A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

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ambulance 12 amorce ambulance de gare, r. r. station hospital; cares for sick and wounded in transit; de quartier general, ambulance at corps headquarters, (serves as a sort of reserve); de tranchee, (siege) ambulance established in trenches during attacks. ambulancier, m.. (mil.) hospital attendant; (also) attendant in civilian ambulance. ame, f., (art., sm. a.) bore; (cord.) core (of a cable); (fond.) core (of a mold); (fort.) interior part of a fascine; (cons.) web (of a rail, girder, of channeliron, T -beams, plate-beams, etc.), vertical plate or brace of iron; (artif.) core, or filling, of a quick or other match; (sm. a.) hollow (cylindrical) of breech-casing (Lebel); de chargement, (art.) loading-tube; fausse , (art.) loading-hole of the Krupp fermeture; fausse de chargement, (art.) loading-tube; fond de I' , (sm. a., art.) bottom of the bore; lisse, (art.) smooth bore; rayee, (art.) rifled bore. amelioration, f., improvement, bettering; de la hausse, (art.) correction of the elevation, in ranging. ameliorer, v. a., to better, correct: Za hausse, (art.) to correct the elevation, in ranging. amelotte, f., v. allumelle. amenageinent, m., selection, etc., of trees for cutting and felling; (mil., Fr. a.) any labor undertaken by engineers to prepare rooms, etc., to furnish arm-racks, breadboards, etc., for the service of troops. amenager, v. a., to alter; to regulate the felling of trees; to saw up, cut up a log into lumber, amende, f., fine; money penalty (of a contractor); frapper d' , to impose a fine. amener, v. a., to bring up, on; to lead, to take; (cord.) to lower, to ease off; (nav.) to haul down, strike (colors). I'avant-train, (art.) to limber up, (esp.) to limber rear: I'avant-train en avant, (art.) to limber front; en douceur, en paquet, to lower handsomely; pavilion, son pavilion (nav.) to strike one's colors; & retour, to lower with a turn (around a cleat, etc.); un signal, to haul down a signal; I'un par I'autre, to bring into one (as two masts). amer, m., beacon, sea- or land-mark. ameublemeiit, m., generic term for furniture in barracks, headquarters, etc. ameublir, v. a., to loosen earth (as with a pick); to make the ground soft by turning over the surface. ameulonner, v. a., to stack hay, etc. amiunte, m., fibrous asbestos, amianthus; earth flax; mountain flax. amiantlne, f ., (art.) cartridge-bag cloth; toile , (art.) cartridge-bag cloth. amidogene, m., (expl.) amidogen. amidon, m.. starch; nitre, (expl.) Uehatius white powder. aminci, m., any thin part of a device, mechanism (i. e., any part that has been reduced in thickness, that is thinner than adjacent parts); circulate (or simply aminci), (sm. a.) circular chamfer in breech end of barrel, corresponding to seat of extractor. amincir, v. a., to thin, to reduce in thickness. amincissement, m., thinning, reduction of thickness; tactique, (mil.) term used to describe the gradual loss of depth of formation of troops, due to effectiveness of modern fire. amiral, m., (nav.) admiral; flagship; contre , rear-admiral; vaisseau , flagship; vice , vice-admiral, amiraute. L. (nav.) admiralty; bureau d; V , admiralty, admiralty office. ammoniacal, a., (chem.) ammoniacal. ammoniadynamite, f., (expl.) amidogen, ammoniadynamite. ammoiiiagelatine, f., (expl.) ammoniagelatine. ammoniaque, f., (chem.) ammonia. amiiistie, f., amnesty. amnistier, v. a., to grant an amnesty. amoise, f., (carp.) tie, brace, binding-piece. amolette, f., v. allumelle. amont, m. the , height from which a river or stream flows, i. e., higher level with respect to mouth or to any point below the one considered; d' , en , upstream; ancre d' , (pont.) upstream anchor; vent d' , land breeze. amorcage, m., priming, action of priming; starting (of a pump, a dynamo) ; (sm . a.) action of seating a primer in a cartridge case; (in gen.) action of fitting a primer (as, e. g., to a mine, a torpedo, etc.); priming charge; primer-holder. amorce, f., beginning, outline, sketch; (art., artif., mil., min., expl., sm. a.) primer, priming; fuse. I. Fuse; II. Beginning, indication. I. Fuse. & . . . ., primer to detonate a given explosive; one containing a given ingredient, e. g., & dynamite, to detonate dynamite; au fulminate de mercure, one containing mercury fulminate; d'dme, (mil. min.) central primer, one in contact with the core (Ame) of a Bickford or other fuse; boite d' , (torp., etc.) primer or detonator casing, box, or tube; bouchon d' , (torp.) fuse-plug; branche d' , fuse- wire, fuse-lead; d, broche, (sm. a.) pin primer (obs.); sans bruler une , (mil.) without firing a shot; cable d' , (torp.) fuse-cable; Canouil, (art.) priming for French canon & balles: - chimique, chemical fuse; dree, pellet primer, wax-primer; composee, (art.) a primer or priming in which fire is communicated to a secondary igniting charge; couvre- , (sm. a.) primer cover; . electrique, (art., etc.) electric primer or fuse; aetincelles, (elec.) high-tension fuse; d fil continU; low-tension, quantity fuse; CL fil discontinu, high-tension fuse; b, fil metallique, low-tension, quantity fuse; & fil de platinum, low-tension, quantity fuse; ti friction, (art., etc.) friction primer; friction primer composition; fulminante, any fulminating primer; galvanique, quantity fuse, wire-bridge fuse, low-tension fuse; d'induction, high-tension, induction fuse; mecanique, mechanical fuse (percussion, friction, etc.); des pares du genie, French service fuse; d, percussion, percussion primer; & percussion centrale, (sm. a.) primer; center-fire porte peripherique, (sm. a.) rim-fire primer; , (art.) central channel (of a fuse); pyrotechnique, (mil., min., etc.) pyrotechnic fuse (like Bickford, etc.); de quantite, low-tension, quantity fuse; simple, (art.) fuse that communicates fire dl rectly to bursting charge; de tension, high-tension fuse; fuse hole; trou d' , (torp.) tube d' , (torp.) fuse;, primer-casing; voltatque, low-tension fuse. (According to some writers, amorce is a fuse to explode gunpowder, while detonateur is used for high explosives. But this distraction is not observed.)

amorce 13 angle II. Beginning, indication, etc.: amorce d'araignee, (mil., min.) opening or entrance of a branch gallery; de course, (top., surv.) indication, sketching in, of parts of contours; de galerie, (mil., min.) opening of a gallery; de glacis, (fort, drawing) indication of parts near covered way (remainder omitted); de lamett canon, (sm. a.) scarf; de lamette (de palonnier), (art.) loop of swingletree cramp; de parallele, (siege) break, breaking out of parallels; de pont, shore end or fastening of a ponton bridge; de rameau, (mil., min.) opening or entrance of a branch gallery; d'un systeme de mines, (fort.) beginning of a system of mines for permanent fort, to be completed when needed. amorcer, v. a., to start, sketch out, lay down a beginning; to start (a pump, an injector); to scarf; (sm. a.) to prime a cartridge case, to seat a primer in its case; (art.) to insert friction primer, to prime a gun; (in gen.) to prime (a torpedo, etc.); (mil.) to decoy, to make a feint; (elec.) to start a dynamo; s' , (elec.) of the magnetic field, to build up (e. g., la machine s'amorce). amorceur, m., primer. amorsoir, m., wimble, auger; (mach.) centerpunch; (art., etc.) small box for holding primers. amorphe, a., amorphous. amortir, v. a., to deaden, lessen (an effort, shock, velocity); to settle, take up, a debt, obligation, etc.; to damp (a magnetic needle). amortissement, m., deadening, settling; damping (of a needle); taking up of an obligation; settlement, as of war expenses, etc.; voie d' , (mil.) (of promotion) absorption, e. g., where two vacancies are needed to make one pfoinotion, etc. amour, m., (sm. a.) small portion of iron attached to socket of bayonet, to which neck is welded. amovible, a., removable; held during pleasure. ampere, m., (elec.) ampere. ampere-heure, m., (elec.) ampere-hour. amperemetre, m., (elec.) ammeter, amperemeter. ampliation, f., copy, duplicate, of a receipt, of any document; pour "true copy" (the chief of staff countersigns "pour ampliation," which is " thus like official," U. S. A.). amplitude, f., (ball.) obsolete term for portle (range); (art.) limit of elevation, of traversing, of a gun; du pointage en hauteur, limit of elevation; de pointage lateral, limit of traversing for guncarriage; de pointage vertical, v. en hauteur, supra. ampoule, f., water-blister; (met.) blister (in steel), blowhole; (elec.) bulb, globe, of an incandescent light. ampoule, a., (met.) blistered, of steel. ampouiette, f., hour-glass; truncated cone of soft wood, serving as fuse-case, (obs.). amputation, f., amputation. ampute, m., man who has lost a leg or arm by amputation. amputer, v. a., to amputate. anallatique, a., (opt.) anallatic. anallatiseur, a., (opt.) anallatizing. anallatisme, m. (opt.) anallatism. analyse, f., analysis; analytical mathematics; chimique, chemical analysis; spectrale, spectrum analysis. analyseur, m., (opt.) analyzer (polarized light). anamorphose,f., (top.) anamorphicview or image. anche, f., reed (of musical instruments). .en, a., ancient, old; for ienior; m., (mil.) oldster; moins que, (mil.) junior to; plus que, (mil.) senior to; le plus , (mil.) the ranking (officer, etc.); le plus dans le grade le plus eleve, (mil.) the ranking officer. anciennete, f., (mil.) seniority; ill', by seniority; absolue, lineal rank; avancement & r avancer , d I' promotion. to be promoted, by seniority; classement d' , lineal list; de - grade, dans le grade, relative rank in a grade; Uste d' , lineal list; minima, minimum length of service in a grade before promotion to next higher; de service, length of service, seniority by length of service. ancrage, m., anchorage, anchoring; cramping down; anchoring, mooring, of a bridge caisse d' , (pont.) box filled with stones, etc., for anchoring a bridge; panier d' , basket anchor, wicker anchor. ancre, f., anchor; grappling-iron; stay; iron brace; an S; d'amont, (pont.) upstream anchor; articulee, anchor with movable arms; d'aval, (pont.) downstream anchor; de ballon, balloon anchor; grapnel; borgne, one-armed anchor, mooring anchor; de bossoir, bower; de branchage, brushwood anchor; cordage d' , cable, mooring rope; & demeure, mooring anchor; de detroit, stream anchor; engagee, foul anchor; de flot, flood anchor; flottante. drag sail; grande, best bower; dejet, small bower; dejusant, ebb anchor; de mistricorde, sheet anchor; mouiller I' naud d' , cable clinch; orin d' , buoy line of anchor; & pattes mobiles, anchor with movable arms; , to cast anchor. repecher I' , to weigh anchor; - sarpee. anchor fouled by the flukes; surjaUe, anchor fouled by the stock; surpattee, anchor fouled by the flukes; de terre, shore anchor; de touee , kedge anchor ; deveille, sheet anchor. ancre-chatne, f., balloon anchor or grapnel, consisting of several small anchors in series on same rope. ancrer, v. a. n., to anchor, cast anchor, grapple. andaillot, m., hank, grommet, ring. ane, m., ass, donkey; (tech.) trestle, horse; dos d' , (top.) sharp ridge. anee,f.> ass load. anemograph*, m., anemograph. anemoinfctre, anemometer, wind-gauge; (mach.) draught-gauge. anemoscope, m., wind-gauge. anem-HuetrograpIie, m., instrument for measuring the direction, force, and velocity of wind. anro'ide, m., aneroid, aneroid barometer. anfractuositt, f., (top.) indentation (of a coast). anglaiser, v. a., (hipp.) to dock a horse's tail. angle, m., angle; corner. I. Artillery, ballistics, and small arms; II. Fortification; III. Technical and miscellaneous. I. Artillery, ballistics, etc. d'abaissement, (ball.) angle of negative jump; negative jump;

amorce 13 angle<br />

II. Beginning, indication, etc.:<br />

amorce d'araignee, (mil., min.) opening or entrance<br />

of a branch gallery;<br />

de course, (top., surv.) indication, sketching<br />

in, of parts of contours;<br />

de galerie, (mil., min.) opening of a gallery;<br />

de glacis, (fort, drawing) indication of parts<br />

near covered way (remainder omitted);<br />

de lamett canon, (sm. a.) scarf;<br />

de lamette (de palonnier), (art.) loop of swingletree<br />

cramp;<br />

de parallele, (siege) break, breaking out of<br />

parallels;<br />

de pont, shore end or fastening of a ponton<br />

bridge;<br />

de rameau, (mil., min.) opening or entrance<br />

of a branch gallery;<br />

d'un systeme de mines, (fort.) beginning of a<br />

system of mines for permanent fort, to be <strong>com</strong>pleted<br />

when needed.<br />

amorcer, v. a., to start, sketch out, lay down a beginning;<br />

to start (a pump, an injector); to scarf;<br />

(sm. a.) to prime a cartridge case, to seat a<br />

primer in its case; (art.) to insert friction primer,<br />

to prime a gun; (in gen.) to prime (a torpedo,<br />

etc.); (mil.) to decoy, to make a feint; (elec.)<br />

to start a dynamo;<br />

s' , (elec.) of the magnetic field, to build up<br />

(e. g., la machine s'amorce).<br />

amorceur, m., primer.<br />

amorsoir, m., wimble, auger; (mach.) centerpunch;<br />

(art., etc.) small box for holding primers.<br />

amorphe, a., amorphous.<br />

amortir, v. a., to deaden, lessen (an effort, shock,<br />

velocity); to settle, take up, a debt, obligation,<br />

etc.; to damp (a magnetic needle).<br />

amortissement, m., deadening, settling; damping<br />

(of a needle); taking up of an obligation;<br />

settlement, as of war expenses, etc.;<br />

voie d' , (mil.) (of promotion) absorption,<br />

e. g., where two vacancies are needed to make<br />

one pfoinotion, etc.<br />

amour, m., (sm. a.) small portion of iron attached<br />

to socket of bayonet, to which neck is welded.<br />

amovible, a., removable; held during pleasure.<br />

ampere, m., (elec.) ampere.<br />

ampere-heure, m., (elec.) ampere-hour.<br />

amperemetre, m., (elec.) ammeter, amperemeter.<br />

ampliation, f., copy, duplicate, of a receipt, of any<br />

document;<br />

pour "true copy" (the chief of staff countersigns<br />

"pour ampliation," which is<br />

"<br />

thus like<br />

official," U. S. A.).<br />

amplitude, f., (ball.) obsolete term for portle<br />

(range); (art.) limit of elevation, of traversing,<br />

of a gun;<br />

du pointage en hauteur, limit of elevation;<br />

de pointage lateral, limit of traversing for guncarriage;<br />

de pointage vertical, v. en hauteur, supra.<br />

ampoule, f., water-blister; (met.) blister (in steel),<br />

blowhole; (elec.) bulb, globe, of an incandescent<br />

light.<br />

ampoule, a., (met.) blistered, of steel.<br />

ampouiette, f., hour-glass; truncated cone of soft<br />

wood, serving as fuse-case, (obs.).<br />

amputation, f., amputation.<br />

ampute, m., man who has lost a leg or arm by<br />

amputation.<br />

amputer, v. a., to amputate.<br />

anallatique, a., (opt.) anallatic.<br />

anallatiseur, a., (opt.) anallatizing.<br />

anallatisme, m. (opt.) anallatism.<br />

analyse, f., analysis; analytical mathematics;<br />

chimique, chemical analysis;<br />

spectrale, spectrum analysis.<br />

analyseur, m., (opt.) analyzer (polarized light).<br />

anamorphose,f., (top.) anamorphicview or image.<br />

anche, f., reed (of musical instruments).<br />

.en, a., ancient, old; for<br />

ienior; m., (mil.) oldster;<br />

moins que, (mil.) junior to;<br />

plus que, (mil.) senior to;<br />

le plus , (mil.) the ranking (officer, etc.);<br />

le plus dans le grade le plus eleve, (mil.) the<br />

ranking officer.<br />

anciennete, f., (mil.) seniority;<br />

ill', by seniority;<br />

absolue, lineal rank;<br />

avancement & r avancer , d I' promotion.<br />

to be promoted, by seniority;<br />

classement d' , lineal list;<br />

de -<br />

grade, dans le grade, relative rank in a<br />

grade;<br />

Uste d' , lineal list;<br />

minima, minimum length of service in a<br />

grade before promotion to next higher;<br />

de service, length of service, seniority by<br />

length of service.<br />

ancrage, m., anchorage, anchoring; cramping<br />

down; anchoring, mooring, of a bridge<br />

caisse d' , (pont.) box filled with stones, etc.,<br />

for anchoring a bridge;<br />

panier d' , basket anchor, wicker anchor.<br />

ancre, f., anchor; grappling-iron; stay; iron brace;<br />

an S;<br />

d'amont, (pont.) upstream anchor;<br />

articulee, anchor with movable arms;<br />

d'aval, (pont.) downstream anchor;<br />

de ballon, balloon anchor; grapnel;<br />

borgne, one-armed anchor, mooring anchor;<br />

de bossoir, bower;<br />

de branchage, brushwood anchor;<br />

cordage d' , cable, mooring rope;<br />

& demeure, mooring anchor;<br />

de detroit, stream anchor;<br />

engagee, foul anchor;<br />

de flot, flood anchor;<br />

flottante. drag sail;<br />

grande, best bower;<br />

dejet, small bower;<br />

dejusant, ebb anchor;<br />

de mistricorde, sheet anchor;<br />

mouiller I'<br />

naud d' , cable clinch;<br />

orin d' , buoy line of anchor;<br />

& pattes mobiles, anchor with movable arms;<br />

, to cast anchor.<br />

repecher I'<br />

, to weigh anchor;<br />

- sarpee. anchor fouled by the flukes;<br />

surjaUe, anchor fouled by the stock;<br />

surpattee, anchor fouled by the flukes;<br />

de terre, shore anchor;<br />

de touee , kedge anchor ;<br />

deveille, sheet anchor.<br />

ancre-chatne, f., balloon anchor or grapnel, consisting<br />

of several small anchors in series on same<br />

rope.<br />

ancrer, v. a. n., to anchor, cast anchor, grapple.<br />

andaillot, m., hank, grommet, ring.<br />

ane, m., ass, donkey; (tech.) trestle, horse;<br />

dos d' , (top.) sharp ridge.<br />

anee,f.> ass load.<br />

anemograph*, m., anemograph.<br />

anemoinfctre, anemometer, wind-gauge; (mach.)<br />

draught-gauge.<br />

anemoscope, m., wind-gauge.<br />

anem-HuetrograpIie, m., instrument for measuring<br />

the direction, force, and velocity of wind.<br />

anro'ide, m., aneroid, aneroid barometer.<br />

anfractuositt, f., (top.) indentation (of a coast).<br />

anglaiser, v. a., (hipp.) to dock a horse's tail.<br />

angle, m., angle; corner.<br />

I. Artillery, ballistics, and small arms;<br />

II. Fortification; III. Technical and miscellaneous.<br />

I. Artillery, ballistics, etc.<br />

d'abaissement, (ball.) angle of negative jump;<br />

negative jump;

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