A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

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porter 346 poser porter au vent, (man.) (of the horse) to carry the head high and horizontal. porte-rame, m., rowlock (for either side oar or steering oar). porte-ranclier, m., porte-rancliet, m., stake socket. portereau, m ., (art.} carrying bar; levier , v. s. v. levier. porte-rCne, m., (harn.) rein billet. porte-retard, m., (art.) delay-action device or mechanism of a fuse. porte-reticule, m., (opt.) tube holding the reticule. porte-roue, m., derechange, (art.) spare-wheel axle. porte-rogueus, m., (art.) plunger spindle (of a fuse). porte-sabre, m., (mil.) saber holder (of a saddle, of a bicycle); (sm. a.) sliding frog for n. c. o.'s sword belt. porte-sac, m., (mil.) rnedical-kit bearer. porte-sacoches, m., (mil.) medical kit bearer. porte-scie, m., (mil.) saw case. porte-selle, m., saddle rack, rest, bar, block, -or holder. porte-servante, m., (art., etc.) pole prop hook. porte-taraud, m., (mach.) tap holder, tap wrench. porte-tariere, m., (mach.) brace head, drill stock. porte-timon, m., (art.) pole-prop. porte-torpille(s), m., (nav.) (torpedo) spar; spartorpedo boat; bateau , canot , spar-torpedo boat. porte-to(u)let, m., rowlock. porte-trait, m., (harn.) trace loop. porte-tuyfcre, m., (art.) ring or collar (of a twyer of a field forge). porteur, m., carrier, bearer, porter; (art.) near horse of a team; ( Fr. a.) truck of the Decauville transportable railway; au , payable to bearer; Decauville, (Fr. a.) Decauville transportable railroad; de depeches, bearer of dispatches; de denier e, (art.) near wheel horse; de devant, (art.) near lead horse; d'eau, irrigation channel; methode par s, (siege) in a flying sap, method in which all the gabions are put down together; de milieu, (art.) near swing horse; d'outils, (mil.) the pack animal carrying the tools of an infantry company; de la vote, (pont., etc.) stringpiece, sleeper; wagonnet , (Fr. a.) the truck of the Decauville railway. porte-valises, m., valise support or holder (bicycle). porte-vent, m., blast pipe (of a blowing engine); (met.) nose pipe, nozzle, tuyere. porte-verres, m., slide of a signal lantern. porte-vis, m., (sm. a.) side plate of a gun lock. porte-voix,, m., speaking trumpet, speaking tubeJ fixe, speaking tube. portler, m., porter; consigne, v. s. v. consigne. portifcre, f., curtain; coach door; door; flap (as of a leather case); (pont.) raft, cut (part of a bridge of boats formed by two or three boats completely covered); movable part or draw of a bridge of boats; (art.) old name for volet; mantelet; (fort.) shutter (of an embrasure); construire un pont par s, (pont.) to build a bridge by rafts; en cordages, (art.) rope mantelet; d'embrasure, (fort.) embrasure shutter or mantelet or blind; portifcre entiere, (pont.) a raft of three pontoon boats; de manoeuvre, (pont.) construction raft for bridge building; de navigation, (pont.) movable part or draw of a bridge of boats; de pont, (pont.) cut, swing bay or raft of a bridge; pont par s, (pont.) bridge by rafts; repliement par s, (pont.) dismantling bridge by rafts, by breaking up into rafts; replier par s, (pont.) to dismantle a bridge by rafts; roulante, sliding door. portillon, m., small postern. portion, f., share, part, portion; active, v. detachee; centrale, (Fr. a.) in a subdivided regiment. the part containing the depot, or designated to f9rm it in case of mobilization; circulaire, (siege) circular place of arms; du contingent, ( Fr. a.) subdivision of contingent (when the annual contingent is larger than the appropriations admit, it is divided into two parts; the first (lower numbers on the list) serves three years, the second (higher numbers on the list) serves one year, and is then sent home en disponibilite); detachee, (Fr. a.) the part of a divided unit of troops that is not comprised in the portion centrale, q. v. (also called detachement)', effets de la lere, 2eme, , v. s. v. effets (sometimes shortened to premiere portion, deuxieme portion)-, principale, ( Fr. a.) in a subdivided regiment, the part directly commanded by the senior officer of the regiment; separee, v. detachee. portique, m., porch; (siege) covered passage in the trenches; blindage (of a blinded sap) ; (gym.) rectangular frame, board, or platform 3.5m or 4.5m above the ground, used in various gymnastic exercises; avec echelle, (gym.) a portique fitted with a ladder. portugaise, f., (cord.) sheer lashing, head lashing; amarrage en , sheer lashing. posage, m., laying, placing, laying down; setting up, hanging. pose, f., setting, setting up, planting, laying, laying down (as of a railway, a telegraph line); posture, attitude; stint; set; shift (of workmen); stationing; (mach.) seating (as of a rifling band) (mil.) posting of a sentry, relief of a guard; relief of a working party; (phot.) exposure; (mas.) operation of laying stone, bricks; d'un cable, cable laying; caporal de , (mil.) v. s. v. caporal; de ceinture, (art.) banding of a projectile; des corps de chaudieres, (steam) boiler setting; -descendante, (mil.) relief coming off; insuffisante, (phot.) under exposure; d'une ligne telegraphique, laying down of a telegraph line; montcmte, (mil.) relief going on; de n heures, relief or shift after n hours' work; de nuit, (mil.) night guard; additional sen- tries posted after retreat; d'ouvriers, shift of workmen; au pas cadence, (mil.) march at attention; au pas de route, (mil.) march at ease; premiere, etc. , (mil.) first, etc., relief; de la premiere pierre, laying of the corner stone; temps de , (phot.) duration of exposure, exposure; de la voie, (r. r.) track laying. pose, f., (man.) the instant during which the foot is in bearing. poser, m., (man.) v. posee.

poser 347 poste poser, v. a. n., to put, place, set, lay, lay down; to put in position, in place; to stand, plant; to post, station; to bear, lie, rest on; to lay down a railway track; to set or put up a telegraph line; (mil.) to pitch a camp; to post a sentry; (mas.) to lay stone, bricks; tt I'anglaise, (cons.) to lay a floor in parallel strips; (mas.) to lay bricks in English bond; I'arme & terre, (drill) to "ground arms;" les armcs, (mil.) to lay down one's arms; surrender; to make peace, a truce; les armes bash terre, (mil.) to lay down one's arms, to surrender; sur la came, to set on edge (as a plank); de champ, to lay on edge; en coupe, v. en delit; & cru, (cons.) to erect a timber framework without a foundation; en decharge, to set (a timber) as a prop; en delit, (mas.) to lay (a stone) contrary to its cleaving grain, on edge; I'epee, (mil.) to leave the military profession; en epi, (mas.) to lay (bricks) herringbonewise; sur lefaux lit, v. en delit; un grain de lumiere, v. s. v. grain; en lit, sur son lit, (mas.) to lay (a stone) on i ts cleaving grain; & main, to set or lay by hand; en panneresse, en parement, to lay (stones, etc.) lengthwise, stretcherwise; liplat, to lay flat; de plat, (mas.) to lay (a stone) on its cleaving grain; plein sur joint, (mas.) to lay so as to break joints; la premiere pierre, to lay a corner stone; la quille, (nav.) to lay the keel; & recouvrement, to lap over; & sec, (mas.) to lay down dry, lay stones without mortar; une sentinelle, (mil.) to post a sentry; une sonnette, to hang a bell; sur la tranche, v. sur la carne; la voie, (r. r.) to lay the track. poseur, m., builder, fitter; mason, bricklayer; (r. r.) platelayer, track layer; contre , mason's assistant. positif, m., (phot.) positive; pour projection, lantern slide; sur verre, transparency. position, f., position, situation, stand, place, posture; (mil.) position; (mil. adm.) status; (art.) the ground occupied by the artillery in a battle (as distinguished from emplacement, the position of the guns alone); (man.) position on horseback; d'absence, (mil.) status of absence (Fr. a., leave, sick, confined, under trial, absent without leave) ; d'activite, (mil.) status of active service; (administrative) generale, (Fr. a. adm.) generic term for the status of soldiers as a whole (i. e., peace and war footings); (administrative) individuelle. (Fr. a. adm.) administrative status of the individual with respect to pay and allowances (e. g., activite, non-activite, disponibilite, etc.); d'arret, (mil.) a position prepared in advance to check or stop the enemy, (more specially) such a position in a mountain pass; d'attentc, (mil.) position in which the enemy is awaited; temporary. position, under cover, if possible, assumed before passing to the de combat; (art.) transitory position of field artil- lery j ust before going into battery; avancee, (fort?) advanced positions occupied by the defense to keep enemy from using them for his guns; line of fortified advanced posts of an intrenched camp; Utter ie de , (art.) battery of position (position guns); de chargement, (art.) loading position of a gun; position de combat, (mil.) in general, combat position; (siege) intrenched position of a besieging army for the special purpose of reoellinir sorties; (fort.) mam line of works of an intrenched camp; (of a turret) firing position; eclair eur de , v. s. v. eclaireur; d'eclipse, (art.) loading position of a disappearing gun; fausse , in computation, double position- (surv.) false position; defcrmeture, (art.) position of breech plug when home; aenerale, v. (administrative) generale; horsrang,( Fr.a.) status of being hors rangindividuelle, v. (administrative) individuelle; d'ouverture, (art.) position of breech plug when open; prendre une , (mil.) to take up a position; de presence, ( Fr. a. adm.) status of being on duty (present, on mission, en route); principal (de defense), ( fort.) the line of forts; de ralhement, (mil.) rallying position; de rassemblement, (mil.) point where troops collect after executing march maneuvers, in rear of the positions where they are to take combat formation; de rendcz-vous, v. de rassemblement; de repli, (mil.) position selected in advance to fall back on if repulsed; de retraite, (mil.) position to fall back on; de route, (art.) traveling bed; traveling position (siege guns); en route, (Fr. a. adm.) status of being en route; de secours, (mil.) succoring or supporting position on line of retreat of an army; du soldat sous les armes, (mil.) (position of) attention; de soutien, (mil.) position in rear to which troops may fall back; (fort.) second line of forts; (of an intrenched camp) position to render the parts of the de combat in enemy's hands untenable, to protect retreats, etc.; en station, ( Fr. a. adm.) status of duty (i. e., of being at one's post of duty); de tir, (art.) firing position (esp. of siege guns); (fort.) firing position of a turret; du tireur, (inf.) firing position of the individual soldier; ze.ro, position of rest; (art.) setting of a shrapnel fuse to zero. possession, f., possession; occupation; prise de , (mil.) capture. poste, f., post house or station; stage (distance of two leagues); post, post-office; mail; (am. a.) swan shot; batiment , mail steamer; bureau de , post office; chevaux de , post horses; courir la , to travel by post; directeur de la , postmaster; directeur des s, postmaster-general; grande , general post-office; matte , v. malle-poste; militaire, (mil.) field post (office); petite , local, city, post-office; restante, general delivery, to be called for; train , (r. r.) mail tram. poste, m., post, station, employment, place; (mil.) post, any position or point occupied by troops, or where troops may be quartered; particular duty or station; post of a guard, guardhouse, guard, main guard; the garrison of a post; position taken by a line; (nav.) berth; position or post of a ship; station; (art.) post of a can- noneer at the gun; & , at home; h son , at one's post, in attendance; affaire de s, (mil.) an affair of outposts; tiaiguilles, (r. r.) operator's (switching) tower; d'alarme, (mil.) rendezvous, alarm post;

poser 347 poste<br />

poser, v. a. n., to put, place, set, lay, lay down;<br />

to put in position, in place; to stand, plant; to<br />

post, station; to bear, lie, rest on; to lay down a<br />

railway track; to set or put up a telegraph<br />

line; (mil.) to pitch a camp; to post a sentry;<br />

(mas.) to lay stone, bricks;<br />

tt I'anglaise, (cons.) to lay a floor in parallel<br />

strips; (mas.) to lay bricks in <strong>English</strong> bond;<br />

I'arme & terre, (drill) to "ground arms;"<br />

les armcs, (mil.) to lay down one's arms;<br />

surrender; to make peace, a truce;<br />

les armes bash terre, (mil.) to lay down one's<br />

arms, to surrender;<br />

sur la came, to set on edge (as a plank);<br />

de champ, to lay on edge;<br />

en coupe, v. en delit;<br />

& cru, (cons.) to erect a timber framework<br />

without a foundation;<br />

en decharge, to set (a timber) as a prop;<br />

en delit, (mas.) to lay (a stone) contrary to<br />

its cleaving grain, on edge;<br />

I'epee, (mil.) to leave the military profession;<br />

en epi, (mas.) to lay (bricks) herringbonewise;<br />

sur lefaux lit, v. en delit;<br />

un grain de lumiere, v. s. v. grain;<br />

en lit, sur son lit, (mas.) to lay (a stone)<br />

on i ts cleaving grain;<br />

& main, to set or lay by hand;<br />

en panneresse, en parement, to lay<br />

(stones, etc.) lengthwise, stretcherwise;<br />

liplat, to lay flat;<br />

de plat, (mas.) to lay (a stone) on its cleaving<br />

grain;<br />

plein sur joint, (mas.) to lay so as to break<br />

joints;<br />

la premiere pierre, to lay a corner stone;<br />

la quille, (nav.) to lay the keel;<br />

& recouvrement, to lap over;<br />

& sec, (mas.) to lay down dry, lay stones<br />

without mortar;<br />

une sentinelle, (mil.) to post a sentry;<br />

une sonnette, to hang a bell;<br />

sur la tranche, v. sur la carne;<br />

la voie, (r. r.) to lay the track.<br />

poseur, m., builder, fitter; mason, bricklayer;<br />

(r. r.) platelayer, track layer;<br />

contre , mason's assistant.<br />

positif, m., (phot.) positive;<br />

pour projection, lantern slide;<br />

sur verre, transparency.<br />

position, f., position, situation, stand, place, posture;<br />

(mil.) position; (mil. adm.) status; (art.)<br />

the ground occupied by the artillery in a battle<br />

(as distinguished from emplacement, the position<br />

of the guns alone); (man.) position on horseback;<br />

d'absence, (mil.) status of absence (Fr. a.,<br />

leave, sick, confined, under trial, absent without<br />

leave) ;<br />

d'activite, (mil.) status of active service;<br />

(administrative) generale, (Fr. a. adm.) generic<br />

term for the status of soldiers as a whole<br />

(i. e., peace and war footings);<br />

(administrative) individuelle. (Fr. a. adm.)<br />

administrative status of the individual with<br />

respect to pay and allowances (e. g., activite,<br />

non-activite, disponibilite, etc.);<br />

d'arret, (mil.) a position prepared in advance<br />

to check or stop the enemy, (more specially)<br />

such a position in a mountain pass;<br />

d'attentc, (mil.) position in which the enemy<br />

is awaited; temporary. position, under cover, if<br />

possible, assumed before passing to the de<br />

<strong>com</strong>bat; (art.) transitory position of field artil-<br />

lery j ust before going into battery;<br />

avancee, (fort?) advanced positions occupied<br />

by the defense to keep enemy from using them<br />

for his guns; line of fortified advanced posts of<br />

an intrenched camp;<br />

Utter ie de , (art.) battery of position (position<br />

guns);<br />

de chargement, (art.) loading position of a gun;<br />

position de <strong>com</strong>bat, (mil.) in general, <strong>com</strong>bat position;<br />

(siege) intrenched position of a besieging<br />

army for the special purpose of reoellinir sorties;<br />

(fort.) mam line of works of an intrenched<br />

camp; (of a turret) firing position;<br />

eclair eur de , v. s. v. eclaireur;<br />

d'eclipse, (art.) loading position of a disappearing<br />

gun;<br />

fausse , in <strong>com</strong>putation, double position-<br />

(surv.) false position;<br />

defcrmeture, (art.) position of breech plug<br />

when home;<br />

aenerale, v. (administrative) generale;<br />

horsrang,( Fr.a.) status of being hors rangindividuelle,<br />

v.<br />

(administrative) individuelle;<br />

d'ouverture, (art.) position of breech plug<br />

when open;<br />

prendre une , (mil.) to take up a position;<br />

de presence, ( Fr. a. adm.) status of being on<br />

duty (present, on mission, en route);<br />

principal (de defense), ( fort.) the line of forts;<br />

de ralhement, (mil.) rallying position;<br />

de rassemblement, (mil.) point where troops<br />

collect after executing march maneuvers, in<br />

rear of the positions where they are to take<br />

<strong>com</strong>bat formation;<br />

de rendcz-vous, v. de rassemblement;<br />

de repli, (mil.) position selected in advance<br />

to fall back on if repulsed;<br />

de retraite, (mil.) position to fall back on;<br />

de route, (art.) traveling bed; traveling position<br />

(siege guns);<br />

en route, (Fr. a. adm.) status of being en<br />

route;<br />

de secours, (mil.) succoring or supporting position<br />

on line of retreat of an army;<br />

du soldat sous les armes, (mil.) (position of)<br />

attention;<br />

de soutien, (mil.) position in rear to which<br />

troops may fall back; (fort.) second line of forts;<br />

(of an intrenched camp) position<br />

to render the<br />

parts of the de <strong>com</strong>bat in enemy's hands untenable,<br />

to protect retreats, etc.;<br />

en station, ( Fr. a. adm.) status of duty (i. e.,<br />

of being at one's post of duty);<br />

de tir, (art.) firing position (esp. of siege guns);<br />

(fort.) firing position of a turret;<br />

du tireur, (inf.) firing position of the individual<br />

soldier;<br />

ze.ro, position of rest; (art.) setting of a shrapnel<br />

fuse to zero.<br />

possession, f., possession; occupation;<br />

prise de , (mil.) capture.<br />

poste, f., post house or station; stage (distance of<br />

two leagues); post, post-office; mail; (am. a.)<br />

swan shot;<br />

batiment , mail steamer;<br />

bureau de , post office;<br />

chevaux de , post horses;<br />

courir la , to travel by post;<br />

directeur de la , postmaster;<br />

directeur des s, postmaster-general;<br />

grande , general post-office;<br />

matte , v. malle-poste;<br />

militaire, (mil.) field post (office);<br />

petite , local, city, post-office;<br />

restante, general delivery, to be called for;<br />

train , (r. r.) mail tram.<br />

poste, m., post, station, employment, place; (mil.)<br />

post, any position or point occupied by troops,<br />

or where troops may be quartered; particular<br />

duty or station; post of a guard, guardhouse,<br />

guard, main guard; the garrison of a post; position<br />

taken by a line; (nav.) berth; position or<br />

post of a ship; station; (art.) post of a can-<br />

noneer at the gun;<br />

& , at home;<br />

h son , at one's post, in attendance;<br />

affaire de s, (mil.) an affair of outposts;<br />

tiaiguilles, (r. r.) operator's (switching) tower;<br />

d'alarme, (mil.) rendezvous, alarm post;

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