A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

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plat re 334 plomb platre mouline, powdered plaster; noye, thin plaster (excess of water); de Paris, plaster of Paris; (passe) au panier, coarse-sifted plaster; (passe) au sas, fine-sifted plaster; a la pelle, v. fleur de ; pierre &, de, , plaster stone; - serre, stiff plaster (mixed with but little water); au tamis de soie, finest sifted plaster; vert, underburnt plaster. platrer, v. a., to plaster; (fig.) to patch, piece up. platreux, a., chalky. platrier, m., plasterer. platrifcre, f., gypsum quarry. plein, a full, whole, entire, complete; close-worked; thorough; solid (not ho.llow); (of animals) gravid; (art.) solid (of a projectile); en air, out of doors; bois, (nav.) part of a ship above the water line; fcois 1 close-grained wood; thick forest; boulet , (art.) solid shot (obs.): en e campaigne, out in the country; en champ, in the fields; en e deroute, (mil.) completely routed; d'eau, water-logged; fouet, v. s. \.,fouet; en hiver, in the middle of winter; jarrets s, (Mpp.) broad houghs; jour , a day of 24 hours; e lune, full moon; en e marche, (mil.) in full march; e mer, mer e, v. s. v. mer; en e, mer, v. s. v., mer; mo is 1 any month containing 30 or 31 days (as distinguished from mois cave, February); ovvrages en bois, (carp.) glued work (i. e., not tenoned or doweled); e pression, (steam, etc.) full pressure; en e retraite. (mil.) in full retreat; e vitesse, full speed. plein, m., full or down stroke of a letter; beach between high and low water mark; high water; full, full part, of anything; full cargo; a , fully; absousd pur eta . honorably acquitted; avoir son , to be fully laden (ship); baltre son , (of the tide) to be at the full; d'un bois, etc., middle of a wood, etc.; dans le . en in the , middle; d'une dent, (mach.) thickness of a tooth or cog; de I'eau, high water; sur-joint, s sur joints, so as to break joints: de la lune. full of the moon; de la maree, high water; de la mer, high water; mettre dans le , mettre en , (t. p.) to hit the mark; d'un mur, mass of a wall; s des rayures, (art., sm. a.) lands; tant que vide, (in measuring areas) including windows; (mil.) with intervals. plein-cintre, m., (arc en ) Roman arch. pleine-eau, f., v. s. v., eau. plgnipotentiaire, m., plenipotentiary; ministre , minister plenipotentiary. plet, m., (cord.) fake; faux , catch fake. pleureur, v. s. v. puits. pleuvoir, v. n., to rain; (fig.) to fall, come down (as bullets, shells); d flots, to rain in torrents; par ondees, to be showery; ft seaux, v. a flots; tt verse, to rain in torrents. pleyon, m., osier; twig. pli, m., fold; bend; plait; seam (as in soldering); reentrant angle (of a building); manner of folding a letter; cover, envelope (of a letter, etc.); official paper or document; (art.) clip of a case shot; (cord.) fake, coil, bight; de cable, (harn.) fake, coil (of a cable or rope). pli cachete, (nav.) sealed orders; charniereh , v. s. v. charniere, de I'embouchure, (harn.) joint of a bit; de I'encolure, (Mpp.) bend of a horse's neck; enfermer sous le . v. mettre sous le ; filer un cable; } (cord.) to veer away some of the de manoeuvre, v. de cable; mettre un cheval dans un beau , (man.) to make a horse arch his neck; mettre sous (le) to inclose , (letters); du paturon, (hipp.) fold of the pastern; sous de , herewith, inclosed; terrain, (top.) inequality, fold, in the ground. pliable, a., flexible, bending, pliant. pliage, m., folding; de la poudre de chasse, putting up sporting powder in rolls. pliant, a., bending, flexible, pliable, supple, folding; m., folding chair, camp chair, camp stool. plier, v. a. n., to fold, fold up, do up; to bend, curve, sag, bow; to bring under; to yield, submit, give way; to lose ground; (mil.) to give way; (nav.) to run away, quit the combat (of a ship); & , folding; bagage, (mil.) to decamp; to beat a retreat; & bloc, to fold double (in plate testing); se n bloc, to bend over a block (test for various articles); un cheval, (man.) to break a horse; to bend a horse's head down to right or left, so as to give him a flexible neck; le cou d'un cheval, (man.) to give a horse a flexible neck; faire to , bend, curve; faire I'ennemi, (mil.) to force the enemy to lose ground, give way; la fortification au terrain, (fort.) to adapt a work to the site; Us jarrets, (man.) to work the hocks (i. e., to be supple in the hocks); les reins, (man.) in galloping, to bring the croup down; les tentes, (mil.) to strike camp. plieuse, f., (mach.) folding machine. plinthe, f., plinth; washboard; skirt, skirting board. plioir, m., folding knife; paper knife, pliers. plissage, m., (act of) folding. plissement, m., corrugation; creasing, plaiting, fulling. piisser, v. a., to corrugate, crease, plait. - dufer, (met.) to corrugate iron. ploc, m., (nav.) sheathing felt. ploiement, m., (mil.) ployment. ploie-ressort, m., v. ploye-ressort. plomb, m., lead; lead stamp or seal; plumb line, plumb bob; (cons.) roof lead, leads; ?lummet, sm. o.) bird shot; a , plumb, upright; aigre, hard lead; balle de , (sm. a.) leaden bullet; blanc, hard lead; white lead; blanc de , white lead; blanchi, lead mixed with tin; brule, lead ash; cendre de , (sm. a.) mustard-seed shot; de chasse, (sm. a.) bird shot; de , leaden; durci, (sm. a.) hardened lead (for bullets); feuille de , sheet of lead; sheet lead; en feuille (s), sheet lead; fila , plumb line, rule; file,.lead wire; fusible, (elec., steam) safety fuse; garnir le de sonde, (nav.) to arm the lead; grand de sonde, (nav. ) deep-sea lead; granule, (sm. a.) shot; en grains, (sm.a.) bird shot; lamine, sheet lead; rolling lead; lancer le de sonde, (nav.) to heave the lead; menu , (sm. a.) small shot;

plomb 335 poigne plomb de mer, graphite; mettre b, , to plumb, mark the perpendicular; mine de , graphite, black lead; lead ore; mineral de , lead ore; mou, soft lead; a niveau, plumb line, plummet; mason's level; noir, lead used in the arts; d'ocuvre, pig lead; argentiferous lead; d'ceuvre, leaden goods or wares; rouge, red lead; en rouleau, rolled lead ; en saumon, pig lead ; de sonde. (nay.) lead, sounding lead; de surete, (mach.) safety plug, fusible plug; entole, sheet lead; dv vitrier, came. plumbago, m., plumber's work; sealing with lead; (art., sm. a.) leading. plombagine, f., black lead, graphite, plumbago; de , plumbaginous. plombaginer, v. a., to black lead, to cover with black lead. plumbee, f., trying by plummet; (mas.) layer or course five bricks deep (in the brick facing of a concrete or rubble wall). plumber, v. a., to try, test, with a plummet; to cover with lead; to fill with lead; to affix a leaden stamp; to tamp, pack, the ground; (sm. a.) to lead the bore of a gun. plomberie, f., plumbery; plumber's shop; lead works, plumbier, m. , plumber. plumfee, f., (mas.)faire les s, to dress, trim, the face of a stone to the middle. pluugeade, f. ,(man.) plunge (of a horse). plongeant, a. , plunging; feu , (art.) plunging fire; tir , (art.) high-angle fire; vue e, view from above. plongge, (fort.) superior slope; parapet around a turret; sole of an embrasure; du parapet, dip; superior slope; tirer de, par, , (art.) to fire downward. plongement, m., dip, plunging; (r. r.) pitching of a locomotive; (nav.) pitching of a ship. plongeon, m., duck, diver; (artif.) water rocket; faire le , to duck, dive; to duck when a shot is fired; to flinch, recoil, back out. plunger, v. a. n., to plunge, dive, sink; to dip, immerse; to pitch, plunge (of a ship in a sea); to go downward, take a downward direction; to look down upon; (art.) to come down upon (of fire); to fire downward; (met. ) to quench; le coup, (art.) to depress a gun; machine a , diving bell. plungeur, m., plunger, ram; diver; diving apparatus; a., plunging; clocked, , diving bell; machine de , diving bell; piston , plunger. plut, m., short, thick, piece; (elec.) brasses of a resistance box, contact stud. pluyer, v. a. n., to fold, put up, bend, bow; (fig.) to force to submit, yield, give way; to curb; to overthrow; to yield, submit, give way; (mil.) to ploy, form into column; (carp.) to separate timbers and pile them up. ploye-ressurt, m., (sm. a.) spring iron, spring cramp. plnyeuse, f., plate-bending machine. pluyure, f.,fold. pluie, f., rani; shower; spray; battante, pelting rain, pouring rain; craint la , to be kept dry ; defeu, (artif.) rain, shower, or cascade of fire; menue, fine rain, drizzle; d'or, (artif.) golden rain; petite fine , rain, drizzle. plumail, m., feather, plume, feather brush. plumasseau, m., feather brush; pledget. plume, f.. feather; pen; quill; (unif.) plume of a cocked hat; plume bee de , nib; & dessiner, drawing pen, right-line pen; donner des s, (hipp.) to rowel; to put in a seton; en s, feathered; metallique, metallic pen; rectrice, rectrix; tuyau de , barrel of a pen. plumeau, m., pen tray; dusting brush. plumet, m., (unif.) plume; pompon of feathers; droit, (wm/.) aigrette; flottant, (unif.)long plume for a helmet, etc.; de pilote, (nav.) dogvane. plumitif, m., minute book; minutes; tenir le , to keep the minutes of the proceedings. plus(-)nffrant, m., (adm.) highest bidder. plus-value, f., gain, increase in value. pluvleux, a., rainy. pluviometre, m., rain gauge. pneu, m., (/am.) pneumatic tire (bicycle). pneumatique, a., pneumatic; f., pneumatics; m., pneumatic tire (bicycle); antiderapant, corrugated, pebble-tread, tire; machine , air pump, pneumatic engine; pompe , air pump; & talons, flanged (detachable) tire (bicycle); & triangles, wired tire (bicycle). puchade, f., rough, rapid sketch. poche, f.. pocket, pouch, sac!:; argent de , v. centimes de ; d'avoine, etc., sack of oats, etc.; centimes de , v. s. v. centime; de coulee, (met.) casting ladle, foundry ladle; & couler, (met.) crane ladle; tifer, (cav.) (spare) horseshoe bag; defonderie, (met.) casting ladle; & huile, (mach.) oil pan; de mineur, hanging compass. pochette, f., small pocket. podomfctre, m., (inst.) podometer; (farr.) horseshoe gauge. podomGtrique, a., ferrure , (farr.) horseshoe made to measure. pole, m., stove; pall (funeral); & secher, drying stove. poids, m., weight; weight (of a balance, of a clock); load, burden; absolu. absolute weight; d'une bordee, (nav. art.) weight of metal of a broadside; brut, gross weight; de charge, (steam) load of a safety valve; excedant, overweight; mobile, sliding weight (of a balance); mort, dead weight, dead load; dead freight; net, net weight; propre, v. mort; public, weigh house; remorque ; (r. r.) train; specifique, specific gravity, weight ; utile, (mach.) effective, useful, weight; (r. r.) paying freight. poignard, m., poniard, dagger; ba'ionnette, (sm. a.) dagger-bayonet; & deux tranchants, double-edged dagger. poignarder, v. a., to stab (with a dagger). puigiiee, f., handle, grip, gripe; handful; handle of an oar (nav.) steering-wheel spoke; (sw.a.)small of the stock; pistol stock; sword hilt or gripe; (art.) trail handle; breech-plug handle; stock or handle of a rapid-fire gun; d'aviron, handle of an oar; de(la) ba'ionnetle, (sm.a.) bayonet hilt; centrale, ( F. m. art.) central gripe or handle; de coffre, (art.) chest handle; en croix, cross handle; de crosse, (art.) trail handle; de culasse, (art.) breech-screw handle; d'epee, (sm. a.) sword hilt; fixe, (art.) block handle; defleche, (art.) perch handle; levier , (art.) breech-plug lever handle;

plomb 335 poigne<br />

plomb de mer, graphite;<br />

mettre b, , to plumb, mark the perpendicular;<br />

mine de , graphite, black lead; lead ore;<br />

mineral de , lead ore;<br />

mou, soft lead;<br />

a niveau, plumb line, plummet; mason's<br />

level;<br />

noir, lead used in the arts;<br />

d'ocuvre, pig lead; argentiferous lead;<br />

d'ceuvre, leaden goods or wares;<br />

rouge, red lead;<br />

en rouleau, rolled lead ;<br />

en saumon, pig lead ;<br />

de sonde. (nay.) lead, sounding lead;<br />

de surete, (mach.) safety plug, fusible plug;<br />

entole, sheet lead;<br />

dv vitrier, came.<br />

plumbago, m., plumber's work; sealing with lead;<br />

(art., sm. a.) leading.<br />

plombagine, f., black lead, graphite, plumbago;<br />

de , plumbaginous.<br />

plombaginer, v. a., to black lead, to cover with<br />

black lead.<br />

plumbee, f., trying by plummet; (mas.) layer or<br />

course five bricks deep (in the brick facing of a<br />

concrete or rubble wall).<br />

plumber, v. a., to try, test, with a plummet; to<br />

cover with lead; to fill with lead; to affix a<br />

leaden stamp; to tamp, pack, the ground; (sm.<br />

a.) to lead the bore of a gun.<br />

plomberie, f., plumbery; plumber's shop; lead<br />

works,<br />

plumbier, m. , plumber.<br />

plumfee, f., (mas.)faire les s, to dress, trim, the<br />

face of a stone to the middle.<br />

pluugeade, f. ,(man.) plunge (of a horse).<br />

plongeant, a. , plunging;<br />

feu , (art.) plunging fire;<br />

tir , (art.) high-angle fire;<br />

vue e, view from above.<br />

plongge, (fort.) superior slope; parapet around a<br />

turret; sole of an embrasure;<br />

du parapet, dip; superior slope;<br />

tirer de, par, , (art.) to fire downward.<br />

plongement, m., dip, plunging; (r. r.) pitching of<br />

a lo<strong>com</strong>otive; (nav.) pitching of a ship.<br />

plongeon, m., duck, diver; (artif.) water rocket;<br />

faire le , to duck, dive; to duck when a shot<br />

is fired; to flinch, recoil, back out.<br />

plunger, v. a. n., to plunge, dive, sink; to dip, immerse;<br />

to pitch, plunge (of a ship in a sea); to<br />

go downward, take a downward direction; to<br />

look down upon; (art.) to <strong>com</strong>e down upon (of<br />

fire); to fire downward; (met. ) to quench;<br />

le coup, (art.) to depress a gun;<br />

machine a , diving bell.<br />

plungeur, m., plunger, ram; diver; diving apparatus;<br />

a., plunging;<br />

clocked, , diving bell;<br />

machine de , diving bell;<br />

piston , plunger.<br />

plut, m., short, thick, piece; (elec.) brasses of a resistance<br />

box, contact stud.<br />

pluyer, v. a. n., to fold, put up, bend, bow; (fig.)<br />

to force to submit, yield, give way; to curb; to<br />

overthrow; to yield, submit, give way; (mil.)<br />

to ploy, form into column; (carp.) to separate<br />

timbers and pile them up.<br />

ploye-ressurt, m., (sm. a.) spring iron, spring<br />

cramp.<br />

plnyeuse, f., plate-bending machine.<br />

pluyure, f.,fold.<br />

pluie, f., rani; shower; spray;<br />

battante, pelting rain, pouring rain;<br />

craint la , to be kept dry ;<br />

defeu, (artif.) rain, shower, or cascade of fire;<br />

menue, fine rain, drizzle;<br />

d'or, (artif.) golden rain;<br />

petite fine , rain, drizzle.<br />

plumail, m., feather, plume, feather brush.<br />

plumasseau, m., feather brush; pledget.<br />

plume, f.. feather; pen; quill; (unif.) plume of a<br />

cocked hat;<br />

plume bee de , nib;<br />

& dessiner, drawing pen, right-line pen;<br />

donner des s, (hipp.) to rowel; to put in a seton;<br />

en s, feathered;<br />

metallique, metallic pen;<br />

rectrice, rectrix;<br />

tuyau de , barrel of a pen.<br />

plumeau, m., pen tray; dusting brush.<br />

plumet, m., (unif.) plume; pompon of feathers;<br />

droit, (wm/.) aigrette;<br />

flottant, (unif.)long plume for a helmet, etc.;<br />

de pilote, (nav.) dogvane.<br />

plumitif, m., minute book; minutes;<br />

tenir le , to keep the minutes of the proceedings.<br />

plus(-)nffrant, m., (adm.) highest bidder.<br />

plus-value, f., gain, increase in value.<br />

pluvleux, a., rainy.<br />

pluviometre, m., rain gauge.<br />

pneu, m., (/am.) pneumatic tire (bicycle).<br />

pneumatique, a., pneumatic; f., pneumatics; m.,<br />

pneumatic tire (bicycle);<br />

antiderapant, corrugated, pebble-tread, tire;<br />

machine , air pump, pneumatic engine;<br />

pompe , air pump;<br />

& talons, flanged (detachable) tire (bicycle);<br />

& triangles, wired tire (bicycle).<br />

puchade, f., rough, rapid sketch.<br />

poche, f.. pocket, pouch, sac!:;<br />

argent de , v. centimes de ;<br />

d'avoine, etc., sack of oats, etc.;<br />

centimes de , v. s. v. centime;<br />

de coulee, (met.) casting ladle, foundry ladle;<br />

& couler, (met.) crane ladle;<br />

tifer, (cav.) (spare) horseshoe bag;<br />

defonderie, (met.) casting ladle;<br />

& huile, (mach.) oil pan;<br />

de mineur, hanging <strong>com</strong>pass.<br />

pochette, f., small pocket.<br />

podomfctre, m., (inst.) podometer; (farr.) horseshoe<br />

gauge.<br />

podomGtrique, a., ferrure , (farr.) horseshoe<br />

made to measure.<br />

pole, m., stove; pall (funeral);<br />

& secher, drying stove.<br />

poids, m., weight; weight (of a balance, of a clock);<br />

load, burden;<br />

absolu. absolute weight;<br />

d'une bordee, (nav. art.) weight of metal of a<br />

broadside;<br />

brut, gross weight;<br />

de charge, (steam) load of a safety valve;<br />

excedant, overweight;<br />

mobile, sliding weight (of a balance);<br />

mort, dead weight, dead load; dead freight;<br />

net, net weight;<br />

propre, v. mort;<br />

public, weigh house;<br />

remorque ; (r. r.) train;<br />

specifique, specific gravity, weight ;<br />

utile, (mach.) effective, useful, weight; (r. r.)<br />

paying freight.<br />

poignard, m., poniard, dagger;<br />

ba'ionnette, (sm. a.) dagger-bayonet;<br />

& deux tranchants, double-edged dagger.<br />

poignarder, v. a., to stab (with a dagger).<br />

puigiiee, f., handle, grip, gripe; handful; handle of<br />

an oar (nav.) steering-wheel spoke; (sw.a.)small<br />

of the stock; pistol stock; sword hilt or gripe;<br />

(art.) trail handle; breech-plug handle; stock or<br />

handle of a rapid-fire gun;<br />

d'aviron, handle of an oar;<br />

de(la) ba'ionnetle, (sm.a.) bayonet hilt;<br />

centrale, ( F. m. art.) central gripe or handle;<br />

de coffre, (art.) chest handle;<br />

en croix, cross handle;<br />

de crosse, (art.) trail handle;<br />

de culasse, (art.) breech-screw handle;<br />

d'epee, (sm. a.) sword hilt;<br />

fixe, (art.) block handle;<br />

defleche, (art.) perch handle;<br />

levier , (art.) breech-plug lever handle;

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