A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

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palme palme(s) academiques, in France, decoration eiven by the Minister of Public Instruction for literary or scientific services (consists of a double spray of leaves, silver for an officer d' icademie, gold with a rosette for an officter de V instruction publique); palmer, v. a., to flatten, beat down; to trim down" a yard, a mast. palmer, m., gauge for metallic plates. palmier, m., palm (tree and wood). palombe,f.,v.patoTW. palonne, f., (cord.) in a ropewalk, the rope regulating the motion of the laying-top. palonneau, m., swingletree. palonnler, m., swingletree, singletree, whiffletree; horso hitched or harnessed to the single- T -^d'appel, (art.) rear crossbar (of the Lemoine *d?frein, (art.) front crossbar (of the Lemoine mobile, swing splinter bar or singletree; lamette de v. s. v. lamette. , palot, m., turf cutter's spade. nalier, v. a., to touch, feel with the hand; I'eau, to hold water (with the oar). palplanche, f., sheet pile, sheet piling; pile plank; cofferdam plank. oaltoquet, m., lubber, lout; I*^J 1 lubberly, loutish. pamer, v. r.,

pansage 307 paquet pansage, jeu d'cffets de , horse kit; h la main, rubbing down, hand rubbing; grooming. panse, f., stomach of a horse; (ham.) broadest part of a horse collar. pansement, m., grooming of a horse; (med.) dressing of wounds; lieu de , (med.) dressing station; de la main, grooming; paquet individuel de , v. s. v. paquet. panser, v. a., to groom a horse; (med.) to dress a wound; de la main, to groom a horse. panseur, m., ( Fr. a.) current name for infirmier de visite, q. v. pantalon, m., trowsers, breeches; de cheval, riding breeches; (unif.) regulation cavalry trowsers; d'ordonnance, (unif.) regulation trowsers, made of cloth; de treillis, (unif.) canvas trowsers. pantetegraphe, m., pantelegraph. pant616phone, m., pantelephone. pantographe, m., pantograph. pantomfetre, m., pantometer. pantopollite, f., (expl.) pantopollite (nitroglycerin and naphthaline). pantoufle, f.. slipper ;(farr.) panton shoe; fer & , (/arr.) panton shoe. pamirge, m., (harn.) sort of link or loop (to support the reins). pape, m., the Pope. paperasse, f., old, worthless paper. paperasser, v. a., to dabble in papers; to scribble. paperasserle, f., "red tape." paperassier, m., scribbler, "paper" man, "redtape" man. papier, m., paper; document; bill, paper (in a commercial sense); government securities; (in pi.) papers; passport; albumine, albumenized paper; - albumine brillant, double albumenized pa- per; en bloc, sketching block, pad; s de bord. ship's papers; Bristol, bristol paper; brouillard, blotting paper; bulle, scribbling paper, common writing paper; buvard, v. brouillard; caique, h caique, tracing paper; - a calquer, tracing paper; carton, pasteboard ; a, de, cartouches, cartridge paper; h cartouches de(s) fusee(s), rocket-case paper; tire, oiled (tracing) paper; Colas, black print paper (black lines on white ground); coguille, letter paper; couclie, (phot.) baryta paper; court, a short-term note; -b, crayons, v. Bristol; au cyano-fer, blue-print paper (blue lines on white ground); a decalquer, tracing paper; carbon paper; h dessin, & dessiner, drawing paper; dioptique, waxed tissue paper ; dore sur tranche, "gilt-edged" paper (commercial); s. doubles, (nav.) duplicate (hence, probably false) papers; ccolier, common paper, scribbling paper; & ecrire, letter paper; d'embaltoge, wrapping paper; b I'emeri, emeri, d'emeri, emerise, emery paper; s et enseignements,' (nav.) ship's papers; passport; enveloppe, (sm. a.) patch, bullet patch; & envelopper. envelope, wrapping paper; d'epreuve. (chem.) test paper; litmus paper; explosif, (esp.) explosive paper; -au ferro-prussiate, blue-print paper (white lines on blue ground); filtre, hfiltrer, filter paper; fossile, asbestos paper; papierfulminant, pyro paper; ft gargousnes, (art.) cartridge paper; gauffre, goffered paper (ridged); gelatine, tracing paper; au gelatino-bromure, gelatino-bromide paper* au gelatino-chlorure, gelatine-chloride paper; glace, v. caique; goudron, goudronne. tarred paper; d'indicateur, (steam) indicator card; iodure, iodized paper; Joseph, filter paper; b, lettres, letter paper; libre, unstamped paper; long, a long-term note; mdche, papier macho" ; main de , quire of paper; Marion, blue-print paper (white lines on blue ground); marque, v. timbre; monnaie, paper money; de montagne, asbestos; mart, v. libre; de musique, music paper; negatif, (phot.) negative paper; nitroglucose, nitroglucose paper; d'oiseau, very thin paper (e. g., for pigeon parchemin parchemine, parchment paper, vegetable parchment ; fi patron-s,- cross-section paper, profile paper; Pellet, blue-print paper (white lines on blue ground); pelure, tissue paper (carrier-pigeon service); photographique, photographic paper; plomoagine, black-leaded paper; a poncer, tracing paper; postiif pelliculaire, (phot.) transferotype pa= per; de pqste, letter paper; exl.) Holland's paper powder; quadrille, cross-section paper; rame de ream of paper; reactif, (chem.) litmus paper; test paper; de rebut, waste paper; regie, ruled paper; sable, sandpaper; sale, plain salted paper; sensible albumine, (phot.) ready sensitized paper; de serpente, tissue paper; similipiatine, (phot.) similiplatine paper; de soie, silver, tissue, paper; sur le , on paper; de surete, bank-note paper; temoin, (expl.) standard-tint paper (heat test); timbre, stamped paper; toile, tracing cloth, linen; tournesol, de tournesol, (chem.) Jitmus paper; vegetal, tracing paper; velin, vellum paper; de verre. glass paper; volant, loose sheet. papillon, m.. butterfly ; inset (as of a map); searcher, finder (or a map); insert, extra sheet for indorsements; (mach.) butterfly valve, throttle valve, damper, regulator; milling-tool grinder or cutter; de detente, (mach.) expansion valve; mobile, regulator, damper, of a chimney or flue; registre, (mach.) throttle valve; soupaped , (mach.) butterfly valve. papyrographe, m., papyrograph. papyrographie, f., papyrography. paquebot, m., packet, mail steamer; postal, poste, de poste, mail steamer. a vapeur, stoam packet; & voiles, sailing packet. paquet, m., packet, package; bundle; (met.) pile, fagot; * cachctes, (nav.) sealed orders;

palme<br />

palme(s) academiques, in France, decoration<br />

eiven by the Minister of Public Instruction<br />

for literary or scientific services (consists<br />

of a<br />

double spray of leaves, silver for an officer<br />

d' icademie, gold with a rosette for an officter de<br />

V instruction publique);<br />

palmer, v. a., to flatten, beat down; to trim down"<br />

a yard, a mast.<br />

palmer, m., gauge for metallic plates.<br />

palmier, m., palm (tree and wood).<br />

palombe,f.,v.patoTW.<br />

palonne, f., (cord.) in a ropewalk, the rope regulating<br />

the motion of the laying-top.<br />

palonneau, m., swingletree.<br />

palonnler, m., swingletree, singletree, whiffletree;<br />

horso hitched or harnessed to the single-<br />

T<br />

-^d'appel, (art.) rear crossbar (of the Lemoine<br />

*d?frein, (art.) front crossbar (of the Lemoine<br />

mobile, swing splinter bar or singletree;<br />

lamette de v. s. v. lamette.<br />

,<br />

palot, m., turf cutter's spade.<br />

nalier, v. a., to touch, feel with the hand;<br />

I'eau, to hold water (with the oar).<br />

palplanche, f., sheet pile, sheet piling; pile plank;<br />

cofferdam plank.<br />

oaltoquet, m., lubber, lout;<br />

I*^J 1 lubberly, loutish.<br />

pamer, v. r.,

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