A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

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acinal 366 ragrer racinal de pont, bolster for a stringpiece. racine, f., root; (top.) foot of a mountain; -s fourrages, edible roots . raclage, m., thinning of underbrush. racle, f., strike; scraper; (hydr.) natural basin in a river. racle-curette, f., scraper. raclement, m., scraping. racier, v. a., to scrape; to strike a measure; to thin out underbrush. raclette, f., small scraper. racleur, m., scraper (workman). racloir, m., scraner; boiler-tube scraper; road scraper; (powd'.) scraper, rake. raclolre, f., spokeshave; strike, striker, strickle. raclure, f., scrapings. , ., (mil.) Iddnapping of recruits, crimping; enticing men to enlist (obs.). racoler, v. a., (mil.) to get soldiers by fraud or violence; to kidnap, to crimp, to entice, men to enlist (obs.). racoleur, m., (mil.) kidnapper, crimp (obs.). radasse, f., swab, mop. rade, f., (hydr.) roads, roadstead; oiler en-, to leave a port; etre en-, to be at anchor in the roads; - foraine, open roadstead; grande-, outer roadstead; mcttre en-:, v. aller en- ; petite-, inner roadstead. radeau, m., raft; raft, train, of logs; (pont.) raft; radoub, m., (nav.) repair, refitting (of a ship); dockyard; (powd.) drying, reworking, of powder; reworked powder; bassin de , v. s. v. bassin; cole de , (nav.) graving slip; en , (nav.) in tlie dockyard, under repair; forme de , (nav.) graving dock; poudre de , (powd.) reworked powder. radoubage, m., (powd.) remanufacturing, working over again. radouber, v. a. r., (nav.) to refit, repair (a vessel); to be under repair; (powd.) to dry (work over) powder. radoubeur, m., (nav.) calker. radoucir, v. a. r., to soften, become softer; (met.) to anneal. ^ rafale, f., squall, wind squall; & s, squally; par s, in squalls. raffermir, v. a., to harden, consolidate, make firm; to strengthen, fasten, confirm. raffermissement, m., hardening, strengthening. raffinage, m., refining (of saltpeter, etc.);(met.) refining, fining. rafflner, v. a., to refine (as saltpeter, etc.); (met.) to refine, to fine. raffinerie, f., (met., etc.) refinery. raf (f )utage, m., putting tools in complete order. raf(f )uter, v. a., to put tools in complete order. rafiau, rafiot, m., small sail and row boat. (nav.) floating stage; - de barriques, (pont.) raft of casks; - de bois de construction, float or raft of timber; - de circonstance, (pont.) temporary raft; (nav.) improvised raft (as to escape from a sinking ship); - double, (pont.) raft made up of two sets of logs, end to end; double raft; - de fortune, v.-de circonstance (nav.),' - de manoeuvre, (pont.) construction raft (used for setting trestles in place) ; pont de-x, (pont.) bridge of rafts; - de sauvetage, life raft; - simple, (pont.) raft made up of single logs side by side; single raft; - de tonneaux, v.-de barriques; --traille, trail or flying raft; (pont.) raft bridge. rader, v. a., to strike (wheat, corn, etc.); to divide a block of, stone with a chisel; (nav.) to bring a ship into the roads. radial, a., radial; -e, (machine) (mach.) any radial machine; (more esp.) radial drill. radiant, a., radiant. radiation, f., radiation; erasure, striking out (of a . word, of an item from a bill); (mil.) striking off the rolls (said of horses as well as of men; may be, and is, said when a man or a horse is transferred from one company to another of the same regiment, or from one regiment to another, or has gone into the reserve or the disponibilite, or is dead); striking off the rolls of the army for any reason whatever, (hence, sometimes) dismissal. radical, a., radical; m., (chem.) radical; vice- , (law) fatal defect. radier, m., (cons.) frame of ground timber (for the foundation of a sluice, etc.) ; floor, platform (of a lock); bed of a sluice; apron (ofa basin, dock, between the piles of a bridge, the walls of a lock gate); head race; (more generally) concrete or masonry work (to strengthen a foundation in compressible soil), inverted raflouage, m., arch, invert; arriere-- , downstream apron; avant-- , upstream apron; bassin de- , gra .ing dock, dry dock; faux- , apron of a dam ; - general, (in compressible soil) strengthening layer of concrete, etc., supporting the whole foundation of a building; - de pont, apron between the piles of a bridge. radleux, a., radiant. radiophone, m., (elec.) radiophone. v. renflouage. raflouement, m., v. renflouement. raflouer, v. a., v. renflouer. rafralchir, v. a., to cool, freshen, refresh; to renew, renovate, repair, make over, do up, rub up; to rest, cause to rest; (mas.) to retrim, re-dress, joints, faces (of a stone); (mil.) to throw supplies, reenforcements, etc., into a place; (cord.) to cut off fag-ends; (expl.) to trim (a Bickford fuse, etc.); une amarre, (cord.) to freshen a rope, cable, at the nip; les amarres, (cord.) to make a knot or lashing over again; une bouche&feu, (art.) to cool a gun, to swab it out; le bout d'un cordage, (cord.) to cut off the fagend; un cdble, v. une amarre; un canon (art.) v. une bouche hfeu; un cordage, v. les amarres and le bout d'un cordage; un coussinetechauffe, (mach.) to cool a heated bearing, a hot box; le cuivre, (met.) to alloy copper with (three times its weight of) lead; fourneau de . (met.) refining furnace; lafourrure, (cord.) to put on a fresh service; un fusil, (sm. a.) to clean a gun; le mortier, (mas.) to thin mortar; une place, (mil.) to throw fresh troops and supplies into a besieged town; une queue, to trim a horse's tail even ; les rayures, (art.) to rifle over, to reset, to recut the grooves ; une scie, to sharpen a saw; les troupes, (mil.) to halt, refresh, and rest troops and horses. rafralchissement, m., refreshment, cooling; s, supply of fresh provisions, fresh provisions; du cuivre ! (met.) alloying of copper with (three times its weight of) lead. ragage, m., v. raguage. raganage, m., trimming of the lower branches of ragot, m., shaft hook (of a wagon); breeching hook; a., thickset, stocky; cheval , thickset horse. ragreage, m., dubbing; ( nav.) refitting of rigging. ragre'er, v. a., to finish off, work over, dub; to refit, repair, restore, renovate; to remove inequalities; (nav.) to refit the rigging;

agr6er 367 ralentissement ragrfier une maison, to renovate a house. ragrSment, m., finishing, finishing off, dubbing, repairing, renovation, restoration; simple, (mas.) mere finishing, trimming, of a surface (includes pointing of joints); & vif, (mas.) finishing, dressing (involves re- moval of the surface to a depth said of soft stone; includes pointing of joints). of 5 or ID 111 ; raguage, m., (cord.) chafe, chafing; rubbing, galling. rague, f., fair-lead, truck. ragucr, v. a., (cord.) to chafe, rub, gall, ragure, f., chafing, chafed part. raid, m., (mil.) raid. raide, a., stiff, rigid, tight, inflexible; steep (of a. slope); swift (of the course of a stream); rapid (of a descent); (cord.) taut; m or t, stone dead; se tenir , to stand stiff upright; tuer , to kill outright, on the spot. raideur, f., stiffness, rigidity, tightness, inflexibility, toughness; steepness (of a slope); rapidity (of a descent); (cord.) stiffness of cordage; des cordages, (cord.) stiffness of cordage. raidillon, m., rise, ascent, in a road, little hill. raidir, v. a. n., to stiffen, to stretch; to tighten; to become stiff; to bear up against; to withstand; to make steep (as a slope); (cord.) to haul tight (of a rope, etc.). to haul taut; to set up, to have everything well set up; en abattant, (cord.) to sway down on; un etaifio stiffen a prop; & la main, (cord.) to haul taut by hand; les manoeuvres, (cord.) to haul in the slack; se , (man.) (of a horse) to balk. rale, f., stroke; stripe; line (of a spectrum); furrow; (art.) rifling (rare). de misere (hipp.) groove or depression in thin horses, between muscles of buttocks and elsewhere; de mulct, (hipp.) mule ray or stripe. rail, m.,(r. r.) rail; americain, foot rail; d baseplate, v. americain; central, central rail; d champignon, rail resting on chairs, chair rail; & champignon avec semelle, v. americain; d champignon symetrique, double-headed rail; & champignons inegaux, rail of unequal 'heads; en charpente, wooden rail of a tramroad; contre , guard-, wing-, safety-, side-rail; contre-aiguille(s), stock rail, main rail of a switch; s convergents, junction rails; dcoussinet, v. d champignon; croiseur, crossing rail; dente, toothed rail; & deux bourrclets, double-headed rail; distances des s dans auvre, gauge; divergent, wing rail; d double bourrelet. double-headed rail; double T, v. a champignon symetrique; d double champignon, v. d champignon symetrique; . en n , v. d pont; & cclisse, fish-plate rail; s eclisses, fished rails; entre-voie des s, gauge; exterieur, exterior (higher) rail of a curve; exterieur d'un changement de voie, v. divergent; fixe, v. contre-aiguille; en H . channel rail; mobile , switch , point , rail,; ondule, fish-bellied rail* & orniere, tram rail; parallele, v. d champignon symetrique; & patin, foot rail, single-headed rail? patte-de-lievre , v. divergent; plat, plate rail; d pont, bridge rail; rail prismatique, plate rail; drebord, v. saillant; saillant , edge rail; & simple champignon, v. amMcain; simple T, v. americain; d surface bombee (plane), flat- (round-) headed rail; symetrique, double-headed rail; d tete d'acier, capped rail; dun seul champignon, v. amMcain; d venire de poisson, v. ondule; Vignole, v. americain. raille, f., furnace rake. rail route, f., (r. r.) proposed name for railway. rain, m., (top.) skirt of a forest or wood. raineau, m., (cons.) timber binding piece (for piles). ralner, v. a., to flute; to groove, to score. rainette, f . , tracing iron or tool; (hipp.) foot probe, paring knife; simple, v. rogne-pied. rainure, f., groove, slot, rabbet, furrow, opening, channel, guide way, keyway; d'arret, (sm. a.) rim or shoulder (limiting the entry of the cartridge); (F. m. art.) seating groove; d baguette, (sm. a.) ramrod groove; d coin, key bed, keyway; de degagement, spiral channel (of a drill or auger orbit); de depart, (sm. a.) cocking groove; directrice, (r.f. art.) cam groove; d'extraction, (art.) extraction groove; defut { v. d baguette; MlicQidale, (sm. a.) helicoidal groove; dhuile, (mach.) oil way; et languette, (carp.) tongue and groove; d et languette, (carp.) tongued and grooved; de pouhe, score of a block; transyersale. cross groove; de visee, (fort.) sighting slot or aperture, sighting groove (of a revolving turret). rais, m., spoke; rowel, of a spur; (mach.) spoke or arm of a wheel; broche de , tenon embedded in the nave of a wheel; creux, tubular spoke; evide, beveled spoke; faux , fish (for mending a broken spoke); patte de , v. broche de ; serre , spoke cramp, setter. raisin, m., grapes; (art.) grape (obs.); grappe de , (art.) grapeshot (obs.); tirerd grappe de , (art.) to fire grapeshot (obs.). raisoti, f., reason, proof, ground; ratio; name (of a firm); avoir de, to get the better of; demander d, to challenge to a duel; de guerre, (mil.) military custom, practice, martial law; mettre des pieces de bois en leur , (carp.) to place timbers in their respective places; rendre d, to fight a duel with; de service, (mil.) service reasons; sociale, firm name. raisonner, v. n., to argue, reason; (nav.) to show papers; droit defaire v. s. v. } droit; faire un navire, to oblige a ship to come near and show papers; to make a commercial vessel* answer questions. rajuster, v. a., to readjust (instruments, etc.). rajusteur, m., sealer of weights and measures. ralentir, v. a. n. r., to slacken, retard; to lessen; to reduce the velocity of; to become slower; (mach.) to slow down an engine; (man.) to reduce a gait; un cheval, (man.) to slow up a horse; la marche. (mach.) to ease the engines to slow down; (mil.) to slacken a march. ralentissement, m., retardation, slackening, loss of velocity; diminution, cooling; (mach.) slowing down (of an engine); (man.) slowing up, slackening of a gait.

agr6er 367 ralentissement<br />

ragrfier une maison, to renovate a house.<br />

ragrSment, m., finishing, finishing off, dubbing,<br />

repairing, renovation, restoration;<br />

simple, (mas.) mere finishing, trimming, of<br />

a surface (includes pointing of joints);<br />

& vif, (mas.) finishing, dressing (involves re-<br />

moval of the surface to a depth<br />

said of soft stone; includes pointing of joints).<br />

of 5 or ID 111<br />

;<br />

raguage, m., (cord.) chafe, chafing; rubbing, galling.<br />

rague, f., fair-lead, truck.<br />

ragucr, v. a., (cord.) to chafe, rub, gall,<br />

ragure, f., chafing, chafed part.<br />

raid, m., (mil.) raid.<br />

raide, a., stiff, rigid, tight, inflexible; steep (of a.<br />

slope); swift (of the course of a stream); rapid<br />

(of a descent); (cord.) taut;<br />

m or t, stone dead;<br />

se tenir , to stand stiff upright;<br />

tuer , to kill outright, on the spot.<br />

raideur, f., stiffness, rigidity, tightness, inflexibility,<br />

toughness; steepness (of a slope); rapidity<br />

(of a descent); (cord.) stiffness of cordage;<br />

des cordages, (cord.) stiffness of cordage.<br />

raidillon, m., rise, ascent, in a road, little hill.<br />

raidir, v. a. n., to stiffen, to stretch; to tighten;<br />

to be<strong>com</strong>e stiff; to bear up against; to withstand;<br />

to make steep (as a slope); (cord.) to<br />

haul tight (of a rope, etc.). to haul taut; to set<br />

up, to have everything well set up;<br />

en abattant, (cord.) to sway down on;<br />

un etaifio stiffen a prop;<br />

& la main, (cord.) to haul taut by hand;<br />

les manoeuvres, (cord.) to haul in the slack;<br />

se , (man.) (of a horse) to balk.<br />

rale, f., stroke; stripe; line (of a spectrum); furrow;<br />

(art.) rifling (rare).<br />

de misere (hipp.) groove or depression in thin<br />

horses, between muscles of buttocks and elsewhere;<br />

de mulct, (hipp.) mule ray or stripe.<br />

rail, m.,(r. r.) rail;<br />

americain, foot rail;<br />

d baseplate, v. americain;<br />

central, central rail;<br />

d champignon, rail resting on chairs, chair<br />

rail;<br />

& champignon avec semelle, v. americain;<br />

d champignon symetrique, double-headed rail;<br />

& champignons inegaux, rail of unequal<br />

'heads;<br />

en charpente, wooden rail of a tramroad;<br />

contre , guard-, wing-, safety-, side-rail;<br />

contre-aiguille(s), stock rail, main rail of a<br />

switch;<br />

s convergents, junction rails;<br />

dcoussinet, v. d champignon;<br />

croiseur, crossing rail;<br />

dente, toothed rail;<br />

& deux bourrclets, double-headed rail;<br />

distances des s dans auvre, gauge;<br />

divergent, wing rail;<br />

d double bourrelet. double-headed rail;<br />

double T, v. a champignon symetrique;<br />

d double champignon, v. d champignon<br />

symetrique;<br />

. en<br />

n , v. d pont;<br />

& cclisse, fish-plate rail;<br />

s eclisses, fished rails;<br />

entre-voie des s, gauge;<br />

exterieur, exterior (higher) rail of a curve;<br />

exterieur d'un changement de voie, v.<br />

divergent;<br />

fixe, v. contre-aiguille;<br />

en H . channel rail;<br />

mobile , switch , point , rail,;<br />

ondule, fish-bellied rail*<br />

& orniere, tram rail;<br />

parallele, v. d champignon symetrique;<br />

& patin, foot rail, single-headed rail?<br />

patte-de-lievre , v. divergent;<br />

plat, plate rail;<br />

d pont, bridge rail;<br />

rail prismatique, plate rail;<br />

drebord, v. saillant;<br />

saillant , edge rail;<br />

& simple champignon, v. amMcain;<br />

simple T, v. americain;<br />

d surface bombee (plane), flat- (round-)<br />

headed rail;<br />

symetrique, double-headed rail;<br />

d tete d'acier, capped rail;<br />

dun seul champignon, v. amMcain;<br />

d venire de poisson, v. ondule;<br />

Vignole, v. americain.<br />

raille, f., furnace rake.<br />

rail route, f., (r. r.) proposed name for railway.<br />

rain, m., (top.) skirt of a forest or wood.<br />

raineau, m., (cons.) timber binding piece (for<br />

piles).<br />

ralner, v. a., to flute; to groove, to score.<br />

rainette, f . , tracing iron or tool; (hipp.) foot probe,<br />

paring knife;<br />

simple, v. rogne-pied.<br />

rainure, f., groove, slot, rabbet, furrow, opening,<br />

channel, guide way, keyway;<br />

d'arret, (sm. a.) rim or shoulder (limiting the<br />

entry of the cartridge); (F. m. art.) seating<br />

groove;<br />

d baguette, (sm. a.) ramrod groove;<br />

d coin, key bed, keyway;<br />

de degagement, spiral channel (of a drill or<br />

auger orbit);<br />

de depart, (sm. a.) cocking groove;<br />

directrice, (r.f. art.) cam groove;<br />

d'extraction, (art.) extraction groove;<br />

defut { v. d baguette;<br />

MlicQidale, (sm. a.) helicoidal groove;<br />

dhuile, (mach.) oil way;<br />

et languette, (carp.) tongue and groove;<br />

d et languette, (carp.) tongued and grooved;<br />

de pouhe, score of a block;<br />

transyersale. cross groove;<br />

de visee, (fort.) sighting slot or aperture,<br />

sighting groove (of a revolving turret).<br />

rais, m., spoke; rowel, of a spur; (mach.) spoke or<br />

arm of a wheel;<br />

broche de , tenon embedded in the nave of a<br />

wheel;<br />

creux, tubular spoke;<br />

evide, beveled spoke;<br />

faux , fish (for mending a broken spoke);<br />

patte de , v. broche de ;<br />

serre , spoke cramp, setter.<br />

raisin, m., grapes; (art.) grape (obs.);<br />

grappe de , (art.) grapeshot (obs.);<br />

tirerd grappe de , (art.) to fire grapeshot (obs.).<br />

raisoti, f., reason, proof, ground; ratio; name (of<br />

a firm);<br />

avoir de, to get the better of;<br />

demander d, to challenge to a duel;<br />

de guerre, (mil.) military custom, practice,<br />

martial law;<br />

mettre des pieces de bois en leur , (carp.) to<br />

place timbers in their respective places;<br />

rendre d, to fight a duel with;<br />

de service, (mil.) service reasons;<br />

sociale, firm name.<br />

raisonner, v. n., to argue, reason; (nav.) to show<br />

papers;<br />

droit defaire v. s. v.<br />

}<br />

droit;<br />

faire un navire, to oblige a ship to <strong>com</strong>e near<br />

and show papers; to make a <strong>com</strong>mercial vessel*<br />

answer questions.<br />

rajuster, v. a., to readjust (instruments, etc.).<br />

rajusteur, m., sealer of weights and measures.<br />

ralentir, v. a. n. r., to slacken, retard; to lessen;<br />

to reduce the velocity of; to be<strong>com</strong>e slower;<br />

(mach.) to slow down an engine; (man.) to reduce<br />

a gait;<br />

un cheval, (man.) to slow up a horse;<br />

la marche. (mach.) to ease the engines to slow<br />

down; (mil.) to slacken a march.<br />

ralentissement, m., retardation, slackening, loss<br />

of velocity; diminution, cooling; (mach.) slowing<br />

down (of an engine); (man.) slowing up,<br />

slackening of a gait.

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