A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

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mordache 280 mortier inordache, f., clamp, vise clamp, vise jaw; tongs, pincers; ft chanfrein, vise clamp; d'ctau, vise claws, vise clamp; ft river, riveting clamp; & souder, soldering pincers. mordant, m., brass nail or stud; double-pointed brass nail used by saddlers; mordant; (of a file, etc.) cutting power. mordre, v. a. n., to bite; to take hold of, to catch; to corrode; (cord.) to jam, to nip; au cabestan, to ride (one part over another); fa ire u bout, (cord.) to push down the end of a rope under a loop, a turn, etc.; rhorizon, to dip; (of the sun); la poussiere, to bite the dust, to be killed. mords, m., jaw (of a clamp); cutting or biting edge of nippers, pincers, etc. mordu, p. p., (cord.) jammed, nipped, stuck fast. more, m., Moor; . cheval cap de, cavece de, v. s. v. cheval; , t cte de , (cord.) Turk's head knot. moreau, a., m., (hipp.) shining black; horse of shining black coat; mort(e) maree, neap tide, dead low water; (xuvres es, (nets.) upper works, dead works; papier , unstamped paper; e-paye, (mil.) pensioner (obs.); point , (mach.) dead center: (of balloons) any instant of cessation of oscillation; . e(-)saison, hair nosebag. . saison e, slack time, dull season; tour 1 (cord.) single turn of rope around a bitt, etc. mortaisage, m., mortising. xnortaise, f., mortise; hole; recess; (harn.) eye or evelet (for passage of straps); (cord.) sheave hole; (fond.) tap hole; (art.) wedge slot (Krupp); en adent, (carp.) indented mortise; assembler ft -, (carp.) to mortise; du cabestan., capstan-bar holes; de clavette, (mach.) keyway; d'etriviere, (harn.) stirrup leather hole; d'helice, (nav.) propeller key way; machine ft continue, groving machine; d'une poulie, (cord.) sheave hole; de surete, (art.) lever-handle recess (hence) safety recess; . et tenon, (carp) mortise and tenon. mortaiser, v. a., to mortise; machine ft , mortising machine. mortal sense, f., mortising machine. mortalite, f., mortality; death rate. mort-bois, m., v. s. v. mort, a. morte-eau, f., v. s. v. mort, a. mortel, a., mortal, deadly; COUp death 1 blow; (fig.) ruin. morfil, m., wire edge. morfontdu, (cord.) relaid rope. morne, m., (top.) low mountain, small mountain (in the French colonies). mornet, m., (top.) hill. mornette, f., ferule, ring. mors, (harn.) bit; (mach.) jaw, chop; d'Allemagne, sort of bit for refractory horses; ft ranglatse, port-mouthed bit, English bit; a branches droites, v. omnibus; de bride, bridle bit. curb bit; de bridon, snaffle bit, watering bit; de bridon-lieol, sname-and-halter bit; ft canon brise, jointed bit, German bit; ft canons tordus en spirales, twisted snaffle bit; de filet, snaffle bit; ft gorge de pigeon, v. ft I'anglaise; ft, avec, gourmette, curb bit; ft liberte montante, v. ft I'anglaise; macher son to , champ the bit; au miroir, a bit to prevent the protrusion of the tongue; omnibus, straight-branched bit; dter le ft, to unbit; parleur, a bit that the horse must be continually champing, thus announcing to rider that he is feeling it; mouthpiece (as in certain kinds of telephone); ft pompe, curve-branched bit; prendre le aux dents, to take the bit in the teeth; to run away; rude, severe bit; ft simple canon brise, bit with a jointedmouth- piece. mort, f., death; arret de . v. sentence de ," civile, (law) loss of all civil rights; cottp de death , blow, shot; crime de , capital crime; mettre ft to , put to death; sentence de , sentence of death. mort, a. m., dead, spent, still, dormant, lifeless, dull, inanimate; dead person, body; angle v. s. v. , angle; argent , money returning no interest; dead capital; balle e, v. s. v. balle; bois deadwood , (either failed trees or trees dead standing); bois, brambles, briers; wood of no value; bras v. s. v. , bras; e charge, (art., sm. a., mil. min.) inadequate charge; ft e charge, (nav.) overladen; corps , v. s. v. corps; eau e, stagnant water; le d eau, de I'eau, neap tide; eaux es, stern eddy of a vessel; -e(-)cau. neap tide, season of neap itdes; low water (of the tide); mortellier, m., cement-stone breaker. morte-paye, f., v. f. v., mort, a. morte-saison, f., v. s. v., mort, a. mort-Kage, m., (tow;) mortgage. mortier, m., mortar; sort of cap or headdress (worn by presiding judges in France), (hence) the E residing judge; furnace clay; cob; adobe; me pit; (art.) mortar; (mas.) mortar; (powd.) mortar piece; (mach.) socket or cup to support the work; v. s. v. bain; 6am de , batard, (mas.) mortar composed of good and of poor lime; bati ft chaux etti , solidly built; blanc, (mas.) mortar made of poor lime; de campagne, (art.) field mortar; mortar casemate; ft chaux eth sable, (mas.) ordinary mortar; de chaux, (mas.) lime mortar; de ciment, (mas.) cement mortar; clair, (mas.) thin mortar; ft la Coehorn, (art.) foehorn mortar; de compas, compass box; cave & 1 (fort.) . corroyer le , (mas.) to beat up mortar; de cote, (art.) seacoast mortar; dur, (mas.) stiff mortar; d'epreuve, v. eprouvette; eprouvette, (ball.) eprouvette, proof mortar; trial mortar; gras, (mas.) fat mortar; hydraulique, (mas.) hydraulic mortar, water cement; liant, (mas.) mortar easy to work; liquide, (n-as.) grouting; lisse, (art.) smoothbore mortar; maigre, (mas.) thin mortar (lacking in lime); ft main, v. ft la Coehorn; manege ft , (mas.) mortar mill; marin, (nav. art.) naval mortar; de moulin ft poudre, (powd.) hollow for the stamp of a powder mill; ft plaque. ( Fr. art.) mortar and bed cast in one piece (obs.); de plalre. (mas.) plaster; ft plein , (mas.) in a bed of mortar; pouzzolanique, (mas.) pozzuolauic mortar; ft prise lente (prompte, rapide), (mas.) slow (quick) setting mortar; raye (art.) rifled mortar; &semelle,v. it plaque; de siege, (art.) siege mortar; ft soufflant, (mas.) in an excess of mortar; spherique, (art.) Schumann mortar;

mortier 281 motiflette mortier de terre, (mas.) a generic expression for clay, mud, etc., beaten up and used for rough constructions, or as fire-wall linings, etc. mort-subite, f., (the American) buggy. mortuaire, a., mortuary, funeral; drap- , pall; extrait- , certificate of registry of death. morye, f., (hipp.) glanders; atteint de- , glandered. morveux, a., (hipp.) glandered. mot, m., word, expression; note, memorandum; ( Fr. a.) the countersign, parole; the mot in the French army is composed of two names; the first, known as the mot d'ordre, being the name of some great man or celebrated general, and the second, known as the mot de ralliement, being the name of a battle, of a city, or of some civic or military virtue; mot alone is frequently synonymous of mot d'ordre. The mot d'ordre is the answer to the challenge of posts, patrols, rounds, and of double sentinels, and is itself answered by the mot de ralliement; the mot de ralliement, used independently, is the answer to the challenge of single sentinels; both may be translated countersign; v. s. v. avance. avance au- . - clef, v. avance d I'ordre, au ralliement; key word (of a cipher); donner ie- , (mil.) to communicate the countersign; - de guet, watchword (obs.) ; - d'ordre, v. supra, in definition;; (mil. sig.) call word; - de passe, password; porter le- , (mil.) to take, transmit, the countersign; prendre le - , (mil.) to receive the counter- sign; de ralliement, v. supra, in definition. inoteur, m., (mach.) motor; (elec.) electric motor; & air , pneumatic motor; d air carbure, hot-air engine, combustion occurring in cylinder itself; - & air chaud, hot-air engine (cylinder separate from point where heat is developed); - anime, animal power , living motor (as, man, horse, ox, etc.); - asservi, a servo-motor; - tt courants alternatifs, (elec.) alternatingcurrent motor; - d courant continu, (elec.) continuous-current motor; - d courant rotatoire, (elec.) rotating-current motar; - en derivation, (elec.) shunt-wound motor; - e.lectrique , (elec.) electric motor; d gaz, gas engine, v. -& air carbure; - d helice, screw propeller; - hydrautique, hydraulic motor; - d petrole, oil engine; - de seconde main, any motor in which the energy has been stored up; - . en serie, (elec.) series-wound motor; - thermique, heat engine; thermo-pneumatique, hot-air engine using compressed air; d vapeur, any steam engine. inoteur, a., moving; motive; appareil- , motor; axe- , driving axle; force motrice, motive power , prime mover; principe- , prime mover; ressort -- , actuating spring; roue motrice, driving wheel. motif, m., motive, reason, consideration; par-s de famille, sante, service, etc., on account of family, health, etc. motte, f., clod, peat, turf, sod; (top.) hillock; (powd.) stone bed or foundation for a stamp mill; - d bruler,tan balls, tan turf; - de gazon, sod; --- de tourbe, clod of turf. mou, a., soft; (of the wind) light; (cord.) slack; cordage , (cord.) slack ropes; temps , soft, heavy weather. mou, m., (cord.) slack (of a rope, cable, etc.); avoir du , to be slack; embraquer le , to take up, or in, the slack; donner du , to slack off a rope. moacliarabi, moucharaby, m., moucharaby. mouclie, f ., fly; small bit of paper; point of an auger, of a bit; tuft of hair on under lip, imperial; spy; (mach.) sun and planet wheels; (fenc.) button of a foil; (t. p.) paster; bull's- eye; (fan.) small calkin on the heel of the shoe; (nav.) dispatch or advice boat; abreuvoird s, (mil. slang) long, broad wound, made by a cutting weapon; bretonne, a hippoboscid that attacks horses; chasser les s, (fenc.) to fence wildly; de chien, v. bretonne; couperdla , (fenc.) to beat off the adversary's blade by a blow near its point; faire , (t. p.) to make a bull's-eye; defleuret, (fenc.) button; riposter it la , (fenc.) to follow the couper d la by a thrust made in the line toward which the adversary's blade has been beaten; du trepan, point of an earth auger. moucher, v. a., (cord.) to cut off the fag end of a rope; (carp.) to trim smooth the end of a piece of timber. mouchetS, a., speckled, spotted; (hipp.) f.eabitten (spots black); cheval flea-bitten , horse; epee e, sword blunted on point for exercise; fleuret , foil with button on point; truitc, (hipp.) said of a flea-bitten coat, containing red and brown spots, as well as black. moucheter, v. a., (cord.) to mouse a hook; (sm. a., fenc.) to put a button on a sword, on a foil; (fenc.) to hit or reach the adversary with the button of the foil. moucheture, f., (hipp.) slight and superficial scarification; (of the coat) small, round, black spots on the gray and sometimes on the roan (aubere). mouchoir, m., handkerchief; en , (mas.) obliquely; d' instruction, (mil.) handkerchief on which are printed various data of use to the soldier. mouchure, f., waste piece of wood; (cord.) fag end (of a rope, after being cut off). moudre, v. a., to grind, to mill; (met.) to grind ore. moufette, f., v. mofette. moufle, m., (met., etc.) muffle; fourneaud muffle , furnace, mill. moufle, f., mitten; (cons.) anchor, tie iron; (cord.) tackle, block and fall, (strictly) system of pulleys -in same shell, but not necessarily on same axis; a block of more than one sheave; de charqement, (arj.) loading tackle; (pro- jectile) hoisting tackle; fixe, (cord.) standing block, fixed block; gant , v. s. v. g-int; mobile, (cord.) running block; rapprocher les s, to round in the blocks; separer les s, to overhaul a tackle; de traille, traveling pulley, trail pulley (trolley). moufle, a., (cord.) fitted tackle; with, operated by, a. poulie e, tackle block; presse e, roue a tackle. e, press, wheel, operated by moufler, v. a., (cons.) ties. to strengthen a wall by mouflette, f., seat or socket of a boring bit; (in pi.) holders for a soldering iron; (cord.) a tackle formed of pulleys of unequal radius.

mordache 280 mortier<br />

inordache, f., clamp, vise clamp, vise jaw; tongs,<br />

pincers;<br />

ft chanfrein, vise clamp;<br />

d'ctau, vise claws, vise clamp;<br />

ft river, riveting clamp;<br />

& souder, soldering pincers.<br />

mordant, m., brass nail or stud; double-pointed<br />

brass nail used by saddlers; mordant; (of a<br />

file, etc.) cutting power.<br />

mordre, v. a. n., to bite; to take hold of, to catch;<br />

to corrode; (cord.) to jam, to nip;<br />

au cabestan, to ride (one part over another);<br />

fa ire u bout, (cord.) to push down the end of<br />

a rope under a loop, a turn, etc.;<br />

rhorizon, to dip; (of the sun);<br />

la poussiere, to bite the dust, to be killed.<br />

mords, m., jaw (of a clamp); cutting or biting<br />

edge of nippers, pincers, etc.<br />

mordu, p. p., (cord.) jammed, nipped, stuck fast.<br />

more, m., Moor;<br />

. cheval cap de, cavece de, v. s. v. cheval;<br />

,<br />

t cte de , (cord.) Turk's head knot.<br />

moreau, a., m., (hipp.) shining black; horse of<br />

shining black coat; mort(e) maree, neap tide, dead low water;<br />

(xuvres es, (nets.) upper works, dead works;<br />

papier , unstamped paper;<br />

e-paye, (mil.) pensioner (obs.);<br />

point , (mach.) dead center: (of balloons) any<br />

instant of cessation of oscillation;<br />

.<br />

e(-)saison,<br />

hair nosebag. .<br />

saison e, slack time, dull season;<br />

tour 1 (cord.) single turn of rope around a<br />

bitt, etc.<br />

mortaisage, m., mortising.<br />

xnortaise, f., mortise; hole; recess; (harn.) eye or<br />

evelet (for passage of straps); (cord.) sheave<br />

hole; (fond.) tap hole; (art.) wedge slot (Krupp);<br />

en adent, (carp.) indented mortise;<br />

assembler ft -, (carp.) to mortise;<br />

du cabestan., capstan-bar holes;<br />

de clavette, (mach.) keyway;<br />

d'etriviere, (harn.) stirrup leather hole;<br />

d'helice, (nav.) propeller key way;<br />

machine ft continue, groving machine;<br />

d'une poulie, (cord.) sheave hole;<br />

de surete, (art.) lever-handle recess (hence)<br />

safety recess;<br />

. et tenon, (carp) mortise and tenon.<br />

mortaiser, v. a., to mortise;<br />

machine ft , mortising machine.<br />

mortal sense, f., mortising machine.<br />

mortalite, f., mortality; death rate.<br />

mort-bois, m., v. s. v. mort, a.<br />

morte-eau, f., v. s. v. mort, a.<br />

mortel, a., mortal, deadly;<br />

COUp death 1 blow; (fig.) ruin.<br />

morfil, m., wire edge.<br />

morfontdu, (cord.) relaid rope.<br />

morne, m., (top.) low mountain, small mountain<br />

(in the <strong>French</strong> colonies).<br />

mornet, m., (top.) hill.<br />

mornette, f., ferule, ring.<br />

mors, (harn.) bit; (mach.) jaw, chop;<br />

d'Allemagne, sort of bit for refractory horses;<br />

ft ranglatse, port-mouthed bit, <strong>English</strong> bit;<br />

a branches droites, v. omnibus;<br />

de bride, bridle bit. curb bit;<br />

de bridon, snaffle bit, watering bit;<br />

de bridon-lieol, sname-and-halter bit;<br />

ft canon brise, jointed bit, German bit;<br />

ft canons tordus en spirales, twisted snaffle bit;<br />

de filet, snaffle bit;<br />

ft gorge de pigeon, v. ft I'anglaise;<br />

ft, avec, gourmette, curb bit;<br />

ft liberte montante, v. ft I'anglaise;<br />

macher son to , champ the bit;<br />

au miroir, a bit to prevent the protrusion of<br />

the tongue;<br />

omnibus, straight-branched bit;<br />

dter le ft, to unbit;<br />

parleur, a bit that the horse must be continually<br />

champing, thus announcing to rider<br />

that he is feeling it; mouthpiece (as in certain<br />

kinds of telephone);<br />

ft pompe, curve-branched bit;<br />

prendre le aux dents, to take the bit in the<br />

teeth; to run away;<br />

rude, severe bit;<br />

ft simple canon brise, bit with a jointedmouth-<br />

piece.<br />

mort, f., death;<br />

arret de . v. sentence de ,"<br />

civile, (law) loss of all civil rights;<br />

cottp de death , blow, shot;<br />

crime de , capital crime;<br />

mettre ft to , put to death;<br />

sentence de , sentence of death.<br />

mort, a. m., dead, spent, still, dormant, lifeless,<br />

dull, inanimate; dead person, body;<br />

angle v. s. v. , angle;<br />

argent , money returning no interest; dead<br />

capital;<br />

balle e, v. s. v. balle;<br />

bois deadwood , (either failed trees or trees<br />

dead standing);<br />

bois, brambles, briers; wood of no value;<br />

bras v. s. v. , bras;<br />

e charge, (art., sm. a., mil. min.) inadequate<br />

charge;<br />

ft e charge, (nav.) overladen;<br />

corps , v. s. v. corps;<br />

eau e, stagnant water;<br />

le d eau, de I'eau, neap tide;<br />

eaux es, stern eddy of a vessel;<br />

-e(-)cau. neap tide, season of neap itdes; low<br />

water (of the tide);<br />

mortellier, m., cement-stone breaker.<br />

morte-paye, f., v. f. v., mort, a.<br />

morte-saison, f., v. s. v., mort, a.<br />

mort-Kage, m., (tow;) mortgage.<br />

mortier, m., mortar; sort of cap or headdress (worn<br />

by presiding judges in France), (hence) the<br />

E residing judge; furnace clay; cob; adobe;<br />

me pit; (art.) mortar; (mas.) mortar; (powd.)<br />

mortar piece; (mach.) socket or cup to support<br />

the work;<br />

v. s. v. bain;<br />

6am de ,<br />

batard, (mas.) mortar <strong>com</strong>posed of good and<br />

of poor lime;<br />

bati ft chaux etti , solidly built;<br />

blanc, (mas.) mortar made of poor lime;<br />

de campagne, (art.) field mortar;<br />

mortar casemate;<br />

ft chaux eth sable, (mas.) ordinary mortar;<br />

de chaux, (mas.) lime mortar;<br />

de ciment, (mas.) cement mortar;<br />

clair, (mas.) thin mortar;<br />

ft la Coehorn, (art.) foehorn mortar;<br />

de <strong>com</strong>pas, <strong>com</strong>pass box;<br />

cave & 1 (fort.)<br />

.<br />

corroyer le , (mas.) to beat up mortar;<br />

de cote, (art.) seacoast mortar;<br />

dur, (mas.) stiff mortar;<br />

d'epreuve, v. eprouvette;<br />

eprouvette, (ball.) eprouvette, proof mortar;<br />

trial mortar;<br />

gras, (mas.) fat mortar;<br />

hydraulique, (mas.) hydraulic mortar, water<br />

cement;<br />

liant, (mas.) mortar easy to work;<br />

liquide, (n-as.) grouting;<br />

lisse, (art.) smoothbore mortar;<br />

maigre, (mas.) thin mortar (lacking in lime);<br />

ft main, v. ft la Coehorn;<br />

manege ft , (mas.) mortar mill;<br />

marin, (nav. art.) naval mortar;<br />

de moulin ft poudre, (powd.) hollow for the<br />

stamp of a powder mill;<br />

ft plaque. ( Fr. art.) mortar and bed cast in one<br />

piece (obs.);<br />

de plalre. (mas.) plaster;<br />

ft plein , (mas.) in a bed of mortar;<br />

pouzzolanique, (mas.) pozzuolauic mortar;<br />

ft prise lente (prompte, rapide), (mas.) slow<br />

(quick) setting mortar;<br />

raye (art.) rifled mortar;<br />

&semelle,v.<br />

it plaque;<br />

de siege, (art.) siege mortar;<br />

ft soufflant, (mas.) in an excess of mortar;<br />

spherique, (art.) Schumann mortar;

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