A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com


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misc 276 mi-vitcsse<br />

mlse hors de batterie, (art.) act or operation of going<br />

from battery;<br />

tibord, (nav.) installation on bbard ship;<br />

e n breche, (siege) breaching;<br />

en cause, (law) summons;<br />

en chant ter, setting to work (as, of a working<br />

party);<br />

en couleur, (sm. a.) browning of a rifle barrel;<br />

en demcure, (law) summons, order, to perform<br />

an obligation;<br />

en disponibilitc, (mil.) placing on the unattached<br />

list;<br />

dl'eau, (nav.) launching of a ship;<br />

til'effet, (top. drawing) representation of surface<br />

forms;<br />

fi I'encre, inking of a drawing; reproduction<br />

in ink of a map or reconnoissance;<br />

en etat de defense, (mil.) preparation (of a<br />

wood, house, etc.) for defense;<br />

en etit de siege, (mil.) declaration of a state<br />

of siege;<br />

ctre de , to be presentable;<br />

a feu, (met.) beginning of the work;<br />

defeu, (art.) discharge of a piece, act of firing<br />

a piece; (min..) firing;<br />

defeu electrique, (art., min.) electric discharge<br />

(of a gun, of a mine);<br />

de feu multiple, (mil.' min.) simultaneous<br />

discharge of a group of mines;<br />

de feu b repetition, (art.) system in which,<br />

in case of miss fire, the same primer may be<br />

tried several times in succession without<br />

opening the .<br />

breechj<br />

defeu simple, (mil. min.) discharge of a single<br />

mine;<br />

en feu, (met.) act or operation of putting in<br />

blast;<br />

/tors defeu, (met.) putting out of blast;<br />

defonds, outlay;<br />

- en haie, piling of bricks for drying;<br />

hors, money advanced;<br />

enjeu, starting, putting into play;<br />

enjoue, (sm. a.) whole operation of aiming;<br />

aujour, bringing to light;<br />

enjugement, trial, putting on trial;<br />

au lavis, washing, tinting, of a drawing;<br />

en liberte, discharge;<br />

enlumiere, (sig.) flash;<br />

en marche, starting (of machinery, troops,<br />

au mille, (met.) ratio of the gross weight of<br />

an ingot to the weight of the finished piece, or<br />

the number of kilograms in an ingot or charge<br />

needed to make 1,000 kilograms of useful metal<br />

monnaie de , v. s. v. monnaie;<br />

en mouvement, v. 'enjeu:<br />

au net, act of making a fair copy;<br />

en non-activite, (Fr. a.) placing on the unemployed<br />

list;<br />

en (jeuvre, setting to work, putting in operation;<br />

au pain et h I'eau, putting on bread and water;<br />

en place, seating (as, (art.) a rotating band);<br />

en plaque, (phot.) adjustment of camera<br />

without a lens;<br />

au point, (insL) adjustment of an instrument;<br />

focusing of a telescope, lens, etc.; in<br />

surveying, the accurate setting up of an instrument<br />

over its station, the final operations of;<br />

enstation, q. v.;<br />

en possession, (law) giving possession;<br />

premiere , (mil.) original outfit (e. g., on<br />

joining for the first time); allowance for outfit<br />

on entry into service;<br />

en pression, (steam) getting up steam;<br />

a priz, pricing;<br />

a, ranc.on, putting up for ransom;<br />

en rcforme, (Fr. a.) condemnation (of material);<br />

casting (of a horse); discharge (for misconduct<br />

or physical unfitness);<br />

r a la retraite, (mil.) putting on the retired<br />

sur roulettes, (art.) operation of throwing a<br />

top carriage in gear (said of '<br />

guns having rollers<br />

for return to battery);<br />

mise en route, setting out on the march, dispatch<br />

of recruits, soldiers, etc., to their destination;<br />

en sc&ne, getting up, get up;<br />

en service, (mil.) adoption into service;<br />

hors de service, (mil.) destruction (as, of<br />

condemned articles);<br />

en station, (surv.) operation of setting up an<br />

instrument;<br />

en subsistance, (mil.) assignment of a man<br />

to a <strong>com</strong>pany or regiment (not his own) for<br />

pay and subsistence;<br />

a la suite, (mil.) the attachment of an officer<br />

as supernumerary;<br />

en train, making ready, starting; (mach.)<br />

starting of a machine, engine, starting gear;<br />

en vente, putting up for sale;<br />

au vert, putting (horses) out to grass.<br />

misour, m., (in <strong>French</strong>. Mediterranean ports) the<br />

south wind.<br />

mission, f., (Fr. a.) mission, special duty given<br />

by the minister of war to an officer, and temporarily<br />

detaching him from his regiment or<br />

corps: (frequently) foreign duty.<br />

mistral, m., northwest wind (in the Mediterranean).<br />

mitaine, f., mitten.<br />

mitigation, f., mitigation.<br />

mitiger, v. a., to mitigate, temper, qualify;<br />

pour, , in mitigation.<br />

mitoyen, a., middle, intermediate; party;<br />

cloison ne, partition;<br />

dent ne, (hipp.) middle tooth;<br />

mur , party wall.<br />

mitoyenne, f., (hipp.) middle tooth.<br />

mitoyennetS, party right.<br />

mitraillade, f., (art.) fire of, firing of, case shot;<br />

langrage (obs.).<br />

mitraille, f., scrap iron; soldering alloy <strong>com</strong>posed<br />

of iron, copper, and silver; (art.) case shot<br />

(grape, canister); langrage (obs.); any fragmentation<br />

material used for scattering eliect;<br />

balled, , (art.) case-shot bullet;<br />

boite & , (art.) case shot;<br />

charge fi, de, , (art.) round of case, canister,<br />

grape (obs.);<br />

charger & , (art.) to load with canister, etc.;<br />

fer de , (met.) scrap iron;<br />

grosse , (art.) grape (obs.);<br />

obus d , (art.) shrapnel;<br />

pendante, (met.) old brass, copper, etc.;<br />

petite , (art.) canister (obs.);<br />

rouge, (met.) copper dross;<br />

tirer & , (art.) to tire case shot.<br />

mitrailler, v. a., (art.) to fire mitraille; (in a general<br />

sense) to sweep or cover a line or position with<br />

shrapnel, rapid fire, etc.;<br />

& brule-pourpojnt, to overwhelm at close<br />

quarters with shrapnel or any other fragmentation<br />

fire.<br />

mitrailleur, m., any person using mitraille fire;<br />

(art.) v. mitrailleuse.<br />

mitrailleuse, f., (r.f. art.) machine gun; (Fr. art.)<br />

a synonym of canon h balles; (sm. a.) sort of<br />

magazine pocket pistol;<br />

automatique (any) automatic machine gun<br />

(e.g., Colt);<br />

& canons fixes, (type of) machine gun with<br />

fixed barrels (e. g., Gardner);<br />

Gatling, etc., Gatling, etc., gun;<br />

& n canons, -^-barreled machine gun;<br />

& rotation, (type of) machine gun with revolving<br />

barrels (e. g., Gatling).<br />

mitre, f., miter; large paving stone; (mach.) cone,<br />

mushroom, or spindle valve; (cons.) chimney<br />

pot or top, cowl; (r. r.) rectangular steam dome<br />

of a lo<strong>com</strong>otive:<br />

arc en , (cons.) triangular arch;<br />

boltede , miter box;<br />

de cheminee. (cons.) chimney shaft; chimney<br />

top;<br />

tquerre de , miter square;<br />

fenetre en , gable window;<br />

ligne de , miter line; ridge;<br />

sauterelle de , miter rule.<br />

mi-vitesse, f., half speed.

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