A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

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poste 348 poteau poste d'amarrage, (nav.) mooring berth; d'arret, (fort.) small field work recommended for mountain passes; avancc, (mil.) advanced post; post nearest enemy; in a defensive position, points in front of main position (wood, farm, village, etc.) that may be ad /antageously held by infantry 80O to 1,000= in front; avant , (mil.) outpost; avant a la Cosaque, (mil.) Cossack post; avant irregulier, (mil.) Cossack post; avant regulier, (mil.) ordinary outpost; des blesses, (nav.) cockpit ; de campagne, (mil.) neld post, such as a church, mill, etc.; central, (mil., fig.) central station; changer de s, (art.) to ciiange posts; chefde , (mil.) c. o. of a guard, of a post, etc.; de combat, (nav.) quarters, station in action; de correspondince, (mil.) transmitting station, relay, dispatch post ,communicating post; transmission or dispatching post (in exploration sen ice from front to rear) ; a la Cosaque, (mil.) Cossac.v outpost; detache, (mil.) detached post; (more esp.) an advanced post more than rifle range in front of the main position; de discipline, (mil.) prisoners' guard; (in cantonments) place where men found guilty of breaches of discipline are confined ; embroche, (else.) telephone station in main line (i. e., not shunted); enlever un , (mil.) to carry off a post; d'examen, (mil.) examining posts (deserters, etc.); ecterieur, (mil.) exterior post of a guard; faire entrer (sortir) les servants d leurs s, (art.) to taice (leave) posts; h fixe, (mil.) permanently posted or stationed; guerre de 5, (mil.) outpost operations; d'honneur, (mil.) dangerous post or position; post designated to pay honors; post or guard of honor; interieur, (mil.) interior post of a guard; intermediate, (mil.) intermediate post, detached corps placed between others for support; des invulnerables, (mil.) place out of the reach of harm (v. montpagnote); isole (mil.) detached post; jzloux, (mil.) post of danger; de lancement (de torpilles), (torp.) torpedolaunching point or post ; ligne de s, (mil.) picivetline; des malades, (nav.) sick bay; d' observation, (mil.) advanced post, recommended for observing mountain passes (in mountain warfare) during mobilization; (torp.) range station; observation station; petit , (mil.) pic cet post; small outpost; small outpost established by day by the cavalry; petit , special, (mil. teleg.) communicating station, or central station of lines connecting parts of a large fort, or a central fort with detached works; de police, (mil.) post of the police guard; de pompiers, fire-engine house; prendre son to take , one's station; de quatre hommes, (mil.) special post of four men, Cossack post; --relai, (sig.) transmitting station; (teleg.) relay; relever un , (mil.) to relieve a post; se rendre d, son , (mil.) to go.to one's station or duty; rentrera son , (art.) to resume one's - post; retranche, (fort. ) intrenched post; de sauvetage, life-saving station; secondaire, (mil. sig.) communicating station; de aecours, life-saving station; (mil. med.) dressing station; semaphorique, (sig.) semaphone station; poste de signaleurs, (mil.) signal station; outlying station (i. e., one nearest enemy, observing station); i de soutien, (mil.) succoring post, for poste d'arret, recommended for mountain passes during mobilization; des soutiens, (mil.) reserve picket; special, points; (mil.) post at specially important i de surveillance, (fort.) lookout (as for ditches); de.'ensive lookout, near and for a fort d'arret; telegraphique, telegraph station; telephonique, telephone station; de veille, (torp.) lookout station, observation station; vigie, (mil. and gen.) lookout station; voiture- , (mil. teleg.) telegraph wagon (for the rapid installation of a telegraph station); volant, (mil. teleg.) flying or mobile telegraph station. poster, v. a. r., (mil., etc.) to post, station, place; to take post, station, stand. poste'rieur, a., (hipp.) hind; m., (hipp..) hind leg. postiche, a., substituted, false, sham, artificial; (mil.) temporarily attached to; doing duty provisionally; canon , Quaker gun, dummy gun; caporal, lance corporal. postilion, m., postilion; runner of a tent cord. pot, m, ,pot; bucket; jug; headpiece (obs.); (artif.) pot; rocket head; (cord.) pot; & s, overshot; d' aigrette, (artif.) brilliant firework so called; & brat, pitch kettle; d colle, glue pot; d eau, (artif.) water cartridge; a feu, (artif.) sort of lantern (pot filled with resin, etc.), for illuminating purposes; stink- pot; kind of case or stand from which several rockets may be discharged simultaneously; de fusee, (artif.) rocket cylinder; rocket head; de garniture, v. de fusee; au noir, doldrums; de pompe, lower pump box; papier au v . , papier ecolier; de presse, (art., fort.) pivot socket or cylinder of a turret; pressure cylinder; roued s, overshot wheel; d suffoquer, (artif.) stinkpot; en terre, (cons.) pot-shaped hollow brick (as for filling floors); en tete, leading sapper's helmet (obs.). potusse, f., (eh em.) potash; - co, antique, caustic potash; nitratee, saltpeter. poteau, m., post, pillar; telegraph pole; stake; ( mil. slang) post; (in pi.) framing (as of a winch); -d'amarrage, bollard, mooring post; d'arret, (teleg.) terminal pole; (elec.) double terminal insulator; de bifurcation, (teleg.) pole at the fork of a telegraph line; decloison, (cons.) quarter, stud; d contrc-fiche, ( cons.) braced pole; cornier, (teleg.) corner pole; (cons.) corner post; x couples, (teleg.) A-(shaped) pole; de croisee, (cons.) jamb, side post of a door or window; de distance, (in races) distance post; (r. r.) section mark ; double, ( teleg. ) double pole; d'ecurie, stable post; d' execution, place of execution; de fond, (cons.) stud or post extending the whole depth of a wall; gagnant, (in races) winning post; de galerie, (min.) stay, strut; guide, hand post, signpost; d'huisserie, (cons.) window post or stud; indicateur, signpost

poteau 349 poudre poteau de jonction, (teleg.) pole or post, as on a railway bridge; xjumeles, (tcleg.) poles bolted together; d lumiere, light spindle, spar, or buoy; % de mine, (mm.) pit wood; montant, (cons.) jamb; de raccordement, y. de jonction; de remorque, towing post; de remplage, (cons.) stud, quartering, quarter; telegrapJiique, telegraph pole; valet, fastening or securing post (of a sluice gate). potfe, f., putty (of tin); (fond.) luting loam; d'emeri, emery dust; d'etain, tin putty; " defer, rust putty; de montagne, rotten stone; de rouille, v. defer. potelet, m., small strut, post, stanchion. potence, f., crutch; standard or rule for measuring the height of men and of horses; gallows, gibbet; arm (to hang anything on); pin tongs; saddle post (of a bicycle; (surv.) offset staff; (man.) ring post; (mil.) angle in a line (e. g., formed by a flank with the line); (cons.) bracket; crossbeam; (art.) shaft or stem (of a loading crane); (pont.) pier of a (military) suspension bridge; horse of a flying bridge; brider la , (man.) in riding at the rings, to hit the post instead of the ring; de chargement, (art.) shell crane; chat de , cat of the horse (of a flying bridge); comble en , (cons.) shed roof; & deux liens, (cons.) double bracket; en , (mil.) with a flank forming an angle with the main line; Haiti , (cons.) strut fitted with a bracket; dforer, deforet, boring frame; d'un pont volant, horse of a flying bridge; d un lien, (cons.) single bracket; sous , under standard height; troupe en , (mil.) line with a flank forming an angle. potentiel, m. (elec., etc.) potential; chute de , fall of potential; difference de , difference of potential; d'elasticite, potential of elasticity; perte de , loss of potential. potentiometre, m., (elec.) potentiometer. potenttte, f., (expl.) potentite. poterie, f., pottery; (cons.) stoneware pipes; hollow bricks (for floorings and arches). poierne, f . , sort of tunnel under a quay (opening on the river from the street); (fort.) postern. potiche, f., hole bored, cut made, in a timber, to examine it. potin, m., (met.) pewter; pinchbeck; gris, cock metal; jaune, brass. pouce, m., thumb; inch; d'eau de fontainier, de fontainier, fontainier, unit of flow; quantity of water passing in a minute through a circular aperture, 27m ' in diameter, pierced in a vertical wall, under a head of 15.8^ (about 13 liters a min- ute); - d'eau metrique, unit of flow through an aperture pierced m a wall I? 1 " thick, under a head of 5"i (24 cubic meters in 24 hours). poucet, m., (cons.) wiper, lifter, nipper, cam. poueettes, f. pi., handcuffs; manacles for the thumb. poui-ier, m., thumbstall. poudre, f., dust, powder; gunpowder; explosive. (Except where otherwise indicated, the following terras relate- to explosives:) - aciereuse, (met.) cementation powder; amide, amidee, amide powder; d I'ammoniaque, ammoniakrut; angulaire, anguleuse, angular powder (angular grains); Atlas, Atlas powder; avarice, damaged powder; s aux azotates, nitrate powders; - poudre azotee, nitrogen powder (generic term for modern powders); battre la, , (man.) to paw the ground; binaire, powder composed of two substances (e. g., gunpowder without any sulphur); blanche, white German or American powder; Augendre's powder; white powder; au, de, bois, nitrated sawdust; au bois pyroxi/le, Schultz powder; brisante, brisant powder, quick powder; high explosive; any chemical explosive (i. e., no mechanical mixture); d bronzer, (in the arts) bronze powder; brune, brown powder; caillou, pebble powder; & canon, cannon powder; d canon des pilons, ordinary powder; de carabine, rifle (sporting) powder; de carriere, blasting powder; cementante, cementatoire, v. aciereuse; au charbon, gunpowder, so called to distinguish it from new powders; de charbon, (in yen.) coal dust; : de chasse, sporting powder; (in France, three kinds: fine, superfine, extra-fine); chloratee, chlorate powder; * aux chlorates, chlorate powders; chocolat, brown powder, cocoa powder; de commerce extcrieur, powder manufactured for the foreign trade; d combustion lente, slow-burning powder; d combustion rapide, quick-burning powder; comprimee, compressed powder, v. moulee en charges; colon, de colon, gun cotton, pyroxylin; cuite, powder made by boiling ingredients to a paste; cylindrique, cylinder powder; demi-ecrasee, bruised powder; de demolition, blasting powder;, epreuve de , proof, test, of powder; essai de , v. epreuve de ; d'exercice, (art.) blank-cartridge powder; exploiter d la , (mm., etc.) to blast, blow up; explosive, Noble's explosive powder; extra-fine, a variety of sporting powder (French); faible, low explosive; dfaible fumee, a powder producing but little smoke; faire parler la , (mil.) to open hostilities; fine, small-grained powder; a variety of sporting powder (French); forte, high explosive; aufulmicoton, gun-cotton powder; fulminante, fulminating, detonating, powder; priming powder, mixture of mercury fulminate and other bodies; powder in which the chlorate is substituted for the nitrate of potassium; au fulminate de mercure, fulminate of mercury powder; d fumee, ordinary black (smoke-producing) powder; avec fumee, ordinary black powder (to distinguish it from smokeless); sans fumee, smokeless powder; a fusil, rifle powder, musket powder, smallarms powder; de fusion, (met.) a sort of flux (niter, sulphur, and sawdust); - gallique, Horsley's gallnut powder; geante, giant powder; d giboyer, v. de chasse; en grain, grained powder; d grains fins, fine-grain (small-arm) powder; grenee, grained powder; a commercial name for pyroxylee, q. v.; grise, gray powder, grakrut; d gros grains, (art.) pebble powder (England); mammoth powder (United States); (sm. a.) large-grain powder;

poteau 349 poudre<br />

poteau de jonction, (teleg.) pole or post, as on a<br />

railway bridge;<br />

xjumeles, (tcleg.) poles bolted together;<br />

d lumiere, light spindle, spar, or buoy;<br />

% de mine, (mm.) pit wood;<br />

montant, (cons.) jamb;<br />

de raccordement, y.<br />

de jonction;<br />

de remorque, towing post;<br />

de remplage, (cons.) stud, quartering, quarter;<br />

telegrapJiique, telegraph pole;<br />

valet, fastening or securing post (of a sluice<br />

gate).<br />

potfe, f., putty (of tin); (fond.) luting loam;<br />

d'emeri, emery dust;<br />

d'etain, tin putty; "<br />

defer, rust putty;<br />

de montagne, rotten stone;<br />

de rouille, v. defer.<br />

potelet, m., small strut, post, stanchion.<br />

potence, f., crutch; standard or rule for measuring<br />

the height of men and of horses; gallows, gibbet;<br />

arm (to hang anything on); pin tongs;<br />

saddle post (of a bicycle; (surv.) offset staff;<br />

(man.) ring post; (mil.) angle in a line (e. g.,<br />

formed by a flank with the line); (cons.) bracket;<br />

crossbeam; (art.) shaft or stem (of a loading<br />

crane); (pont.) pier of a (military) suspension<br />

bridge; horse of a flying bridge;<br />

brider la , (man.) in riding at the rings, to hit<br />

the post instead of the ring;<br />

de chargement, (art.) shell crane;<br />

chat de , cat of the horse (of a flying bridge);<br />

<strong>com</strong>ble en , (cons.) shed roof;<br />

& deux liens, (cons.) double bracket;<br />

en , (mil.) with a flank forming an angle with<br />

the main line;<br />

Haiti , (cons.) strut fitted with a bracket;<br />

dforer, deforet, boring frame;<br />

d'un pont volant, horse of a flying bridge;<br />

d un lien, (cons.) single bracket;<br />

sous , under standard height;<br />

troupe en , (mil.) line with a flank forming<br />

an angle.<br />

potentiel, m. (elec., etc.) potential;<br />

chute de , fall of potential;<br />

difference de , difference of potential;<br />

d'elasticite, potential of elasticity;<br />

perte de , loss of potential.<br />

potentiometre, m., (elec.) potentiometer.<br />

potenttte, f., (expl.) potentite.<br />

poterie, f., pottery; (cons.) stoneware pipes; hollow<br />

bricks (for floorings and arches).<br />

poierne, f . , sort of tunnel under a quay (opening<br />

on the river from the street); (fort.) postern.<br />

potiche, f., hole bored, cut made, in a timber, to<br />

examine it.<br />

potin, m., (met.) pewter; pinchbeck;<br />

gris, cock metal;<br />

jaune, brass.<br />

pouce, m., thumb; inch;<br />

d'eau de fontainier, de fontainier,<br />

fontainier, unit of flow; quantity of water passing<br />

in a minute through a circular aperture,<br />

27m ' in diameter, pierced in a vertical wall,<br />

under a head of 15.8^ (about 13 liters a min-<br />

ute);<br />

- d'eau metrique, unit of flow through an aperture<br />

pierced m a wall I? 1 " thick, under a<br />

head of 5"i (24 cubic meters in 24 hours).<br />

poucet, m., (cons.) wiper, lifter, nipper, cam.<br />

poueettes, f. pi., handcuffs; manacles for the<br />

thumb.<br />

poui-ier, m., thumbstall.<br />

poudre, f., dust, powder; gunpowder; explosive.<br />

(Except where otherwise indicated, the following<br />

terras relate- to explosives:)<br />

-<br />

aciereuse, (met.) cementation powder;<br />

amide, amidee, amide powder;<br />

d I'ammoniaque, ammoniakrut;<br />

angulaire, anguleuse, angular powder<br />

(angular grains);<br />

Atlas, Atlas powder;<br />

avarice, damaged powder;<br />

s aux azotates, nitrate powders;<br />

-<br />

poudre azotee, nitrogen powder (generic term for<br />

modern powders);<br />

battre la, , (man.) to paw the ground;<br />

binaire, powder <strong>com</strong>posed of two substances<br />

(e. g., gunpowder without any sulphur);<br />

blanche, white German or American powder;<br />

Augendre's powder; white powder;<br />

au, de, bois, nitrated sawdust;<br />

au bois pyroxi/le, Schultz powder;<br />

brisante, brisant powder, quick powder;<br />

high explosive; any chemical explosive (i. e.,<br />

no mechanical mixture);<br />

d bronzer, (in the arts) bronze powder;<br />

brune, brown powder;<br />

caillou, pebble powder;<br />

& canon, cannon powder;<br />

d canon des pilons, ordinary powder;<br />

de carabine, rifle (sporting) powder;<br />

de carriere, blasting powder;<br />

cementante, cementatoire, v. aciereuse;<br />

au charbon, gunpowder, so called to distinguish<br />

it from new powders;<br />

de charbon, (in yen.) coal dust;<br />

: de chasse, sporting powder; (in France, three<br />

kinds: fine, superfine, extra-fine);<br />

chloratee, chlorate powder;<br />

* aux chlorates, chlorate powders;<br />

chocolat, brown powder, cocoa powder;<br />

de <strong>com</strong>merce extcrieur, powder manufactured<br />

for the foreign trade;<br />

d <strong>com</strong>bustion lente, slow-burning powder;<br />

d <strong>com</strong>bustion rapide, quick-burning powder;<br />

<strong>com</strong>primee, <strong>com</strong>pressed powder, v. moulee<br />

en charges;<br />

colon,<br />

de colon, gun cotton, pyroxylin;<br />

cuite, powder made by boiling ingredients to<br />

a paste;<br />

cylindrique, cylinder powder;<br />

demi-ecrasee, bruised powder;<br />

de demolition, blasting powder;,<br />

epreuve de , proof, test, of powder;<br />

essai de , v. epreuve de ;<br />

d'exercice, (art.) blank-cartridge powder;<br />

exploiter d la , (mm., etc.) to blast, blow up;<br />

explosive, Noble's explosive powder;<br />

extra-fine, a variety of sporting powder<br />

(<strong>French</strong>);<br />

faible, low explosive;<br />

dfaible fumee, a powder producing but little<br />

smoke;<br />

faire parler la , (mil.) to open hostilities;<br />

fine, small-grained powder; a variety of<br />

sporting powder (<strong>French</strong>);<br />

forte, high explosive;<br />

aufulmicoton, gun-cotton powder;<br />

fulminante, fulminating, detonating, powder;<br />

priming powder, mixture of mercury fulminate<br />

and other bodies; powder in which the<br />

chlorate is substituted for the nitrate of potassium;<br />

au fulminate de mercure, fulminate of mercury<br />

powder;<br />

d fumee, ordinary black (smoke-producing)<br />

powder;<br />

avec fumee, ordinary black powder (to distinguish<br />

it from smokeless);<br />

sans fumee, smokeless powder;<br />

a fusil, rifle powder, musket powder, smallarms<br />

powder;<br />

de fusion, (met.) a sort of flux (niter, sulphur,<br />

and sawdust);<br />

-<br />

gallique, Horsley's gallnut powder;<br />

geante, giant powder;<br />

d giboyer, v. de chasse;<br />

en grain, grained powder;<br />

d grains fins, fine-grain (small-arm) powder;<br />

grenee, grained powder; a <strong>com</strong>mercial name<br />

for pyroxylee, q. v.;<br />

grise, gray powder, grakrut;<br />

d gros grains, (art.) pebble powder (England);<br />

mammoth powder (United States);<br />

(sm. a.) large-grain powder;

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