A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

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maladie 258 manchot maladie, f., illness, sickness, distemper, complaint; de I'aile, wing disease (carrier pigeon); des camps, typhus fever; du coit, v. dourine; naviculaire, (hipp.) nayicular disease; de terre, scurvy; s vieilles de poitrine, (hipp.) chronic affections of lungs or of pleura , or of both. mahmdre, f., rotten knot in timber; red or white vein appearing in wood before rotting; (hipp.) malanders. malandreux, a v with dead, rotten, knots. malastiquc, (mil, slang) dirty, slovenly. malaxer, v. a., to knead, to work (as, dough, clay); to grind up together under a fluid. mal-bouch6, a., v. mal-dente. mal-dentfi, a., (hipp.) cheval , a horse, thb malformation or wear of whose teeth makes it difficult to estimate his age; false-mouthed horse. male, a., male; (of a ship) seaworthy; (of the sea) rough; (mach.) male (of screws, teeth, etc., of any part fitting into another). maleMte, f., calker's hammer. maMacon, f., w poor work, bad workmanship, defect in a piece of work. malfaisant, a., malignant, unhealthy, noxious; air malaria. , malgache, a., Malagassy. maline, f., spring tide; grande , equinoctial spring tide. malingre, a., delicate, weak; m., sickly, weak man. mallard, m., small grindstone. malle, f., trunk; mail; (mil. slang) prison; faire (defaire) une , to pack (unpack) a trunk. malteabilite, f., malleability, malleable, a., malleable, mallclne, f., (hipp.) mallein. malle-poste, f., mail coach; mail steamer. mallier, m., shaft horse. mal-rases, m. pi., (mil. slang) sappers. malsain, a., unhealthy, sickly. malthc, f., mineral tar. malversation, f., malversation, embezzlement. malverser, v. a., to embezzle, mamelle, f., (hipp., farr.) part of horseshoe, of hoof, on each side of the toe; (harn.) collar pad; lower part of the saddlebow; en , rounded. mamelon, m., gudgeon; (farr.) sort of calkin; (top.) hummock; rounded hill or elevation, pap, mamelon; (mach.) swell. mamelonne, a., (top.) rounded (of a hill, height). mamelouk, mameluk, m., Mameluke. mancelle, f., (harn.) pole chain; thill tug. man che, m., handle, helve, haft; holder for burning signal lights; d'aviron, loom of an oar; d sabre , derogatory term for a soldier; universel, pad. manche, f., sleeve; hose, pipe, funnel; neck (of a balloon); channel; d'appendice, filling tube or sleeve (of- a balloon); A cendres, ash hose; d charbon, coal chute; de cuir, leather hose; d eau, watering hose; fausse- , oversleeve; (St. Cyr slang) fatigue jacket; flexible, flexible hose; foulante, delivery hose; de pompe to, inccndie, fire-engine hose; avec raccordement d vis, screw hose; de toile, canvas hose; & vent, wind sail; ventilator. Blanche, la , the English Channel. manchette, f., (cord.) lizard; span, bridle; (art.) sleeve, gunner's sleeve; coup de , v. s. v. coup. manchon, m., sleeve; cylinder: housing; mouthpiece (as of iron piping); joint ring, collarband; (art.) hoop (longer than afretic), breech, hoop; jacket; cradle, sleeve; recoil sleeve, muzzle sleeve (of a turret gun); trunnion bushing; dirt guard; (sm. a.) collar or sleeve (into which the tubular magazine screws); bolthead; dust cover; firing-pin nut; cockingpiece nut; firing-pin clutch; (unif.) distinguishing white cover for headdress at maneuvers; (mach.) sleeve, box, clutch, transmissipn clutch; shaft coupling; coupling box, . chuck; sleeve or collar in which an arbor turns; mandrel (of a lathe); flange. I. Artillery, small arms; II. Machinery. ~ I. Artillery, small arms: agrafes, d agrafes, (art.) locking sleeve, locking hoop; arret d'arret stop-sleeve or collar; de bouche, (art.) muzzle collar (Longridge wire gun); enveloppe, (sm. a.) outer case, barrel cove.) glissiere. -glissiere d tourillons, (artv, trunnioned slide; graisseur, (art.) self-oiling box or sleeve; oiling sponge; de manoeuvre, (art.) maneuvering clutch; porte-extracteur , (sm. a.) extractor sleeve; porte-hausse, (sm. a.) rear-sight sleeve (Spanish Mauser); de support de -, timon, (art.) muff; d T, (sm. a.) T-shaped cocking piece; d, de, tourillons, (art. ) trunnion sleeve; visse, (art.) locking ring. II. Machinery: d'accouplement, clutch, coupling box, coupling sleeve; automatic coupling; d'alesoir, cutter head, boring head; d'arbredmanivelle, crank-shaft flange; d'arret, stop sleeve or collar; articule, jointed clutch; d'assemblage, assembling collar, coupling flange; d'attache, securing collar or sleeve; clavette, keyed shell clutch; ft cones, cone coupling; dcoquilles, clamp; cylindrique, cylinder friction clutch; de dfbrayage, clutch coupling; dente, & dents, claw clutch, claw coupling; & disques canneles, friction clutch (sort of multiple cone clutch); d double ecrou, screw coupling box; d'ecubier, hawse pipe; embrayage, clutch coupling, disengaging coupling; coupling box; a 'embrayage et de desembrayage, clutch coupling box; d't 'cssieu de poulie, coak of a block; filete, screw sleeve; fixe, fixed or permanent coupling; dfrettes, clamp coupling; d friction, friction coupling box; friction clutch; a griffe, claw clutch or coupling; Sharp's coupling; d plateaux, flanged coupling, face-plate coupling; dc pression, adjustable collar or sleeve (sleeve set by a screw); support; d raccord variable, adjustable clutch; de rcfroidissement, (met.) cold-water jacket (of atwyer); de soute d charbon, coal-bunker pipe; de surete, safety coupling; d tenon, clutch, tenon clutch; d'une seule piece, box coupling, muff coupling; a vis, screw chuck, screw coupling box. manchonnage, m., (art.) operation of putting on, shrinking on, a hoop (applied more particularly to long hoops). manchot, m., one-armed, one-handed, man.

mandant 259 manipulateur mandant, m., person who issues a mandat. mandat, m., mandate, commission, check; (adm.) order, request (for transportation, money, rations, etc.); d'amenrr, (law) capias; d'arret, (law) warrant of arrest; carte, v. postc; de comparution, (law) summons; subpoena; -de convoi, (Fr. a.) railroad transportation order; lepSche, v. telegramme; de dfpdt, warrant of commitment; d'ctapes, (Fr. a. adm.) order for forage and rations (issued to troops on march) to be drawn at me etape; de fournitures, (mil. adm.) requisition; d'indcmnite de route, (mil. adm. ) order to pay over travel expenses; lancer un to issue a , warrant; de passage, order for transportation by sea; de payement, an order to pay; poste, de posie, post-office money order; telegramme, telegrapMque, telegraphic money order; de vivres, (Fr. a. a/Zw.) ration request, is- sued to and presented by troops on the march. mandataire, m., person to whom a mandat is issued. mandater, v. a., to deliver an order for the payment of, deliver an order for. mandement, m., order, charge. mander, v. a., to inform, to order. mandrin, m., mandrel, drift, punch; shaper, former, shape or form; chuck, plug; coupling; holding-up tool; top and bottom swage for rounding bolts; gauge (for hollow or cylindrical objects); (expl.) fuse-hole gauge (guncotton disks); (artif.) rocket-case former; d'abatage, holding-up tool; b, Vanneau, elastic chuck; de bourrage, (mil. mirt.) tamping rod; brise, elastic chuck, cup chuck; cane , square drift; ft cftotto, mandrel, etc. (for working metals hot); de cochon, sort of screw chuck; conique, taper mandrel; & disque, disk chuck; ercentrique, eccentric chuck; expansible, shell chuck; & expansion, expanding mandrel; faible, (expl.) minimum gauge (must fall of its own weight through the fuse hole of a guncotton disk); tiforet, drill chuck; de forge, forge mandrel; fort, (expl.) maximum gauge (must not of its own weight fall through the fuse hole of a gun-cotton disk); & gobelet, bell chuck, cup chuck; & griffe(s), claw chuck (lathe); h gueule de loup, split screw chuck; meplat, flat drift; ordinaire, plain chuck; & pointes, flanch or prong chuck; vorte-foret, drill chuck; h raises, rifled drift; rond, round puncheon; faille, grooved mandrel; tourd mandrel , lathe; d'un tour, face plate; du tour & ovale, & tourncr ovale, oval chuck; universel, concentric chuck, universal chuck; & vis, screw chuck. mandriner, v. a., to form, shape, work, upon a mandrel, ec.; to cnuck. maneage, m., (nav.) manual labor of loading and unloading cargo, for which no extra manege cavalier de , (cav.) trooper attached to a riding school; cheval de , riding-school horse; old, wornout horse; & chevaux, horsepower; civil, pay is demended. manege, m., horsemanship, riding, manege, riding-school equitation, manege riding; training, breaking, of horses; riding school, ridingschool building or inclosure; drill hall; (mach.) horsepower (i. e., mechanical contrivance), horse whim; instruction in riding simply, as distinguished from military riding; & colliers, horse mill; decouvert, ring, outdoor riding school; de guerre, an uneven gallop, m which the horse frequently changes the leading foot; par haut, high school, training of a horse by the airs releves; mailre de , riding master. manette, f., handle, hand gear; hand lever; spoke of a steering wheel; hook or catch (on the bolster of the French 0.60m siege railroad truck). manganese, m., manganese. mangangsifere, a., manganiferous. mange, p. p., (cord.) galled, worn. mangeoire, f., manger; crib; musette v. s. v. musette. , manger, v. a., to eat, feed, mess; to ^corrode, eat out or away; to wear, to grind; to absorb, destroy, eat up; to undermine; le chemin, to advance, proceed, with great speed; ensemble, (mil.) to mess together; de la guerre, to be present at a combat; du sable, to cheat the glass; se , to wear, to be ground d own ; un pays, to lay waste a country. maniable, a., manageable, tractable; handy, pliable, easy to handle, to work. manlement, m., knack, trick; touch, handling, management, conduct, use, employment; des armes, (mil.) manual of arms; de la lance, (mil.) manual of the lance; du sabre, (mil.) manual of the sword. manier, m. K touching, handling, feel; (man.) action of the feet m the three gaits: au , to, by, the touch. manier, v. a. n., to touch, handle, treat; to manage, administer, use; to substitute new for old paving stones; (man.) to work (of the horse); to obey the rider; les armes, (mil.) to execute the manual of arms, to handle arms; & bout, (cons.) to repair a roof; un cheval, to manage a horse; difficile h , unmanageable; de ferme & ferme, (man.) to jump without advancing; sur les hanches, (man.) to work uopn the haunches; sur place, v. de ferme h ferme; pres de terre, (man.) to drag the feet manifesto, m., manifesto; (ship's) manifest. manigaux, m., bellows lever. manilla, m., (cord.) manila hemp. manillage, m., shackling. manille, f., shackle; m., (cord.) manila rope, manila hemp; d'affourche, mooring shackle; d'ancre, anchor shackle; d'arret, stop; d' assemblage, assembling shackle; d'attelage, (r. r.) screw-coupling loop; boulon de , shackle bolt; de brague, breech shackle; brevetee, patent shackle; en chanvre, en cordage, hemp rope; d'etalingure, anchor shackle; sfausses, preventer gear; cnfer, wire rope; s majeures, heavy ropes; s menues, light ropes; s principales, v majeures; s de supplement, spare ropes; traversiere, fish shackle. maniller. v. a., to shackle (a chain, etc.). manipulateur, m., manipulator; (teleg.) key, telegraph key, sender, transmitter; automalique, automatic transmitter; de court circuit, (elec.) short-circuiting key;

maladie 258 manchot<br />

maladie, f., illness, sickness, distemper, <strong>com</strong>plaint;<br />

de I'aile, wing disease (carrier pigeon);<br />

des camps, typhus fever;<br />

du coit, v. dourine;<br />

naviculaire, (hipp.) nayicular disease;<br />

de terre, scurvy;<br />

s vieilles de poitrine, (hipp.) chronic affections<br />

of lungs or of pleura , or of both.<br />

mahmdre, f., rotten knot in timber; red or white<br />

vein appearing in wood before rotting; (hipp.)<br />

malanders.<br />

malandreux, a<br />

v<br />

with dead, rotten, knots.<br />

malastiquc, (mil, slang) dirty, slovenly.<br />

malaxer, v. a., to knead, to work (as, dough,<br />

clay); to grind up together under a fluid.<br />

mal-bouch6, a., v. mal-dente.<br />

mal-dentfi, a., (hipp.) cheval , a horse, thb<br />

malformation or wear of whose teeth makes<br />

it difficult to estimate his age; false-mouthed<br />

horse.<br />

male, a., male; (of a ship) seaworthy; (of the sea)<br />

rough; (mach.) male (of screws, teeth, etc., of<br />

any part fitting into another).<br />

maleMte, f., calker's hammer.<br />

maMacon, f., w poor work, bad workmanship,<br />

defect in a piece of work.<br />

malfaisant, a., malignant, unhealthy, noxious;<br />

air malaria.<br />

,<br />

malgache, a., Malagassy.<br />

maline, f., spring tide;<br />

grande , equinoctial spring tide.<br />

malingre, a., delicate, weak; m., sickly, weak<br />

man.<br />

mallard, m., small grindstone.<br />

malle, f., trunk; mail; (mil. slang) prison;<br />

faire (defaire) une , to pack (unpack) a<br />

trunk.<br />

malteabilite, f., malleability,<br />

malleable, a., malleable,<br />

mallclne, f., (hipp.) mallein.<br />

malle-poste, f., mail coach; mail steamer.<br />

mallier, m., shaft horse.<br />

mal-rases, m. pi., (mil. slang) sappers.<br />

malsain, a., unhealthy, sickly.<br />

malthc, f., mineral tar.<br />

malversation, f., malversation, embezzlement.<br />

malverser, v. a., to embezzle,<br />

mamelle, f., (hipp., farr.) part of horseshoe, of<br />

hoof, on each side of the toe; (harn.) collar pad;<br />

lower part of the saddlebow;<br />

en , rounded.<br />

mamelon, m., gudgeon; (farr.) sort of calkin;<br />

(top.) hummock; rounded hill or elevation,<br />

pap, mamelon; (mach.) swell.<br />

mamelonne, a., (top.) rounded (of a hill,<br />

height).<br />

mamelouk, mameluk, m., Mameluke.<br />

mancelle, f., (harn.) pole chain; thill tug.<br />

man che, m., handle, helve, haft; holder for burning<br />

signal lights;<br />

d'aviron, loom of an oar;<br />

d sabre , derogatory term for a soldier;<br />

universel, pad.<br />

manche, f., sleeve; hose, pipe, funnel; neck (of<br />

a balloon); channel;<br />

d'appendice, filling tube or sleeve (of- a<br />

balloon);<br />

A cendres, ash hose;<br />

d charbon, coal chute;<br />

de cuir, leather hose;<br />

d eau, watering hose;<br />

fausse- , oversleeve; (St. Cyr slang) fatigue<br />

jacket;<br />

flexible, flexible hose;<br />

foulante, delivery hose;<br />

de pompe to, inccndie, fire-engine hose;<br />

avec raccordement d vis, screw hose;<br />

de toile, canvas hose;<br />

& vent, wind sail; ventilator.<br />

Blanche, la , the <strong>English</strong> Channel.<br />

manchette, f., (cord.) lizard; span, bridle; (art.)<br />

sleeve, gunner's sleeve;<br />

coup de , v. s. v. coup.<br />

manchon, m., sleeve; cylinder: housing; mouthpiece<br />

(as of iron piping); joint ring, collarband;<br />

(art.) hoop (longer than afretic), breech,<br />

hoop; jacket; cradle, sleeve; recoil sleeve,<br />

muzzle sleeve (of a turret gun); trunnion<br />

bushing; dirt guard; (sm. a.) collar or sleeve<br />

(into which the tubular magazine screws);<br />

bolthead; dust cover; firing-pin nut; cockingpiece<br />

nut; firing-pin clutch; (unif.) distinguishing<br />

white cover for headdress at maneuvers;<br />

(mach.) sleeve, box, clutch, transmissipn<br />

clutch; shaft coupling; coupling box,<br />

. chuck; sleeve or collar in which an arbor turns;<br />

mandrel (of a lathe); flange.<br />

I. Artillery, small arms; II. Machinery. ~<br />

I. Artillery, small arms:<br />

agrafes, d agrafes, (art.) locking sleeve,<br />

locking hoop;<br />

arret d'arret stop-sleeve or collar;<br />

de bouche, (art.) muzzle collar (Longridge<br />

wire gun);<br />

enveloppe, (sm. a.) outer case, barrel cove.)<br />

glissiere. -glissiere d tourillons, (artv,<br />

trunnioned slide;<br />

graisseur, (art.) self-oiling box or sleeve;<br />

oiling sponge;<br />

de manoeuvre, (art.) maneuvering clutch;<br />

porte-extracteur , (sm. a.) extractor sleeve;<br />

porte-hausse, (sm. a.) rear-sight sleeve (Spanish<br />

Mauser);<br />

de support de -,<br />

timon, (art.) muff;<br />

d T, (sm. a.) T-shaped cocking piece;<br />

d, de, tourillons, (art. ) trunnion sleeve;<br />

visse, (art.) locking ring.<br />

II. Machinery:<br />

d'accouplement, clutch, coupling box, coupling<br />

sleeve; automatic coupling;<br />

d'alesoir, cutter head, boring head;<br />

d'arbredmanivelle, crank-shaft flange;<br />

d'arret, stop sleeve or collar;<br />

articule, jointed clutch;<br />

d'assemblage, assembling collar, coupling<br />

flange;<br />

d'attache, securing collar or sleeve;<br />

clavette, keyed shell clutch;<br />

ft cones, cone coupling;<br />

dcoquilles, clamp;<br />

cylindrique, cylinder friction clutch;<br />

de dfbrayage, clutch coupling;<br />

dente, & dents, claw clutch, claw coupling;<br />

& disques canneles, friction clutch (sort of<br />

multiple cone clutch);<br />

d double ecrou, screw coupling box;<br />

d'ecubier, hawse pipe;<br />

embrayage, clutch coupling, disengaging<br />

coupling; coupling box;<br />

a 'embrayage et de desembrayage, clutch coupling<br />

box;<br />

d't 'cssieu de poulie, coak of a block;<br />

filete, screw sleeve;<br />

fixe, fixed or permanent coupling;<br />

dfrettes, clamp coupling;<br />

d friction, friction coupling box; friction<br />

clutch;<br />

a griffe, claw clutch or coupling; Sharp's<br />

coupling;<br />

d plateaux, flanged coupling, face-plate<br />

coupling;<br />

dc pression, adjustable collar or sleeve (sleeve<br />

set by a screw); support;<br />

d raccord variable, adjustable clutch;<br />

de rcfroidissement, (met.) cold-water jacket<br />

(of atwyer);<br />

de soute d charbon, coal-bunker pipe;<br />

de surete, safety coupling;<br />

d tenon, clutch, tenon clutch;<br />

d'une seule piece, box coupling, muff coupling;<br />

a vis, screw chuck, screw coupling box.<br />

manchonnage, m., (art.) operation of putting<br />

on, shrinking on, a hoop (applied more particularly<br />

to long hoops).<br />

manchot, m., one-armed, one-handed, man.

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