A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

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oblique 294 obus oblique, marche , (mil.) obKque march; navigation , loxodromics; ordre , (mil.) oblique order of battle; p0rt , (in France) a port not the residence of a maritime prefect; rendrc to , slant; route , (nav.) traverse. obllquement, a., obliquely, slant, askew. obliquer, v. n., (mil.) to incline, oblique. obliquite, f. , obliquity; du tir, (art.) oblique impact (as on armor plates). obliteration, f., obliteration; canceling of postage stamps; (hipp.) the filling up of the pulp cavity. obliterer, v. a., to obliterate; to cancel (a postage stamp). oblong, a., oblong. obron, m., v. auberon. obronniere, v. aubcronniere. of the obseryateur, m., observer (especially, art., points of fall). Observation, f., observation (instrumental and other); observance, fulfillment; accomplishment; armee d' , (mil.) army of observation; an army watching the frontier of a neutral but suspected state; bailment d' , (nav.) lookout boat; corps d' , (mil.) corps of observation; des coups, (art.) observation of shots (points of fall); etre en ..(mil., nav.) to be on the lookout; faire, prendre, des s, to make, take, observations ; par miroir, mirror observation; rapporier des s, to lay down, plot, reduce, observations. observatoire, m., observatory ; (mil.) any position, whether natural or artificial, whence the progress of a battle, etc., may be observed; (fort.) observing station; blinde, (fort.) armored, protected, observing station; dc campagne, (mil.) field observatory; cuirasse, (fort.) conning tower, armored observatory; (t eclipse, (fort.) disappearing observatory or conning tower; phare, (fort.) electric-light observing station; volant, (siege) mobile observatory (attack). observer, v. a., to observe; to keep in view, look out, watch; to take an observation, a bearing, an angle, etc.; to fulfill, perform; les distances, (mil.) to observe, maintain, distances; les hanches,la ligne, (man.) (of the horse) to keep on the line; le terrain, v. garder le terrain. obstacle, m., obstacle, incumbrance, bar, hindrance, impediment; (mil.) obstacle. obstruction, f., obstruction ; de I'ame par le projectile, (art.) jamming of a projectile in the bore. obtempCrer, v. n., to submit, to obey; d un ordre, to obey an order. obturant, obturateur, a., (art.) obturating sealing. obturateur, m., (tech.) flap, plug, stopper, screen, cut-off, shutter; (mach.) generic term for valve, for any device used to close a tube; (art., sm. a.) obturator, gas check; (fort.) embrasure plug (in turrets and armored forts) ; anneau , (art.) ring obturator; dboule, (art.) pellet obturator; A bloc-bascule, (sm. a.) the obturator of the Guedes rifle; Broadwell,(art.) Broadwellring; en carton, pasteboard obturatorti clapet, (phot.) flap shutter; composite, (art.) Schneider's obturator ( Broad well ring and plastic pad); conique, miter; ft contre-yaids, (fort.) counterpoise embrasure plug (Gruson turret); dfcroche , (art.) obturator release; ademeure, (sm. a.) fixed obturator; obturateur d'embrasure, (fort.) embrasure plug (of a turret gun); fixe, (art.) an obturator fixed in position in the gun; par glissement, (mach.) slide valve; ft guillotine, (phot., etc.) drop shutter, camera slide;. de lumtere, (art.) vent sealer, vent-sealing device; d'oculaire, (inst.) eyepiece cap; plastique, (art.) plastic obturator; a rideau, (phot.) blind shutter; ft secteurs, (phot.) sector shutter; par soulevement, (mach.) lift valve. obturation, f., obturation; (art., sm. a.) gas checking, sealing, obturation; appareild' , (art.) gas-check mechanism; automatique, (art.) automatic obturation (due to the special construction of the parts involved); a boule, (art.) pellet obturation; par expansion, (art., sm. a.) obturation by expansion of case; de lumiere, (art.) vent sealing; vent-sealing device; par serfage automatique, (art.) obturation produced by the pressure of the powder gases on the obturating device; par serrage initial , (art.) obturation produced by the initial tight fit of the obturating device. obturer, v. a., to close, close up; (art., sm. a.) to obturate. obtus, a., (of an angle) obtuse. obtusangle, a., obtuse-angled. obus, m., (art.) shell; shellgun (rare); en acier, steel shell; d ailettes, studded projectile (the studs are set approximately parallel to the rifling, obs.); allonge, elongated shell; a synonym of torpille; a shell of great interior capacity; a anneaux, ring shell; arme, live shell; a balles, shrapnel; ti balles & chambre arriere (posterieure) , shrapnel with rear burster; & balles d chambre avant, shrapnel with front burster; & balles libres, a shrapnel whose bullets are not packed or set in sulphur or plaster; de breche, battering shell ; brisant, a shell with high-explosive burster; canon, term descriptive of shrapnels whose walls do not burst, and whose bullets are projected as it were from a gun; & ceinture, a shell fitted with a rotating band; & ceinture expansive, a shell fitted with an expanding rotating band; & charge arriere, shell with rear burster; & charge centrale, shell with central burster; charge, loaded shell, filled shell; d chemise, coated shell; concentrique, concentric shell; d cordons de plomb, shell with leaden rotating rings; acouronnes dentees, sort of segment shell; & culot rapporte, shell whose base is assembled to the body; a culot visse, a shell whose base is screwed onto the body; & diaphragme, diaphragm shell; double, dow ^ shell; & double pare/,, Jouble-walled shell; eclairant , light shell , illuminating shell ; tclats d' , shell splinters; enveloppe d' & mitraille, shrapnel body; d, ctoile t star shell; excentrique, eccentric shell; & expansion, expanding shell (takes tLe grooves by expansion); explosif . torpedo, shell; & explosif, a high-explosive shell; fictif, dummy shell; enfowte, castrixon shell;

us 295 ceil bus enfonte dure. chilled (cast-iron) srell; fougasse, thin cast-iron globe filled with explosive compound (obs.): (to-daj ) a thinwalled shell of high capacity chargec with high explosives; ft fragmentation, generic term for : hell, with reference to its producing its effects b y bursting into fragments; ft fragmentation systematise, a shell in which fragmentation is sought to be made regular; h fusee, common shell; & fusee a double effet, a dpuble-ac ion shell (i. e., fitted with axloublo-action fuse): h fusee percutante, percussion shell; (ifuseeh effet retarde, shell fitted wit_i a delayaction fuse; ft fusee b, temps, time shell: ft gcrbe crcuse, a shell whose fragments are thickest on outside of sheaf; a gerbe etroite, mirice, shell giving a narrow cone of dispersion; ft gerbe ouverte, shell giving a wide cone of dis- persion; ft gerbe pleine, a shell whose fragments are uniformly scattered; ft grande capacite, a shell of high interior ca- pacity; incendiaire, carcass, incendiary shell: leste, plugged shell; leste en explosif, shell filled with its burster, but not fused; & melinite, etc., melinite, etc., shell.; hmeplat, flat-nosed shell; mine, German name of torpedo shell; de mine, mine shell; ft mitraille, shrapnel; multiple, multiple shell (so called from its construction, containing a number of small shells, so to say, or grenades); non charge, empty, unloaded shell; non creve, blind shell; oblong, oblong shell; ogival, ogivo-cylindrique, ogival shell; ft ogive vissee, a shell whose ogive is screwed on to the body; ordinaire, common shell; ordinaire enfonte, common cast-iron shell; ft percussion, percutant, percussion shell; de perforation, armor-piercing shell; ft petrole, petroleum (incendiary) shell; pierrier, stone fougasse; de rupture, armor-piercing shell: battering shell; ft segments, segment shell; en un seul morceau, shell madein one piece; shrapnel, ft la shrapnel, shrapnel shell; ft tenons, studded shell (the studs, tenons, are circular, obs.); - tete de-mort, v. wicendiaire; ft tete plate, flat-headed shell; torpille, torpedo shell. obuser, v. a., (art.} to shell. obusier, m., (art.) howitzer, shell gun; de campagne, field howitzer; cuirasse, armored howitzer (armored mount); lisse, smoothbore howitzer; rayc, rifled howitzer; ft tir rapidf t rapid-fire howitzer. occasion, f., opportunity; occasion; occurrence; (mil.) engagement, light (obs.). Occident, m., west, the west;. a I' , westward; d'cte. (d'hiver), point where the sun appears to set on the longest (shortest) day of the year. occidental, a., western, westerly, west. occlure, v. a., (chem., met.) to occlude. occlusion, f., (chem., met.) occlusion; (steam) cutoff. occultateur, m . , cut-off, screen (as in a search light ). occupation, f. , occupation; (mil.) seizure, occupation, of a country, of a position; (tech.) in a.joint, the surface that recei\ estheaboat, q. v., bearing surface ; armce (brigade, corps) d' , (m#.)army (brigade, corps) of occupation; (more narrowly) an army occupying a friendly or allied country (as a guard against surprise, invasion, etc.). occuper, v. a., to occupy ; to employ; (777 il.) to occupy (a position, etc.). oc&m, m., ocean; (especially to Frenchmen) the Atlantic; grand , the Pacific Ocean. ocre, f., ocher; brune, brown ocher; jaune, yellow ocher, mineral yellow, limonite; rouge,red ocher (Spanish red, Venetian red). octant, m., (inst.) octant. octave, t.,(fenc.) octa e parry. octocjone, m., octagon; (fort.) an eight-bastioned work. octroi, m., town dues (municipal tariff); oflice where such dues are paid; personnel charged with the collection of these dues. oculaire, a., ocular; m. (opt.) eyepiece, eyeglass, ocular ; compose, (opt.) built-up ocular; negatif, (opt.) negative ocular; positif, (opt.) positive ocular. odometre, m., (inst.) odometer. ceil, m., eye; opening, mouth, hole; loop (as of a drag chain); reefing eye; (mach., tech?) opening, eye, aperture, hole (in a great variety of applications); (cord.) eye, loop; (harn.) eye (of a bit, etc.); (cons.) any small opening; (art.) fuse hole; (met.) tap hole; it I' , by the eye; d'ancre, eye of an anchor; avoir I' au guet, to be on the lookout; 4 de I'arbre de manivelle, (mach.) large eye of a crank; des attelles, (harn.) hamesring; de bceuf. (hipp.) gross eye, bo\ ine eye; de-boeuf, bull's-eye window; bull's-eye, in hot countries, small cloud appearing suddenly and announcing a tornado; scar or wound in a tree (produced by a rotten branch); water gall, weather gall; wooden traveler (the plural is ceils-de-boeuf) ; de charniere, hinge-bolt hole; d'une chevre, opening for the passage of the ropes; de cochon, (hipp.) smalleye, pig eye; de coulee (met.) tap hole; coup d' , survey, view, glance, peep;coup d' militaire, (mil.) ability to take in a military situation at a glance, to recognize possibilities of a position, eye for ground; couvert, v. de cochon; dedome, (cons.) eye of a dome; d'un etau, screw hole of a vise; etre sur I' (man.) to shy; d'un etrier, (torn.) stirrup eye; ft laflamande, (cord.) Flemish eye, made eye; fondre par I' , (met.) to melt without closing the tap hole; degdchette, (sm. a.) sear hole; de gaine, tack of a flag; de galcrie, (mm.) entrance of a gallery; grand de la manivelle, (mach.) large eye of the crank; gras, v. de cochon', gros, v. de boeuf; de manivelle, (mach.) small eye of a crank; hauteur de I' , height of the eye; d'une grue, opening for the passage of the ropes, the chains; de marteau, eye or socket of a hammer; d'une meule, eye of a millstone; du mors. (harn.) eye of a bit; d'obus, (art.) fuse hole; petit; v. de cochon; de p^e, (cord.) reefing eye; eyelet;

us 295 ceil<br />

bus enfonte dure. chilled (cast-iron) srell;<br />

fougasse, thin cast-iron globe filled with explosive<br />

<strong>com</strong>pound (obs.): (to-daj ) a thinwalled<br />

shell of high capacity chargec with high<br />

explosives;<br />

ft fragmentation, generic term for : hell, with<br />

reference to its producing its effects b y bursting<br />

into fragments;<br />

ft fragmentation systematise,<br />

a shell in which<br />

fragmentation is sought to be made regular;<br />

h fusee, <strong>com</strong>mon shell;<br />

& fusee a double effet, a dpuble-ac<br />

ion shell<br />

(i. e., fitted with axloublo-action fuse):<br />

h fusee percutante, percussion shell;<br />

(ifuseeh effet retarde, shell fitted wit_i a delayaction<br />

fuse;<br />

ft fusee b, temps, time shell:<br />

ft gcrbe crcuse, a shell whose fragments are<br />

thickest on outside of sheaf;<br />

a gerbe etroite, mirice, shell giving a narrow<br />

cone of dispersion;<br />

ft gerbe ouverte, shell giving a wide cone of dis-<br />

persion;<br />

ft gerbe pleine, a shell whose fragments are<br />

uniformly scattered;<br />

ft grande capacite, a shell of high interior ca-<br />

pacity;<br />

incendiaire, carcass, incendiary shell:<br />

leste, plugged shell;<br />

leste en explosif, shell filled with its burster,<br />

but not fused;<br />

& melinite, etc., melinite, etc., shell.;<br />

hmeplat, flat-nosed shell;<br />

mine, German name of torpedo shell;<br />

de mine, mine shell;<br />

ft mitraille, shrapnel;<br />

multiple, multiple shell (so called from its<br />

construction, containing a number of small<br />

shells, so to say, or grenades);<br />

non charge, empty, unloaded shell;<br />

non creve, blind shell;<br />

oblong, oblong shell;<br />

ogival, ogivo-cylindrique, ogival shell;<br />

ft ogive vissee, a shell whose ogive is screwed<br />

on to the body;<br />

ordinaire, <strong>com</strong>mon shell;<br />

ordinaire enfonte, <strong>com</strong>mon cast-iron shell;<br />

ft percussion, percutant, percussion shell;<br />

de perforation, armor-piercing shell;<br />

ft petrole, petroleum (incendiary) shell;<br />

pierrier, stone fougasse;<br />

de rupture, armor-piercing shell: battering<br />

shell;<br />

ft segments, segment shell;<br />

en un seul morceau, shell madein one piece;<br />

shrapnel, ft la shrapnel, shrapnel shell;<br />

ft tenons, studded shell (the studs, tenons, are<br />

circular, obs.);<br />

- tete de-mort, v. wicendiaire;<br />

ft tete plate, flat-headed shell;<br />

torpille, torpedo shell.<br />

obuser, v. a., (art.} to shell.<br />

obusier, m., (art.) howitzer, shell gun;<br />

de campagne, field howitzer;<br />

cuirasse, armored howitzer (armored mount);<br />

lisse, smoothbore howitzer;<br />

rayc, rifled howitzer;<br />

ft tir rapidf t rapid-fire howitzer.<br />

occasion, f., opportunity; occasion; occurrence;<br />

(mil.) engagement, light (obs.).<br />

Occident, m., west, the west;.<br />

a I' , westward;<br />

d'cte. (d'hiver), point where the sun appears<br />

to set on the longest (shortest) day of the year.<br />

occidental, a., western, westerly, west.<br />

occlure, v. a., (chem., met.) to occlude.<br />

occlusion, f., (chem., met.) occlusion; (steam) cutoff.<br />

occultateur, m .<br />

, cut-off, screen (as in a search light ).<br />

occupation, f. , occupation; (mil.) seizure, occupation,<br />

of a country, of a position; (tech.) in a.joint,<br />

the surface that recei\ estheaboat, q. v., bearing<br />

surface ;<br />

armce (brigade, corps) d' , (m#.)army (brigade,<br />

corps) of occupation; (more narrowly) an army<br />

occupying a friendly or allied country (as a<br />

guard against surprise, invasion, etc.).<br />

occuper, v. a., to occupy ; to employ; (777 il.) to occupy<br />

(a position, etc.).<br />

oc&m, m., ocean; (especially to <strong>French</strong>men) the<br />

Atlantic;<br />

grand , the Pacific Ocean.<br />

ocre, f., ocher;<br />

brune, brown ocher;<br />

jaune, yellow ocher, mineral yellow, limonite;<br />

rouge,red ocher (Spanish red, Venetian red).<br />

octant, m., (inst.) octant.<br />

octave, t.,(fenc.) octa e parry.<br />

octocjone, m., octagon; (fort.) an eight-bastioned<br />

work.<br />

octroi, m., town dues (municipal tariff); oflice<br />

where such dues are paid; personnel charged<br />

with the collection of these dues.<br />

oculaire, a., ocular; m. (opt.) eyepiece, eyeglass,<br />

ocular ;<br />

<strong>com</strong>pose, (opt.) built-up ocular;<br />

negatif, (opt.) negative ocular;<br />

positif, (opt.) positive ocular.<br />

odometre, m., (inst.) odometer.<br />

ceil, m., eye; opening, mouth, hole; loop (as of a<br />

drag chain); reefing eye; (mach., tech?) opening,<br />

eye, aperture, hole (in a great variety of applications);<br />

(cord.) eye, loop; (harn.) eye (of a bit,<br />

etc.); (cons.) any small opening; (art.) fuse hole;<br />

(met.) tap hole;<br />

it I' , by the eye;<br />

d'ancre, eye of an anchor;<br />

avoir I' au guet, to be on the lookout; 4<br />

de I'arbre de manivelle, (mach.) large eye of a<br />

crank;<br />

des attelles, (harn.) hamesring;<br />

de bceuf. (hipp.) gross eye, bo\ ine eye;<br />

de-boeuf, bull's-eye window; bull's-eye, in hot<br />

countries, small cloud appearing suddenly and<br />

announcing a tornado; scar or wound in a tree<br />

(produced by a rotten branch); water gall,<br />

weather gall; wooden traveler (the plural is<br />

ceils-de-boeuf) ;<br />

de charniere, hinge-bolt hole;<br />

d'une chevre, opening for the passage of the<br />

ropes;<br />

de cochon, (hipp.) smalleye, pig eye;<br />

de coulee (met.) tap hole;<br />

coup d' , survey, view, glance, peep;coup<br />

d' militaire, (mil.) ability to take in a<br />

military situation at a glance, to recognize<br />

possibilities of a position, eye for ground;<br />

couvert, v. de cochon;<br />

dedome, (cons.) eye of a dome;<br />

d'un etau, screw hole of a vise;<br />

etre sur I' (man.) to shy;<br />

d'un etrier, (torn.) stirrup eye;<br />

ft laflamande, (cord.) Flemish eye, made eye;<br />

fondre par I' , (met.) to melt without closing<br />

the tap hole;<br />

degdchette, (sm. a.) sear hole;<br />

de gaine, tack of a flag;<br />

de galcrie, (mm.) entrance of a gallery;<br />

grand de la manivelle, (mach.) large eye of the<br />

crank;<br />

gras, v. de cochon',<br />

gros, v. de boeuf;<br />

de manivelle, (mach.) small eye of a crank;<br />

hauteur de I' , height of the eye;<br />

d'une grue, opening for the passage of the<br />

ropes, the chains;<br />

de marteau, eye or socket of a hammer;<br />

d'une meule, eye of a millstone;<br />

du mors. (harn.) eye of a bit;<br />

d'obus, (art.) fuse hole;<br />

petit;<br />

v. de cochon;<br />

de p^e, (cord.) reefing eye; eyelet;

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