A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com


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niveau 290 noeud<br />

niveau de pente, inclined plane; (inst.) clinometer,<br />

slope lavel;<br />

a pendule, ft ft perpendicule, plomb,<br />

plummet level, carpenter's level;<br />

plan de - datum , plane, plane of reference;<br />

de pointage, (art.) gunner's quadrant;<br />

potentiel, (elec.) potential level;<br />

to take the level;<br />

prcndre U ,<br />

q'lart de cercle 6, , quadrant;<br />

refletteur, & reflexion, (inst.) reflecting<br />

level;<br />

souterrain, soil water;<br />

spherique, (inst.) spherical, circular level;<br />

surface de , level surface;<br />

ft tube de verre, (steam) glass gauge;<br />

ft visee directe, (insl.) generic term for hand<br />

levels:<br />

voyant du ft bulle d'air, (inst.) eyepiece of a<br />

spirit level;<br />

vrai, true level; true, astronomical, horizon.<br />

iiivetee, f., (top.) operation of taking or making a<br />

level observation.<br />

niveler, v. a., to level, make level, bring to a level;<br />

(surv.) to level, to run a level;<br />

au demi-cercle, to plumb.<br />

nivelette, f., (surv.) boning rod or stick.<br />

niveleur, m., leveler.<br />

nivelle, f., in leveling instruments, a line or directrix<br />

seTVing to show when the line of sight is<br />

horizontal; a synonym of niveau ft bulle d'air,<br />

q. v.<br />

uivellement, m., leveling (i. e., operation of making<br />

flat or level); (surv.) leveling; (cons.) determination<br />

or establishment of a level line<br />

(e. g., for a foundation);<br />

baromctrique, (surv.) barometric leveling;<br />

du canevas general, (surv.) general determination<br />

of the differences of level of an area;<br />

par cheminement, (surv.) leveling in which<br />

the observations are made from different stations<br />

by going from station to station;<br />

<strong>com</strong>pose, (surv.) operation of getting difference<br />

of level between two points when several<br />

stations have to be taken;<br />

au demi-cercle, plumbing;<br />

de detail, (surv.) filling-in level work;<br />

direct, (surv.) leveling by horizontal sights;<br />

geodesique, (surv.) geodetic leveling;<br />

par I'horizontale, v. direct,'<br />

indirect, (surv.) clinometer leveling, leveling<br />

by the slope;<br />

mire pour , (inst.) leveling rod;<br />

par Us pentes, v. indirect;<br />

proprement dit, v. direct;<br />

par rayonnement, (surv.) leveling from a central<br />

point or station;<br />

simple, (surv.) operation of getting difference<br />

of level between two points from one station;<br />

topographique, (surv.) operation in which differences<br />

of level are got by measuring angles of<br />

slope;<br />

- -<br />

tngono'metrique, (surv.) trigonometric leveling;<br />

par visees horizontals, (surv.)Y leveling, leveling<br />

by horizontal sights;<br />

par visees suivant la pente, (surv.) leveling by<br />

sights parallel to the slope.<br />

nobClite, f., (expl.) a name for dynamite (from the<br />

inventor, A. Nobel).<br />

noeud, m., knot; knot (in wood); node; (cord.) knot,<br />

tie, bend, hitch; (not;.) knot (rate); (mil.) key<br />

(of a position); (top.) plateau from which radiate<br />

siibsidiary chains;<br />

d'agui, bowline bend;<br />

d'agui ft elingue, bowline;<br />

d'agui d, elingue double, bowline on a bight;<br />

d'aju8, d'ajut, bend; Carrick bend;<br />

granny knot;<br />

allcmand, figure-of-eight knot;<br />

d'amarragt, hitch, tie, lashing;<br />

d'amarrage en ctrive, seizing;<br />

d'amarrage ft fouet, tail block with a rolling<br />

hitch, and the end stopped up;<br />

noeud d'amarrageb, plat, lashing;<br />

pour amarrer, mooring knot;<br />

d'amour, (artif.) firework of 3 wheels at the<br />

vertices of a triangle;<br />

d'ancre, anchor knot; fishermen's bend;<br />

anglais, fisherman's knot;<br />

d'dnguille, timber hitch; running bowline;<br />

d' artifice, (art.) choking knot (for cartridge<br />

bag);<br />

d'artificier, clove hitch;<br />

d artificier double, a clove hitch with the free<br />

end passed through one of the loops;<br />

de batelier, clove hitch; midshipman hitch;<br />

de bee d'oiseau, v. ft plein poing;<br />

de bois, timber hitch;<br />

de bois et barbouquct, towing hitch;<br />

de bombardier, bombardier's knot, (German)<br />

jar knot;<br />

de bosse, stopper knot;<br />

ft boucle, bowknot, slipknot, drawknot;<br />

de bouline, slip clinch;<br />

de bouline double, double slip clinch;<br />

de bouline simple, single slip clinch;<br />

de cabestan, bowline;<br />

de capelage, masthead knot;<br />

de chaine, chain knot; .<br />

de chaise, bowline;<br />

de chaise de calfat, a sort of double bowline:<br />

de chaise double, bowline on a bight; a douMe<br />

bowline (i. e., a double-looped bowline);<br />

de chaise simple, bowline, standing bowline<br />

knot;<br />

de charrue, plowman's knot;<br />

<strong>com</strong>mun, overhand knot;<br />

de <strong>com</strong>munication, (in gen.) focus or center of<br />

<strong>com</strong>munication;<br />

coulant, noose, slip, running knot; rolling<br />

hitch;<br />

coulant simple, slipknot, running knot;<br />

coulant sur double clef, timber hitch;<br />

courant, running knot;<br />

de croc depalan, black wall hitch;<br />

de croc de palan double, double black wall<br />

hitch;<br />

cul-de-porc, single wall knot;<br />

cuL de-pore couronne, crowned wall knot;<br />

cul-de-porc couronne avec une passe double,<br />

double crown knot;<br />

cul-de-porc double, double wall knot;<br />

cul-de-porc simple, single wall knot;<br />

defaire un , to undo a knot;<br />

demi , overhand knot;<br />

demi-clef, h alf hitch ;<br />

de demi-clefs, clove hitch;<br />

desserrer un , to loosen a knot;<br />

double, double knot; bowline on a bight;<br />

double fixe, rolling hitch;<br />

double de tire-veille, double diamond knot;<br />

de drisse, midshipman hitch;<br />

de drisse de bonnette, studding-sail bend;<br />

droit, reef knot, square knot;<br />

droit ganse, a slip square knot, drawknot,<br />

bowknot;<br />

ecole des s, cordage drill;<br />

d'ecoute, sheet bend, hawser bend ;<br />

d'ecoute double, double sheet bend;<br />

d'ecoute simple, single sheet bend;<br />

ft elingue, standing oowhne knot;<br />

d'epaule, (unif.) shoulder knot;<br />

d'epee, (unif.) sword knot;<br />

d'epissoir, marlin-spike kitch;<br />

d'etalingure de cable, cable clinch;<br />

d'etalingure de grelin, fisherman's bend;<br />

faire des s, to tie knots;<br />

faire un , to make, tie, a knot;<br />

faire un ft boucle, to tie in a bow;<br />

faire un serreb, to tie hard and fast to;<br />

faux , granny knot;<br />

de fil (de) caret, rope-yarn knot;<br />

filer (tant de) s, (nav.) to go, make, so many<br />

knots;<br />

de filet, fisherman's bend;<br />

en forme d'un huit. figure-of-eight knot;<br />

de fouet, rolling hitch;<br />

de galere, marlin-spike hitch; drag-rope knot;

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