of a staircase); (fort.) ramp; (r. r.) slope or gradient, grade; loading ramp; d'acces, approach of a bridge; courbe, (cons.) curving flight of stairs; d'armement, (fort.) gun ramp of a platform; de debarquement, (r. r.) unloading ramp, brough; de degagement, (sm. a.) disengagement curve or surface of a breech mechanism; d'entree, slope or bank leading down to a ford; helico'idale, (sm. a.) helicoidal guide surface of a breech mechanism; improvisee, temporary ramp; & longrines enfer, (r. r.) girder ramp; mobile, (mil. r. r.) transportable ramp for embarking and debarking; de sortie, slope leading from a ford; voutee, arched or bow ramp. ramper, v. n., to creep, crawl; (con*.) to incline according to a given slope. rampin, a*., (hipp.) that wears his shoes at the toes; "over" in the feet; cheval horse over , in the foot, horse that stands on his toes; pied , "over" foot, foot bearing on the toe.

anee 369 ranger ranee, f., skid, parbucking skid; a., rancid. ranche, f., round or peg of a ladder (esp. of a peg ladder), pc-* or pin of a gin prypolo; rack of a crane or pile driver; de haquet, (pont.) stud stave of a pontoon boat. rancher, m., peg ladder; stud stave; (pont.) iron upright of a pontoon wagon, to keep a boat in (in the fore and hind bolster of the wagon); (art.) iron stirrup on the side of an ammunition wa:con for spare pole; de grue, jib, arm, of a crane. ranchet, m., upright stud (in tho framing of a wagon body), stay of a pile driver (pegged to serve as a ladder): faux movable , stanchion; de haquci, (pont.) stud stave; levicr , stud iron or stanchion of the Decauville truck. rancir, v. n., to become rancid. rancon, m., ransom: mettre & to set a ransom , on; to levy contribution on, pillage; mise ti, , ransoming: pillaging. ranconnement, m., ransoming. ranconner, v. a., to ransom; to levy contribution on, pillage. ramlanito, f., (expl.) a variety of infusorial earth or kieselguhr. rang, m., row, order; rank, station, degree, place, class, precedence; turn; tier; rate; (man.) part of the riding hall where the line of troopers or horsemen is drawn up; (mas.) course (of bricks, of stones); (mil.) rank, line; (Fr. a.) rank (a line of men standing side by side and a file of men when marching by the flank, i. e., the designation of rank does not change); (nav.) rate of a vessel. (Except where otherwise indicated, the following terms relate to the art military:) aligner par de taillc, to size (a company, etc.); au ! (caw.) form rank! (command); d'anciennete, seniority; lineal list; par d'anciennete, according to seniority; arrive par les s, risen from the ranks; avoir apres. avant, (in gen.) to come after, before (in point of precedence); de bataille, tactical order of troops in line or in column in battle; de bataille des troupes, precedence of troops; de canons, tier of guns; casscr de son , to reduce to the ranks; to cashier; casser de son the ranks; et renvoyer soldat, to reduce to computer les 9, to fill the ranks, bring numbers up to their full complement; de , (in gen.) in a row, abreast; depouiller de son , to deprive of one's rank; dernier , rear rank; (in gen.) lowest rank; double, (tech.) double row of rivets; double, double column of files; & double (simple, etc.) de rivets, (tech.) double- (single-, etc.) riveted; doubler le(s) (s), to form (from line in single or double rank) a column of two or four files by the flank; eclaircir les s, to thin the ranks; d'ecuric, in a stable, number of horses tied up to the same rack; en -, arrayed, drawn up; enfonccr les v. , perccr les ; entrer dans les s d'une armie, to be incorporated in an army; etre au premier , (in gen.) to stand in tho first rank; etre au second , (in gen.) to stand in the second rank; etre sur les , (in gen.) to be a candidate, a competitor; de fascines, (fort.) course, row, of fascines; formcz vos s! fall in! (command); gardcr les s, to keep the ranks, to stay in ranks; 3877 17 24 rang, grand , in a stable, the row or line containing the greatest number of, or the finest, horses; homme de , man in the ranks; homme du premier , front-rank man, homme du second , rear-rank man; hors , v. s. w. peloton, section; la main dans le , the hand at the side; de marche, place, order, in a march ; mettre au , (in gen.) to sec in a row; mettre au de, (in gen.) to place amonc; mettre en , to draw up in line; se mettre sur les s, (in gen.) to become a candidate, a competitor; sur n s, in n ranks; d'ordre, rank, order of precedence; ouvrir les s, to open ranks; par s. (in gen.) in rows; peloton hors v. s. v. , peloton; perccr les to , break through a line; porter les s au complct, to fill up the ranks bring up the number to the limit; premier , front rank; rentrer dans le , (of officers' servants) to take their places in ranks in order to march and fight; de rivets, (tech.) row of rivets; rompre 7es s, to break off, to break ranks; to be dismissed (drill); de savrissons, (fort.) course of fascines; et seance, (in gen.) precedence; second rear , rank; section hors v. , s. v. section; de serre-file, line of file closers; server Us to , close ranks, to close up; en s serres, closed up, in close ranks; simple, (tech.) single row of rivets; h son , (in gen.) in one's turn; sortant des s, promoted, risen, from the ranks; de sortie, (of schools) graduation, final standing; sortir des, du, (fi^, to rise from the ranks; to leave, step out of ranks; de faille, size (of an individual man), order of size, position according to size in a company of infantry; le de taille, sizing; par de taille, according to size; tenir les , to keep the ranks, stay in the ranks, keep in the ranks; triple, (tech.) triple row of rivets; des troupes, precedence of troops; sur un , in single rank; vaisseau de premier, etc., , (nav .) vessel of the first, etc., rate. range, f., row of paving stones of the same size; losange, paving stones set lozengewisc. range, p. p., arranged in a certain order; placed; steady; in good order; bataille e, (mil.) pitched battle; au-dessous de la forme, (of the insole of a shoe) neither smaller nor narrower than the bottom of the last. rangce, f., row, line, course; (art.) tier of guns; (nav.) line, row, of ships in a dock. ranger, v. a., to put in a place, to range, to arrange, to put to rights, in order, etc.; to put aside, out of the way; to keep back; to keep out of the way; to subdue, to subject; to rank, number, reckon, place; (mil.) to draw up, marshal, troops; (nav.) to draw up a fleet; &, to subject to; en bataille, (mil.) to draw up a body of men in "battle array," to draw up in the order of battle; un cheval h droite (gauche), (man.) to range a horse to the right (left); en , (mil.) to draw up in ; les epaules, (man.) to put or range the shoulders on a line; les gazons, (fort.) to lay sods; les hanches, (man.) to put or range the hind quarters on a line; & I'honneur, (nav.) to pass close astern (for orders); (by extension) to pass very close to a buoy, a coast, etc.;

alingue 368 rampin<br />

ralliigue, f., (nav.) boltrope.<br />

ralinguer, v. a., (nav.) to sew on the boltropes<br />

of a sail.<br />

railiement, m., (mil.) rallying, rally, rallying into<br />

groups; rallying of s'cirmishers; rallying of<br />

troops after a charge or battle; (nav.) rallying,<br />

assembling,. of ships;<br />

le , (mil.) call for a rally;<br />

mot de , (mil.) v. s. v. mot;<br />

point de , (mil.) rallying point;<br />

signal de , (nav.) rallying signal for ships to<br />

take respective stations;<br />

signe de , (mil.) rallying sign;<br />

sonner au , (mil.) to sound the rally.<br />

rallie-papier, m., paper chase.<br />

rallier, v. a., (mil.) to rally; to re-form; (nav.) to<br />

join (a ship); to approach (the land, a port);<br />

le camp, (mil.) to rejoin camp;<br />

le corps, (mil.) to rejoin one's regiment;<br />

un port, (nav.) to approach a port;<br />

la terre, (nav.) to stand for the land;<br />

un vaisseau, (nav.) to rejoin a ship.<br />

rallonge, f., any extension piece, eking piece in<br />

general; leaf of a table; (in balloons) rope forming<br />

the extension of the net proper; (sm. a.)<br />

rear-sight extension leaf;<br />

curseur & -, (sm. a.) extension slide of a sight;<br />

de fleche, (Fr. art.) trail extension piece of<br />

the 80mm mountain gun;<br />

de trait, (harn.) the rope extension piece of<br />

the <strong>French</strong> artillery trace.<br />

rallongememVm., eking, lengthening; splicing (of<br />

timbers).<br />

rallonger, to lengthen; to eke out; to splice (timbers).<br />

rallumer, v. a. r., to rekindle, light again; to break,<br />

burst out again.<br />

ramandot, m., (powd.) crust of powder (forming<br />

in barrels during glazing),<br />

ramas, m., heap.<br />

ramasse, f., sort of sled used in the Alps; (tech.)<br />

sort of reaming rod or tool (for enlarging a<br />

cylindrical hole in wood or metal); (sm. a.) steel<br />

cleaning rod.<br />

ramasse, p. p., thickset, squat; <strong>com</strong>pact (e. g., an<br />

engine); (hipp.) short in the joints.<br />

ramasser, v. a., to pick up, take up; to gather; to<br />

rake and scrape together; to collect; to drag on<br />

a ramasse, q. v.; (cord.) to take in;<br />

de la bolte, (mil. slang) to be locked up;<br />

les fourreaux de baionnette, (mil. slang) to<br />

<strong>com</strong>e up after a battle has been fought;<br />

une pelle, (Jam.) to get a tumble from a<br />

bicycle,<br />

ramo, f.. oar, scull, paddle; ream of paper;<br />

& bateau, (pont.) pontoon oar;<br />

canot & , rowboat;<br />

d,force de s, by dint of rowing, by hard pulling;<br />

leve s, oars! unship oars!<br />

lever les s, to lie or rest on the oars;<br />

& n s, w-oared;<br />

& nacelle, (pont.) mooring boat oar;<br />

tirer ti la , to pull at the oar.<br />

ram6, p. p., rowed;<br />

boulet , (art.) bar shot (obs.).'<br />

rameau, m., branch, bough; (mil. min.) branch<br />

or small mine gallery.<br />

(The following terms relate to military mining):<br />

ascendant, ascending branch;<br />

de <strong>com</strong>bat, small branch (0.70 high and<br />

0.60 wide, requires cases);<br />

descendant, descending branch;<br />

& double retour d'equerre, (mil, min.) double<br />

rectangular branch (i. e., a branch breaking<br />

out at right angles and then making a rec<br />

tangular change of direction);<br />

ecoute, branch between, and parallel to,<br />

listening galleries (ecoutes);<br />

entrer en , to open a branch;<br />

grand , great branch (l m high and 0.80* wide,<br />

requires cases);<br />

grimpant, climbing or ascending branch;<br />

hollandais, d, la hollandaise, v. petit ;<br />

rameau, petit , small branch (0.80 high and<br />

0.65" wide, requires cases);<br />

& retour d'equerre, branch broken out at right<br />

angles from a gallery.<br />

ramen@, p. p., brought back; m., (man.) the position<br />

of the horse's head, when brought down<br />

and in;<br />

&tre , (mil.) to be pursued, forced to retreat,<br />

defeated; to be taken, brought, into camp (said<br />

of cavalry).<br />

ramener, v. a. r., to bring, take, lead, drive, back;<br />

to recall, retrieve; to recover, restore; (man.)<br />

(of the rider) to lower and bring in the head of<br />

a horse (is also said of a bit); (substantively)<br />

the act of lowering, etc., the head; (of the horse)<br />

to carry the head; (mil.) to handle roughly; to<br />

take into camp (said of cavalry);<br />

bien, (man.) to carry the head well;<br />

un cheval, (man.) to force a horse to bring his<br />

head down and in;<br />

cheval qui se ramene bien, horse that carries his<br />

head well;<br />

I'ennemi, (mil.) to defeat and drive back the<br />

enemy, to take him into camp;<br />

se , (of a horse) to carry the head well.<br />

rameneret, m., stroke with a chalk line.<br />

ramcr, v. a., to row, to pull (the naval expression<br />

is nager); to paddle.<br />

rameur, m., oarsman (nageur in the navy).<br />

ramification, f., ramification.<br />

ramifie", a., ramified; (hydr.) having arms (said of<br />

a bay).<br />

ramllle, f., stick, twig, bavin.<br />

ramingue, f., restive; (man.) disobedient to the<br />

spur;<br />

cheval , v. s. v. cheval.<br />

ramollir, v. a., to soften.<br />

ramonage, m., chimney sweeping.<br />

ramoner, v. a., to sweep chimneys.<br />

ramoneur, rn., chimney sweep.<br />

rampant, a., crawling, creeping, climbing, rising;<br />

(cons., etc.) inclined, sloping; m., slope, sloping<br />

part; (met.) sloping side of the bed of a reverberatory<br />

furnace; flue of a reverberatory furnace<br />

(between the crown and the chimney<br />

proper);<br />

arc , rampant arch;<br />

bandage , (med.) spiral bandage;<br />

fenetre e, (cons.) oblique staircase window;<br />

limon , (cons.) continuous (unbroken) stringpiece;<br />

lunette e, (cons.) sectroid;<br />

marche e, v. s. v. marches<br />

voute e, rampant arch.<br />

rampe, f., slope, ascent, descent, declivity, acclivity;<br />

(cons.) flight of straight stairs, slope or<br />

inclined plane on which the steps are constructed;<br />

hand rail, railing (of a staircase);<br />

(fort.) ramp; (r. r.) slope or gradient, grade;<br />

loading ramp;<br />

d'acces, approach of a bridge;<br />

courbe, (cons.) curving flight of stairs;<br />

d'armement, (fort.) gun ramp of a platform;<br />

de debarquement, (r. r.) unloading ramp,<br />

brough;<br />

de degagement, (sm. a.) disengagement curve<br />

or surface of a breech mechanism;<br />

d'entree, slope or bank leading down to a<br />

ford;<br />

helico'idale, (sm. a.) helicoidal guide surface<br />

of a breech mechanism;<br />

improvisee, temporary ramp;<br />

& longrines enfer, (r. r.) girder ramp;<br />

mobile, (mil. r. r.) transportable ramp for<br />

embarking and debarking;<br />

de sortie, slope leading from a ford;<br />

voutee, arched or bow ramp.<br />

ramper, v. n., to creep, crawl; (con*.) to incline<br />

according to a given slope.<br />

rampin, a*., (hipp.) that wears his shoes at the<br />

toes; "over" in the feet;<br />

cheval horse over , in the foot, horse that<br />

stands on his toes;<br />

pied , "over" foot, foot bearing on the toe.

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