A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

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mesurer 272 mettre mesurer 4 la vue, to estimate by the eye; arec les, des, yeux, to measure, estimate, by the eye. mesurette, f., small measure. mCtacarpe, m., (hipp.) the metacarpal bones, im-tacarpien, a., (hipp.) metacarpal; m., metacarpal bone;

mettre 273 meule mettre a bord, to ship; to put, carry, etc., on board; Us canons d la serre, (nav.) to house the guns; Us canons aux sabords, (nav.) to run out the guns; le cap sur ____ , (nav.) to head for ---- ; de chjimp, to set up on edge (as, a plank, bricks, etc.); - en chantier, (carp.) to mark out; (nav.) to put upon the stocks; (in gen.) to begin anything; sur les clwntiers, (nav.) to put upon the stocks; - un cheval dedans, dans la main, dans les talons, (man.) to make a horse obey the hand, the spurs; - un cheval au galop (pas, trot,) (man.) to put a horse to the gallop (walk, trot); - les chevaux a la voiture, to hitch up; dans le circuit, (elec.) to cut in, put in circuit; d contribution, to lay under contribution; - en communication, to connect; au cran-de depart, (sm. a.) to cock; - la croupe au mur, (man.) to cause a horse to passage, croup to wall of riding hall; dedans, (carp.) to assemble the piece* (as, of a frame); - au dehors, (nav.) to get out (a boat); - en demeure, (law) to order, summon; - les deux bouts en dedans, (man.) to train, supple, the head and the croup of a horse; - en disponibilite, (Fr. a.) to put on the unemployed list; a I' I'eau, to launch (a ship); - & I'effet, (top. drawing) to indicate surface forms on a map, topographical sketch; - en, par, ecrit, to put in writing; - un embargo, to lay an embargo; - d to ink IJencre, (a drawing); - d'equerre, to square; unfer d un cheval, to shoe a horse; - dfeu, to start up a furnace; - dfeu et & sang, to burn and kill; en feu, to burn; (met.) to put a furnace in blast; le feu, to set on fire; to touch off (a mine, mettre un navire & la cote, to run a ship ashore; au net, to make a fair copy (drawing, notes, eto.); fi. I'ordre, (mil.) to publish in orders; au pain et ft I'eau, to put on bread and . pidllon water; bos, (nav.) to haul down one's flag. to surrender; son pavilion sur . . . . , (nav.) to hoist one's flag on . . . . ; une piece hors d'eau, (art.) to depress the muzzle so as to keep out water; pied d terre, to dismount; en place, to organize, prepare; sur plage, to beach a boat; dans le plein, to hit the bull's-eye; au point, (inst.) to focus, adjust; in surveying, to set up an instrument accurately over its station; d la presse, (mach.) to set or seat by pressure; en pression, (steam) to get up steam; sur son raide, sur son fort, (carp.) to put the convex side of a piece uppermost; d la reforme, (Fr. a.) to condemn (material); to cast a horse; to discharge from the service (for misconduct or physical unfitness); au renard, to hold up, keep up, the monkey of a pile driver; * a la retraite, (mil.) to retire; sur roulettes, (art.) to throw a top carriage in gear (on rollers) for return to battery; a sac, to sack (a city); se sous les armes, (mil.) to get under arms; & sec, to pump out; le siege devant, to lay siege to; en station, to set up an instrument; d la suite, (mil.) to attach an officer as supernumerary; en talus, (fort. ) to slope; ; a ierrc, to land, disemba disembark, put ashore; en train, (mach.) to throw into gear; au vert, to put a horse out to grass. meuble, m., article of furniture. ineubie, a., movable; (of earth, soil) mellow, easily moved or worked; biens s, personal property; terre , light soil. etc.); -- Icfeu d, to set on fire (as, a house); - les feux au fond des fourneaux, to bank the fires; - au fil de I'epee, to put to the sword; meubler, v. a., to furnish. - dflot, to float (a stranded ship, etc.); - ineulage, m., grinding; le frein, to put on the brake (brakes); d i'eau, wet - grinding. garnison dans, to garrison

mettre 273 meule<br />

mettre a bord, to ship; to put, carry, etc., on<br />

board;<br />

Us canons d la serre, (nav.) to house the<br />

guns;<br />

Us canons aux sabords, (nav.) to run out the<br />

guns;<br />

le cap sur ____ , (nav.) to head for ---- ;<br />

de chjimp, to set up on edge (as, a plank,<br />

bricks, etc.);<br />

- en chantier, (carp.) to mark out; (nav.) to<br />

put upon the stocks; (in gen.) to begin<br />

anything;<br />

sur les clwntiers, (nav.) to put upon the<br />

stocks;<br />

- un cheval dedans, dans la main, dans les<br />

talons, (man.) to make a horse obey the hand,<br />

the spurs; - un cheval au galop (pas, trot,) (man.) to put a<br />

horse to the gallop (walk, trot);<br />

- les chevaux a la voiture, to hitch up;<br />

dans le circuit, (elec.) to cut in, put in circuit;<br />

d contribution, to lay under contribution;<br />

- en <strong>com</strong>munication, to connect;<br />

au cran-de depart, (sm. a.) to cock;<br />

- la croupe au mur, (man.) to cause a horse to<br />

passage, croup to wall of riding hall;<br />

dedans, (carp.) to assemble the piece* (as,<br />

of a frame); - au dehors, (nav.) to get out (a boat);<br />

- en demeure, (law) to order, summon;<br />

- les deux bouts en dedans, (man.) to train,<br />

supple, the head and the croup of a horse;<br />

- en disponibilite, (Fr. a.) to put on the unemployed<br />

list;<br />

a I' I'eau, to launch (a ship); - & I'effet, (top. drawing) to indicate surface<br />

forms on a map, topographical sketch;<br />

- en, par, ecrit, to put in writing;<br />

- un embargo, to lay an embargo;<br />

- d to ink<br />

IJencre, (a drawing); - d'equerre, to square;<br />

unfer d un cheval, to shoe a horse;<br />

- dfeu, to start up a furnace; - dfeu et & sang, to burn and kill;<br />

en feu, to burn; (met.) to put a furnace in<br />

blast;<br />

le feu, to set on fire; to touch off (a mine,<br />

mettre un navire & la cote, to run a ship ashore;<br />

au net, to make a fair copy (drawing, notes,<br />

eto.);<br />

fi. I'ordre, (mil.) to publish in orders;<br />

au pain et ft I'eau, to put on bread and<br />

. pidllon<br />

water;<br />

bos, (nav.) to haul down one's flag.<br />

to surrender;<br />

son pavilion sur . . . .<br />

, (nav.) to hoist one's<br />

flag on . . . . ;<br />

une piece hors d'eau, (art.) to depress the<br />

muzzle so as to keep out water;<br />

pied d terre, to dismount;<br />

en place, to organize, prepare;<br />

sur plage, to beach a boat;<br />

dans le plein, to hit the bull's-eye;<br />

au point, (inst.) to focus, adjust; in surveying,<br />

to set up an instrument accurately<br />

over its station;<br />

d la presse, (mach.) to set or seat by<br />

pressure;<br />

en pression, (steam) to get up steam;<br />

sur son raide, sur son fort, (carp.) to put the<br />

convex side of a piece uppermost;<br />

d la reforme, (Fr. a.) to condemn (material);<br />

to cast a horse; to discharge from the<br />

service (for misconduct or physical unfitness);<br />

au renard, to hold up, keep up, the monkey<br />

of a pile driver;<br />

*<br />

a la retraite, (mil.) to retire;<br />

sur roulettes, (art.) to throw a top carriage<br />

in gear (on rollers) for return to battery;<br />

a sac, to sack (a city);<br />

se sous les armes, (mil.) to get under<br />

arms;<br />

& sec, to pump out;<br />

le siege devant, to lay siege to;<br />

en station, to set up an instrument;<br />

d la suite, (mil.) to attach an officer as supernumerary;<br />

en talus, (fort. ) to slope;<br />

; a ierrc, to land, disemba<br />

disembark, put ashore;<br />

en train, (mach.) to throw into gear;<br />

au vert, to put a horse out to grass.<br />

meuble, m., article of furniture.<br />

ineubie, a., movable; (of earth, soil) mellow,<br />

easily moved or worked;<br />

biens s, personal property;<br />

terre , light soil.<br />

etc.); -- Icfeu d, to set on fire (as, a house);<br />

- les feux au fond des fourneaux, to bank the<br />

fires; - au fil de I'epee, to put to the sword;<br />

meubler, v. a., to furnish.<br />

- dflot, to float (a stranded ship, etc.);<br />

- ineulage, m., grinding;<br />

le frein, to put on the brake (brakes);<br />

d i'eau, wet - grinding.<br />

garnison dans, to garrison

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