A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

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prevenir 356 prise prtvenir un ch?val, (man.) to stop a horse when about to change the foot. prevention, f., (law) accusation; (Fr. mil. law) confinement of a man until publication of verdict; mise en , (law) commitment for trial. pre'venu, p. p., (law) accused; m., prisoner before trial; (mil.) person ordered to be tried on charges preferred. provision, f., prediction; du temps, weather prediction. pre\6t, m., (mil.) pro-ost marshal; (Fr. c.) c. o. of gendarmerie of a corps d'armee; (fenc.) fencing master; d'armes, (fenc.) fencing master's assistant; brigadier d'armes, (cav.) assistant fencing master (corporal); drogue de cat-o'-nine , tails; tfae , (Witt.) soldier candidate for fencing master; d'cscrimc, (mil.) assistant fencing master; des etapes, (Fr. a.) c. o. of gendarmerie of a direction a' etapes, q. v.; grand , (Fr. a.) c. o. of gendarmerie of an army in the field; provost-marshal-general. prevOtal, a., (mil.) relating to provost duty; cour e, (in gen.) temporary criminal court sitting without appeal; service , (mil.) pro ost duty; unite e, (mil.) any unit on provost duty; (in France) the various units of the gendarmerie serving with troops in the field. prfivote, f., (mil.) provost-marshal's troops; (in France) the gendarmerie attached to the various headquarters and under the orders of a prevot; militiire, pro -ost duty, (in France) carried on by the gendarmerie. prtvdtalement, adv., by martial law. primage, m., primage, hat money. primaute, f.. (mil.) seniority, "rank"; de grade, seniority in one's grade. prime, f., premium; (mil.) bounty; any amount allowed for some special ser ice, or to keep up a fund (masse); (fenc.) prime; d'assurance, insurance premium; de chargement, primage ; d' engagement, enlistment bounty; d' enrolement, v. d''engagement; de functions, (Fr. a.) allowance to bands, bandsmen; parade de , (fenc.) prime parry; de reniaiement, (mil.) reenlistment bounty; de travail, (mil.) extra-duty pay (Fr. a., artillery workmen, regimental ateliers, workmen of administration). primer, v. a. n., to ta-ce the lead; to give a premium to; (steam) to prime; la maree, (nav.) to take advantage of the tide. prince, m.^prince; (mach.) tilt-hammer beam; deVEglise, cardinal; bishop; royal, crown prince; d u sang, prince of the blood royal. princesse, f., princess; rmjale, princess royal. du, sang, princess of the blood royal, principal, a., capital, principal; ( Fr. a.) chief (used in the designation of the grades of various services and departments); m., capital; somme e, capital. prinripat, m., principality. principality, f., principality. principe, m., principle; (hipp.) white marking surrounding the leg, and not rising above the coronet; beginning of white foot; de I'etat initial et de I'etit final, (chem.) (in thermo-chemistry) principle of the calorific equivalency of chemical transformations, principle of the initial and final states; du travail miximum, (chem.) in thermochemistry, the principle of maximum work; principe des travaux moUculaires, (chem.) in thermochemistry, the principle of molecular work. pris, p. p., taken, caught; fixed, settled (as an hour); made, formed, shaped; congealed, set, frozen; entangled (as a horse in the traces, in the halter); de calme, (nav.) becalmed 5 , de chaleur, (hipp.) suffering a pulmonary congestion; cheval Men , (hipp.) well-made, well-built, horse; des epaules, (hipp.) stiff in the shoulders; de la.fumee, (hipp.) affected by staggers; par les glaces, frozen (of ri.ers, ports, etc.); ice-bound, frozen in (of a boat, ship); non , loose; de la nuit, overtaken by night; - dans ceuvre, measured in the clear, inside measure; hors d'ceuvre, outside measure. prise, f., talring, hoM, purchase, gripe, handle; quarrel; (tech.) val -e, cock; (mas.) setting (of mortar); (cows.) end of stair seated in wall of case; (mtch.) hold, bearing; (mil.) capture, conquest, taking; way in which fire has reached the enemy, as, priced'echarpe, deftanc, etc.; (nav.) capture; pri-.e; d'air, (tech.) air passage; draught passafe; d'armes, (mil.) taking arms, getting under arms, for a duty; parading, turning out, under arms; duty performed under arms; an ft de , v. s. v. arret; d'assaut, (mil.) capture by storm, by assault; avoir sur, to ha e hold, to ha e a hold on; (mach.) to bear upon, engage with; beaucoup (roofn*) de , greater (lesser) object or mark presented; bonne , (nav.) lawful prize; capitaine de , (nav.) prize master; en charge, (adm.) taking up (of property, etc.); code des s, (nav.) prize code; consacrer une , (nav.) to le-'alize a capture; de corps, arrest, apprehension; de courant, (elec.) point at which a current come sin; droit de , (nav.) right of capture; d'eau, source of supply of water for manufacturing purposes; supply of water for manufacturing purposes; water channel, or gutter, or pipe; (r. r.) water tank; d'eauh la mer, sea cock; (en) etre aux s to clash, come to blows, fight; etre aux s avec, to struggle, be struggling, with; etre de bonne , (nav.) to be a lawful prize ; etre en avec. (mach.) to have engaged; etre en aufeu de, (mil.) to be exposed to the fire of; etre hors de to be out of , reach; faire , (of mortar, cement, etc.) to set; faire une , (nav.) to make a capture, prize; de feu, (art.) flame passage (in the head of certain cartridge cases); lacher , to let go, let go one's hold; (mil.) to quit the combat; lente, slow setting (of mortar, etc.); de longe, (hipp.) halter cast; mortiera lente (rapide), slow- (quick-) setting mortar; part(s) de , (nav.) prize money; ne. point donner aufeu, (mil.) not to expose one's self to fire; de possession, act of taking possession; (mil.) capture (of a town or position); de service, (mil.) taking up of duty; station d'eau. (r. r.) water tank; tribunal de , (nav.) prize court; de vapeur, (steam) taking, drawing, delivery, of steam; steam cock, steam valve, steam port; steam dome; mouth of the steam (also "steam pipe") at the boiler; en venir aux s v. (en) etre aux s;

prise 357 profll prise au vent, (of balloons) exposure to the effects of wind. prismatique, a., prismatic. prlsine, m., prism; d reflexion totale, (opt.} total reflection prism; de remplissage, volume of water (of a canal); telemetre, (mil.) (Souchier) range finder. prison, f., prison, jail; imprisonment, captivity; (mil.) conilnement, (punishment of n. c. o., . corporal, and men); (powd.) collar (of the stamper of a powder mill); bris de , breach of prison; conduire en , to take to jail; directeur de , governor of a jail; en , in confinement; forcer une , to break jail, break out of prison; gardien de , jailer; mettre en , to jail; de quartier, (mil.) confinement to barracks; sortir de , to come out of jail, be released from confinement. prisonnier, m., prisoner; (mil.) prisoner; (mach.) set bolt; stud-bolt, -pin; (adjectively, mach.) fixed; (fond.) piece .(e. g., a band on a projectile) set in position in the mold before casting, and which after casting is in its proper place on the object cast; avoir (tant de) s, (mil.) to lose (so many) prisoners; de cabestan, drop bolt; de chapeau de presse-etoupes, (steam) stuffingbox gland stud; se constituer , (mil.) to surrender one's self prisoner; faire , to take into custody; (mil.) to tak prisoners; fers de , fetters; garder , v. tenir ; de guerre, (mil.) prisoner of war; sur parole, (mil.) prisoner on parole; se rendre -, v. se constituer ; tenir , to keep in custody. privation, f., privation; de sortir, (mil.) stoppage of pass. prive, a., private; m., privy; acte sous seinq , document not drawn before a public officer; homme , private citizen. prix, m., price, cost; reward; prize; d'achat, v. coutant; de I'armee, v. de tir de I'armee; courant, current price; price current; coutant, first cost, prime cost; d' evaluation, valuation; fait, price agreed on; ferme, fixed and unalterable price; fixe, fixed price; fort, full price; dejournee, daily wages; juste moderate , price; limite, limiting price; limite dibattu, upset price; marched fait, v. marche dforfait; de marche, market price; mettre la tete d'un homme d to , put a price on a man's head; net, trade price; de nomenclature, published or list price; de passage, money, fare; sur place, v. 'de marche; de recousse, salvage money for recapture; de remorquage, towage; de revient, net cost; de tir, (sm. a.) target-practice prize; de tir de I'armee , ( Fr. a.) prize in target practice; vendrednon , to sell at a loss. de vente, selling price. probability f., probability; d'atteindre, (ball.) probability of hitting; du tir, v. d'atteindre. probant, a , conclusive in proof. probation, 1., probation, trial; dg , probational, on probation. probleme, m., problem; poser un , to state a problem; probleme, resudre un , to solve a problem. procedC, p. p., (law) tried; bienjuge, mal , (law) judgment sound, procedure wrong. - precede, m., process; proceeding, procedureconduct, behavior; operation; tip ofa billiard cue; Bessemer, (met.) Bessemer process; au charbon, (phot.) carbon process; au collodion humide (sec.), (phot.) wet (dry) collodion process; contondant, (art.) racking method; de la double (simple) cuisson, double (single) calcination (of lime); du double transfert, (phot.) double transfer carbon process; au qclatino-bromure d' argent, (phot.) gelatinobromid process; negaHf, (phot.) blue-print process (white lines on blue ground); perfprant, (art.) perforating method; posiiif, (phot.) blue-print process (blue lines on white ground); Siemens, (met.) Siemens process; par le transparent, (ball.) method of determining the vulnerability of a given target by applying to the plot of the results of practice a transparent figure of the target and noting the hits that fall within it. procSder, v. n., to proceed, pass on; to arise from, originate in; to act, behave; (law) to try; criminellement, (law) to proceed criminally against; militairement, (law) to proceed without observing due forms; par-devant un tribunal, (law) to proceed judicially. procedure, f., procedure, proceedings; (law) legal proceedings; civile, criminelle, (law) civil, criminal, proceedings. proces, m., (law) trial; process, suit; au , on trial; civil, civil action; criminel, criminal action; faire le d, to bring to trial; faire un d, to involve in a lawsuit; intenter un d, to institute proceedings; sans forme de , without trial. proces-verbal, m., proceedings, report, official report (as of a board); dresser un , to draw up a report. proccs-verbaliser, v. n., to draw up a report, make out proceedings. proclamation, f., proclamation. proclamer, v. a to , proclaim. procuration, f , (law) power of attorney, proxy. procureur, m , proxy, authorized agent; general, solicitor-general, attorney-general. producteur, a., productive; m., producer; action trice, efficiency. produire, v. a., to produce, bring forward, introduce, show; . de la vapeur, (steam) to generate steam. produit, m., product, produce, performance, output. profane, a., m., lay, profane. professeur, m., professor. profession, f., profession, declaration; de -, by profession. profll, m., profile, section; gauge; (art.) profile gauge; (fort.) profile (of a work, etc.); profile, (frame) used in constructing a parapet, etc.; americain, (art.) saw-tooth rifling; de , in profile; defensif, (fort.) defensive or protecting profile, one not intended for offensive action; directeur, (fort.) guiding, directing, profile; double, (art.) double gauge (to test the rectilinearity of the generatrices of a pro- . jectile); tlever des s, (fort.) to set up profiles; exterieur, (art.) exterior gauge for a projectile;

prise 357 profll<br />

prise au vent, (of balloons) exposure to the effects<br />

of wind.<br />

prismatique, a., prismatic.<br />

prlsine, m., prism;<br />

d reflexion totale, (opt.} total reflection prism;<br />

de remplissage, volume of water (of a canal);<br />

telemetre, (mil.) (Souchier) range finder.<br />

prison, f., prison, jail; imprisonment, captivity;<br />

(mil.) conilnement, (punishment of n. c. o.,<br />

. corporal,<br />

and men); (powd.) collar (of the<br />

stamper of a powder mill);<br />

bris de , breach of prison;<br />

conduire en , to take to jail;<br />

directeur de , governor of a jail;<br />

en , in confinement;<br />

forcer une , to break jail, break out of prison;<br />

gardien de , jailer;<br />

mettre en , to jail;<br />

de quartier, (mil.) confinement to barracks;<br />

sortir de , to <strong>com</strong>e out of jail, be released from<br />

confinement.<br />

prisonnier, m., prisoner; (mil.) prisoner; (mach.)<br />

set bolt; stud-bolt, -pin; (adjectively, mach.)<br />

fixed; (fond.) piece .(e. g., a band on a projectile)<br />

set in position in the mold before casting,<br />

and which after casting is in its proper<br />

place on the object cast;<br />

avoir (tant de) s, (mil.) to lose (so many)<br />

prisoners;<br />

de cabestan, drop bolt;<br />

de chapeau de presse-etoupes, (steam) stuffingbox<br />

gland stud;<br />

se constituer , (mil.) to surrender one's self<br />

prisoner;<br />

faire , to take into custody; (mil.) to tak<br />

prisoners;<br />

fers de , fetters;<br />

garder , v. tenir ;<br />

de guerre, (mil.) prisoner of war;<br />

sur parole, (mil.) prisoner on parole;<br />

se rendre -, v. se constituer ;<br />

tenir , to keep in custody.<br />

privation, f., privation;<br />

de sortir, (mil.) stoppage of pass.<br />

prive, a., private; m., privy;<br />

acte sous seinq , document not drawn before<br />

a public officer;<br />

homme , private citizen.<br />

prix, m., price, cost; reward; prize;<br />

d'achat, v. coutant;<br />

de I'armee, v. de tir de I'armee;<br />

courant, current price; price current;<br />

coutant, first cost, prime cost;<br />

d' evaluation, valuation;<br />

fait, price agreed on;<br />

ferme, fixed and unalterable price;<br />

fixe, fixed price;<br />

fort, full price;<br />

dejournee, daily wages;<br />

juste moderate , price;<br />

limite, limiting price;<br />

limite dibattu, upset price;<br />

marched fait, v. marche dforfait;<br />

de marche, market price;<br />

mettre la tete d'un homme d to , put a price<br />

on a man's head;<br />

net, trade price;<br />

de nomenclature, published or list price;<br />

de passage, money, fare;<br />

sur place, v. 'de marche;<br />

de recousse, salvage money for recapture;<br />

de remorquage, towage;<br />

de revient, net cost;<br />

de tir, (sm. a.) target-practice prize;<br />

de tir de I'armee , ( Fr. a.) prize in target practice;<br />

vendrednon , to sell at a loss.<br />

de vente, selling price.<br />

probability f., probability;<br />

d'atteindre, (ball.) probability of hitting;<br />

du tir, v. d'atteindre.<br />

probant, a , conclusive in proof.<br />

probation, 1., probation, trial;<br />

dg<br />

, probational, on probation.<br />

probleme, m., problem;<br />

poser un , to state a problem;<br />

probleme, resudre un , to solve a problem.<br />

procedC, p. p., (law) tried;<br />

bienjuge, mal , (law) judgment sound, procedure<br />

wrong.<br />

-<br />

precede, m., process; proceeding, procedureconduct,<br />

behavior; operation; tip ofa billiard<br />

cue;<br />

Bessemer, (met.) Bessemer process;<br />

au charbon, (phot.) carbon process;<br />

au collodion humide (sec.), (phot.) wet (dry)<br />

collodion process;<br />

contondant, (art.) racking method;<br />

de la double (simple) cuisson, double (single)<br />

calcination (of lime);<br />

du double transfert, (phot.) double transfer<br />

carbon process;<br />

au qclatino-bromure d' argent, (phot.) gelatinobromid<br />

process;<br />

negaHf, (phot.) blue-print process (white<br />

lines on blue ground);<br />

perfprant, (art.) perforating method;<br />

posiiif, (phot.) blue-print process (blue lines<br />

on white ground);<br />

Siemens, (met.) Siemens process;<br />

par le transparent, (ball.) method of determining<br />

the vulnerability of a given target by<br />

applying to the plot of the results of practice<br />

a transparent figure of the target and noting<br />

the hits that fall within it.<br />

procSder, v. n., to proceed, pass on; to arise<br />

from, originate in; to act, behave; (law) to<br />

try;<br />

criminellement, (law) to proceed criminally<br />

against;<br />

militairement, (law) to proceed without observing<br />

due forms;<br />

par-devant un tribunal, (law) to proceed<br />

judicially.<br />

procedure, f., procedure, proceedings; (law) legal<br />

proceedings;<br />

civile, criminelle, (law) civil, criminal,<br />

proceedings.<br />

proces, m., (law) trial; process, suit;<br />

au , on trial;<br />

civil, civil action;<br />

criminel, criminal action;<br />

faire le d, to bring to trial;<br />

faire un d, to involve in a lawsuit;<br />

intenter un d, to institute proceedings;<br />

sans forme de , without trial.<br />

proces-verbal, m., proceedings, report, official<br />

report (as of a board);<br />

dresser un , to draw up a report.<br />

proccs-verbaliser, v. n., to draw up a report, make<br />

out proceedings.<br />

proclamation, f., proclamation.<br />

proclamer, v. a to , proclaim.<br />

procuration, f , (law) power of attorney, proxy.<br />

procureur, m , proxy, authorized agent;<br />

general, solicitor-general, attorney-general.<br />

producteur, a., productive; m., producer;<br />

action trice, efficiency.<br />

produire, v. a., to produce, bring forward, introduce,<br />

show;<br />

. de la vapeur, (steam) to generate steam.<br />

produit, m., product, produce, performance, output.<br />

profane, a., m., lay, profane.<br />

professeur, m., professor.<br />

profession, f., profession, declaration;<br />

de -, by profession.<br />

profll, m., profile, section; gauge; (art.) profile<br />

gauge; (fort.) profile (of a work, etc.); profile,<br />

(frame) used in constructing a parapet, etc.;<br />

americain, (art.) saw-tooth rifling;<br />

de , in profile;<br />

defensif, (fort.) defensive or protecting profile,<br />

one not intended for offensive action;<br />

directeur, (fort.) guiding, directing, profile;<br />

double, (art.) double gauge (to test the<br />

rectilinearity of the generatrices of a pro-<br />

. jectile);<br />

tlever des s, (fort.) to set up profiles;<br />

exterieur, (art.) exterior gauge for a projectile;

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