A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

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pas 312 passe-port 'mse, Engli - de Whitworth, Whitworth thread. III. Miscellaneous: d'dne, C.ipp.) bit to keep horse's mouth open for examination; balling iron; (harn,) sharp bit for a horse, sharp bridle bit; (sm. a.) basket hilt; (fort.) "stepped" ramp for pedestrians and pack animals; en artiere, (Mpp.) breeding back; un en arriere (avant), (few.) in bayonet exercise, advance (retire); avoir le sur, to have the precedence of; de Calais, Straits of Dover; de clerc, Blunder, mistake; de cog, (Mpp.) springhalt; double en arritre (avant), (fenc.) front (rear) pass (bayonet exercise); un & droite (gauche), (fenc.) right (left) step (bayonet exercise); faire un, des, en arriere, to step back; faux , stumble, misstep; mistake; geometrique, geometrical pace of 5 feet; & grands , rapidly; marcher & comptes, to walk slowly and in a dignified manner; marcher d, grands (petits) , (/me.) or retire by long (short) steps; to advance mauvais , bad place or obstacle in a road; mc.iurage au , (top.) measuring by pacing; mesurer au , (top.) to measure by pacing; metriquc, pace assumed equal to 1 meter; outils de toutes sortes de , tools of all sizes; de porte$ step stone, stone sill of a door; de souris, (fort.) pas de souris, small steps (in permanent works) between the ditch and the covered way. passade, f., (fenc.) thrust, passade; (man.) passade. passage, m., passage, passing (as of a column); transit, crossing; voyage (beyond seas), passage, passage money, fare; road, way, thoroughfare, ferry; arcade, gallery; passage (short corridor); strait; undercut of a vehicle; (r. r.) crossing; (mil.) crossing, passage (of a stream, defile, ditch, etc.); transfer (as from active army to reserve, from one regiment to another); (art.) track or print of a projectile; passing, handling, of ammunition (as from magazine to gun); (man.) sort of trot (action well marked and cadenced); balise, buoyed channel; barrer le , to stop the way, stand in the way; bateau de , ferryboat; de bateau, boat-crossing of a stream; (top.) representation of a boat-crossing on map; Hindi, (siege) covered or protected passage in batteries and trenches; d'un chemin defer, railroad crossing; ficontre-bord, (nav.) broadside on; de , in transit; temporary; en dessous (dessus), (r. r.) street crossing under (over) a railway; donner h, to give vent to; de Uflamme, (met.) fire bridge; d'une formation to, une autre, (mil.) passage from one formation to another; de fosse, (siege) passage of the ditch; sefrayer un , to break one's way through; gagner son to work , one's passage; garder le to , maintain, keep, the pass or passage; sur la glace, passage on ice; grand developpe, (man.) an air consisting of the passage highly developed; & gue , fording (of a river) ; instrument de s, (astr.) transit; lieu de f thoroughfare; de la ligne, crossing of the line (equator); de munitions, (nav.) ammunition passage; a la nage, passage by swimming; &, de, niveau, (r. r.) grado crossing; point de , (top.) ool; prixde _ ^ _ de rivie're, (mil.) passage, crossing, of a river; passage de roues, undercut of a vehicle; des tangles, (Mpp.) girth (i. e., part of body around which girth passes); par St. Cyr, etc., training, education, at St. Cyr, etc.; souterrain, underground passage; systeme de , (mil.) system in which officers serve first in one and then another arm, in the staff, etc., (as opposed to systeme de carriere, q. v.); de vapeur, (steam) steam-passage, -way. passager, v. a. n., (man.) to passage. passager, m., passenger; de I'avant, steerage passenger; b, la chambre, cabin passenger; de I'entrepont, 'tween-decks passenger; de pont, deck passenger. passant, m., crosscut saw; (/tarn.) keeper; (unif.) shoulder-knot loop or keeper; coulant, (harn.) sliding keeper or loop; d'epaulettes, (unif.) keeper, binder; fixe, (harn.) fixed loop; mobile, v. coulant. passation, f., (adm.) conclusion or accomplishing of a bargain, contract, etc. passavant, m., permit (to pass goods through a custom-house) . passe, f., pass, situation, case, state; small channel, fairway, entrance of a harbor; loop, keeper (e. g., a leather loop to hold a file against a wall); (fenc.) pass; (cord.) end strand, passing through the eye in making a splice; turn (of a mooring); (harn.) loop or binder; (mach., met.) pass; d'attaque, (mach.) working pass; d'un cordage, (cord.) turn of a rope (over a pulley, in a knot, etc.); d'ebauchage, (mach.) rough-shaping pass; de finissage, (mach.) finishing or shaping pass; defleuve, channel; mesure de , (fenc.) position such that the two blades can cross near the point; mot de , (mil.) password; nccud de , v. s. v. naud. passe-appareil, m., (cord.) whip line; passe-balle, m., (sm. a.} bullet gauge (obs.). passe-bombe, m., (art.) shell gauge (obs.). passe-boulet, m., (art.) shot gauge (obs.). passe-campane, m., (Mpp.) capped hock. passe-canal, m., canal ferry. passe-cbeva!, m., horse ferry. passe-corde, m., (harn.) drawing awl. passe-cordon, m , large needle for thread or string. passe-coudes, m., gauntlet. passe-debout, m., permit for passage of goods through a city without payment of octroi dues. passe-droit, m., (mil.) injustice done to anyone by promoting a junior ever him; overslaughing. passee, f., passage (of troops); track. passe-lacet, m., bodkin. passement, m., ?ace, trimming; dejam.be, (gym.) cut-off (rings); de pied en avant (arribre), step to the iront (rear) (French boxing). passementerie, f., lace, trimmings. passe-mfeteil, m., maslin (two-thirds wheat, onethird rye). passe-parole, m., (mil.) word passed from mouth to mouth, from the head to the tai 1 oi a column. passe-montagne, m., sort of headdress (either a knitted woolen shawl wrapped around the head and neck or a cap pulled down over the passe-partout, in., master key, pass key; large crosscut saw, keyhole saw, pad saw; passpoit; (mil. r. r.) short (0.25^) piece of track, used (in the DecauVIlle system) to connect two tracks end to end; de batterie, (Fr. art.) long crosscut saw. passe-poil, m., (unif.) piping; welting, welt. passe-port, m., passport; pass; sea letter; de navigation, sea letter; visa d'un , indorsement of a passport; viser un , to indorse a passport.

passer 313 patente passer, v. a. n., to pass, pass up, hand, go, clear; to cross, go across, take across; to perish; to put on; to exceed; to present one's sen; to take, pass, an examination; to sift; (cord.) to reeve, put on, run, pass; ft, (mil.} lo join (as a battery or regiment); sur son adversaire, to close with one's adversary; un amarrage, (cord.) to pass a lashing; par les armes, (mil.) to shoot, to be shot, to execute by shooting; I'armeh gauche, (mil. slang) to die; & Varrtere, (nav.) to pass astern; en arriere (avant), (fenc.) to retire (advance); par les baguettes, to run the gauntlet; to compel a man to run the gauntlet; sous le beaupre, (nav.) to pass under the bows; un billet b, I'ordre de quelqu'un, to make a check payable to the order of; au bleu, jaune, etc., (met.) to temper up to blue, yellow, etc.; le cable, (cord.) when a knot or lashing (as, for example, in two ropes lashed together) comes to the blocks, to untie, etc., so that the cable may pass; cipitzine, general, (mil.) to become captain, general, etc.; ft un conseil de guerre, (mil.) to go before a court-martial: un control, to draw up, make, a contract; h contre, (cord.) to reeve the wrong way; sur le corps ft une armee, (mil.) to defeat an army; par les courroies, (caw.)torunthegauntlet,to cause to run the gauntlet; par dessus le bord, (nav.) to pass over the rail; devant, to have precedence of; h I'encre, to ink a drawing; hl'ennemi, (mil.) to desert to the enemy; par lefcr, par lefil de I'epee, (mil.) to be destroyed, put to death; au fil de I'epee, (mil.) to put to the sword; d'une formation ft une autre, (mil.) to pass from one formation to another; les garants d'un palan, (cord.) to reeve a tuclle, fall, etc.; d'un graded, un autre, (mil.) to be promoted; par tous les grades, (mil.) to go, pass, through all grades; & gue, to ford (a river); un habit, to put on a coat; un homme a un officier, (mil.) to allow an officer to have a man (soldier) as a servant; .1'inspection, (mil.) to inspect; b, la main, to pass along by hand; au large, to go around; une manceuvre, (cord.) to reeve a rope; un marche, to ma.;e a contract or purchase; b, la nage to swim (a river); au noir, (fond.) to black wash; -outre, v. s. v. outre; un palan, (cord.) to reeve a tackle; en palanfranc, (cord.) to reeve a tackle (said of manifold blocks , where fall first goes through end sheave); sur le pied de guerre (de paix), (mil.) to pass to a war (peace) footing; -- les poudres, to pass cartridges on or up to gun; a poupe, (nav.) to pass close astern; avec la protection de Mme. Bcrger-Levrault, (mil. slang) to be promoted by seniority; de la queue b, la tftc, (mil.) to become the head from the tail of the column; en revue, (mil.) to review, inspect; to be reviewed, inspected; la revue de, (mil.) to review (a given regiment, etc.); une revue, (mil.) to hold a review, an inspection; une riviere b, gue, to ford a river; par St. Cyr, etc., to go through St. Cyr, etc.; au tamis, to sift; Us torons, (cord.) to splice; passer dessus un vaisseau, (nav.) to run a vessel down ; au vent, (nav.) to pass to windward; sous le vent, (nav.) to pass to leeward; svr le -centre a une armee, (mil.) to defeat an paries verges, v. par les baguettes; la visite de, to inspect ; une visite, to mal.e an inspection. passerelle, f., foot bridge, bridge (of a ship); gang de commandement, (nav.) captain's bridged' 'entree, (nav.) gangway; flottante, floating gang plank; roulante, (pont.) light briclre on axle and wheels for passing very slight streams; de viqie, (nav.) lookout bridge; volante, (nav.) connecting bridge. passeresse, f., (cord.) ship line, lace. passe-riviere, m., sort of raft, used to cross a ri-er rapidly. passeur, m., ferryman. passe-violet, m.^(met.) violet tempering color. passe-volant, m., (mH.) man falsely mustered or enlisted, false muster, false enlistment. passibilite, f., liability (to trial, punishment, etc.). passible, a., liable to; r- d'un conseil de guerre, (mil.) liable to trial by court-martial; de la peine da mort, punishable with death. passif, a., passive; (fort.) organized or prepared for protection merely (as an obstacle, abattis. shelter, etc.); abri , (fort.) mere shelter; commerce , excess of imports over exports. passoire, f., strainer; bird-shot mold. pastel, m., crayon, pastel; pastel drawing; au, en, in , crayon ; dessiner au , to draw in crayon; peindre en , v. dessiner au ; ''''

pas 312 passe-port<br />

'mse, Engli<br />

- de Whitworth, Whitworth thread.<br />

III. Miscellaneous:<br />

d'dne, C.ipp.) bit to keep horse's mouth<br />

open for examination; balling iron; (harn,)<br />

sharp bit for a horse, sharp bridle bit; (sm. a.)<br />

basket hilt; (fort.) "stepped" ramp for pedestrians<br />

and pack animals;<br />

en artiere, (Mpp.) breeding back;<br />

un en arriere (avant), (few.) in bayonet<br />

exercise, advance (retire);<br />

avoir le sur, to have the precedence of;<br />

de Calais, Straits of Dover;<br />

de clerc, Blunder, mistake;<br />

de cog, (Mpp.) springhalt;<br />

double en arritre (avant), (fenc.) front (rear)<br />

pass (bayonet exercise);<br />

un & droite (gauche), (fenc.) right (left) step<br />

(bayonet exercise);<br />

faire un, des, en arriere, to step back;<br />

faux , stumble, misstep; mistake;<br />

geometrique, geometrical pace of 5 feet;<br />

& grands , rapidly;<br />

marcher & <strong>com</strong>ptes, to walk slowly and in a<br />

dignified manner;<br />

marcher d, grands (petits) , (/me.)<br />

or retire by long (short) steps;<br />

to advance<br />

mauvais , bad place or obstacle in a road;<br />

mc.iurage au , (top.) measuring by pacing;<br />

mesurer au , (top.) to measure by pacing;<br />

metriquc, pace assumed equal to 1 meter;<br />

outils de toutes sortes de , tools of all sizes;<br />

de porte$ step stone, stone sill of a door;<br />

de souris, (fort.) pas de souris, small steps<br />

(in permanent works) between the ditch and<br />

the covered way.<br />

passade, f., (fenc.) thrust, passade; (man.) passade.<br />

passage, m., passage, passing (as of a column);<br />

transit, crossing; voyage (beyond seas), passage,<br />

passage money, fare; road, way, thoroughfare,<br />

ferry; arcade, gallery; passage (short corridor);<br />

strait; undercut of a vehicle; (r. r.) crossing;<br />

(mil.) crossing, passage (of a stream, defile,<br />

ditch, etc.); transfer (as from active army to<br />

reserve, from one regiment to another); (art.)<br />

track or print of a projectile; passing, handling,<br />

of ammunition (as from magazine to gun);<br />

(man.) sort of trot (action well marked and<br />

cadenced);<br />

balise, buoyed channel;<br />

barrer le , to stop the way, stand in the way;<br />

bateau de , ferryboat;<br />

de bateau, boat-crossing of a stream; (top.)<br />

representation of a boat-crossing on map;<br />

Hindi, (siege) covered or protected passage<br />

in batteries and trenches;<br />

d'un chemin defer, railroad crossing;<br />

ficontre-bord, (nav.) broadside on;<br />

de , in transit; temporary;<br />

en dessous (dessus), (r. r.) street crossing<br />

under (over) a railway;<br />

donner h, to give vent to;<br />

de Uflamme, (met.) fire bridge;<br />

d'une formation to, une autre, (mil.) passage<br />

from one formation to another;<br />

de fosse, (siege) passage of the ditch;<br />

sefrayer un , to break one's way through;<br />

gagner son to work , one's passage;<br />

garder le to , maintain, keep, the pass or<br />

passage;<br />

sur la glace, passage on ice;<br />

grand developpe, (man.) an air consisting of<br />

the passage highly developed;<br />

& gue , fording (of a river) ;<br />

instrument de s, (astr.) transit;<br />

lieu de<br />

f thoroughfare;<br />

de la ligne, crossing of the line (equator);<br />

de munitions, (nav.) ammunition passage;<br />

a la nage, passage by swimming;<br />

&, de, niveau, (r. r.) grado<br />

crossing;<br />

point de , (top.) ool;<br />

prixde _ ^ _<br />

de rivie're, (mil.) passage, crossing, of a river;<br />

passage de roues, undercut of a vehicle;<br />

des tangles, (Mpp.) girth (i. e., part of body<br />

around which girth passes);<br />

par St. Cyr, etc., training, education, at<br />

St. Cyr, etc.;<br />

souterrain, underground passage;<br />

systeme de , (mil.) system in which officers<br />

serve first in one and then another arm, in the<br />

staff, etc., (as opposed to systeme de carriere,<br />

q. v.);<br />

de vapeur, (steam) steam-passage, -way.<br />

passager, v. a. n., (man.) to passage.<br />

passager, m., passenger;<br />

de I'avant, steerage passenger;<br />

b, la chambre, cabin passenger;<br />

de I'entrepont, 'tween-decks passenger;<br />

de pont, deck passenger.<br />

passant, m., crosscut saw; (/tarn.) keeper; (unif.)<br />

shoulder-knot loop or keeper;<br />

coulant, (harn.) sliding keeper or loop;<br />

d'epaulettes, (unif.) keeper, binder;<br />

fixe, (harn.) fixed loop;<br />

mobile, v. coulant.<br />

passation, f., (adm.) conclusion or ac<strong>com</strong>plishing<br />

of a bargain, contract, etc.<br />

passavant, m., permit (to pass goods through a<br />

custom-house) .<br />

passe, f., pass, situation, case, state; small channel,<br />

fairway, entrance of a harbor; loop, keeper<br />

(e. g., a leather loop to hold a file against a wall);<br />

(fenc.) pass; (cord.) end strand, passing through<br />

the eye in making a splice; turn (of a mooring);<br />

(harn.) loop or binder; (mach., met.) pass;<br />

d'attaque, (mach.) working pass;<br />

d'un cordage, (cord.) turn of a rope (over a<br />

pulley, in a knot, etc.);<br />

d'ebauchage, (mach.) rough-shaping pass;<br />

de finissage, (mach.) finishing or shaping<br />

pass;<br />

defleuve, channel;<br />

mesure de , (fenc.) position such that the two<br />

blades can cross near the point;<br />

mot de , (mil.) password;<br />

nccud de , v. s. v. naud.<br />

passe-appareil, m., (cord.) whip line;<br />

passe-balle, m., (sm. a.} bullet gauge (obs.).<br />

passe-bombe, m., (art.) shell gauge (obs.).<br />

passe-boulet, m., (art.) shot gauge (obs.).<br />

passe-campane, m., (Mpp.) capped hock.<br />

passe-canal, m., canal ferry.<br />

passe-cbeva!, m., horse ferry.<br />

passe-corde, m., (harn.) drawing awl.<br />

passe-cordon, m , large needle for thread or<br />

string.<br />

passe-coudes, m., gauntlet.<br />

passe-debout, m., permit for passage of goods<br />

through a city without payment of octroi dues.<br />

passe-droit, m., (mil.) injustice done to anyone<br />

by promoting a junior ever him; overslaughing.<br />

passee, f., passage (of troops); track.<br />

passe-lacet, m., bodkin.<br />

passement, m., ?ace, trimming;<br />

dejam.be, (gym.) cut-off (rings);<br />

de pied en avant (arribre), step to the iront<br />

(rear) (<strong>French</strong> boxing).<br />

passementerie, f., lace, trimmings.<br />

passe-mfeteil, m., maslin (two-thirds wheat, onethird<br />

rye).<br />

passe-parole, m., (mil.) word passed from mouth<br />

to mouth, from the head to the tai 1 oi a column.<br />

passe-montagne, m., sort of headdress (either<br />

a knitted woolen shawl wrapped around the<br />

head and neck or a cap pulled down over the<br />

passe-partout, in., master key, pass key; large<br />

crosscut saw, keyhole saw, pad saw; passpoit;<br />

(mil. r. r.) short (0.25^) piece of track, used<br />

(in the DecauVIlle system) to connect two<br />

tracks end to end;<br />

de batterie, (Fr. art.) long crosscut saw.<br />

passe-poil, m., (unif.) piping; welting, welt.<br />

passe-port, m., passport; pass; sea letter;<br />

de navigation, sea letter;<br />

visa d'un , indorsement of a passport;<br />

viser un , to indorse a passport.

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