A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com


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prolonge 359 provoquer<br />

prolonge, f., (art.) prolonge; (mil) forage wagon,<br />

heavy general-service wagon; ammunition<br />

wagon; picket line;<br />

de campemen,t, (mil.) picket line;<br />

deplier Ics s, (art.) to fix prolonge;<br />

double, (Fr. art.) rope 25m long, used in<br />

mechanical maneuvers;<br />

fence, (art.) prolonge fitted with its (iron)<br />

loops;<br />

replier les s, (art.) to unfix prolonge;<br />

& ridelles, rack wagon;<br />

si-mple, (Fr. art.) rope 15 long, used in<br />

mechanical maneuvers.<br />

prolongement, m., prolongation; (fort.) prolongation<br />

of the faces of a work; (art.) extension of a<br />

platform;<br />

de plate-forme, (art.) extension of the plat-<br />

form to receive the trail;<br />

1<br />

des rayures, ( F. m. art.) prolongation of three<br />

grooves beyond origin of rifling in certain<br />

pieces (for which plaques isolantes are necessary);<br />

renforcement par , (mil.) reenforcing a line by<br />

extending it, using additional troops (infantry).<br />

prolonger, v. a., to prolong, extend; to lengthen,<br />

eke out, stretch out; (art.) to secure with a<br />

prolonge;<br />

wn,e cote, (nav.) to skirt a coast.<br />

promenade, f., walk; drive, road;<br />

en bateau, row;<br />

h chcval, ride; .<br />

des chevaux, (man.) horse exercise;<br />

sur I'eau, sail;<br />

gtl"tte, (St. Cyr slang) general marching out;<br />

miUtwe, (mil.) practice march;<br />

dpicd, walk;<br />

de plritir, trip;<br />

& la voile, sair,<br />

en voiture, drive.<br />

promener, v. a. r., to take out, lead; to take a<br />

walk (ride, drive, etc.);<br />

un cheval, to walk a horse up and down;<br />

un cheval en main, to lead a horse;<br />

un cheval dans la main et les talons, (man.)<br />

to control a horse by hand and spur;<br />

un cheval entre les deux talons, to walk a horse<br />

straight ahead;<br />

se & cheval, to take a ride.<br />

promontoire, m., promontory, foreland, headland.<br />

promotion, f., elevation of several persons to the<br />

same dignity; (mil.) promotion, (of military<br />

schools) class;<br />

camarade de , classmate;<br />

faire une , to make a promotion;<br />

la de 1900, at the Polytechnique, the class<br />

that enters in 1900; at St. Cyr, the class graduated<br />

in 1900.<br />

promouvoir, v. a., to promote, raise, advance.<br />

promu, p. p., promoted; m., person promoted.<br />

promulgation, f., promulgation (of a law, etc.).<br />

promulguer, v. a., to promulgate (a law, etc.).<br />

prononcfc, m., (mil. law) verdict of a court-martial.<br />

prononcer, y. a., to pronounce; to decide; to<br />

render salient; to delineate strongly, bring out,<br />

give prominence to; (law) to bring in a verdict;<br />

to adjudicate.<br />

pronunciamento, m., (mil.) military plot, followed<br />

by insurrectionary acts.<br />

propagation, f,, propagation (as of sound, light,<br />

propager, v. r., to be propagated (of light, sound).<br />

propension, f., propensity;<br />

aciereuse, (met.) propensity of pig iron to be<br />

converted into steel.<br />

proportion, f., proportion, relation, ratio; (mach.)<br />

ratio or relation between two wheels gearing<br />

together;<br />

& -, in proportion;<br />

a de. in proportion to;<br />

<strong>com</strong>pas de , proportional <strong>com</strong>passes.<br />

proposer, v. a., to propose; (mil., etc.) to re<strong>com</strong>mend<br />

formally for promotion, the Legion of<br />

Honor, etc.<br />

Pr ^I H f'-^^L^^m^dation for pro<br />

propre, a., own, fit, proper; adapted, fitted to:<br />

proprement, adv., properly,<br />

cleanly; (cord.) snugly.<br />

exactly, neatly,<br />

proprete, f., neatness, cleanliness;<br />

revue de (mil.) inspection of arms and clothing<br />

(Saturday morning inspection, U, S. A.).<br />

proprietaire, m., owner;<br />

fonder, landed proprietor.<br />

propriSte, f., property, distinctive qualitv<br />

pnety, ownership; landed property;<br />

abmdonnce, (nav.) derelict;<br />

lUteraire, copyright.<br />

Dro-<br />

propulseur, a. m., propelling; (mach.) propeller<br />

'<br />

propelling apparatus; (nav.) screw;<br />

a helice, (nav.) screw propeller.<br />

propulsion, f., (mach., etc.) propulsion.<br />

prorogation, f., prolongation, postponementadjournment<br />

(of Congress, etc.);<br />

d'enquete, (law) continuation of an investigation;<br />

de juridiction, (law) transfer of jurisdiction.<br />

proroger, v. a., to prolong, put off; to adjourn<br />

(Congress, etc.).<br />

proscription, f., proscription.<br />

proscrire, v. a., to proscribe.<br />

proscrit, m., outlaw; (political) refugee.<br />

protecteur, m., protector.<br />

protection, f., protection, cover, defense; support'<br />

(fort.) cover;<br />

<strong>com</strong>merdale, protection, high tariff;<br />

escadron de , (cav.) covering, protecting,<br />

squadron;<br />

au moyen du charbon, (nav.) coal protection;<br />

systeme de , protective (high-tariff) system;<br />

sous la de, under cover of.<br />

protectionnisme, m., high-tariff system.<br />

protectionniste, m., advocate of a high tariff.<br />

protectorat, m., protectorate.<br />

protfigg, p. p., protected;<br />

croiseur , (nav.) protected cruiser.<br />

protfcge-main(s), m., (sm. a.) hand guard (to<br />

protect against heating).<br />

proteger, v. a., to protect, defend, shield; (mil)<br />

to cover, protect by cover.<br />

protfit, m., protest (of a note, check); protest (of<br />

a shipmaster);<br />

de mer, shipmaster's protest.<br />

protocole, m., protocol.<br />

proue, f., prow (of a boat); nose (of a torpedo).<br />

prouesse, f., prowess.<br />

prouy, m., (cord.) mooring rope, painter.<br />

provenance, f., origin; production, growth, manufacture<br />

(generally in plural);<br />

en ou en destination de, <strong>com</strong>ing from or going<br />

to;<br />

lieu de , place of origin.<br />

provende, f., provender, provisions (/cm.).<br />

province, f., province.<br />

provision, f., provision, supply, stock, store; (in<br />

pi.) victuals, food; (law) provisional damages<br />

(before final decision); (in <strong>com</strong>merce) <strong>com</strong>mission;<br />

money deposited to be drawn on;<br />

alimentaire, (law) allowance for support<br />

granted by a court; alimony;<br />

s de bouche, victuals;<br />

s de guerre, war supplies.<br />

provisoire, a., temporary, provisional; (law) provisional;<br />

fortification , (fort.) temporary fortification;<br />

matiere , perishable material.<br />

provocation, f., challenge; instigation;<br />

en duel, challenge to fight a duel.<br />

provoquer, v. a., to challenge, call out, instigate,<br />

promote; incite; (law) to initiate, originate,<br />

legal action, a suit.

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