A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

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prud'homme 360 puits prud'homme, m., expert, umpire, arbitrator. prytange, m., militaire (de la Fleche), (Fr. a.) preparatory military school for the sons of officers without means or of officers that have been killed in action. pseudo-vitesse, f., (ball.) the horizontal componnent of a projectile's velocity.. psyclirometre, m., psychrometer. public, a., public; m., the public; le bien the , public good; I'autorite que, officials charged with the public administration; charges qucs, taxes; la.chose que, the State: droit science of , government, constitutional law; Edifices s, public buildings; femme que, prostitute; force que, v. s. v. force; maison que, house of ill-fame; minist.ere v. s. v. , ministere; pcrsonnes ques, public officials; puissance que, the national power; partie que , v. s. v. partie; officier , public official; domaine , y. s. v. domaine. publication, f., publication; .periodique, periodical. publiciste, m., political writer. pucliet, m., (pont.) pitch pan, pitch ladle, pucheux, m., v. -puchet. puddlage, m., (met.) puddling; chaud, wet puddling, pig boiling; aufour bouiUant, v. chaud; au gaz, gas puddling; gras, v. chaud; humide, v. chaud; maigre, dry puddling; mecanique, mechanical puddling; sec, v. maigre. puddler, v. a., (met.) to puddle; four ft , puddling furnace. puddierie, f., v. puddlage. puddleur, m., (met.) puddler (workman); puddling furnace. mecanique, puddling machine; rotatif, rotary puddler, furnace; revolving furnace. pudrolithe, f., (expl.) pudrolithe. pueii, m., bois en wood not three , years old. pugilat, m., boxing. pugiliste, m., boxer, pugilist. puine, f., brushwood. puisage, m., drawing water. puisard, m., waste well; cesspool; drain well, trap, sink; drain pipe embedded in a wall; (mm.) sump; water sump; (nav.) well; - absorbant, sort of sink or catch basin (used when the slope is too gentle to carry off water). puiser, v. a., to draw, dip from, imbibe; (fig.) to borrow, take from; (fan.) to take off, remove, horn with the shank of the nail. puisette, f ., sort of ladle or scoop. puisoir, m., ladle. puissance, f., power; force, authority; domination, empire; property; \irtue; power (of a microscope); thickness (of a vein); government, sovereignstate; effectiveness; (iec/i.) horsepower; (art.) ell'ectiveness (as of a gun, shrapnel, etc.); quantity of explosive in a projectile; batistique, (art.) ballistic power; en bougies, (elcc.) candlepower; calorifique, heating power; centrifuge, centrifugal force; de cheval, horsepower; en chevaux, horsepower; defensive, (nav.) armor; dilaniatrice, (expl.) rending strength; explosive, tearing, power; effective, actual power; actual, effective, horsepower; effective horsepower per second; elasticite de la , quality of a steam engine to furnish power carrying from nominal power; electnque utile, (elcc.) net output; electnque totale, (elec.) total output; puissance d'evaporation, evaporatoire, (steam) evaporative power (of a boiler); executive, the executive (in a government); d' 'expansion, expansive power; garante, guaranteeing power (government); hautes s contractantes, high contracting powers; hydrauliquc, water power; impulsive, impulsiv* , impelling, power; indiquce, indicated horsepower per second; legislative, the legislature; la-jistique d'une ligne, (r. r.) circulating capacity of a railway (sixty to seventy trains a day in each direction of a double-track railway) ; de la machine, (mach.) power, efficiency, of the machine or engine; d'une machine en chevaux, (mach.) horsepower of an engine; maritime, naval power; mecanique, simple machine; meurtriere, (art.) killing power (as of a shrapnel); militaire d'un navire, (nav.) offensive qualities of a ship; m.otrice, motive power; (nav.) engine (generic term); nette, v. nominale, power; effective; nominal power; nominal horse- offensive, (nav.) armament; pcrforante, de perforation, (art.) perforating, punching, power of a projectile; reelle, effective power; ft toute at full , power; de traction, tractive, tractive power; utile, useful power; de la vapeur, steam power; de vaporisation, (steam) evaporating power. puits, m. ? well; water tank; (mm.) pit, shaft; (mil.) military pit; (mil min.) shaft; (nav.) well; locker;' absorbant, drain well; d'aerage, air shaft; ft air, ventilating shaft; d'appel, (min.) uptake; upcast shaft; artesicn, artesian well; a la barred mine, (auger-) bored well; ft la Boule, (mil. min.) shaft ft la Boule, one in which the frames (chassis coffrants) are placed one on top of the other; ft bras, pump well; ft chaine(s), (nav.) chain locker; de chargement, (art.) shell-hoist shaft (of a turret); ammunition shaft; ft coffrage, (mil. min.) lined shaft; -sans coffrage, (mil. min.) unlined shaft; ft combustion, (met.) flue; de descente, (min.) footway shaft; ft I'cau, water tank; d'eclatement, (art.) explosion chamber; d'epuisement, (min.) sump shaft; d' extraction, (min.) hoisting shaft; de forage, fore, driven well, drive well tube well; defrcttage, (art.) shrinkage pit; grand , (mil. min.) great gallery shaft; de Vhclice, (nav.) propeller well; ft la hollandaise, (mil. min.) shaft lined with chassis hollandais; instantanc, tube well; inter ieur, (min.) winze; ft maiiiitlie, (mach.) crank pit; de marie, tide shaft (sort of tide indicator); militaire, (mil.) military pit; de mine, (mil. min., etc.) shaft; moycn , (mil. min.) common branch shaft; pcrccr un , to sink a shaft; perdu, blind well (a well of sandy bottom, absorbing the water); petit , (mil. min.) shaft from which opens a cased branch; pleureur, seepage well; ft poulie, draw well; ft roue, draw well;

puits 361 quantity pults de service, dc travail, workiBg shaft; (mil.) trou-de-loup; ' souterrain, (mm.) sump; & tube-fieche, tube well; de tunnel, tunnel shaft. pulpage, m., pulping. pulper, v. a., to pulp. pulsateur, m., (mach.) pulsator. pulsometre, m., (mach.) steam vacuum pump; pulsometer. pulverin, m., (powd.) mealed powder; priming powder; d'amorce, priming powder; toile d , (mil. min.) linen, or calico covered with mealed powder paste; tert, powder previous to pulverization; vieux, powder caked from damp age, etc. pulvfirisateur, m., pulverizer; (mach.) sprayer of an oil motor. pulverisation, f., pulverization. pulveriser, v. a., to pulverize, reduce to powder; (powd.) to meal. pulvirulence, f., pulverulence. pulverulent, a., pulverulent. punaise, f., thumb tack. punir, v. a., to punish. de mort, to punish by death. punition, f. ? punishment; disciphnaire, (mil.) disciplinary punishment; lever une , to remit a punishment; lime de s, (mil.) defaulter book; record of previous trials and convictions (U. S. A.); petoton de , (mil.) punishment squad. pupille, m., f., ward. pureau, m., (cons.) tail, uncovered or exposed part of a shingle or tile; distance between two laths. purgation, f., (met.) refining of metals. purge, f., cleaning, disinfection; (steam) blowing through; (mach.) blow-through valve; robinet de . (mach.) blow-off cock, pet cock. purgeoir, m., filtering basin or tank. purger, v. a., to purge, to clean, purify, clear; to strip (bark and sap from wood); (law) to purge; (steam) to blow through; une condamnalion, (law) to serve out a sentence; la contumace, (law) to purge one's self of contempt; quadrangle, m., quadrangle. quadrangulaire, a., quadrangular. quadrant, m., (inst.) quadrant; Hadley's quadrant; (elec.) henry. quadrature, f., quadrature; dial work. quadricycle, m., two bicycles side by side. quadrilatere, m., quadrilateral; (mil.) quadrilateral, (esp.) the quadrilateral of northern Italy; italien, (mil.) the Italian quadrilateral (Mantua, Peschiera, Verona, Legnano). quadrillage, m., flagging; checkering (of cross section or profile paper); (sm. a.) checkering (on a hammer). quadrille, f., (man.) group of horsemen executing fanciful movements in a carousel. quadrille, a., m., checkered; any checkered part of a mechanism, etc.; checker work. crete e, (sm. a.) checkered cocking piece; papier cross-section , paper; systemes s, (cons.) framing by parallel pieces braced by other parallel pieces at right angles; & tete e, with checkered head. quadriller, v. a., to checker; to cover with lines at right angles. quadruplette, f., quadruplet, (four-seat bicycle). quadruples, a., quadruplex; sysleme , quadruplex telegraphy. quai, m., quay, wharf; (r. r.) platform; & charbon, coal wharf; purger la machine, (steam) to blow through; les metaux, (met.) to refine metals; la quarantine, to lie out the quarantine, to spend the quarantine; robinet d , (mach.) drain COCK, blow-through cock; soupape de , (mach.) drain valve; blowthrough valve. purgeur, m., (mach.) blow-off gear; purging gear. purifier, v. a., to purify, clean, cleanse. pur(-)sang, m., (hipp.) thoroughbred (horse). putzen, m., (met.) unmelted ore sticking to sides of furnace. puy, m., (top.) eminence, peak, puy. pyldne, m., (mach.) supporting station or tower (of a rope transmission). pyr, m. ? (elec.) a bougie decimale; pyr (unit of in- tensity of light, producing one lux). pyramide, f., pyramid; (top.) mountain or elevation more or less pyramidal in shape. pyrite, f., pyrites. pyrobalistique, m., pyroballogy, ballistics. pyrocoton, m., (expl.) pyrocotton. pyroelectricitfe, f., (elec.) pyroelectricity. pyroglycferine, f., (expl.) fobrero's name for nitroglycerin. pyrolite, f., (expl.) pyrolit(h)c. pyromfctre, m., pyrometer; & air, air pyrometer; & cadran, dial pyrometer; elecirique, electric pyrometer; optique, optical pyrometer (photometer really); thermo-eleclrique, thermo-electric pyrometer. pyronitrine, f., (expl.) pyronitrine. pyronfime, m., (expl.) pyronome. pyrotechnic, f., pyrotechny. pyrotechnique, a., pyrotechnical. pyrothSque, m., (elec.) exploder (induced-current machine). pyroxylam, m., (expl.) pyroxylam, Uchatius' white powder. pyroxyle, m., (expl.) gun cotton, pyroxylin. pyroxyline, f., (expl.) gun cotton; pyroxylin. pyroxylol, m., (expl.) name proposed for nitrocellulose. Q. quai de debarquement, (mil.) point where troops detrain; d' cmbarquement, (mil.) point where troops entrain; emplacement to, , (nav.) quay berth; elre & , (nav.) to be at the wharf; floltant, landing stage; ft houille, coal wharf; de rive, river quay. qualification, f., qualification; name, style. qualifier, v. a., to qualify; to call, style. qualUe, f., quality; property; position, title, rank; (law) qualification; proposition, motion, of a litigant; avoir pour, to have legal or statutory competency or qualification; to be qualified to; bois de , (cons.) good timber; -* s d' evolution, s evolutives d'un navire, (nav.) maneuvering qualities of a ship; s duiugement, (law) the facts of the case; smiluaires, (nav.) offensive qualities of a ship; s nauliques, s de navigation, (nav.) seawortliiness of a ship. quantieme, m., day of the month; date; monlre a s, watch giving the day of the month. quantitg, f., quantity; (elec.) quantity, parallel; d'eau motrice, quantity of driving water; en (elec.) in quantity, in parallel; monter en , (elec.) to join up in parallel, in quantity;

puits 361 quantity<br />

pults de service, dc travail, workiBg shaft; (mil.)<br />

trou-de-loup;<br />

'<br />

souterrain, (mm.) sump;<br />

& tube-fieche, tube well;<br />

de tunnel, tunnel shaft.<br />

pulpage, m., pulping.<br />

pulper, v. a., to pulp.<br />

pulsateur, m., (mach.) pulsator.<br />

pulsometre, m., (mach.) steam vacuum pump;<br />

pulsometer.<br />

pulverin, m., (powd.) mealed powder; priming<br />

powder;<br />

d'amorce, priming powder;<br />

toile d , (mil. min.) linen, or calico covered<br />

with mealed powder paste;<br />

tert, powder previous to pulverization;<br />

vieux, powder caked from damp age, etc.<br />

pulvfirisateur, m., pulverizer; (mach.) sprayer of<br />

an oil motor.<br />

pulverisation, f., pulverization.<br />

pulveriser, v. a., to pulverize, reduce to powder;<br />

(powd.) to meal.<br />

pulvirulence, f., pulverulence.<br />

pulverulent, a., pulverulent.<br />

punaise, f., thumb tack.<br />

punir, v. a., to punish.<br />

de mort, to punish by death.<br />

punition, f. ? punishment;<br />

disciphnaire, (mil.) disciplinary punishment;<br />

lever une , to remit a punishment;<br />

lime de s, (mil.) defaulter book; record of<br />

previous trials and convictions (U. S. A.);<br />

petoton de , (mil.) punishment squad.<br />

pupille, m., f., ward.<br />

pureau, m., (cons.) tail, uncovered or exposed part<br />

of a shingle or tile; distance between two laths.<br />

purgation, f., (met.) refining of metals.<br />

purge, f., cleaning, disinfection; (steam) blowing<br />

through; (mach.) blow-through valve;<br />

robinet de . (mach.) blow-off cock, pet cock.<br />

purgeoir, m., filtering basin or tank.<br />

purger, v. a., to purge, to clean, purify, clear;<br />

to strip (bark and sap from wood); (law) to<br />

purge; (steam) to blow through;<br />

une condamnalion, (law) to serve out a sentence;<br />

la contumace, (law) to purge one's self of contempt;<br />

quadrangle, m., quadrangle.<br />

quadrangulaire, a., quadrangular.<br />

quadrant, m., (inst.) quadrant; Hadley's quadrant;<br />

(elec.) henry.<br />

quadrature, f., quadrature; dial work.<br />

quadricycle, m., two bicycles side by side.<br />

quadrilatere, m., quadrilateral; (mil.) quadrilateral,<br />

(esp.) the quadrilateral of northern<br />

Italy;<br />

italien, (mil.) the Italian quadrilateral (Mantua,<br />

Peschiera, Verona, Legnano).<br />

quadrillage, m., flagging; checkering (of cross<br />

section or profile paper); (sm. a.) checkering (on<br />

a hammer).<br />

quadrille, f., (man.) group of horsemen executing<br />

fanciful movements in a carousel.<br />

quadrille, a., m., checkered; any checkered part<br />

of a mechanism, etc.; checker work.<br />

crete e, (sm. a.) checkered cocking piece;<br />

papier cross-section , paper;<br />

systemes s, (cons.) framing by parallel pieces<br />

braced by other parallel pieces at right angles;<br />

& tete e, with checkered head.<br />

quadriller, v. a., to checker; to cover with lines at<br />

right angles.<br />

quadruplette, f., quadruplet, (four-seat bicycle).<br />

quadruples, a., quadruplex;<br />

sysleme , quadruplex telegraphy.<br />

quai, m., quay, wharf; (r. r.) platform;<br />

& charbon, coal wharf;<br />

purger la machine, (steam) to blow through;<br />

les metaux, (met.) to refine metals;<br />

la quarantine, to lie out the quarantine, to<br />

spend the quarantine;<br />

robinet d , (mach.) drain COCK, blow-through<br />

cock;<br />

soupape de , (mach.) drain valve; blowthrough<br />

valve.<br />

purgeur, m., (mach.) blow-off gear; purging gear.<br />

purifier, v. a., to purify, clean, cleanse.<br />

pur(-)sang, m., (hipp.) thoroughbred (horse).<br />

putzen, m., (met.) unmelted ore sticking to sides<br />

of furnace.<br />

puy, m., (top.) eminence, peak, puy.<br />

pyldne, m., (mach.) supporting station or tower<br />

(of a rope transmission).<br />

pyr, m. ? (elec.) a bougie decimale; pyr (unit of in-<br />

tensity of light, producing one lux).<br />

pyramide, f., pyramid; (top.) mountain or elevation<br />

more or less pyramidal in shape.<br />

pyrite, f., pyrites.<br />

pyrobalistique, m., pyroballogy, ballistics.<br />

pyrocoton, m., (expl.) pyrocotton.<br />

pyroelectricitfe, f., (elec.) pyroelectricity.<br />

pyroglycferine, f., (expl.) fobrero's name for nitroglycerin.<br />

pyrolite, f., (expl.) pyrolit(h)c.<br />

pyromfctre, m., pyrometer;<br />

& air, air pyrometer;<br />

& cadran, dial pyrometer;<br />

elecirique, electric pyrometer;<br />

optique, optical pyrometer (photometer<br />

really);<br />

thermo-eleclrique, thermo-electric pyrometer.<br />

pyronitrine, f., (expl.) pyronitrine.<br />

pyronfime, m., (expl.) pyronome.<br />

pyrotechnic, f., pyrotechny.<br />

pyrotechnique, a., pyrotechnical.<br />

pyrothSque, m., (elec.) exploder (induced-current<br />

machine).<br />

pyroxylam, m., (expl.) pyroxylam, Uchatius' white<br />

powder.<br />

pyroxyle, m., (expl.) gun cotton, pyroxylin.<br />

pyroxyline, f., (expl.) gun cotton; pyroxylin.<br />

pyroxylol, m., (expl.) name proposed for nitrocellulose.<br />

Q.<br />

quai de debarquement, (mil.) point where troops<br />

detrain;<br />

d' cmbarquement, (mil.) point where troops<br />

entrain;<br />

emplacement to,<br />

, (nav.) quay berth;<br />

elre & , (nav.) to be at the wharf;<br />

floltant, landing stage;<br />

ft houille, coal wharf;<br />

de rive, river quay.<br />

qualification, f., qualification; name, style.<br />

qualifier, v. a., to qualify; to call, style.<br />

qualUe, f., quality; property; position, title, rank;<br />

(law) qualification; proposition, motion, of a<br />

litigant;<br />

avoir pour, to have legal or statutory <strong>com</strong>petency<br />

or qualification; to be qualified to;<br />

bois de , (cons.) good timber;<br />

-* s d' evolution, s evolutives d'un navire,<br />

(nav.) maneuvering qualities of a ship;<br />

s duiugement, (law) the facts of the case;<br />

smiluaires, (nav.) offensive qualities of a ship;<br />

s nauliques, s de navigation, (nav.) seawortliiness<br />

of a ship.<br />

quantieme, m., day of the month; date;<br />

monlre a s, watch giving the day of the month.<br />

quantitg, f., quantity; (elec.) quantity, parallel;<br />

d'eau motrice, quantity of driving water;<br />

en (elec.) in quantity, in parallel;<br />

monter en , (elec.) to join up in parallel, in<br />


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