A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com


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pagaie 304 palan<br />

pairaie, f.. paddle;<br />

alter ft. la to , paddle.<br />

pairale. en , adv., helter-skelter, at random.<br />

pa gayer, v. a., to paddle.<br />

pasjayeur, m., paddler.<br />

page, m.. page; f., pa?e (of a book);<br />

dc garde, fly leaf (of a book).<br />

pagnote, m., coward, dastard; a., cowardly, dastardly;<br />

mont v. s. v. mont.<br />

,<br />

pagiioterie, f., cowardice.<br />

palcment, m., payment.<br />

palllage, m., (action of) covering, wrapping, with<br />

straw.<br />

paillasse, f., straw mattress, bed, bedsack; all<br />

masonry raised upon a floor; upper part of a<br />

furnace.<br />

paillasson, m., mat; straw mat, door mat.<br />

paille, f., straw, bit of straw; chaff; (met.) flaw in<br />

metal; crack; scale, blister; (in pi.) forge scale,<br />

hammer slag;<br />

allcrd, la , (mil.) to draw straw;<br />

avoir la au cul, to be for sale (of horses, and<br />

also figuratively); (mil. slang) to be discharged;<br />

de bitte, windlass norman:<br />

cariee, pale straw, of little or no nutritious'<br />

quality;<br />

un cent, etc., de one , hundred, etc., bundles<br />

of straw;<br />

de couc-hage, (mil.) bed straw;<br />

couleur , (met.} straw color (in tempering);<br />

d'cmballagc, packing straw;<br />

s'en aller au cul, (mil. slang) to leave the<br />

regiment with a term of imprisonment or confinement<br />

unserved;<br />

envoyer les soldats b, la , (mil.) to give the<br />

men a rest during drill;<br />

defer, (met.) hammer scale; (mil. slang) the<br />

bayonet, cold steel;<br />

fourrageuse, forage straw;<br />

hachee, chopped ~ straw;<br />

homme de nonentity; straw man (e. g., a<br />

straw bidder);<br />

mcnue , chaff;<br />

rouillee, mildewed straw;<br />

tcrree, straw beaten flat by rain, that has<br />

been soaking wet;<br />

tlrcr a la courte , to draw straws or cuts.<br />

pailler, m., farmyard; heap of straw; loft; straw<br />

shed.<br />

pailler, v. a., to cover, wrap with straw.<br />

paillet, m., mat, straw mat; (cord.) chafing mat;<br />

de brasseyage, paunch mat;<br />

de collision, fender mat;<br />

de portage, chafing mat;<br />

uni, sword mat.<br />

paillette, f., spangle; small metal plate or facingreenforce<br />

of leather for a shoe; (met.) scale foree<br />

scale.<br />

paUleux, a., made of straw, containing straw<br />

(met.) flawy, unsound.<br />

paiHon, m., straw; foil; link; solder; spangle; sheet<br />

tin, drop or small lump of tin; silvered cormer<br />

or brass;<br />

de soudure, leaf solder.<br />

p.ullonner, v. a., to tin, cover with tin<br />

) -:iillot(l)e, f., straw hut.<br />

jy-.in, m., bread; loaf of bread, cake; cake (as of<br />

asphalt, etc.); pig, lump (of metal);<br />

d'acier, (met.) lump of steel;<br />

flj* ctii Veau, on bread and water;<br />

bis, brown bread;<br />

biscuit*. ( FT. a.) soldier's bread cooked longer<br />

than usual (1 hour and 10 minutes instead of<br />

60 minutes);<br />

ft blanchtr, cake of whiting;<br />

-<br />

& cacheter, wafer;<br />

de <strong>com</strong>mission, (mil.) ration bread;<br />

de cire. wafer; wax patch;<br />

de crate, lump of chalk;<br />

de crasse, (met.) pig of waste metal;<br />

de cuivre, (met.) copper brick;<br />

defournisseur, v. de munition;<br />

-frais, soft bread;<br />

de guerre, (mil.) field-service bread;<br />

pain dc liquation, (met.) an alloy of copper and of<br />

lead (1:3); - de mer, ship biscuit; - de munition, (mil.) ration bread;<br />

- de plomb, (met.) pig of lead; - rassis, stale bread;<br />

soute au- bread , room; - tendre, soft bread; - de vieux oing, cake of grease.<br />

pain-vin, m., ray grass;<br />

avoir un- , (hipp.) to have the excretory canal<br />

of the maxillary gland inflamed by the lodgment<br />

of bits of forage.<br />

pair, a., even, equal, similar;<br />

non- , odd, uneven.<br />

pair, m., peer.<br />

paire, f., pair; brace; couple;<br />

ft. la-<br />

, in pairs; - de limons, pair of shafts;<br />

par- , in a pair;<br />

par-s, in pairs;<br />

de solives armee, (cons.) solid-built beam.<br />

en-<br />

, in peace; - fourree,platrce,<br />

patched-up peace;<br />

paix, f., peace;<br />

pied de- , peace footing.<br />

pal, m., impaling stake; (met.) large clinker bar or<br />

rake.<br />

palade, f., distance traveled over by a boat between<br />

successive strokes of the oar; stroke of an<br />

oar.<br />

palais, m., palace; _ de justice, law court;<br />

terme de- law term.<br />

,<br />

tackle, purchase.<br />

palan, m., (cord.)<br />

(A palan consists of two mouflcs. q. v., equipped<br />

with suitable cords or chains.)<br />

affaler un- . to overhaul a tackle;<br />

-<br />

d'appareil, heavy purchase; _ de bout, heel tackle;<br />

bridcr un- to frap a , tackle; _ ft ;- de, cahornc, winding tackle; any large<br />

two or three fold tackle; - de candelctte, fish tackle;<br />

ft, de, canon, gun tackle;<br />

,<br />

_. de capon, cat tackle; - ft cliaine, chain tackle; - dc charge, garnet; _<br />

_s conjugues, <strong>com</strong>bined tackles (e. g., luff on<br />

lu!T, whip on whip) ; - ft cordages, rope tackle; - de cote, side tackle;<br />

courants de-<br />

, running parts; - ft croc, hook tackle;<br />

croc ae- tackle , hook;<br />

-- du davier, boat tackle;<br />

depasscr un- , to unreeve a tackle;<br />

- de dcscente, lowering tackle; - ft deux poulics doubles, twofold purchase;<br />

__ft deux poulics quadruples, fourfold purchase;<br />

_ ft deux poulies simples, gun-tackle purchase;<br />

_ ft deux poulies triples, threefold purchase;<br />

- ddeux poulies a violon. long tackle;<br />

_ differenticl, differential tackle;<br />

_ ae dimanche, luff tackle; - de direction, training tackle;<br />

dormants de-<br />

, standing parts; - double, double tackle; - d'cmbar cation, boat tackle; - d'etai, stay tackle; - tifouct, tail tackle, tail jigger; - sur garant, luff upon luff;<br />

garant de-<br />

, tackle fall or rope;<br />

de gui, boom tackle;<br />

grand- main tackle;<br />

, - ft<br />

helice, tackle in which the lifting chain is<br />

actuated by an endless screw, itself worked by<br />

a hauling chain; - hydraulique, (mach.) hydraulic tackle;<br />

itague et- runner and , tackle; - ft itague, runner .<br />

purchase; - mobile, luff tackle; - ft mouflcs en bois, wooden block tackle;<br />

- ft mouflcs metalliques, metallic block tackle;<br />

- sur palan, luff upon luff;<br />

passer un- , to reeve a tackle;

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