A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

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perspectif i>erspectif, a., perspective; , plan plane of the picture, prospective plane. perspective, f., perspective; perspective drawing; aerienne, aerial perspective; cavaliere, cavalier-perspective; lineaire, linear perspective; speculative, science of perspective; & vol d'oiseau, bird's-eye view; en vue accidentelle, oblique perspective; en vue deface, parallel perspective. perte, f., loss; loss (of a battle, position, town, of men, of a ship); waste; escape (of heat, etc.); ruin; ccnsee totale, (nav.) constructive total loss; de charge, (tech.) loss of pressure; (elec.) waste (as in the circuit); de courant, (elec.) current leakage; s graves, (mil.) serious, heavy, losses; s legeres, (mil.) slight losses; par les supports, (elec.) weather contact; a la tcrre, (elec. ) ground leakage; totale, (nav.) total loss; & de vue, as far as the eye can reach. pcrtuis, m., hole; ward of a key; hole or opening of a screw plate; waste, drain hole (of a basin, etc.); drain; sluice; opening for boats in a dike or levee; strait (between two islands, between an island and the mainland); narrow channel in, to, or about a harbor; (in France) rapids of the Seine; narrow part (of a river navigable by flushing only, point where the retaining dam is established); (top.) col; (met.) tap hole. perturbateur, a., perturbating, disturbing. perturbation, f., perturbation; disturbance; de V aiguille, perturbation of the needle; atmospherique, atmospheric disturbance. pesade, f., (man.) rearing of a horse, pesade; de chevre, pesade in which the horse does not bend his fore legs under him. pesage, m., weighing; weigning in. pesant, m., horse that does not rise easily on his fore legs. pesant, a., heavy, ponderous; slow, sluggish; cheval , horse sluggish, heavy, in front; cheval d la main, hard-mouthed horse, horse that bears on the bit; grain , 1 vent , heavy wind. pesanteur, f., weight; gravity, force of gravity; - specifique, specific gravity; universelle, universal gravitation. pese-acide, m., (chem.) acidomoter, acid densimeter. pesfie, f., weighing, weight; amount weighed at one and the same time; effort made with a lever; pull down on a rope; faire une , to bear down on a lever, to take a purchase. pfcse-esprit, m., alcoholmeter. pdse-lettres, m., letter scale. pfcse-liqueur, m., areometer; hydrometer. pese -papier, m., paper weight. peser, v. a. n., to weigh, to weigh in; to bear hard; to press; to be heavy; to lie, hang, heavy on; (cord.) to haul down on a rope; (fig.) to weigh, consider; sur un (inspect, to bear down on a handspike; bascule it, pour, , weighing machine; brut, to weigh gross; fort, to bear hard, heavily, on; sur un levier, to bear down on a lever; machined,, pour. , weighing machine; & la main, (man.) to pull on the bit; sur une manoeuvre, (cord.) to pull or haul on a rope; net, to weigh net. pe.se-sel, m., salinometer. peson, m., steelyard; i contre-poids, steelyard; dressort, spring balance. pesse, f., Norway pine. peste, f., pestilence, plague. de guerre, typhus fever. 320 phare pfetard, m., (artif.) petard, cartridge; (r. r.) torpedo; (mm.) blast hole; d' amorce, (artif.) the primed petard (in a charge of several); de cavalerie, (mil.) demolition cartridge carried by cavalry; de circonstance, (mil.) any petard or torpedo made on the spot out of any material at hand; de dynamite, etc., (expl.) dynamite, etc., pour e'coles hfeu, (art.) a petard or cartridge to simulate burst of shell on strike; de mines, (mm.) blast hole (made by ex- plosives); de poudre, (artif.) (black) powder petard. pgtardement, m., act, action, of blasting, or of destroying by explosives; (min.) blasting; trou de , (mm.) blast hole. petarder, v. a., (mil., min.) to blast, to blow up; to destroy, demolish, by blasting. petardeur, m., petard worker or thrower. pfetardier, v. petardeur. peterolle, f., (artif.) cracker. pfcte-sec, m., (mil. slang) martinet. pfctiUement, m., crackling; (sm. a.) crackling of musketry. petiller, v. n., to crackle (of a fire, of musketry, etc.). petit, a., small, short, little, insignificant; autel, flue bridge; s bois, v. s. v. bois; equipement, v. equipement; etat-major, v. ** etat-major; e guerre, v. s. v. guerre; e monture, v. s. v. monture; pied, (hipp.) coffin bone. petit-cheval, m., (mach.) donkey engine; alimentaire, (steam) feed-water donkey engine; compresseur, donkey compressor. petits-vivres, m. pi., (mil.) a generic term for salt, sugar, coffee, dried vegetables, etc. pgtralite, f., (expl.) petralite. pfetrin, m., kneading trough, pug mill. petrir, v. a., to knead (dough, clay); to mold, form, make. pfctrissage, m., pfetrissement, m., kneading. pgtrofracteur, m., (expl.) petrofracteur. petrole, m., petroleum, mineral oil. petrolerie, f., (rock-)oil refinery. petrolier, m., tank steamer. peuplade, f., colony; tribe. peuple, m., people, nation; host, throng, crowd. peuplier, m., poplar (tree and wood); blanc, white poplar; franc, black poplar; de Hollande, v. grisard; grisard, gray poplar; noir, v. franc; pyramidal, Lombardy poplar; - tremble, aspen. peur, f., fear. peureux, a., timorous; cheval , skittish, shying, horse. phalange, f., joint (of a finger, a toe); (hipp.) phalanx; deuxieme , (hipp.) cornet bone, coronary or - small pastern bone; premiere , (hipp.) great pastern bone, fetterbone; troisieme , (hipp.) coffin bone. phalangette, f., (hipp.) coffin bone. phalaiigien, m., (hipp.) phalanx. phalangine, f., (hipp.) cornet bone. phare, m., light-house; alternatif, alternating light (red and white lights without eclipse); droits de , light dues; electrique, electric light-house; (fort.) electric-light observatory or observing station; & eclats, flash light; to, feu fixe, steady light; fixe to, eclats, flash light (the flash being preceded or followed by short eclipses); flottant, light-ship;

phare 321 ptece pharc, gardien de , light-house keeper; intermittent, intermittent light; tovrnant, revolving light (the intensity of the light increases and decreases gradually). pharillon, m., small light-house. pharmacie, f., pharmacy, medicine chest, dispensary of a hospital; sPapprovisionnement, ( Fr. a .)depot of medical supplies; distributing pharmacy; portative, hospital medicine chest; regionale, (Fr. a.) analyzing, distributing, inspecting pharmacy for each corps d'armee not provided with a military hospital. pharmacien, m., apothecary; (mil.) military apothecary; militaire, (Fr. a.) military apothecary; the grades, with their assimilation, are as follows: inspecteur, general de brigade; principal de lere (2eme) classe, colonel (lieutenant-colonel) ; major de lere (Seme) classe, major (captain); aide-major de lere (Seme) classe, lieutenant (sublieutenant). phase, f., phase; (elec.) phase; decalage, difference, de , (elec.) phase; difference of retard de , (elec.) retardation of phase; d'un signal, (top.) the phase or appearance of a target, due to light and shaJe, to the nature of background, etc. phe'nique, a., (chem.) phenic. phenol, m., (chem.) phenol. phenylamiae, f., (chem.) aniline. phlfibite, f., (hipp.) phlebitis. phonographe, m., phonograph. phonometre, m., phonometer. phonoscope, m., phonoscope. phonoteiemetre, phonotelemeter. phosphore, m., phosphorus; arnorphe, amorphous, red, phosphorus; bronze, (met.) phosphor bronze; rouge, v. amorphe. photo-avertisseur, m., (r. r.) device telling whether a signal lantern is out or not. photocollographie, f., photocollography. photocopie, f., (phot.) positive, print. photo-electrique, a., photo-electric. photogene, m., photogen. photographe, m., photographer. photographic, f., photograph, photography; sur bois, photography on wood; instantanec, instantaneous photograph; s vitrifiees, enamels. photographier, v. a., to photograph. photogravure, f., photogravure; directe, line and half-tone block making; demercurc, mercurography; sur zinc, zincography. photo-incision,f., processof making gelatine plates. photolithographic, f., photolithography. 1 photolithographic! , v. a., to photolithograph. photolivre, m., (phot.) book camera. photomgeaniqu, a., photomechanical. photometre, m., photometer ; de dispersion, dispersion photometer. photometric, f., photometry. photomicrographie, f., photomicrography. photophone, m., photophone. photoretardographe, m., (ball.) photoretardograph. photoscope, m., v. photo-avertisseur. phototelegraphe, m., telephote. phototeiegraphie, f., telephotography. phototype, m., phototype. phototypie, f., phototypy. phototypographie, f., phototypography. phototypogravure, f., line and half-tone block making. photozincographle, f., photozincography. 3877 17 21 phrase, f., phrase; d'armes, (fenc.) a saccession of blows given and taken without interruption. physique, f., physics. piaffemcnt, m., pawing the ground (of horses). piaffer, v. a., (of a horse) to paw the ground; (man.) to execute the piaffer, q. v. piaffer, m., (man.) piaffer (air in which the diagonal bipeds are alternately raised and lowered without advancing or backing); depite, a mincing piaffer: espagnol, Spanish walk (i. e., the piaffer well marked); grand passage, an air consisting of the passage, without advancing (the motions being ample, clean cut, and well separated). piaffeur, a., pawing the ground (of a horse); (hence) m., a stately horse (one that paws the ground). piano, m.,jouer du , (man., slang) to have disunited gaits. pic, m., pickax, pick, bush hammer; (top.) very high, steep mountain; ft , perpendicular; (nav.) a-peak; cdtea , bold, bluff, shore; tifeu, (met.) poker; afeuille de sauge, (mm.) miner's pick for sand and gra, el; hoyav, mattock; grubbing pick; d'infanterie, (mil.) portable pickax; ft roc, miner's pick; rock pick; ft roc ft tete, poll pick; ft rocher, v. ft roc; ft tete, poll pick; ft tranches, mattock; ft tranche eta pointe, double pick (i. e., with a point and with a chisel edge). picoche, m., scaling hammer. picolet, m., clamp, bolt clamp; holdfast. picoree, f., plundering, marauding. picorer, v. a., to plunder, maraud, go plundering. picoreur, m., plunderer, freebooter, marauder. picot, m., pointed hammer; splinter left on a stump, etc., not cut completely through; (mm.) wedge used in the framing of a mine shaft. picotage, m., (mm.) wedging of a mine shaft. picoter, v. a., (man.) to prick, spur lightly, to feel with the spur; (mm.) to wedge the framing of a mine shaft. picotin, m., peck, feed of oats, feed measure. picrate, m., (chem.) picrate. picrique, a., (chem.) picric; acide (expl, etc.) picric acid. pie, f., magpie; (hipp.) piebald, calico, horse; nid de , (fort. ) lodgment in angle of bastion or of demilune or ravelin. pie, a., (hipp.) piebald; (pie may be followed by the name of the color which, with the white, produces the piebald effect); bai, piebald horse more white than bay; bai , piebald hore more bay than white; cheval , piebald horse. piece, f., piece, part (as of a clock, of a machine); fragment, bit; cask, barrel; piece of money, coin; apartment, room; apiece, each, (adm., etc.) document, voucher; (carp.) piece of wood 6' x 6" x 6" (sort of unit of measure); (met.) a shingled bloom; (mach.) the work; (cons.) half tile, half a roofing slate; (art.) gun, piece, cannon; (more rarely ) gun and carriage, gun and limber, more especially, in France) subdivision of a field battery on a war footing (the first six pieces have charge each of a gun and caisson, the seventh of three caissons, the eighth of the forge, etc., and the ninth 01 the baggage and supply wagon); the men serving several siege or fortress guns; any group of cannoneers. I. Artillery, etc. ; II. Miscellaneous. I. Artillery, etc.: sur affut d' aviso, swivel gun; sur affut marin, (nav. art.) gun OB truck carriage (obs.); a'alarme, alarm gun; ft time lisse, smoothbore gun; ft dme ruyee, rifle; d'arret, (sm. a.) stop; cut-off;

perspectif<br />

i>erspectif, a., perspective;<br />

, plan plane of the picture, prospective plane.<br />

perspective, f., perspective; perspective drawing;<br />

aerienne, aerial perspective;<br />

cavaliere, cavalier-perspective;<br />

lineaire, linear perspective;<br />

speculative, science of perspective;<br />

& vol d'oiseau, bird's-eye view;<br />

en vue accidentelle, oblique perspective;<br />

en vue deface, parallel perspective.<br />

perte, f., loss; loss (of a battle, position, town, of<br />

men, of a ship); waste; escape (of heat, etc.);<br />

ruin;<br />

ccnsee totale, (nav.) constructive total loss;<br />

de charge, (tech.) loss of pressure; (elec.) waste<br />

(as in the circuit);<br />

de courant, (elec.) current leakage;<br />

s graves, (mil.) serious, heavy, losses;<br />

s legeres, (mil.) slight losses;<br />

par les supports, (elec.) weather contact;<br />

a la tcrre, (elec. ) ground leakage;<br />

totale, (nav.) total loss;<br />

& de vue, as far as the eye can reach.<br />

pcrtuis, m., hole; ward of a key; hole or opening<br />

of a screw plate; waste, drain hole (of a basin,<br />

etc.); drain; sluice; opening for boats in a dike<br />

or levee; strait (between two islands, between<br />

an island and the mainland); narrow channel<br />

in, to, or about a harbor; (in France) rapids of<br />

the Seine; narrow part (of a river navigable<br />

by flushing only, point where the retaining<br />

dam is established); (top.) col; (met.) tap hole.<br />

perturbateur, a., perturbating, disturbing.<br />

perturbation, f., perturbation; disturbance;<br />

de V aiguille, perturbation of the needle;<br />

atmospherique, atmospheric disturbance.<br />

pesade, f., (man.) rearing of a horse, pesade;<br />

de chevre, pesade in which the horse does not<br />

bend his fore legs under him.<br />

pesage, m., weighing; weigning in.<br />

pesant, m., horse that does not rise easily on his<br />

fore legs.<br />

pesant, a., heavy, ponderous; slow, sluggish;<br />

cheval , horse sluggish, heavy, in front;<br />

cheval d la main, hard-mouthed horse, horse<br />

that bears on the bit;<br />

grain , 1<br />

vent , heavy wind.<br />

pesanteur, f., weight; gravity, force of gravity;<br />

-<br />

specifique, specific gravity;<br />

universelle, universal gravitation.<br />

pese-acide, m., (chem.) acidomoter, acid densimeter.<br />

pesfie, f., weighing, weight; amount weighed at<br />

one and the same time; effort made with a<br />

lever; pull down on a rope;<br />

faire une , to bear down on a lever, to take a<br />

purchase.<br />

pfcse-esprit, m., alcoholmeter.<br />

pdse-lettres, m., letter scale.<br />

pfcse-liqueur, m., areometer; hydrometer.<br />

pese -papier, m., paper weight.<br />

peser, v. a. n., to weigh, to weigh in; to bear hard;<br />

to press; to be heavy; to lie, hang, heavy on;<br />

(cord.) to haul down on a rope; (fig.) to weigh,<br />

consider;<br />

sur un (inspect, to bear down on a handspike;<br />

bascule it, pour, , weighing machine;<br />

brut, to weigh gross;<br />

fort, to bear hard, heavily, on;<br />

sur un levier, to bear down on a lever;<br />

machined,, pour. , weighing machine;<br />

& la main, (man.) to pull on the bit;<br />

sur une manoeuvre, (cord.) to pull or haul on<br />

a rope;<br />

net, to weigh net.<br />

pe.se-sel, m., salinometer.<br />

peson, m., steelyard;<br />

i contre-poids, steelyard;<br />

dressort, spring balance.<br />

pesse, f., Norway pine.<br />

peste, f., pestilence, plague.<br />

de guerre, typhus fever.<br />

320<br />

phare<br />

pfetard, m., (artif.) petard, cartridge; (r. r.) torpedo;<br />

(mm.) blast hole;<br />

d' amorce, (artif.) the primed petard (in a<br />

charge of several);<br />

de cavalerie, (mil.) demolition cartridge carried<br />

by cavalry;<br />

de circonstance, (mil.) any petard or torpedo<br />

made on the spot out of any material at hand;<br />

de dynamite, etc., (expl.) dynamite, etc.,<br />

pour e'coles hfeu, (art.) a petard or cartridge<br />

to simulate burst of shell on strike;<br />

de mines, (mm.) blast hole (made by ex-<br />

plosives);<br />

de poudre, (artif.) (black) powder petard.<br />

pgtardement, m., act, action, of blasting, or of<br />

destroying by explosives; (min.) blasting;<br />

trou de , (mm.) blast hole.<br />

petarder, v. a., (mil., min.) to blast, to blow up;<br />

to destroy, demolish, by blasting.<br />

petardeur, m., petard worker or thrower.<br />

pfetardier, v. petardeur.<br />

peterolle, f., (artif.) cracker.<br />

pfcte-sec, m., (mil. slang) martinet.<br />

pfctiUement, m., crackling; (sm. a.) crackling of<br />

musketry.<br />

petiller, v. n., to crackle (of a fire, of musketry,<br />

etc.).<br />

petit, a., small, short, little, insignificant;<br />

autel, flue bridge;<br />

s bois, v. s. v. bois;<br />

equipement, v. equipement;<br />

etat-major, v. **<br />

etat-major;<br />

e guerre, v. s. v. guerre;<br />

e monture, v. s. v. monture;<br />

pied, (hipp.) coffin bone.<br />

petit-cheval, m., (mach.) donkey engine;<br />

alimentaire, (steam) feed-water donkey<br />

engine;<br />

<strong>com</strong>presseur, donkey <strong>com</strong>pressor.<br />

petits-vivres, m. pi., (mil.) a generic term for<br />

salt, sugar, coffee, dried vegetables, etc.<br />

pgtralite, f., (expl.) petralite.<br />

pfetrin, m., kneading trough, pug mill.<br />

petrir, v. a., to knead (dough, clay); to mold, form,<br />

make.<br />

pfctrissage, m., pfetrissement, m., kneading.<br />

pgtrofracteur, m., (expl.) petrofracteur.<br />

petrole, m., petroleum, mineral oil.<br />

petrolerie, f., (rock-)oil refinery.<br />

petrolier, m., tank steamer.<br />

peuplade, f., colony; tribe.<br />

peuple, m., people, nation; host, throng, crowd.<br />

peuplier, m., poplar (tree and wood);<br />

blanc, white poplar;<br />

franc, black poplar;<br />

de Hollande, v. grisard;<br />

grisard, gray poplar;<br />

noir, v. franc;<br />

pyramidal, Lombardy poplar;<br />

-<br />

tremble, aspen.<br />

peur, f., fear.<br />

peureux, a., timorous;<br />

cheval , skittish, shying, horse.<br />

phalange, f., joint (of a finger, a toe); (hipp.)<br />

phalanx;<br />

deuxieme , (hipp.) cornet bone, coronary or<br />

- small pastern bone;<br />

premiere , (hipp.) great pastern bone, fetterbone;<br />

troisieme , (hipp.) coffin bone.<br />

phalangette, f., (hipp.) coffin bone.<br />

phalaiigien, m., (hipp.) phalanx.<br />

phalangine, f., (hipp.) cornet bone.<br />

phare, m., light-house;<br />

alternatif, alternating light (red and white<br />

lights without eclipse);<br />

droits de , light dues;<br />

electrique, electric light-house; (fort.) electric-light<br />

observatory or observing station;<br />

& eclats, flash light;<br />

to, feu fixe, steady light;<br />

fixe to, eclats, flash light (the flash being preceded<br />

or followed by short eclipses);<br />

flottant, light-ship;

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