A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

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parisien parisien, m., lubber, clumsy sailor; worthless horse; (mil. slang) active ; knowing soldier. screw," cheery, parisien ne, f., overalls. parlcment, m., Parliament; United States Congress. parlementage, m., (mil.) parleying. pariementaire, a. m., (mil.) bearer of a flag of truce; (nav.) cartel ship; drapcau , flag of truce; vaisseau cartel , ship. parlementer, v. n., to parley; to come to terms; parlor, v. a., to speak, talk; un navire, to speak a ship. narleur, m., transmitter of a telephone; receiver, sounder, of a telegraph; (mil. teleg.) transmitter (for testing the line as it is put up). narol, f.. wall; partition wall (of masonry); face of a wall; shell of a boiler; wr.ll of a tent; (art.) wall, side of a gun or of a shell; (sm. a.) wall of the barrel; (win.) side of a gallery; (met.) wall of a furnace; (hipp.) crust of the hoof; de I'&mc, (art., sm. a.) surface of the bore; anttricure. v. tubulaire; de la boltefij'eu, fire plate (of a locomotive): de la chambre, (art., sm. a.) wall of the chamber* de chaultere, (steam) boiler shell; contre v. , contre-paroi; fausse (met.) shell of a furnace, outer casing; forc_ante, (art.) driving edge of the rifling; principals, (met.) inner lining (of a furnace); dc rochers, (top.) wall of rocks; talon, (art.) loading edge of rifling, side or edge opposite to the driving edge; d'une tranchee, (r. r.) side of a cutting; tubulairo, (steam) tube plate (of a boiler). paroir, m., scraper; (fan.) farrier's paring knife; farrier's butteris. paroisse, :., parish. parole, f., word; promise; (mil.) parole, countersign, word of command: avoir la , to have the floor; prendre la , to take the floor; tur , (mil.) on parole (of prisoners). 310 parotide, L, (hipp.) vives, parotid glands; engorgement, gonflement, des , (hipp.) vives (i. e., swelling of). parpaigne, a., pierre , (mas.) through stone, header. parpaing, m., (mas.) through stone, through binder, header; bonder, perpend stone, perpender; s d'appui, stones supporting a casement; d'echiffrc, wall supporting the steps of a staircase; en , laid as a through stone, headerwise; fzire , to go through (of a stone) . parquer, v. a. , to pen , to put in an inclosure; (mil.) to park; (as a neuter verb) to be parked. parquet, m., inclosure; inlaid floor, flooring; (adm.) place where officers of tho public ministry hold their meetings (hence) sucn officers themselves; bench (of aiawcourt), (also) bar; ( Fr. mil. law) tho permanent os opposed *;o the detailed) part of a court-martial or court of appeal, consisting of the commissairo ^u gouverncment, q. v., etc.; & l-anglaise, (cons.) floor of which the strips are all parallel; & batons ror.ipus, (cons.) herringbone floor (square headings) ; a boulets, (nav.) shot locker; & Za capucine, (cons.) a variety of herringbone floor (heading ioints in same vertical plane, and at 45. more or loss, with edge of boards); de chambre de chauffe, (steam) engine platform; de chargement, (art.) loading platform; de chauffe, (steam) stoke-hold platform; partie parquet ft compartiments, (cons.) paneled floor; en fcuttles, (cons.) inlaid floor; de justice, bar of a court; de manoeuvre, (steam) engine-room floor; militaire, v. supra, under main word; a point de Eongrie, (cons.) miter-laid floor. parquetage, m., (cons.) parquetry. parrain, m., sponsor; person who christens a vessel; sponsor of a candidate for admission to an order; (Fr.a.) person selected, by a soldier about to be shot, to bandage his eyes. to cover a seam. parseinte, f., piece of parceling part, f., part; share; hand; interest, concern; side; des accidents du laminoir, (mach.) breaking pieces or spindles; de en , through and through, from front to back; donner term); to communicate , officially (diplomatic faire to , inform; d'un navire, share; de prise, (mil., nav.) prize money. partage, m., partition, division: distribution; share;, portion, lot; summit level; biefde , v. s. v. bief; canal & point de summit , canal; ligne de , watershed; point de , summit level; watershed; h point de , with a dividing ridge. partager, v. a., to share, to have a share in; to divide; les renes, (man.) to take a rein in each hand; se , to divide, fork (as a road); le soleil, in a duel, to divide the sun equally; le vent, (nav.) of a vessel unable to get the weather gauge, to maneuver so as to keep the enemy from getting it. parlance, f., (nav.) departure; coup (de canon) de , signal gun for departure; en about to , start; pavilion de , blue peter. partement, m., (artif.) small rocket; (nav.) difference between the last observed and the actual longitude of a ship. parti, m. ; party, side, cause; defense, expedient, "ition, terms; (mil.) party, detach- alleren ,(mil.) to go out to harass the enemy; bleu, (mil.) marauding party (obs.); envoy er en , (mil.) to send on detached duty; prendre , (mil.) to enlist; regie , (mil.) party sent out on legitimate duty (as distinguished from bleu; obs.). particularite's, f., pi., (hipp.) markings of ahorse). particulier, a., particular, special, private; m., private individual; (mil. slang) civilian. partie, f., part, portion; game, match; (law) party (to a lawsuit), client; (man.) start; (mus.) part; adverse, (law) the other side; s belligerantes, (mil.) belligerents; civile, (law) plaintiff; comparante, (law) party appearing in court; construire un pont par s, (pont.) to build a bridge by parts; defaillante, (law) party failing to appear in court; fc, en. double, by double entry (bookkeeping); executive, (adm.) person or officer that makes a payment, an issue of stores; faire une de la main, (man.) to slacken the hand for a gallop; filetee, screw threads; -forqante (art.) driving edge; frottante (mach.) rubbing, bearing, part; d'honneur, (in games) rubber;

partie 311 pas partie morte, (fort.) dead space; nulle, drawn game; (in races) dead heat; - occupante, (adm.) tenant; - plaignante, (tow) plaintiff; -(s) prenante(s), (adm.) person(s) who receive(s) issues (clothing, etc.); public creditors; prendrefi-, (law) to sue; -s, proceder par petites to proceed, work, advance, etc., by degrees; publique, legal designation of the pu ministry, as representing the public; solici general; - seertie, (mil.) the spy service of a staff; &, en,simple, by single entry (bookkeeping). partir, m., (man.) start (of a horse). partir, v. n., to go, leave, set out, proceed, start, spring, to sail (of a ship); to go off (of a shot, a firearm); to be carried away (of a spar, etc.); - Men de la main, (man.) to take the gallop as soon as the hand slackens; faire-un coup, to fire a shot; - juste, (man.) to take the gallop with the leading foot; - de la main, (man.) to take the gallop easily; - du pied droit (gauche), to step off with the right (left) foot; - de piedferme, (man.) to pass from the walk to the gallop. partisan, m., partisan; (mil.) partisan, guerrilla; (in pi.) raiding party; guerre de-s, v. s. v. guerre. of a horse's parure, f., adornment; (hipp.) parings foot; chevaux de meme - , same size. well-matched horses, of parvenu, m., (mil.) ranker. pas, m., pace, step, footstep; stride, gait, progress; precedence; threshold of a door, step before an entrance; strait; obstacle, bad place, in a road, etc.; (lop.) narrow, difficult, pass in a valley or mountain; (carp.) notch (as for the foot of a rafter); (con*.) going of a stair; (cord.) turn of a rope; (lech.) pitch (of a screw, of a gearing); thread of a screw, turn of a screw; (art., sm. a.) pitch (of rifling); (mus.) march. I. Military, manege; II. Technical, artillery; III. Miscellaneous. I. Military, manege; - accelere, (mil.) quick step, quick time (0.75, 128 to the minute); the call for qunk time; aller au-, to go at a walk; -, allongement du (mil.) lengthening of the step; (man.) walking out; - allonge, (mil.) stepping out; allonger le - . (mil.) to step out, lengthen the step; (man.) to walk out; - d'armes, (mil.) post that one undertakes to defend (obs.); - en arriere, (mil.) back step; au - , (mil.) at a walk; "step!" (to troops marcliing in line, when they lose the step); call for walk; - averti, (man.) regular, well- marked stepping of a horse (sort of gait between a walk and slow trot); - cadence, (mil.) cadenced ste~>; changer de-, (mil.) to change the gait; changer le-, (mil.) to change tep; - de charge, (mil.) charging pice (0.75, 140 to the minute; cadenced, as a rule; may be as fast as possible, according to circumstances); cheval de-, pacer; - complcl, (man.) completed tep (i. e., all the motions made between two successive and identical positions of a given member); h- comptes, (man.) gradually; - de consent, (man.) hign step with fore legs; contre-- , (mil.) short step or half step (to recover the step); - de course, running step, run, v. - gymnaslique; pas de cote, (mil.) side step; (man.) side step; d'ecolc. (mil.) short step, balance step; (man.) well-marked walk (sort of gait between a walk and a slow trot); ecoute, (man.) regular, uniform step; espagnol, (man.) an air in which the horse, at a walk, gives all the extension possible to each of his fore legs; etalonner le , (mil.) to find the average length of one's step or pace; to walk a horse; faire aller au , faire les cent , (mil.) to do sentry duty; faux , (man.) stumble; gymnastique, (mil.) double time (0.80, 170 to the minute); call for same; double step; hater le , to hasten, to hurry, the march; longueur du , (mil.) length of the stop; marcher au , to walk, pace, move at a walk; marquer le , (mil.) to mark time; mettre au to walk a , horse; se mettre au , (mil.) to take step; ordinaire, (m?7.) marching step, ordinary step or pace; ouvrir le , (mil.) to begin marching; passer d'un & un autre, (mil.) to change the gait; raccourdr le , (mil.) to shorten step; redouble, (mil.) double-quick; reglementaire, (mil.) regulation step; releve, (man.) high step, high action; remettre un cheval au , (man.) to come down to a walk; retrograde, step backward; rompre le , (mil.) to break, or lose, or get out of, step, as in crossing a ponton bridge; de route, (mil.) the route step (1 kilometer in 11 to 12 minutes); saccade, irregular pace. II. Technical, artillery: b, I'anglaise, v. carre; au de , (sm. a., art.) making one turn in. . . . ; carre, square thread; constant, (art., sm. a.) uniform twist (also of a screw, of a propeller); de la corde, mean pitch; court, fine thread, low pitch; des dents, (mach.) pitch of teeth; diametral, (mach.) diametral pitch; double , double thread (screw); & droite (gauche), right- (left-) handed twist; d'ecrou, thread of a nut; d'engrenage, pitch of a gearing; d 'entree, (art., sm. a.) initial pitch; final, (art., sm. a.) final twist; du ftanc directeur, (art., sm. a.) twist of the driving edge; & gaz. gas thread; hauteur du d'une vis, pitch, one complete turn, of a screw; de I'helice, pitch of the propeller; inclinaison du des rayures, (art., sm. a.) angle of rifling; initial, (art., sm. a.) initial twist; long, coarse thread, steep pitch; distance in which projectile makes one turn; moyen, v. de la corde; multiple, multiple thread (screw); progresstf, (art., sm. a.) increasing twist; raccourci, short twist? de(s) rayure(s), (art., sm. a.) twist of rifling; d'une roue dentee, (mach.) pitch of a toothed wheel; de Sellers, Sellers's thread; simple, single thread (screw); & la sortie, final pitch; uniforme, (art., sm. a.) uniform twist; gui va & droite (gauche), (art., sm. a.) right- (left-) handed twist; variable, (art.) varying pitch; de vis. furrow of a screw; pitch, thread; de vis americaine, United States standard thread; ~ longueur du , (art., sm. a.)

partie 311 pas<br />

partie morte, (fort.) dead space;<br />

nulle, drawn game; (in races) dead heat;<br />

- occupante, (adm.) tenant; - plaignante, (tow) plaintiff;<br />

-(s) prenante(s), (adm.) person(s) who receive(s)<br />

issues (clothing, etc.); public creditors;<br />

prendrefi-, (law) to sue;<br />

-s, proceder par petites to proceed, work, advance,<br />

etc., by degrees;<br />

publique, legal designation of the pu<br />

ministry, as representing the public; solici<br />

general; - seertie, (mil.) the spy service of a staff;<br />

&, en,simple,<br />

by single entry (bookkeeping).<br />

partir, m., (man.) start (of a horse).<br />

partir, v. n., to go, leave, set out, proceed, start,<br />

spring, to sail (of a ship); to go off (of a shot,<br />

a firearm); to be carried away (of a spar, etc.);<br />

- Men de la main, (man.) to take the gallop as<br />

soon as the hand slackens;<br />

faire-un coup, to fire a shot; - juste, (man.) to take the gallop with the<br />

leading foot; - de la main, (man.) to take the gallop easily;<br />

- du pied droit (gauche), to step off with the<br />

right (left) foot;<br />

- de piedferme, (man.) to pass from the walk<br />

to the gallop.<br />

partisan, m., partisan; (mil.) partisan, guerrilla;<br />

(in pi.) raiding party;<br />

guerre de-s, v. s. v. guerre.<br />

of a horse's<br />

parure, f., adornment; (hipp.) parings<br />

foot;<br />

chevaux de meme - ,<br />

same size.<br />

well-matched horses, of<br />

parvenu, m., (mil.) ranker.<br />

pas, m., pace, step, footstep; stride, gait, progress;<br />

precedence; threshold of a door, step before an<br />

entrance; strait; obstacle, bad place, in a road,<br />

etc.; (lop.) narrow, difficult, pass in a valley<br />

or mountain; (carp.) notch (as for the foot of a<br />

rafter); (con*.) going of a stair; (cord.) turn of a<br />

rope; (lech.) pitch (of a screw, of a gearing);<br />

thread of a screw, turn of a screw; (art., sm. a.)<br />

pitch (of rifling); (mus.) march.<br />

I. <strong>Military</strong>, manege; II. Technical, artillery;<br />

III. Miscellaneous.<br />

I. <strong>Military</strong>, manege; - accelere, (mil.) quick step, quick time (0.75,<br />

128 to the minute); the call for qunk time;<br />

aller au-, to go at a walk;<br />

-, allongement du (mil.) lengthening of the<br />

step; (man.) walking out; - allonge, (mil.) stepping out;<br />

allonger le - . (mil.) to step out, lengthen the<br />

step; (man.) to walk out; - d'armes, (mil.) post that one undertakes to<br />

defend (obs.); - en arriere, (mil.) back step;<br />

au - , (mil.) at a walk; "step!" (to troops<br />

marcliing in line, when they lose the step);<br />

call for walk; - averti, (man.) regular, well- marked stepping<br />

of a horse (sort of gait between a walk and slow<br />

trot); - cadence, (mil.) cadenced ste~>;<br />

changer de-, (mil.) to change the gait;<br />

changer le-, (mil.) to change tep;<br />

- de charge, (mil.) charging pice (0.75, 140 to<br />

the minute; cadenced, as a rule; may be as<br />

fast as possible, according to circumstances);<br />

cheval de-, pacer; - <strong>com</strong>plcl, (man.) <strong>com</strong>pleted tep (i. e., all the<br />

motions made between two successive and<br />

identical positions of a given member);<br />

h- <strong>com</strong>ptes, (man.) gradually; - de consent, (man.) hign step with fore legs;<br />

contre--<br />

, (mil.) short step or half step (to<br />

recover the step); - de course, running step, run, v. - gymnaslique;<br />

pas de cote, (mil.) side step; (man.) side step;<br />

d'ecolc. (mil.) short step, balance step; (man.)<br />

well-marked walk (sort of gait between a walk<br />

and a slow trot);<br />

ecoute, (man.) regular, uniform step;<br />

espagnol, (man.) an air in which the horse,<br />

at a walk, gives all the extension possible to<br />

each of his fore legs;<br />

etalonner le , (mil.) to find the average length<br />

of one's step or pace;<br />

to walk a horse;<br />

faire aller au ,<br />

faire les cent , (mil.) to do sentry duty;<br />

faux , (man.) stumble;<br />

gymnastique, (mil.) double time (0.80, 170<br />

to the minute); call for same; double step;<br />

hater le , to hasten, to hurry, the march;<br />

longueur du , (mil.) length of the stop;<br />

marcher au , to walk, pace, move at a walk;<br />

marquer le , (mil.) to mark time;<br />

mettre au to walk a , horse;<br />

se mettre au , (mil.) to take step;<br />

ordinaire, (m?7.) marching step, ordinary<br />

step or pace;<br />

ouvrir le , (mil.) to begin marching;<br />

passer d'un & un autre, (mil.) to change the<br />

gait;<br />

raccourdr le , (mil.) to shorten step;<br />

redouble, (mil.) double-quick;<br />

reglementaire, (mil.) regulation step;<br />

releve, (man.) high step, high action;<br />

remettre un cheval au , (man.) to <strong>com</strong>e down<br />

to a walk;<br />

retrograde, step backward;<br />

rompre le , (mil.) to break, or lose, or get out<br />

of, step, as in crossing a ponton bridge;<br />

de route, (mil.) the route step (1 kilometer<br />

in 11 to 12 minutes);<br />

saccade, irregular pace.<br />

II. Technical, artillery:<br />

b, I'anglaise, v. carre;<br />

au de , (sm. a., art.) making one turn<br />

in. . . . ;<br />

carre, square thread;<br />

constant, (art., sm. a.) uniform twist (also<br />

of a screw, of a propeller);<br />

de la corde, mean pitch;<br />

court, fine thread, low pitch;<br />

des dents, (mach.) pitch of teeth;<br />

diametral, (mach.) diametral pitch;<br />

double , double thread (screw);<br />

& droite (gauche), right- (left-) handed twist;<br />

d'ecrou, thread of a nut;<br />

d'engrenage, pitch of a gearing;<br />

d 'entree, (art., sm. a.) initial pitch;<br />

final, (art., sm. a.) final twist;<br />

du ftanc directeur, (art., sm. a.) twist of the<br />

driving edge;<br />

& gaz. gas thread;<br />

hauteur du d'une vis, pitch, one <strong>com</strong>plete<br />

turn, of a screw;<br />

de I'helice, pitch of the propeller;<br />

inclinaison du des rayures, (art., sm. a.) angle<br />

of rifling;<br />

initial, (art., sm. a.) initial twist;<br />

long, coarse thread, steep pitch;<br />

distance in which<br />

projectile makes one turn;<br />

moyen, v. de la corde;<br />

multiple, multiple thread (screw);<br />

progresstf, (art., sm. a.) increasing twist;<br />

raccourci, short twist?<br />

de(s) rayure(s), (art., sm. a.) twist of rifling;<br />

d'une roue dentee, (mach.) pitch of a toothed<br />

wheel;<br />

de Sellers, Sellers's thread;<br />

simple, single thread (screw);<br />

& la sortie, final pitch;<br />

uniforme, (art., sm. a.) uniform twist;<br />

gui va & droite (gauche), (art., sm. a.) right-<br />

(left-) handed twist;<br />

variable, (art.) varying pitch;<br />

de vis. furrow of a screw; pitch, thread;<br />

de vis americaine, United States standard<br />

thread; ~<br />

longueur du , (art., sm. a.)

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