A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

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niveau 290 noeud niveau de pente, inclined plane; (inst.) clinometer, slope lavel; a pendule, ft ft perpendicule, plomb, plummet level, carpenter's level; plan de - datum , plane, plane of reference; de pointage, (art.) gunner's quadrant; potentiel, (elec.) potential level; to take the level; prcndre U , q'lart de cercle 6, , quadrant; refletteur, & reflexion, (inst.) reflecting level; souterrain, soil water; spherique, (inst.) spherical, circular level; surface de , level surface; ft tube de verre, (steam) glass gauge; ft visee directe, (insl.) generic term for hand levels: voyant du ft bulle d'air, (inst.) eyepiece of a spirit level; vrai, true level; true, astronomical, horizon. iiivetee, f., (top.) operation of taking or making a level observation. niveler, v. a., to level, make level, bring to a level; (surv.) to level, to run a level; au demi-cercle, to plumb. nivelette, f., (surv.) boning rod or stick. niveleur, m., leveler. nivelle, f., in leveling instruments, a line or directrix seTVing to show when the line of sight is horizontal; a synonym of niveau ft bulle d'air, q. v. uivellement, m., leveling (i. e., operation of making flat or level); (surv.) leveling; (cons.) determination or establishment of a level line (e. g., for a foundation); baromctrique, (surv.) barometric leveling; du canevas general, (surv.) general determination of the differences of level of an area; par cheminement, (surv.) leveling in which the observations are made from different stations by going from station to station; compose, (surv.) operation of getting difference of level between two points when several stations have to be taken; au demi-cercle, plumbing; de detail, (surv.) filling-in level work; direct, (surv.) leveling by horizontal sights; geodesique, (surv.) geodetic leveling; par I'horizontale, v. direct,' indirect, (surv.) clinometer leveling, leveling by the slope; mire pour , (inst.) leveling rod; par Us pentes, v. indirect; proprement dit, v. direct; par rayonnement, (surv.) leveling from a central point or station; simple, (surv.) operation of getting difference of level between two points from one station; topographique, (surv.) operation in which differences of level are got by measuring angles of slope; - - tngono'metrique, (surv.) trigonometric leveling; par visees horizontals, (surv.)Y leveling, leveling by horizontal sights; par visees suivant la pente, (surv.) leveling by sights parallel to the slope. nobClite, f., (expl.) a name for dynamite (from the inventor, A. Nobel). noeud, m., knot; knot (in wood); node; (cord.) knot, tie, bend, hitch; (not;.) knot (rate); (mil.) key (of a position); (top.) plateau from which radiate siibsidiary chains; d'agui, bowline bend; d'agui ft elingue, bowline; d'agui d, elingue double, bowline on a bight; d'aju8, d'ajut, bend; Carrick bend; granny knot; allcmand, figure-of-eight knot; d'amarragt, hitch, tie, lashing; d'amarrage en ctrive, seizing; d'amarrage ft fouet, tail block with a rolling hitch, and the end stopped up; noeud d'amarrageb, plat, lashing; pour amarrer, mooring knot; d'amour, (artif.) firework of 3 wheels at the vertices of a triangle; d'ancre, anchor knot; fishermen's bend; anglais, fisherman's knot; d'dnguille, timber hitch; running bowline; d' artifice, (art.) choking knot (for cartridge bag); d'artificier, clove hitch; d artificier double, a clove hitch with the free end passed through one of the loops; de batelier, clove hitch; midshipman hitch; de bee d'oiseau, v. ft plein poing; de bois, timber hitch; de bois et barbouquct, towing hitch; de bombardier, bombardier's knot, (German) jar knot; de bosse, stopper knot; ft boucle, bowknot, slipknot, drawknot; de bouline, slip clinch; de bouline double, double slip clinch; de bouline simple, single slip clinch; de cabestan, bowline; de capelage, masthead knot; de chaine, chain knot; . de chaise, bowline; de chaise de calfat, a sort of double bowline: de chaise double, bowline on a bight; a douMe bowline (i. e., a double-looped bowline); de chaise simple, bowline, standing bowline knot; de charrue, plowman's knot; commun, overhand knot; de communication, (in gen.) focus or center of communication; coulant, noose, slip, running knot; rolling hitch; coulant simple, slipknot, running knot; coulant sur double clef, timber hitch; courant, running knot; de croc depalan, black wall hitch; de croc de palan double, double black wall hitch; cul-de-porc, single wall knot; cuL de-pore couronne, crowned wall knot; cul-de-porc couronne avec une passe double, double crown knot; cul-de-porc double, double wall knot; cul-de-porc simple, single wall knot; defaire un , to undo a knot; demi , overhand knot; demi-clef, h alf hitch ; de demi-clefs, clove hitch; desserrer un , to loosen a knot; double, double knot; bowline on a bight; double fixe, rolling hitch; double de tire-veille, double diamond knot; de drisse, midshipman hitch; de drisse de bonnette, studding-sail bend; droit, reef knot, square knot; droit ganse, a slip square knot, drawknot, bowknot; ecole des s, cordage drill; d'ecoute, sheet bend, hawser bend ; d'ecoute double, double sheet bend; d'ecoute simple, single sheet bend; ft elingue, standing oowhne knot; d'epaule, (unif.) shoulder knot; d'epee, (unif.) sword knot; d'epissoir, marlin-spike kitch; d'etalingure de cable, cable clinch; d'etalingure de grelin, fisherman's bend; faire des s, to tie knots; faire un , to make, tie, a knot; faire un ft boucle, to tie in a bow; faire un serreb, to tie hard and fast to; faux , granny knot; de fil (de) caret, rope-yarn knot; filer (tant de) s, (nav.) to go, make, so many knots; de filet, fisherman's bend; en forme d'un huit. figure-of-eight knot; de fouet, rolling hitch; de galere, marlin-spike hitch; drag-rope knot;

'nceud 291 iion-disponible nceud de galere double, harness knot or hitch; &. at avec le, garrot, (pont.) rack lashing; glissant, running hitch; de grappin, fisherman's bend; de greffe, cut splice; de griffe, bill hitch; de gueule de loup, cat's-paw; de gueule de rate, cat's-paw; du hart, (siege) withy knot of a fascine; de hauban, shroud knot; de hauban double, double shroud knot; de hauban simple, single shroud knot; hongrois, (harn.) cinch knot or lashing; (unif.) Austrian knot; dejambe de chien, sheep shank, dog shank; dejointure, bend; 1ache, loose knot; Idcher un , to loosen a knot; de loch, (nav.) log-line knot; de ma petite sceur, granny knot; marin, Carrick bend; d'organeau, clove hitch with free end seized to standing part; anchor-ring knot; d'orin, buoy-rope knot; de palan tackle hitch , (to fasten the hook of a tackle to a cable) ; de passe, generic term for any knot requiring the strands to be unlaid; splice; de patte de chat, black wall hitch; en pattes d'oie, Magnus hitch and two half hitches (mooring knot); de pecheur, fisherman's bend; plat, reef knot, square knot; Carrick bend; hplein poing, loop knot; hawser bend; de pontet, (sm. c.) foot, knob, of trigger guard; de poupee, mooring knot; Magnus hitch; de prolong e, (art.) prolonged knot; de rene, (harn.) sliding loop; de ride, Matthew Walker's knot; de ride double, double Matthew Walker's knot; de ride simple, single Matthew Walker's knot; de routes, (top.) point of junction of several roads; de saignee, (hipp.) artificer's knot, so called because used in closing a vein after bleeding; serre, hard knot; simple, single, simple, overhand knot; s simples, ordinary, simple, knots; simple boucle, drawknot; simple ganse,draw thumb-knot, slipknot, drag-rope knot; simple de tire-veille, single diamond knot; de soldat, granny knot; de tire-veille, diamond knot; de tisserand, weaver's knot, sheet bend, single bend; tors, granny knot; de tresillon, marlin-spike hitch; de vache, granny knot; Carrick bend; vicieux, dead knot in wood; de voleur, thief knot. noir, a., black; (of the weather) threatening, dark; (cord.) tarred; m., black, mourning; negro, black; (t. p.) bull's-eye; d'Allemagne, German black, Frankfort black; animal, animal black, bone black; ble , buckwheat; de charbon, coal black; de Chine, China (India) ink; d'Espagne, cork black, Spanish black; fonte e, (met.) cast iron; franc, (hipp.) uniform black coat (without reflection); defumce, lampblack; defumee calcine, burnt lampblack; dehouille, coal black ; d'impression, Frankfort black; d'ivoire, ivory black; jais, jayet, (hipp.) jet black, with brilliant reflection, glossy black; de lampe, lampblack; noir mal feint, (hipp.) dull black, rusty black; mineral, mineral black; d'os, bone black; pain . black bread; de pZche, peach black; pie , (hipp.) black and white; de platine, platinum black; point , small black cloud announcing a storm; vegetal, vegetable coal. noircir, v. a. r., to make black; to blacken, darken; to smoke; (of the weather) to grow dark, threatening; to lower, become cloudy; (fond.) to black wash. nolrcissement, m., blackening; (fond.) black washing. noircissure, f., black spot. noisette, f., little nut; casser la , (hipp.) to agitate the lower lip rapidly. noix, f., nut; plug (of a cock); drum, head (of a capstan); (cons.) semicircular groove (as of a window stile); tongue fitting into such a groove; (sm. a.) cocking notch; lower part of cocking piece; cocking-piece nose; cocking piece, cocking nut; tumbler; (r.f. art.) tumbler; (mach.) chain pulley; de cabestan, head of a capstan; excentrique en forme de cceur, (mach.) heart wheel; de galle, gall nut; de platine, (sm. a.) tumbler of a gunlock; de robinet, plug of a cock; treuild chain , winch; vis de , (sm. a.) tumbler pin. nolet, m., v. none. noils, m., freight (by sea); price of transportation (a Mediterranean term). nolisateur, m., charterer. noliser, v. a., to charter a ship. nolissement, m., chartering of a vessel. nom, m., name, fame, celebrity; de guerre, nickname. nombre, m., number; abstrait, abstract number; cardinal, cardinal number; concret, concrete number; entier, whole number; impair, odd number; ordinal, d'ordrc, ordinal number; pair, even number; premier, prime number; rond, round number. nombrer, v. a., to number; to count, enumerate. nombreux, a., numerous. nomenclature, f.. nomenclature, list; prix de , published, list, price. nominal, a., nominal (of effect, horsepower, etc.). nominatif, a., nominative; etat , list (of names); liste ve, list of names. nomination, f., (mil, etc.) appointment; nomination; right of nomination; d, la de in the , appointment, gift, of .... nommer, v. a., to name; to appoint, to promote. non-activite', f., (mil.) state of being detached from active duty, of being on waiting orders (said of officers whose corps are disbanded, who return from captivity, whose functions are canceled, etc.); (as a punishment) suspension; mettre en , k> put on waiting orders; to relieve from active duty; (as a punishment) to suspend; par retrait d'emploi, ( Fr. a. ) suspension not to exceed three years, at the expiration of which period a conseil d'enque'te declares whether the officer shall be discharged or not; par suspension d'emploi, (Fr. a.) suspension, no substitute being appointed for a year, before the expiration of which the officer may be restored to duty. non-combattant, m., (mil.) noncombatant. non-eonducteur, m., a., (elec.) nonconductor. non-dlsponlble, a., m., v. s. v. disponibk.

'nceud 291 iion-disponible<br />

nceud de galere double, harness knot or hitch;<br />

&. at avec le, garrot, (pont.) rack lashing;<br />

glissant, running hitch;<br />

de grappin, fisherman's bend;<br />

de greffe, cut splice;<br />

de griffe, bill hitch;<br />

de gueule de loup, cat's-paw;<br />

de gueule de rate, cat's-paw;<br />

du hart, (siege) withy knot of a fascine;<br />

de hauban, shroud knot;<br />

de hauban double, double shroud knot;<br />

de hauban simple, single shroud knot;<br />

hongrois, (harn.) cinch knot or lashing; (unif.)<br />

Austrian knot;<br />

dejambe de chien, sheep shank, dog shank;<br />

dejointure, bend;<br />

1ache, loose knot;<br />

Idcher un , to loosen a knot;<br />

de loch, (nav.) log-line knot;<br />

de ma petite sceur, granny knot;<br />

marin, Carrick bend;<br />

d'organeau, clove hitch with free end seized<br />

to standing part; anchor-ring knot;<br />

d'orin, buoy-rope knot;<br />

de palan tackle hitch , (to fasten the hook of a<br />

tackle to a cable) ;<br />

de passe, generic term for any knot requiring<br />

the strands to be unlaid; splice;<br />

de patte de chat, black wall hitch;<br />

en pattes d'oie, Magnus hitch and two half<br />

hitches (mooring knot);<br />

de pecheur, fisherman's bend;<br />

plat, reef knot, square knot; Carrick bend;<br />

hplein poing, loop knot; hawser bend;<br />

de pontet, (sm. c.) foot, knob, of trigger guard;<br />

de poupee, mooring knot; Magnus hitch;<br />

de prolong e, (art.) prolonged knot;<br />

de rene, (harn.) sliding loop;<br />

de ride, Matthew Walker's knot;<br />

de ride double, double Matthew Walker's<br />

knot;<br />

de ride simple, single Matthew Walker's knot;<br />

de routes, (top.) point of junction of several<br />

roads;<br />

de saignee, (hipp.) artificer's knot, so called<br />

because used in closing a vein after bleeding;<br />

serre, hard knot;<br />

simple, single, simple, overhand knot;<br />

s simples, ordinary, simple, knots;<br />

simple boucle, drawknot;<br />

simple ganse,draw thumb-knot, slipknot,<br />

drag-rope knot;<br />

simple de tire-veille, single diamond knot;<br />

de soldat, granny knot;<br />

de tire-veille, diamond knot;<br />

de tisserand, weaver's knot, sheet bend, single<br />

bend;<br />

tors, granny knot;<br />

de tresillon, marlin-spike hitch;<br />

de vache, granny knot; Carrick bend;<br />

vicieux, dead knot in wood;<br />

de voleur, thief knot.<br />

noir, a., black; (of the weather) threatening, dark;<br />

(cord.) tarred; m., black, mourning; negro,<br />

black; (t. p.) bull's-eye;<br />

d'Allemagne, German black, Frankfort black;<br />

animal, animal black, bone black;<br />

ble , buckwheat;<br />

de charbon, coal black;<br />

de Chine, China (India) ink;<br />

d'Espagne, cork black, Spanish black;<br />

fonte e, (met.) cast iron;<br />

franc, (hipp.) uniform black coat (without<br />

reflection);<br />

defumce, lampblack;<br />

defumee calcine, burnt lampblack;<br />

dehouille, coal black ;<br />

d'impression, Frankfort black;<br />

d'ivoire, ivory black;<br />

jais, jayet, (hipp.) jet black, with brilliant<br />

reflection, glossy black;<br />

de lampe, lampblack;<br />

noir mal feint, (hipp.) dull black, rusty black;<br />

mineral, mineral black;<br />

d'os, bone black;<br />

pain . black bread;<br />

de pZche, peach black;<br />

pie , (hipp.) black and white;<br />

de platine, platinum black;<br />

point , small black cloud announcing a storm;<br />

vegetal, vegetable coal.<br />

noircir, v. a. r., to make black; to blacken, darken;<br />

to smoke; (of the weather) to grow dark, threatening;<br />

to lower, be<strong>com</strong>e cloudy; (fond.) to black<br />

wash.<br />

nolrcissement, m., blackening; (fond.) black<br />

washing.<br />

noircissure, f., black spot.<br />

noisette, f., little nut;<br />

casser la , (hipp.) to agitate the lower lip rapidly.<br />

noix, f., nut; plug (of a cock); drum, head (of a capstan);<br />

(cons.) semicircular groove (as of a window<br />

stile); tongue fitting into such a groove;<br />

(sm. a.) cocking notch; lower part of cocking<br />

piece; cocking-piece nose; cocking piece, cocking<br />

nut; tumbler; (r.f. art.) tumbler; (mach.) chain<br />

pulley;<br />

de cabestan, head of a capstan;<br />

excentrique en forme de cceur, (mach.) heart<br />

wheel;<br />

de galle, gall nut;<br />

de platine, (sm. a.) tumbler of a gunlock;<br />

de robinet, plug of a cock;<br />

treuild chain , winch;<br />

vis de , (sm. a.) tumbler pin.<br />

nolet, m., v. none.<br />

noils, m., freight (by sea); price of transportation (a<br />

Mediterranean term).<br />

nolisateur, m., charterer.<br />

noliser, v. a., to charter a ship.<br />

nolissement, m., chartering of a vessel.<br />

nom, m., name, fame, celebrity;<br />

de guerre, nickname.<br />

nombre, m., number;<br />

abstrait, abstract number;<br />

cardinal, cardinal number;<br />

concret, concrete number;<br />

entier, whole number;<br />

impair, odd number;<br />

ordinal, d'ordrc, ordinal number;<br />

pair, even number;<br />

premier, prime number;<br />

rond, round number.<br />

nombrer, v. a., to number; to count, enumerate.<br />

nombreux, a., numerous.<br />

nomenclature, f.. nomenclature, list;<br />

prix de , published, list, price.<br />

nominal, a., nominal (of effect, horsepower, etc.).<br />

nominatif, a., nominative;<br />

etat , list (of names);<br />

liste ve, list of names.<br />

nomination, f., (mil, etc.) appointment; nomination;<br />

right of nomination;<br />

d, la de in the , appointment, gift, of ....<br />

nommer, v. a., to name; to appoint, to promote.<br />

non-activite', f., (mil.) state of being detached from<br />

active duty, of being on waiting orders (said of<br />

officers whose corps are disbanded, who return<br />

from captivity, whose functions are canceled,<br />

etc.); (as a punishment) suspension;<br />

mettre en , k> put on waiting orders; to relieve<br />

from active duty; (as a punishment) to suspend;<br />

par retrait d'emploi, ( Fr. a. ) suspension not to<br />

exceed three years, at the expiration of which<br />

period a conseil d'enque'te declares whether the<br />

officer shall be discharged or not;<br />

par suspension d'emploi, (Fr. a.) suspension,<br />

no substitute being appointed for a year, before<br />

the expiration of which the officer may be restored<br />

to duty.<br />

non-<strong>com</strong>battant, m., (mil.) non<strong>com</strong>batant.<br />

non-eonducteur, m., a., (elec.) nonconductor.<br />

non-dlsponlble, a., m., v. s. v. disponibk.

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