A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

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pingard 326 piquet pincard, m. , horse that wears his shoe fast at the toe; (man.) rider that sits tight, with a firm seat. pince, f., pinchers; pliers; nippers; clamp screw; clamp; pinch bar, crowbar; toe or wedge (of a lever) or pinch bar; tongs; hold, square, of a handspike; trowsers clip (bicycle); purchase; twibill; (fan.) toe (of a horseshoe); (hipp.) pincher, foretooth; toe of the foot; (r. f. art.) clip, catch (Maxim automatic 25 mm.); b amor $ age, (expl.) fuse pliers, cutters, or pinchers; ^ d 1 assemblage, riveting flange, shoulder, or rim (French boiler); automatique, ( Fr. art.) automatic fuse punch; avoir de la , (wan.) to sit tight ; en bois, vise chops, vise claws, vise clamps; b cliches, (phot.) platelifter; b cote, side-cutting pliers; b coulant, pin-tongs, sliding tongs; coupante, cutting pliers; bcouper, cutting pliers; b couper et b sertir, cutting and crimping pliers; b crochet, small hooked lever; debouchoir, (art.) adjustable fuse pinchers, fuse punch; b aeclic, tongs of a pile driver; b desamorcer, (sm. a.) unpriming pliers or pinchers, unpriming machine (reloading tool); b double cran, cutting and crimping pliers (for Bickford and other fuses); deferb cheval, (fan.) toe; b fil defer, wire pinchers; deforgeron, smith's tongs; b fusee, (art.) fuse drawer; a goupille, pin pliers; levier, pinch bar; b main plate coupant de cote, side-cutting flatnose pliers; de manoeuvre, pinch bar, iron handspike; de mineur, (mil. min.) miner's crowbar; mlleton, (art.) spring clip (for the peep of a sight); b oreilles, round-nosed pliers; pantalon, trowsers clip (bicycle); petites s, tweezers; b pied de biche, claw handspike; plate, flat-nose(d) pliers; pressante et coupante, cutting and pressing pliers; de pression, clamp (as on a sextant, etc.); b ressort, spring pliers, spring catch; a synonym of iziUeton; b riper, crow or pinch bar; b sertir, crimping pliers; tire-culot, (art.) cartridge-head extractor or pinchers (canon b balles, etc.): tire-etoupilles, (art.) primer-case extractor or pinchers; tire-goupille, pin extractor; de treillageur, wire pliers (lattice maker's); b trois branches, (elec.) three-legged tongs; b vis, hand vise. pince, p. p., (of a lever) caught, pinched, under a load, weight, etc. pinceau, m., brush; (mil. slang) broom; (of balloons, in pi.) the two pencils of cords to which the car is directly attached; bgoudron, b goudronner, tar brush; b peindrej paint brush. pince-balle, m., (sm. a.) bullet nippers; (art.) hotshot nippers (obs.). pince-dur, m., (mil. slang) an adjudant. plncer, v. a., to pinch, nip, hold fast, press; screw (man.) feel, press, gently with spur le vent, (nav.) to go close to the wind. pincette, f., pinchers, nippers; (in pi.) tones, fire tongs, small nippers, tweezers; ronde, round pliers, round-nose pliers. pincebeck, m., pinchbeck. piiicon, m., (fan.) clip. pinne, f., (fort.) spear of chevaux defrise. pinnule, f., (imt.) vane, sight vane; sight; pinnule b crin, slotted, slit sight; objective, object vane; oculaire, eye vane; b ozilletons, aperture sight. pioche, f., pickax; pick, mattock; (slang) hard study; cramming for examination; (at the Polytcchniquc) serious application to mathematics; aux gazons, (fort.) sod mattock; du genie, ( Fr. eng.) a pick of special model, used by engineer troops; b marteau, stone pick; portative, (mil.) portable pick; temps de , (slang) examination time. piocher, v. a., to dig; (slang) to study hard; v. n., (mach.) said of a fly wheel, the upper part of which turns from the steameylinders; son examen, (slang) to cram for an examination; I'x, (slang) to apply one's self to mathematics, to "bone math" (U. S. M. A.). piocheur, m., digger; man who uses a pick; (slang) hard student, grind. pionnage, m., (mil.) pioneering. pionnier, m., (mil.) pioneer. pioupiou, m., (slang) familiar term for an infantrymen; "doughboy" (U. S. A.); "Tommy Atkins" (British army), pipette, f., pipette. pipo(t), m., (mil. slang.) the Ecole Polytechnique; a cadet of the Polytechnique. pique, f., pike; poker; d'abordage, (nav.) boarding pike. pique, p. p., (of wood) worm-eaten; (steam) pitted (of a boiler); (met.) pitted; (mas.) pointed and drafted (of the face of a stone); (substantively) a pointed and drafted stone; moellon , v. s. v. moellon; de vers, worm-eaten. pique-chasse, m., (artif.) awl. pique-feu, m., poker. piquer, v. a., to prick, prick through; to interweave; to backstitch; to puncture; to prick off; (man.) to spur a horse; (carp.) to mark out (work); Zes absents, to note absentees; Za chaudiere, (steam.) to scale a boiler; un cheval, (man.) to spur a horse; (fan.) to drive a nail into the quick; Za cloche, v. I'heure; des deux, (man.) to clap both spurs to a horse; I'heure, (nav.) to strike bells; I'horloge, v. I'heure; du nez, (of a torpedo) to turn out of the course; Za mazette, (/aw.) to be poorly mounted, to ride a poor horse; une pierre, (mas.) to point a stone; en rape, (sm. a.) to checker a gunstock; le vent, (nav.) to go close to the wind. piquet, m., picket (small stake), peg, holdfast, stake; tent peg; (cav., etc.) picketing post; (surv.) sighting, alignment, stake; (fort., siege) tracing picket; (mil.) picket, detachment; (more specially) detachment or party holding itself in readiness to turn out at a moment's notice for any duty whatsoever, or for duty other than duty by roster, e. g., for an extraordinary guard; (in the field) so much of the fraction on duty for the day as is not on post, men off post; picket (military punishment, so called, obs.), extra duty (U. S. M. A.); d'ancrage, anchoring, mooring, picket; anet, (art.) stake (for the carriage of the canon-revolver); d' attache, picket pin; au , (miZ.) on picket; standing in one place as a punishment; (call) prisoners, turn out! de campement, (mil.) tent peg; commander de , (mil.) to detail, so as to be ready at a moment's notice; de cour d'assise, (Fr. law) detachment of troops furnished a law court, when requested by latter;

piquet 327 piston piquet, de , (mil.') ready to turn out at a moment's notice (as the quarter of the grand' garde, the remainder resting); directeur, (fort.) directing picket; clre au , (mil.) to be on picket; to be standing in one place as a punishment; d'execution, (mil.) firing party (execution) ; faire le . to stand still in one place; ferre, shod picket; former en , to picket; frette, hooped picket; de gabion, (fort.) gabion stake; ft gradins, (sm. a.) firing rest; ft larder, (siege) fascine picket; lever le , to decamp, strike camp; ft menlonnet, (fort.) anchoring, fascine, picket; petit , (mil.) sharpened stake by way of obstacle (in plural, generally); planter le , to encamp, pitch a tent; de plateforme, (art.) securing stake; de reperage, (art. ) direction stake, steel pin or peg used in the reperage of a piece; de relraile, holdfast; (siege) fascine picket; sabote, shod picket; de service en cas d'incendie, (mil.) fire picket; support, (art.) equipment picket or stake (siege battery); de tenon de manceuvre, (art.) securing picket > de tente, tent peg; de terre, (leleg.) reel picket; ft tracer, (top., fort. ) tracing picket. plquetage, (mil.) planting small pickets as obstacles; (fort.) staking out the lines or trace of a work. piqueter, v. a., to stake out (a line); to fasten by means of pickets; to picket; (fort.) to trace; (carp.) to mark out (the work); des fascines, (fort.) to picket or secure fascines; les gazons, (fort.) to picket down'sods. piqueur, m., overseer; stud groom, horse breaker; outrider; d'ecurie, head groom. piqure, f., prick, pricking; puncture; worm hole; backstitching; (farr.) pricking; (met.) pitting; de ver, worm hole (in wood). pirate, m., pirate. piraterie, f., piracy. pirogue, f., canoe. piron, m., (mach.) pin, pivot; lower gudgeon of a vertical shaft. pirouette, f., (man.) pirouette, circle; sur les epaules, circle on the forehand; sur les hanches. circle on the hind quarters; militaire, circle whose vertical axis passes through center of the saddle; ordinaire, v. sur les epaules; renversee, v. sur les hanches. plrouetter, v. n. , (man.) to circle. pis6, m. pise; clay, rammed earth; pis6 work; (met.) lining material (ganister, fire clay) for converters, etc.; en , in, of, beaten earth. piser, v. a., to do pis work; to construct en pise. pissalphalte, m., pissasphaltum, mineral tar. piss6e, f., (met.) slag duet or channel. piste, f., track, trace; (gym., etc.) cinder path; (man.) longing ring, race track; track of a horse at work; double, (man.) double trace or trail, marked by both fore and hind quarters at the same time; marcher d'une , (man.) to make one trace (hind follow fore quarters); marcher de deux s. (man.) to make a double trace (quarters on different but parallel tracks); simple, (man.) single trace or trail. plster, v. r., (man.) (of the horse) to trail himself (in the gallop, to plant one foot of the rear biped on same cross line as diagonally opposite anterior). plsteur, m., follower (in a flight of pigeons). plstolct, m., (sm. a.) pistol; (arl.) pistol grip and appurtenances of a rapid-fire gun; (mtw.)liead, point, or borer of an earth auger, of a mine auger, of a boring bar; appreter le , (sm. a.) to cock the pistol; d'arc.on, (sm. a.) horse pistol; double, (sm. a.) double-barreled pistol (obs.); faire le coup de , (mil.) of a trooper, to leave the ranks and challenge the enemy to single combat; haut le , (sm. a.) raise pistol (position); de mine, (min.) borer or drill of an earth auger or of a mine auger; de mineur, v. de mine; de petardement, (min.) drilling bar; de poche, (sm.-a.) pocket pistol; & repetition, (sm. a.) magazine pistol; replacer le , (sm. a.) to return pistol; revolver, revolver; signaleur, signal pistol. plstolier, m., good pistol shot. piston, m., (mach.) piston, sucker, forcer, plug, bucket, etc.; (sm. a.) tube, nipple (obs.); follower (of a tubular magazine); aspirant, valve piston; ft basse pression, low-pressure piston; ft brasses, piston with a brush packing; cercle de , piston ring; de chargement, (r. f. art.) loading piston (Hotchkiss); clapet de , piston clapper; clef de , piston key; collerette du grand , duplicate piston ring; compensates, valve-balance piston; coquille du , piston crosshead; corps du , piston body; coup de , piston stroke; couronne de , junk ring; course du , length of stroke of piston; couvercle du , piston cover; du cylindre a vapeur, steam piston; deplaceur, (Stirling's hot-air engine) driving piston; ft disques, leather-packed piston; distribution & , piston-valve motion; a double effet, double-action piston; ft double tige, piston with two rods; detoupage, packed piston; ft etoupage de chanvre (metallique), hemppacked (metallic) piston; expansif, expansive piston; defermeture, (sm. a.) piston fermeture; fore, v. perfore; hfourreau, trunk piston; garniture de , piston packing; ft garniture de chanvre, hemp-packed piston; ft garniture melallique, metallic piston; grand steam , piston; guide de la tige du , piston-rod guide; ft haute pression, high-pressure piston; intermediaire, intermediate-pressure piston; jeu de , length of stroke of a piston, travel; levee de , piston stroke; marche de , length of piston stroke; metallique, metallic piston; moteur, main piston; perce, perce ft jour, v. perfore; perfore, hollow piston, perforated piston; plaque de ; piston packing; plein, solid piston; plongeur, plunger, ram, ram plunger; pneumatique, dashpot of the Corliss engine; de pompe, sucker; bucket; de pompe foulante, forcer; presse-etoupes de , pisiton stuffing box; ft pression intermediaire, intermediate pressure piston; queue de , tailpiece of a piston;

piquet 327 piston<br />

piquet, de , (mil.') ready to turn out at a moment's<br />

notice (as the quarter of the grand'<br />

garde, the remainder resting);<br />

directeur, (fort.) directing picket;<br />

clre au , (mil.) to be on picket; to be standing<br />

in one place as a punishment;<br />

d'execution, (mil.) firing party (execution) ;<br />

faire le . to stand still in one place;<br />

ferre, shod picket;<br />

former en , to picket;<br />

frette, hooped picket;<br />

de gabion, (fort.) gabion stake;<br />

ft gradins, (sm. a.) firing rest;<br />

ft larder, (siege) fascine picket;<br />

lever le , to decamp, strike camp;<br />

ft menlonnet, (fort.) anchoring, fascine,<br />

picket;<br />

petit , (mil.) sharpened stake by way of<br />

obstacle (in plural, generally);<br />

planter le , to encamp, pitch a tent;<br />

de plateforme, (art.) securing stake;<br />

de reperage, (art. ) direction stake, steel pin<br />

or peg used in the reperage of a piece;<br />

de relraile, holdfast; (siege) fascine picket;<br />

sabote, shod picket;<br />

de service en cas d'incendie, (mil.) fire picket;<br />

support, (art.) equipment picket or stake<br />

(siege battery);<br />

de tenon de manceuvre, (art.) securing picket ><br />

de tente, tent peg;<br />

de terre, (leleg.) reel picket;<br />

ft tracer, (top., fort. ) tracing picket.<br />

plquetage, (mil.) planting small pickets as obstacles;<br />

(fort.) staking out the lines or trace of<br />

a work.<br />

piqueter, v. a., to stake out (a line); to fasten<br />

by means of pickets; to picket; (fort.) to trace;<br />

(carp.) to mark out (the work);<br />

des fascines, (fort.) to picket or secure fascines;<br />

les gazons, (fort.) to picket down'sods.<br />

piqueur, m., overseer; stud groom, horse breaker;<br />

outrider;<br />

d'ecurie, head groom.<br />

piqure, f., prick, pricking; puncture; worm hole;<br />

backstitching; (farr.) pricking; (met.) pitting;<br />

de ver, worm hole (in wood).<br />

pirate, m., pirate.<br />

piraterie, f., piracy.<br />

pirogue, f., canoe.<br />

piron, m., (mach.) pin, pivot; lower gudgeon of a<br />

vertical shaft.<br />

pirouette, f., (man.) pirouette, circle;<br />

sur les epaules, circle on the forehand;<br />

sur les hanches. circle on the hind quarters;<br />

militaire, circle whose vertical axis passes<br />

through center of the saddle;<br />

ordinaire, v. sur les epaules;<br />

renversee, v. sur les hanches.<br />

plrouetter, v. n. , (man.) to circle.<br />

pis6, m. pise; clay, rammed earth; pis6 work;<br />

(met.) lining material (ganister, fire clay) for<br />

converters, etc.;<br />

en , in, of, beaten earth.<br />

piser, v. a., to do pis work; to construct en pise.<br />

pissalphalte, m., pissasphaltum, mineral tar.<br />

piss6e, f., (met.) slag duet or channel.<br />

piste, f., track, trace; (gym., etc.) cinder path;<br />

(man.) longing ring, race track; track of a horse<br />

at work;<br />

double, (man.) double trace or trail, marked<br />

by both fore and hind quarters at the same<br />

time;<br />

marcher d'une , (man.) to make one trace<br />

(hind follow fore quarters);<br />

marcher de deux s. (man.) to make a double<br />

trace (quarters on different but parallel tracks);<br />

simple, (man.) single trace or trail.<br />

plster, v. r., (man.) (of the horse) to trail himself<br />

(in the gallop, to plant one foot of the rear<br />

biped on same cross line as diagonally opposite<br />

anterior).<br />

plsteur, m., follower (in a flight of pigeons).<br />

plstolct, m., (sm. a.) pistol; (arl.) pistol grip and<br />

appurtenances of a rapid-fire gun; (mtw.)liead,<br />

point, or borer of an earth auger, of a mine<br />

auger, of a boring bar;<br />

appreter le , (sm. a.) to cock the pistol;<br />

d'arc.on, (sm. a.) horse pistol;<br />

double, (sm. a.) double-barreled pistol (obs.);<br />

faire le coup de , (mil.) of a trooper, to leave<br />

the ranks and challenge the enemy to single<br />

<strong>com</strong>bat;<br />

haut le , (sm. a.) raise pistol (position);<br />

de mine, (min.) borer or drill of an earth<br />

auger or of a mine auger;<br />

de mineur, v. de mine;<br />

de petardement, (min.) drilling bar;<br />

de poche, (sm.-a.) pocket pistol;<br />

& repetition, (sm. a.) magazine pistol;<br />

replacer le , (sm. a.) to return pistol;<br />

revolver, revolver;<br />

signaleur, signal pistol.<br />

plstolier, m., good pistol shot.<br />

piston, m., (mach.) piston, sucker, forcer, plug,<br />

bucket, etc.; (sm. a.) tube, nipple (obs.); follower<br />

(of a tubular magazine);<br />

aspirant, valve piston;<br />

ft basse pression, low-pressure piston;<br />

ft brasses, piston with a brush packing;<br />

cercle de , piston ring;<br />

de chargement, (r. f. art.) loading piston<br />

(Hotchkiss);<br />

clapet de , piston clapper;<br />

clef de , piston key;<br />

collerette du grand , duplicate piston ring;<br />

<strong>com</strong>pensates, valve-balance piston;<br />

coquille du , piston crosshead;<br />

corps du , piston body;<br />

coup de , piston stroke;<br />

couronne de , junk ring;<br />

course du , length of stroke of piston;<br />

couvercle du , piston cover;<br />

du cylindre a vapeur, steam piston;<br />

deplaceur, (Stirling's hot-air engine) driving<br />

piston;<br />

ft disques, leather-packed piston;<br />

distribution & , piston-valve motion;<br />

a double effet, double-action piston;<br />

ft double tige, piston with two rods;<br />

detoupage, packed piston;<br />

ft etoupage de chanvre (metallique), hemppacked<br />

(metallic) piston;<br />

expansif, expansive piston;<br />

defermeture, (sm. a.) piston fermeture;<br />

fore, v. perfore;<br />

hfourreau, trunk piston;<br />

garniture de , piston packing;<br />

ft garniture de chanvre, hemp-packed piston;<br />

ft garniture melallique, metallic piston;<br />

grand steam , piston;<br />

guide de la tige du , piston-rod guide;<br />

ft haute pression, high-pressure piston;<br />

intermediaire, intermediate-pressure piston;<br />

jeu de , length of stroke of a piston, travel;<br />

levee de , piston stroke;<br />

marche de , length of piston stroke;<br />

metallique, metallic piston;<br />

moteur, main piston;<br />

perce, perce ft jour, v. perfore;<br />

perfore, hollow piston, perforated piston;<br />

plaque de<br />

; piston packing;<br />

plein, solid piston;<br />

plongeur, plunger, ram, ram plunger;<br />

pneumatique, dashpot of the Corliss engine;<br />

de pompe, sucker; bucket;<br />

de pompe foulante, forcer;<br />

presse-etoupes de , pisiton stuffing box;<br />

ft pression intermediaire, intermediate pressure<br />

piston;<br />

queue de , tailpiece of a piston;

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