A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com


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quatre 363 queue<br />

quatre, par la gauche par , (mil.) left by fours<br />

(squads, U. S. A.);<br />

se <strong>com</strong>pter , (mil.) to count fours.<br />

quatre-mats, m., (nav.) four-master.<br />

quatre-quart, m., little square flip.<br />

quayage, m., wharfage.<br />

quenouille, f., distaff; (met.) sort of bott stick (to<br />

regulate the flow of molten metal from a furnace).<br />

quenouillfcre, f., (met.) bott stick.<br />

quenouillette, f., v. quenouillere.<br />

quenouillon, m., pledget of oakum used in calking.<br />

querelle, f., quarrel;<br />

chercher , to pick a quarrel;<br />

prendre , to have a quarrel with.<br />

quereller, v. a., to quarrel.<br />

question, f., question; point; torture;<br />

de cabinet, vital or cabinet question by which<br />

a ministry will stand or fall;<br />

defait, matter of fact;<br />

de lieu, question of place;<br />

de personne, question of person;<br />

prealable, the previous question.<br />

quStc, f., (nav.) ralte of the sternpost.<br />

queue, f., tail, end, tip; rear, tail, of a procession;<br />

file, string, of people; queue; tail of a letter;<br />

billiard cue; train (of a cloak, etc.); pendant,<br />

tailpiece; fly of a flag, point of a guidon; tangshank<br />

of a button; tail-race, mill tail; tail of<br />

a block; whetstone; (mas.) hinder, back, face of<br />

a stone; (hydr.) end of a tongue of land, of a<br />

bank; (mach.) end of a piston rod; (cons.) the<br />

end of a stair seated in the wall of the case-<br />

(cord.) down haul; (ball.) tailings (zone containing<br />

6 per cent of the hits and lying between<br />

the enveloppe and the circle whose radius is<br />

three times that of the noyau)', (mil.) rear, tail<br />

(of a column, etc.)<br />

d , tailed;<br />

d , in file;<br />

d la , behind, in file, in a strung;<br />

d In de, at the heels of; in pursuit;<br />

d'affut, (art.) rear of top carriage;<br />

d I'anglaise, anglaisee, (hipp.) docked<br />

and nicked tail;<br />

d'armee, (mil.) part of an army opposite to<br />

the front de bandiere;<br />

d'armons, (art.) fork or junction of foreguides;<br />

d'aronde, (cons.) dovetail, dovetail scarf;<br />

(fort.) crown or horn work whose branches<br />

approach each other toward the body of the<br />

place;<br />

d'aronde couverte, (carp.) lapped dovetail;<br />

d'aronde percee, (carp.) ordinary dovetail;<br />

assemblage & d'aronde, d d'hironde.<br />

(carp.) dovetailing;<br />

assemblage d percee, (carp.) assemblage with<br />

visible joints;<br />

assemblage & perdue, (carp.) assemblage with<br />

covered joints;<br />

assembler a d'aronde, (cons.) to dovetail;<br />

attaquer en , (mil.) to attack the rear of a<br />

column;<br />

d'auget, (sm. a.) tail or end of the cartridge<br />

carrier;<br />

aviron de , steering par;<br />

en balai, (hipp.) tail ending in a sharp point<br />

(i. e., docked, but with the hair long and <strong>com</strong>ing<br />

to a point);<br />

d'un bane, (hydr.) end or tail of a bank;<br />

de bataillon, etc., (mil.) rear or tail of a battalion,<br />

etc., in column;<br />

bien attachce, (hipp.) well-attached tail (dock<br />

clear of buttocks, and in continuation of median<br />

line of croup);<br />

bouton d , shank but' on;<br />

de camp, (mil.) rear of camp, part opposite<br />

to front de bandiere;<br />

de carpe, sort of iron cramp;<br />

en catogan, (hipp.) docked tail, with the<br />

hairs long on each side;<br />

charger en , to load the rear end of anything;<br />

de chat, cat-o'-nine tails;<br />

queue de cheval, (mil.) horse tail (so called) used<br />

as a standard;<br />

cheval de rat, (hipp.) rat-tailed horse;<br />

de cochon, auger with spiral point;<br />

collee, v. mal attachce;<br />

d'une colonnc, (mil.) tail of a column;<br />

d'un convoi, etc., (mil.) tail of a convoy etc :<br />

d'un cordage, (cord.) rat's tail;<br />

faire un cordage en de rat, (cord.) to point at<br />

rope;<br />

d'un coup de vent, tail of a storm;<br />

d'un couteau, tang of a knife blade;<br />

de (la) culasse, (sm. a.) tang of the breech;<br />

en cul-de-lampe, (cons.) pendant (keystone):<br />

w , (drill) last, rearmost (in a column);<br />

& la des depots, (mil.) (of recruits, etc.) to be<br />

allowed to remain behind (to be put at the foot<br />

of the list of men to be sent oil to the army);<br />

de detente, (sm. a.) finger piece of a trigger.<br />

trigger proper;<br />

donner en, sur, la , v. prendre en ;<br />

d'eau, tail water;<br />

ecourtee, (hipp.) banged tail;<br />

d'empanons, v. de fourchette;<br />

en , behind, at one's heels;<br />

d'enrayement, (r. r.) brake rod;<br />

epissure en de rat, (cord.) pointed splice;<br />

etre d la , to be in a file, in a column of file;<br />

d'extracteur, (sm. a.) tang of the extractor;<br />

faire de colonne, (mil.) to be at the tail, to<br />

be the tail, of a column;<br />

fausse , (hipp.) false tail;<br />

de flasque, (art.) rear end of top carriage<br />

cheek;<br />

deforgeage, (met.) tong hold (of an ingot);<br />

defourchette, fork of hind guides of a wagon;<br />

de la gachette, (sm. a.) arm or tail;<br />

garnir de s de rat, (cord.) to point ropes;<br />

du glacis, (fort.) foot of the glacis;<br />

d'un grain, final shower of a squall;<br />

de la Grande Ourse, star at the end of the<br />

Dipper; %<br />

de greffage, (met.) tong hold;<br />

d'un haut-fond, (hydr.) tail of a shoal;<br />

de I'hiver, end of winter;<br />

lettre d, sur, double , letter with its seal on a<br />

band passed through the parchment;<br />

lettre scellee sur simple , lettre & simple ,<br />

letter with its seal on a corner of the parchment;<br />

d'une ligne, (nav.) last ship in a line;<br />

longueur de , (was.) length of a stone per-',<br />

pendicular to the face of the wall ;<br />

mal attachee, (hipp.) tail badly attached<br />

(when dock is not well clear of buttocks) ;<br />

d'un martinet, (mach.) tail of a tilt hammer;<br />

mettre un de rat, (cord.) to point (a rope);<br />

de morue, long wedge-shaped plank;<br />

niquetee, (hipp.) nicked tail;<br />

ouvraqe d d'aronde, (fort.) work whose faces ;<br />

or branches splay outward ;<br />

ouvrage d contre d'aronde, (fort.) work whose<br />

branches run inward, toward the body of the<br />

place,;<br />

de paon, (cons.) fan-shaped tracery or inlaying;<br />

d patte, (carp.) lapped dovetail;<br />

d'un pavilion, tip of a flag;<br />

d'un pavilion de la serie, (nav.) tack of a<br />

signal flag;<br />

perdue, (carp.) mitered dovetail;<br />

de la Petite Ourse, the pole star;<br />

pieced , (carp.) dovetailed piece;<br />

d'une pierre, (mas.) back face of a stone;<br />

porter la en trompe, (hipp.) to carry the tail<br />

straight out;<br />

d'une poulie, tail of a block;<br />

prendre en , (mil.) to take (a column) in the<br />

rear;<br />

d procede, tipped billiard cue;

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