A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com


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mer 271 mesurer<br />

en- , at sea;<br />

mer (lure, rough sea;<br />

ecumeur de- , pirate;<br />

- ctale, slack water;<br />

la-est etale, it is slack water;<br />

la-e st, fait, planche, the sea is smooth;<br />

etale de la pleine -, high water, slack of the<br />

flood;<br />

-fcrmee, closed sea, landlocked sea;<br />

(lu, fond, ground swell;<br />

fortune de-<br />

, perils of the deep;<br />

gens de- seamen, , seafaring people (plural of<br />

homme de-<br />

); - grande , the high seas, the main; (in ?l.)<br />

springtide;<br />

grosse-<br />

, heavy sea;<br />

haute- hih , seas;<br />

high water; '<br />

pleine-d'equinoxe, equinoctial high water;<br />

pleine -- des - syzygies, pleine de vive eau,<br />

high-water spring;<br />

port de-<br />

, seaport;<br />

prendre la- to set , sail; - privee, v.-territoriale;<br />

to -<br />

rapporte, the tide begins to increase (after<br />

dead neaps);<br />

larcfoule,<br />

the tide ebbs; the water falls;<br />

tenir la - to , keep the seas, continue at sea;<br />

- territoriale, territorial waters; - tourmentee, choppy sea; - du travers, cross sea.<br />

mercenaire, m., a., mercenary.<br />

mere!, f., mercy, grace;<br />

& la-de, at one's mercy.<br />

mercure, m., mercury;<br />

fulminant, (expl.) fulminate of mercury.<br />

mereuriale, f., reprimand, censure; periodical<br />

list of prices current (especially such lists<br />

published by municipal authority in France);<br />

faire une-<br />

, to rebuke, to reprimand.<br />

mere, f., mother; (tech.) 'master-tap, hub; (adjectively)<br />

principal;<br />

eau- mother , liquor.<br />

m(;ridien, m., meridian; midday, meridian; a.,<br />

meridian;<br />

mgridien gtographique, meridian;<br />

ligne ne, meridian line, meridian;<br />

magnetique, magnetic meridian;<br />

premier , prime meridian;<br />

terrestre, meridian.<br />

meridienne, f., meridian, meridian line;<br />

magnetique, magnetic meridian.<br />

meridional, a., southern, meridional.<br />

merlin, m., club; long-handled hammer; splitting<br />

ax; (cord.) marline (in the <strong>French</strong> artillery,<br />

three yarns laid up together);<br />

blinc, (cord.) white, untarred marline'<br />

noir, (cord.) tarred marline.<br />

merliner, v. a., (cord.) to marl, marline.<br />

merlon, m., (fort.) merlon.<br />

merrain, m., clapboard; staves, stavewood.<br />

merveilleux, a., (sm. a.) hair (of rifling).<br />

- haute,<br />

haute-d'equinoxc, high-water spring;<br />

liaute- de morte eau, high-water neap;<br />

"haute-de vive eau. high-water spring;<br />

en haute- on the , high seas;<br />

homme & la- man , overboard;<br />

homme de-<br />

, seaman; - houlcuse, swell; rough sea; - d'huile, absolutely calm sea; - imtcrieure, closed, landlocked sea, inland<br />

sea; (more especially) the Mediterranean;<br />

jour de-<br />

, sea day ;<br />

dc-, journces days at sea;<br />

lame de la-<br />

, wave, billow; - libre, interior sea bordering on several States;<br />

open sea; - longue, long swell;<br />

mal de-<br />

, seasickness; - male , rough sea;<br />

la-est male, the sea is rough; - de maline, springtide; - mate, hollow sea;<br />

mettred la, en,- to , put to sea;<br />

mettre une embarcation ti la - to lo*ver a , boat;<br />

molle-<br />

, slack water at the lowest of the tide;<br />

la - monte, the tide is rising;<br />

la - moutonne, white caps are showing;<br />

- moutonnce, white caps;<br />

niveau des" basses -*, low-water mark;<br />

niveau des hautes -s, high-water mark;<br />

outre-, d'outre- from , beyond sea;<br />

pa par voie de-<br />

, by sea;<br />

la- a perdu, the tide has fallen;<br />

'perils dela - sea , risk, perils of the sea;<br />

plein de la-,<br />

mfisair, m., v. mezair.<br />

mess, m., (mil.) mess.<br />

messager, m., messenger, carrier;<br />

de campayne, (mil.) proposed mounted<br />

orderly for infantry headquarters;<br />

d'Etat, state messenger; king's messenger;<br />

pigeon , carrier pigeon.<br />

messasjerle, f., coach office, booking office; coach,<br />

stage coach (used sometimes in plural); (in pi.)<br />

line of mail steamers; (r. r.) freight, parcels.<br />

messe, f., mass;<br />

basse, low mass;<br />

grand , haute, high mass;<br />

petite , v. basse.<br />

mesurage, m., measuring, measurement; mensuration;<br />

surveying.<br />

mestire, f., measure, measuring, measurement;<br />

dimension; (hipp.) cadence; (fenc.) proper<br />

high water; - pleine ,- high water, slack of the flood; the<br />

high seas; offing;<br />

en pleine- on the , high seas ;<br />

-=<br />

pleine, offing, high water;<br />

pleine- de morte eau, high-water neap ;<br />

distance;<br />

absolue, absolute measure;<br />

d'arpenteur, surveyor;<br />

- s d'assortiments, copper powder measures ol<br />

various sizes;<br />

d bouts, end measuring;<br />

& cheval, measure by horse's gait;<br />

<strong>com</strong>ble, heaped-up measure;<br />

de , according to measure;<br />

dure, (fenc.) stiff Action;<br />

d''elevation d'un piston, stroke, lift of a piston;<br />

entrer en , (fenc.) to take a step toward one's<br />

adversary;<br />

etreb, la , (fenc.) to have the proper distance;<br />

itre hors de , (fenc.) to be out of distance;<br />

deforce, dynamometer;<br />

gagner la , (fenc.) to advance;<br />

Idcher la , (fenc.) to retreat;<br />

de longueur, measure of length;<br />

metrique, metrical measure;<br />

d la montre, measure by timing (as, a horse's<br />

gait);<br />

au pas, pacing off a distance;<br />

a poudre, powder measure;<br />

rcise, strike measure;<br />

rompre la , (fenc.) to get out of reach;<br />

en ruban, tape measure;<br />

serrer la , (fenc.) to close on one's adversary;<br />

a traits, measuring between marks;<br />

d vue, measure by the eye.<br />

mesurer, v. a., to measure, measure out, mete,<br />

mete out; to proportion; (fenc.) to measure<br />

swords;<br />

ses armes, to fight with anyone;<br />

d, cheval, to measure by a horse's gait;<br />

d la corde,<br />

au cordeau, to trace out;<br />

un coup, to aim, adjust, a blow accurately;<br />

les epees, in a duel, to measure the swords<br />

to see if they are of the same length;<br />

son epee, (fenc.) to fight;<br />

par equarrissement, to take as the volume of<br />

anything, the volume of the circumscribing<br />

rectangular parallelopipedon;<br />

d la montre, to measure by timing, to time;<br />

au pas, to pace off (a distance;)<br />

la terre, to measure one's length on the<br />


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