A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

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affaire 6 afffit affaire, f., affair, business, piece of business; (mil.') affair, combat, engagement; d'avant-postes, (mil.) outpost engagement, or skirmish; s indigenes, affermir, y. a., to strengthen; fasten, fix; establish, consolidate. affermissement, m.-, strengthening, consolidation. affichage, m., posting of public notices; (esp., Fr. a.) posting of notices dealing with the army, as of lists, drawing of lots, etc. atfiche, f., poster. afficher, v. a., to post (a notice). affilage, m., sharpening, setting; act of sharpening, etc. affiler, v. a., to sharpen, set (a tool, etc.). affilure, f., operation of pointing (as a nail). affinage, m., (met.) fining, refining; methode d' anglaise, puddling. affiner, v. a., (met.) to fine, refine; (of the weather) to clear. affinerie, f., (met.) fining-hearth, finery, affineur, m., (met.) finer (workman). affleuri, a., flush (said of two adjacent or contiguous solids); assemblage , flush-joint. affleurement, m., outcrop (of a ledge, rock, etc.). affleurer, v. a., to make flush, level, with each other. afflouer, v. a., to float (a stranded boat). affluent, m., (top.) affluent, tributary stream; a., tributary, flowing into; d maree, tide-stream. affoie, a., (elec.) perturbed, disturbed (of magnetic needle). affolement, m., (elec.) perturbation, unsteadiness (of magnetic needle). affouillable, a., liable to erosion, to undermining (of soil, by water); crumbling, friable. aflouUlement, m., caving in; undermining; washout; exfoliation (as by rust); (art.) exposing of a foundation, by artillery fire; des balles, (sm. a.) small cavity in bullets of pure lead, due to powder gases; des touches & feu, (art.) pitting; long and sinuous cavities in bronze guns (obs.); du terrain, wash, washout, caused by running waters. aflouiller, v. a., to undermine, to wash away; (art.) to lay bare a foundation (by artillery fire). afiourager, v. a., to give fodder to animals (in the stable). affourchement, m., slit-and-tongue joint, tongue joint, split joint. aflourcner, v. a., to join by an open mortise; (nav.) to moor. aflranchir, v. a., to free, discharge; release, deliver; let go, exempt; pay, prepay; accomplish; shake off; d'eau, to pump a vesselfree of water; affranchir les bouts, to trim off ends (e. g., to turn the base of a projectile in a lathe). affranchissement, m., action of freeing, accomplishing, etc.; prepayment (of postage, carriage, etc.). v 5 arabes, (Fr. a.) all mutters relating to administration of the military territory in Algiers. affaissement, m., settling, subsidence; (sm. a.) shortening of bullet, due to pressure of powder gases; (art.) depression in cast guns, due to projection in mold. affaisser, v. a. r., to sink, settle, sag, subside, collapse, give way. aflaler, v. a., to overhaul (a rope, etc.); unpalan, to overhaul a tackle; s' , to stumble (of ahorse). affamer, v. a., (mil.) to starve, to reduce to starvation (garrison, fort). affectation, f., (mil.) assignment to a particular arm, unit, or duty; Mat nominatif d' : (Fr. a.) list of men sent each year from active army to the reserve; speciale, special assignment in certain administrative and technical branches of the public service. affecter, v. av to assign, to allot; to tell off or detail for a particular duty, etc. affrfetement, m., chartering, freighting (of a vessel); d la cueillette, chartering by administration of commercial vessel in desired direction, when government cargo aflermage, m., (adm.) renting out of slopes and of arable land in or near fortifications. will not fill a whole ship. affreter, v. a., to charter, to freight. affrtteur, m., charterer. affronter, v. a., (mil.) to face, to attack boldly, to expose one's self. afftlt, m., (s. c. art.) top-carriage (U. S.), slide-carriage (R. A.); (r. f. art.) mount, mounting; carriage (field artillery); frame or bed (as of a saw, etc.); (Except where otherwise indicated, the following terms relate to artillery.) a aiguille, platform-carriage; d balancier, any carriage in which the gun is directly supported by levers (balancier) rotating about a horizontal axis; de batterie, (nav. art.) broadside carriage, cen- ' tral-battery carriage; d beche de crosse, trail-spade carriage; d beche d'cssieu, carriage equipped with an axle-spade; de bord, (nav. art.) naval carriage; d bouclier. any carriage provided with a shield; d brancard, shaft carriage; de campagne, field carriage; de caponniere, caponier mount ; de casemate, casemate carriage; de casemate d, pivot-avant, front-pintle casemate carriage; de cavalerie, galloping carriage; chandelier, d chandelier, (r.f. art.) forkpivot mount, pillar-mounting; - & chdssis, slide-carriage, chassis-carriage; also, a generic term for this class of carriages, as distinguished from the field-carriage type; d chdssis circulate, carriage with circular chassis (Canet); a chdssis horizontal, carriage with horizontal chassis; - & chdssis oscilJant, carriage with rocking or oscillating chassis; d chassis d pivot-avant, front-pintle carriage; d chdssis a pivot central, center-pintle car- riage; & col de cygne, swan-neck carriage (siege); ' de cote, seacoast artillery carriage; it crinoline, (r.f. art.) crinoline mount; elastic cone mount; cage-mount (U. S. N.); d crosse, trail-carriage; (r.f. art.) mount fitted with a stock; crosse d' , trail; cuirasse, armored carriage, mount; French translation of German (Schumann) name for turret or cupola; cuirasse & eclipse, disappearing armored car- riage; de debarguement, (nav.) landing-carriage; d deformation, generic term for carriages in which recoil is taken up by springs, cylinders, etc.; demontable, carriage that takes apart, takedown carriage ; d, depression, depression carriage; & eclipse, disappearing carriage; elastigue, (r.f. art.) elastic mount; (art.) generic term for carriage in which buffers, cylinders, etc., are used to take up shock of recoil; eleve, barbette, overbank carriage; d'embarcation, (nav.) boat-carriage; d' embrasure, embrasure carriage; embrasure, (r.f. art.) caponier or flanking casemate mount; d embrasure minima, minimum-port car- d embrasure reduite, minimum-port carriage; seacoast carriage (R. A.) of limited field of fire; - fixe, stationary carriage, (seacoast, etc.); dflasques, bracket-trail carriage;

afffit agremeiits affut d fllche, block-trail carriage: - d fieche elastique, telescopmg-trail carriage, elastic-trail carriage (Canet); - d frein circulaire, carriage fitted with a circular brake (Canet); - & frein hydraulique, carriage with hydraulic recoil-check; - dfreins d lames, compressor-bar carriage; - d fusee, (mil.) rocket-stand; rocket-frame; - de gaillard, (nav.) gun-deck carriage; - glissant, [siege art.) carriage sliding on skids during recoil; r - d glissement, (Fr. art.) 220m (slides on platform during recoil); grand , lower carriage of mortar carriage French I20mm short; independant, unarmored carriage; d'infanterie (r.f. art.) infantry mounting; libre, generic term for movable (wheeled) carriages; d limoniere, shaft carriage; galloping carriage; d manoeuvre electrique, electrically controlled carriage; d manoeuvre hydraulique, hydraulically controlled carriage; marin, naval carriage; de montagne, mountain-gun carriage; d, de, mortier, mortar carriage, mortar bed; d'obusier, howitzer carriage; omnibus, (Fr. art.) a carriage so called because it can be adapted to several different guns, field and siege; oscillant, oscillating, rocking carriage; afffitage, m., outfit of tools; sharpening, setting; act of sharpening. affuter, y. a., to sharpen a tool; machine d -, , tool-grinding machine. afluteuse, f., tool-grinding machine. agaric, m., punk. a gauche, m., v. & droite, substituting gauche (left) for droite (right). age, m., age; cheval hors d' , (hipp.) old horse, horse that has lost the mark; limite d' , limits of age of entry into schools; minimum age of entry into certain departments; (mil.) retiring age; etre atteint par la limite d' , (mil.) to reach retiring age. agenda, in., memorandum book. agent, m., agent; (mil.) subordinate employe" of pay, post-office, telegraph, and railroad departments; des attelages, (art.) agent of communication between captain (at guns in position) and limbers and teams under cover (he is the chef de caisson de la section du centre); de liaison, (mil.) officer, n. c. o., or man who acts as agent of communication between various bodies of troops, or of parts of asinglebody (e. g., batterie de tir and echelon de combat, qq. v.) (frequently agent alone is used, when notan officer); principal des prisons, (Fr. a.), n. c. o. of the grade of adjudant, in charge of interior economy and of lower personnel of a military prison; petit , top carriage, Trench 120 short; d pivot, pintle carriage; d pivot anterieur, d pivot avant, frontpintle carriage; d pivot central, center-pintle carriage; d pivot elastique, (r. f. art.) elastic mount (Engstrom); d pivotement fictif et d tourillonnement autour de la bouche, generic term for minimum port carriage under metallic cover; de place, fortress carriage; garrison carriage (England); , d plaque tournante, turntable carriage; de plat-bord, (nav. r. f.) gunnel-mount, railmount; plateforme, (Fr. a.) carriage of 120mm short; d plateforme tournante, turntable carriage; de pont, (nav. r.f.) deck mount; queue d* rear end of , top carriage; d rabattement, disappearing carnage; d rappel automatique, spring-return carriage; d recul, recoil carriage; d recul limite, limited recoil carriage; sans recul, (r.f. art.) nonrecoil carriage; de rempart, (r. f. art.) rampart mount; (in gen.) rampart carriage; d ressoris de rappel, spring-return carriage: rigide, generic term for carriage in which recoil is not taken up by buffers, cylinders, etc.; roulant, wheeled carriage; roller carriage; (siege) carriage on wheels, as ' distinguished from glissant, q. v.; d roulettes, truck carriage; de siege, siege carriage; de siege et place, siege and fortress carriage; d soulevement, (Fr. art., obs.) elevator carriage (lets down from rollers before firing); - d tampons elastiques, Engelhardt field-mortar carriage; de teugue, (nav.) forecastle carriage (swivel and chase guns); de tir, (sm. a.) rifle-rest; d, de, tourclle, turret carriage; de tourelle-barbette, barbette turret mount; d traineau, traineau, sledge-carriage; dtrepied. (r.f. art.) tripod mount; d treuil de brague, Brookwell carriage (obs.); true. r. r. gun carriage, platform on rails, from which gun may be fired; d tubes, (mil.) rocket volley carriage; d vis, generic term for turret-carriages worked by screw-gearing, as opposed to hydraulically controlled carriages. reducteur, rsvelateur, (phot.) developer. agglomeration, f., agglomeration. aggloinre, m., (elec.) mixture of gas-coke and of bioxide of manganese (in one kind of Leclanche" cell). agir, v. a., to act, work; (mil.) to operate; sur le cordon, (art.) to pull the lanyard. agitateur, m., (mach., etc.) agitator; mechanical stirrer; shaker. agiter, v. a. r., to agitate, shake, stir; to become rough (of the sea, or water); to rise (of the sea). agrafage, m., clamping, clasping, pramping, etc.; d ressaut, (art.) locking of hoops by means of shoulders. agrafe, f., cramp, cramping-iron; lip, clip; (mil.) clasp of a cuirass or breastplate; clasp of a medal; (art.) filling-ring; coupling-pin; locking-lip (of a hoop); locking-shoulder (of a hoop); clip, guide-clip, guide-hook; holding-down clip; - catch; longitudinal strain-bar; d'armement, (art.) cocking-clip (of a fuse); d'artillerie, hook or clasp to bind various parts together. d'assemblage d vis, (art.) locking-ring; guide, (art.) guide-holding-down clip. et porte, hook and eye; de surete, (art.) safety-clip, safety-spring catch (of a fuse). agrafer, v. a., to hook, clasp, clamp; (mach.) to gib; (art.) to lock by an agrafe. s' , (art.) to lock (gun construction); d ressaut, (art.) to lock hoops by means of shoulders. agrandir, v. a., to enlarge. agrandissement, m., enlargement. agreer, v. a., to rig, (v. greer). agregation, f., (mil.) formation (applied to all regular assemblies). agrements, m. pi., (unif.) trimmings or insignia or ornaments 01 uniform, of headdress, and of equipment.

affaire 6 afffit<br />

affaire, f., affair, business, piece of business; (mil.')<br />

affair, <strong>com</strong>bat, engagement;<br />

d'avant-postes, (mil.) outpost engagement, or<br />

skirmish;<br />

s indigenes,<br />

affermir, y. a., to strengthen; fasten, fix; establish,<br />

consolidate.<br />

affermissement, m.-, strengthening, consolidation.<br />

affichage, m., posting of public notices; (esp., Fr.<br />

a.) posting of notices dealing with the army, as<br />

of lists, drawing of lots, etc.<br />

atfiche, f., poster.<br />

afficher, v. a., to post (a notice).<br />

affilage, m., sharpening, setting; act of sharpening,<br />

etc.<br />

affiler, v. a., to sharpen, set (a tool, etc.).<br />

affilure, f., operation of pointing (as a nail).<br />

affinage, m., (met.) fining, refining;<br />

methode d' anglaise, puddling.<br />

affiner, v. a., (met.) to fine, refine; (of the weather)<br />

to clear.<br />

affinerie, f., (met.) fining-hearth, finery,<br />

affineur, m., (met.) finer (workman).<br />

affleuri, a., flush (said of two adjacent or contiguous<br />

solids);<br />

assemblage , flush-joint.<br />

affleurement, m., outcrop (of a ledge, rock, etc.).<br />

affleurer, v. a., to make flush, level, with each<br />

other.<br />

afflouer, v. a., to float (a stranded boat).<br />

affluent, m., (top.) affluent, tributary stream; a.,<br />

tributary, flowing into;<br />

d maree, tide-stream.<br />

affoie, a., (elec.) perturbed, disturbed (of magnetic<br />

needle).<br />

affolement, m., (elec.) perturbation, unsteadiness<br />

(of magnetic needle).<br />

affouillable, a., liable to erosion, to undermining<br />

(of soil, by water); crumbling, friable.<br />

aflouUlement, m., caving in; undermining; washout;<br />

exfoliation (as by rust); (art.) exposing of<br />

a foundation, by artillery fire;<br />

des balles, (sm. a.) small cavity in bullets of<br />

pure lead, due to powder gases;<br />

des touches & feu, (art.) pitting; long and sinuous<br />

cavities in bronze guns (obs.);<br />

du terrain, wash, washout, caused by running<br />

waters.<br />

aflouiller, v. a., to undermine, to wash away; (art.)<br />

to lay bare a foundation (by artillery fire).<br />

afiourager, v. a., to give fodder to animals (in the<br />

stable).<br />

affourchement, m., slit-and-tongue joint, tongue<br />

joint, split joint.<br />

aflourcner, v. a., to join by an open mortise; (nav.)<br />

to moor.<br />

aflranchir, v. a., to free, discharge; release, deliver;<br />

let go, exempt; pay, prepay; ac<strong>com</strong>plish; shake<br />

off;<br />

d'eau, to pump a vesselfree of water;<br />

affranchir les bouts, to trim off ends (e. g., to turn<br />

the base of a projectile in a lathe).<br />

affranchissement, m., action of freeing, ac<strong>com</strong>plishing,<br />

etc.; prepayment (of postage, carriage,<br />

etc.). v<br />

5 arabes, (Fr. a.) all mutters<br />

relating to administration of the military territory<br />

in Algiers.<br />

affaissement, m., settling, subsidence; (sm. a.)<br />

shortening of bullet, due to pressure of powder<br />

gases; (art.) depression in cast guns, due to projection<br />

in mold.<br />

affaisser, v. a. r., to sink, settle, sag, subside, collapse,<br />

give way.<br />

aflaler, v. a., to overhaul (a rope, etc.);<br />

unpalan, to overhaul a tackle;<br />

s' , to stumble (of ahorse).<br />

affamer, v. a., (mil.) to starve, to reduce to starvation<br />

(garrison, fort).<br />

affectation, f., (mil.) assignment to a particular<br />

arm, unit, or duty;<br />

Mat nominatif d'<br />

: (Fr. a.) list of men sent<br />

each year from active army to the reserve;<br />

speciale, special assignment in certain administrative<br />

and technical branches of the public<br />

service.<br />

affecter, v. av to assign, to allot; to tell off or detail<br />

for a particular duty, etc.<br />

affrfetement, m., chartering, freighting (of a vessel);<br />

d la cueillette, chartering by administration<br />

of <strong>com</strong>mercial vessel in desired direction, when<br />

government cargo<br />

aflermage, m., (adm.) renting out of slopes and of<br />

arable land in or near fortifications.<br />

will not fill a whole ship.<br />

affreter, v. a., to charter, to freight.<br />

affrtteur, m., charterer.<br />

affronter, v. a., (mil.) to face, to attack boldly, to<br />

expose one's self.<br />

afftlt, m., (s. c. art.) top-carriage (U. S.), slide-carriage<br />

(R. A.); (r. f. art.) mount, mounting;<br />

carriage (field artillery); frame or bed (as of a<br />

saw, etc.);<br />

(Except where otherwise indicated, the following<br />

terms relate to artillery.)<br />

a aiguille, platform-carriage;<br />

d balancier, any carriage in which the gun is<br />

directly supported by levers (balancier) rotating<br />

about a horizontal axis;<br />

de batterie, (nav. art.) broadside carriage, cen-<br />

'<br />

tral-battery carriage;<br />

d beche de crosse, trail-spade carriage;<br />

d beche d'cssieu, carriage equipped with an<br />

axle-spade;<br />

de bord, (nav. art.) naval carriage;<br />

d bouclier. any carriage provided with a<br />

shield;<br />

d brancard, shaft carriage;<br />

de campagne, field carriage;<br />

de caponniere, caponier mount ;<br />

de casemate, casemate carriage;<br />

de casemate d, pivot-avant, front-pintle casemate<br />

carriage;<br />

de cavalerie, galloping carriage;<br />

chandelier, d chandelier, (r.f. art.) forkpivot<br />

mount, pillar-mounting;<br />

- & chdssis, slide-carriage, chassis-carriage; also,<br />

a generic term for this class of carriages, as distinguished<br />

from the field-carriage type;<br />

d chdssis circulate, carriage with circular<br />

chassis (Canet);<br />

a chdssis horizontal, carriage with horizontal<br />

chassis; -<br />

& chdssis oscilJant, carriage with rocking or<br />

oscillating chassis;<br />

d chassis d pivot-avant, front-pintle carriage;<br />

d chdssis a pivot central, center-pintle car-<br />

riage;<br />

& col de cygne, swan-neck carriage (siege);<br />

'<br />

de cote, seacoast artillery carriage;<br />

it crinoline, (r.f. art.) crinoline mount; elastic<br />

cone mount; cage-mount (U. S. N.);<br />

d crosse, trail-carriage; (r.f. art.) mount fitted<br />

with a stock;<br />

crosse d' , trail;<br />

cuirasse, armored carriage, mount; <strong>French</strong><br />

translation of German (Schumann) name for<br />

turret or cupola;<br />

cuirasse & eclipse, disappearing armored car-<br />

riage;<br />

de debarguement, (nav.) landing-carriage;<br />

d deformation, generic term for carriages in<br />

which recoil is taken up by springs, cylinders,<br />

etc.;<br />

demontable, carriage that takes apart, takedown<br />

carriage ;<br />

d, depression, depression carriage;<br />

& eclipse, disappearing carriage;<br />

elastigue, (r.f. art.) elastic mount; (art.) generic<br />

term for carriage in which buffers, cylinders,<br />

etc., are used to take up shock of recoil;<br />

eleve, barbette, overbank carriage;<br />

d'embarcation, (nav.) boat-carriage;<br />

d' embrasure, embrasure carriage;<br />

embrasure, (r.f. art.) caponier or flanking<br />

casemate mount;<br />

d embrasure minima, minimum-port car-<br />

d embrasure reduite, minimum-port carriage;<br />

seacoast carriage (R. A.) of limited field of fire;<br />

- fixe, stationary carriage, (seacoast, etc.);<br />

dflasques, bracket-trail carriage;

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