A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

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outrer 302 ouvrage outrer, v. a., to overload, overwork, strain, exaggerate, overwhelm; (.man.) to override (a horse). ouvert, a., open; free (of a port); (of a roadstead) open, unsheltered; (of a river) open; (of a circuit) open; (fort.') unfortified, without a parapet; open (i. e,, without defenses along the gorge); (r. r.) clear; (nav.) undecked; (top.) open (of the terrain); abreast of (a town, etc.): h r , open, cheval bien , (hipp.) horse with broad chest and straight legs; h force e, by open force; & la gorge, (fort.) open-gorged; aucrre c, open (i. e., unconcealed) war; & uvrc at , sight; outrage , ouvrage & la gorge, (fort.) open pays L, country without fortifications; v jHC C) open, unfortified, unwalled town. ouverture, f., opening, act of opening, orifice, hole, operture; crack, chink, rip, vent; width, gap; spout, mouth, unlocking, overture, means, expedient; opening (of Congress, of Parliament); (pant.) width of a bay; waterway; (elec.) opening of a circuit; (steam) port; (met.) mouth, charging door, of a furnace; (r. r.) opening of a line; (cons.) generic term for doors, windows, or any other opening; width of a door or window; span of an arch; (opt.) aperture of a lens; (mil., iiav.) beginning of a campaign, of a war, etc.; (fort.) mouth of an embrasure; (top.) opening or valley between two hills; h r , bayed; & I'admission, (steam) cylinder port; d'u7i arc, span of an arch; d' arson, (harn.) stuffing hole of a saddle; d'une bale, mouth (entrance) of a bay; de la campagne, (mil.) opening, beginning, of a campaign; de chargement, door; & charger, (met.) charging de la cliauffe, stokehole; dcs colonnes, (mil, nav.) columns; interval between d'un compos, opening, spread, of a compass; de la coquille du piston (macli.) crosshead hole; de coulee, (met.) tap hole; de decharge, (steam) evacuation port; exterieure, (fort.) outer mouth of an embrasure; . dufeu, (mil, art., siege) opening or beginning of fire; d'unfourneau, (met.) charging hole of a furnace; dcs hostilites, (mil.) opening of hostilities; intericure, (fort.) inner mouth of an embrasure; d'intervalles, (mil.) opening of intervals; s de paix. overtures of peace; de la piece, (art.) opening of the breech (act of); plate, (cons.) opening or window in a cupola; de pointage, (art.) sighting hole in a turret top; d'une porte, etc., (opening) width of a door, etc.; des portes, opening of the gates of a fort or fortified town; d'un puits, mouth of a well; & la scoric, (met.) slag hole; de sortie, (steam) exhaust port; de la tranchee, (siege) opening of the trenches, beginning of siege operations, establishment of the first parallel; de travee, width of a span; utile de t'objcctif, (opt.) working aperture of the objective; de la vapeur, (macli.) steam port; de vidange, (steam) mud hole; d'une voute, v. d'un arc. ouvrable, a., hcure , working hour; jour , working day. ouvrage, m., work, piece of work; workmanship labor, performance; (met.) hearth of a blast furnace; interior of a blast furnace; (fort.) work; (mm.) method of working. (Except where otherwise indicated, the following terms relate to fortification.) & I' at , work; annexe, subsidiary work in the first line; d'arret, generic term for any work or place destined to arrest enemy on the frontier itself; s a'art (r. r.) constructions, generic term for bridges, culverts, viaducts, etc.; d'attaque, offensive work; avance advanced work; work outside of the covered way, but flanked from the corps de place, enceinte; blanc, (tech.) tool making; bois d' , v. s. v. bois; de campagne, fieldwork; casemate, casemated work; de champ de bataille, generic term for any defensive work on field of battle; collateral, collateral work; . . par compartiments, (mm.) panel working; hcornes, hornwork; d, comes couronne, a crownhornwork; h couronne, couronne, crownwork; crenelt, loopholed, crenelated work; de defense, defensif, defensive work; degrade, work damaged by hostile fire; demi-rev&u, half-revetted work; detache, detached work; donne & Ventreprise, (adm.) contract work; echarpe, work reached by oblique fire; enfile, enfiladed work; epaule, any work protected by epaulments; d'escadron, work holding one squadron (dismounted and using carbines) ; eventuel, (in gen.) job; job work; exterieur, outwork, work outside the enceinte ferme, closed work; work with closed (fortified) gorge; liflancs, work with flanks; flanquant, flanking work; flanque, flanked work; defonte, (fond.) casting; en fontett noyau, (fond.) cored, work; de fortification, fortification; en gradins, (mm.) stoping; en, par, gradins droits, (mm.) underhand stopin"; 'en, par, gradins renverses, (mm.) overhand stoping; par grandes tattles, (min.) long work; gros s> (cons.) a generic term for foundation walls, facades, party walls, arches, etc.; (in gen.) heavy work; d' interdiction, stop fort, barrier fort. interieur, work within the corps de place, or main enceinte; interior work; keep; intermediate, intermediate work; a work in the first line (to support the main permanent works of same, occupied when needed); a work between the line of detached works and the noyau central; isole, isolated work; par massifs longs, v. par piliers et galeries; menus s, (cons.) generic term for chimneys, ceilings, etc.; mettre d, r , (in gen.) to put to work, set to work; se mettre & Z' , (in gen.) to go to work, set to work; mi-fcrme, half-closed work; noir, (tech.) blacksmith work, black work; nonrevetu, unrevetted work; ouvert, open work; passager, temporary work; permanent, permanent work; par piliers et galeries, (min.) working by post and stall, pillar and breast; par piliers et compartiments, (min.) panelwork;

ouvrage 303 pactiser ouvreau, m., (met.) working hole; air vent. ouvrer, v. a., to work. ouvrier, m... workman, laborer, artisan, operative, x mechanic, journeyman artificer; (Fr. a.) regimental workman or artisan; d''administration, (Fr. a.) special workman (as baker, miller, tinner, saddler, etc.; v. s. v. commis); - armurier, (mil.) armorer; - d'art. skilled workman; - d'artillerie, (art.) artificer; de batterie, (art.) battery artificer; en bois, wood worker; chauffeur, stoker, fireman; chef-- , v. s. y. chef; -s des chemins defer, (Fr. a.) railway operatives (9 sections, called into service on mobilization only); civil, ( Fr. a.) workman hired in civil life; s des corps, (Fr. a.) soldiers having a trade and plying it in the regiment; -s "d'etat, (Fr. a.) in the artillery and engineers, n. c. o.'s ranking as adjudant and acting as foremen or chief workmen in arsenals and in the artillery and engineer schools; ouvrier dfaQon, outworker; enfer, worker in iron; * de I'habillement et du campement, tinners, saddlers, etc. (belong to the s d'administration); manoeuvre, journeyman; de port, 'longshoreman; dock laborer; premier , (Fr. a.) foreman of a regimental workshop; s du service des subsistances, (Fr. a.) bakers, ouvrage de position, a generic term for tetes de pjnt, works in denies, and in any important and quasi-permanent position near important lines or positions; - de premiere ligne, outer work of a fortified position; - principal, main work; - de protection, in mountainous countries, a work constructed on a point which, if held by the enemy, might threaten a barrier fort; -s publics, (in gen.) public works, public buildings; - reticule, (was.) net masonry; - retire, retiree 5 work; - revetu, revetted work; a seaux, (tech.) scoop wheel; - secondaire, secondary, auxiliary, work; - de seconde ligne, intermediate work (between the line of detached works and the noyau central); simple, a work of simple trace, covering but 1 i ttle ground by its fire ; - a la tache, (in gen.) piecework; - de,en, terre, earthwork; -s de sujetion, (cons.) a generic term for concealed, difficult, or special work; - en travers, (min.) cross system of mining; --type de compagnie, type of work to hold one company; - vu de revers, work commanded in rear. ouvrage, a., wrought. ouvrager, y. a., to work, to adorn; - la mine, (met.) to scum the ore in a furnace. ouvrant, a., opening; a jour- at , daybreak; -e(s), porte(s) at the opening of the gates of a town. ouvre, p. p., wrought, shaped; /

outrer 302 ouvrage<br />

outrer, v. a., to overload, overwork, strain, exaggerate,<br />

overwhelm; (.man.) to override (a<br />

horse).<br />

ouvert, a., open; free (of a port); (of a roadstead)<br />

open, unsheltered; (of a river) open; (of a circuit)<br />

open; (fort.') unfortified, without a parapet;<br />

open (i. e,, without defenses along the<br />

gorge); (r. r.) clear; (nav.) undecked; (top.) open<br />

(of the terrain);<br />

abreast of (a town, etc.):<br />

h r , open,<br />

cheval bien , (hipp.) horse with broad chest<br />

and straight legs;<br />

h force e, by open force;<br />

& la gorge, (fort.) open-gorged;<br />

aucrre c, open (i. e., unconcealed) war;<br />

& uvrc at , sight;<br />

outrage , ouvrage & la gorge, (fort.) open<br />

pays L, country without fortifications;<br />

v jHC C) open, unfortified, unwalled town.<br />

ouverture, f., opening, act of opening, orifice, hole,<br />

operture; crack, chink, rip, vent; width, gap;<br />

spout, mouth, unlocking, overture, means, expedient;<br />

opening (of Congress, of Parliament);<br />

(pant.) width of a bay; waterway; (elec.) opening<br />

of a circuit; (steam) port; (met.) mouth,<br />

charging door, of a furnace; (r. r.) opening of a<br />

line; (cons.) generic term for doors, windows, or<br />

any other opening; width of a door or window;<br />

span of an arch; (opt.) aperture of a lens; (mil.,<br />

iiav.) beginning of a campaign, of a war, etc.;<br />

(fort.) mouth of an embrasure; (top.) opening or<br />

valley between two hills;<br />

h r , bayed;<br />

& I'admission, (steam) cylinder port;<br />

d'u7i arc, span of an arch;<br />

d' arson, (harn.) stuffing hole of a saddle;<br />

d'une bale, mouth (entrance) of a bay;<br />

de la campagne, (mil.) opening, beginning, of<br />

a campaign;<br />

de chargement,<br />

door;<br />

& charger, (met.) charging<br />

de la cliauffe, stokehole;<br />

dcs colonnes, (mil, nav.)<br />

columns;<br />

interval between<br />

d'un <strong>com</strong>pos, opening, spread, of a <strong>com</strong>pass;<br />

de la coquille du piston (macli.) crosshead<br />

hole;<br />

de coulee, (met.) tap hole;<br />

de decharge, (steam) evacuation port;<br />

exterieure, (fort.) outer mouth of an embrasure;<br />

. dufeu, (mil, art., siege) opening or beginning<br />

of fire;<br />

d'unfourneau, (met.) charging hole of a furnace;<br />

dcs hostilites, (mil.) opening of hostilities;<br />

intericure, (fort.) inner mouth of an embrasure;<br />

d'intervalles, (mil.) opening of intervals;<br />

s de paix. overtures of peace;<br />

de la piece, (art.) opening of the breech (act<br />

of);<br />

plate, (cons.) opening or window in a cupola;<br />

de pointage, (art.) sighting hole in a turret top;<br />

d'une porte, etc., (opening) width of a door,<br />

etc.;<br />

des portes, opening of the gates of a fort or fortified<br />

town;<br />

d'un puits, mouth of a well;<br />

& la scoric, (met.) slag hole;<br />

de sortie, (steam) exhaust port;<br />

de la tranchee, (siege) opening of the trenches,<br />

beginning of siege operations, establishment of<br />

the first parallel;<br />

de travee, width of a span;<br />

utile de t'objcctif, (opt.) working aperture of<br />

the objective;<br />

de la vapeur, (macli.) steam port;<br />

de vidange, (steam) mud hole;<br />

d'une voute, v. d'un arc.<br />

ouvrable, a., hcure , working hour;<br />

jour , working day.<br />

ouvrage, m., work, piece of work; workmanship<br />

labor, performance; (met.) hearth of a blast furnace;<br />

interior of a blast furnace; (fort.) work;<br />

(mm.) method of working.<br />

(Except where otherwise indicated, the following<br />

terms relate to fortification.)<br />

& I' at , work;<br />

annexe, subsidiary work in the first line;<br />

d'arret, generic term for any work or place<br />

destined to arrest enemy on the frontier itself;<br />

s a'art (r. r.) constructions, generic term for<br />

bridges, culverts, viaducts, etc.;<br />

d'attaque, offensive work;<br />

avance advanced work; work outside of the<br />

covered way, but flanked from the corps de<br />

place, enceinte;<br />

blanc, (tech.) tool making;<br />

bois d' , v. s. v. bois;<br />

de campagne, fieldwork;<br />

casemate, casemated work;<br />

de champ de bataille, generic term for any defensive<br />

work on field of battle;<br />

collateral, collateral work;<br />

. .<br />

par <strong>com</strong>partiments, (mm.) panel working;<br />

hcornes, hornwork;<br />

d, <strong>com</strong>es couronne, a crownhornwork;<br />

h couronne, couronne, crownwork;<br />

crenelt, loopholed, crenelated work;<br />

de defense, defensif, defensive work;<br />

degrade, work damaged by hostile fire;<br />

demi-rev&u, half-revetted work;<br />

detache, detached work;<br />

donne & Ventreprise, (adm.) contract work;<br />

echarpe, work reached by oblique fire;<br />

enfile, enfiladed work;<br />

epaule, any work protected by epaulments;<br />

d'escadron, work holding one squadron (dismounted<br />

and using carbines) ;<br />

eventuel, (in gen.) job; job work;<br />

exterieur, outwork, work outside the enceinte<br />

ferme, closed work; work with closed (fortified)<br />

gorge;<br />

liflancs, work with flanks;<br />

flanquant, flanking work;<br />

flanque, flanked work;<br />

defonte, (fond.) casting;<br />

en fontett noyau, (fond.) cored, work;<br />

de fortification, fortification;<br />

en gradins, (mm.) stoping;<br />

en, par, gradins droits, (mm.) underhand stopin";<br />

'en, par, gradins renverses, (mm.) overhand<br />

stoping;<br />

par grandes tattles, (min.) long work;<br />

gros s> (cons.) a generic term for foundation<br />

walls, facades, party walls, arches, etc.; (in gen.)<br />

heavy work;<br />

d' interdiction, stop fort, barrier fort.<br />

interieur, work within the corps de place, or<br />

main enceinte; interior work; keep;<br />

intermediate, intermediate work; a work in<br />

the first line (to support the main permanent<br />

works of same, occupied when needed); a work<br />

between the line of detached works and the<br />

noyau central;<br />

isole, isolated work;<br />

par massifs longs, v. par piliers et galeries;<br />

menus s, (cons.) generic term for chimneys,<br />

ceilings, etc.;<br />

mettre d, r , (in gen.) to put to work, set to<br />

work;<br />

se mettre & Z'<br />

, (in gen.) to go to work, set to<br />

work;<br />

mi-fcrme, half-closed work;<br />

noir, (tech.) blacksmith work, black work;<br />

nonrevetu, unrevetted work;<br />

ouvert, open work;<br />

passager, temporary work;<br />

permanent, permanent work;<br />

par piliers et galeries, (min.) working by post<br />

and stall, pillar and breast;<br />

par piliers et <strong>com</strong>partiments, (min.) panelwork;

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