A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

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main 256 maitre main, en avant de la , (lit.) forward of the hand, said of a horse that plunges, etc.; de I'epee, sword hand; Ztre d droite (gauche), to work to the ri^ht (left) (right (left) foot leading); etre bien dans la , to obey the hand readily; forcer la , to pull on the arm; to pull, to try to jerk the reins out of the hand; franchir la , to pull completely out of control of the hand; gagner d, de, la , to get his head (away from the control of the horseman) ; de la gaule, v. de I'epee; haute, the right hand; hors , hors la , off side, off; ignorante, unskillful horseman ; Idcher la (d un cheval). to ride with a slack hand, to give a horse his head; de la lance, v. de I'epee; leger d la , easy on the hand (of the horse) ; marcher d droite (gauche), to turn, gallop, etc., to the right (left), right (left) flank of horse inside (riding school); mener un cheval en , to lead a horse in hand ; mener un cheval haut la , to raise the hand (e. g., to keep a horse from stumbling); mettre un chevaldans la . to gather a horse; mine de , feeling the bit (by the hand); mise en , getting a horse in hand ; partir de la ,to take the gallop well; (substantively) a fine start (gallop); peserd la , to bear upon the hand; pousser un cheval sur la , to make the horse constantly feel the hand of the rider, in advancing; prendre en , to lead (horses); remise de . easing of the hand on the bit; rendre la d un cheval, to give a horse his head; savante, skillful horseman; sensible d la , v. leger d la main; sentir un cheval dans la , to feel that a horse answers to the bit; sous la , near side, near; soutenir la , to pull the bridle, to raise the hand; tenir la , to raise the hand; tenir la haute, to ride with a high hand; tenir la d un cheval, to guide a horse; a horse in tenir un cheval dans la , to keep hand; tirerd la , to pull (of a horse); tourner d toutes s, to take all the gaits easily; de travail, iron bar of a trave or travis ; travailler d droite (gauche), v. marcher d droite (gauche). III. Miscellaneous. d la , by hand; at hand; amarrer bonne , (cord.) to lash, secure, without slacking; to keep; avant hand over , hand; avoir de la , (fenc.) to be skillful in e ading parries; avoir la dure (legtre), to make a harsh (mild) use of one's authority ; avoir les armes belles, bien, d la , (fenc.) to be a graceful fencer; cdte de la , (met.) working side; coulante, hand rail; courante, blotter; courante defer, goose neck; de la , manual; d denrees, sort of grocer's ladle (for sugar, salt, etc.); la derniere , the finishing stroke or touch; d droite (gauche), on the right (left) hand; s'entretenir la , to keep one's hand in; de fer, spider, cramp, iron hanging clamp, iron fan- leader; haut la , with ease, "hands down;" d levee, free hand; longueur dela , span; mettre les armes, le fleuret, d la , (fenc.) to give the first instruction in fencing; main, mettre la dernitre d, to put the finishing touch to anything; d'olive, (harn.) trace-tug loop; de -papier, quire of paper; posed, la , handset; de poulie, block strap; prefer la d, to lend a hand, to help; scied deux s, crosscut saw; de sergent, clamp, cramp; sous la at , hand, ready; swr hand over , hand; tenir bond la v. amarrer bonne , ; tenir dans sa to be master , of; tenir la d, to attend to, see to, a thing; tour de , manual skill or dexterity. mainotte, f., body loop. main-d'oeuvre, f., labor, manual labor; workmanship, handiwork; cost of labor, wages. main-forte, f., armed assistance, e. g., the sup- port or assistance of the army in the execution of the laws. main-levfe, f., (law) replevin. main-militaire, f., the armed force of the State (charged with an execution, an expulsion). main-mise, f., (law) seizure, detention, arrest, attachment, distress; embargo (ships). maintenir, v. a., to keep up. keep in good order; to maintain, support, uphold, bear up; (mil.) to keep, hold, in check to hold ; ; se , (mil.) to hold one's ground. maintien, m., maintenance (of order, discipline, etc.); keeping in repair. maire, m., mayor. mairie, f., municipal headquarters; mayor's office of a French commune; mayoralty. malls, m., Indian corn, maize, corn (U. S.). maisoii, f.. house; home, household; family; (mil.) official household, personal staff ; d'alienfs, insane asylum; d'arret, house of detention; (Fr. a.) place of confinement of officers punished for disciplinary reasons; of men going to join compagnics de discipline; of soldiers traveling under guard ofthegendarmery; de bangue, bank ; en bois blinde, (fort.) blockhouse; de campagne (mil. 2 slang) cell; centrale, penitentiary; de commerce, firm, house; de correction, \. de detention; (Fr. a.) place of confinement of officers undergoing sentence, if not dismissed; of men sentenced for less than one year; de detention, house of detention; deforce, v. de detention; de justice, place of confinement of persons awaiting trial; (Fr. a.) place of confinement of persons undergoing trial and of persons awaiting execution of sentence; milUaire, in France, the military staff or household of the President; (mil.) military family of a general, the personal guard of a so ereign; de prct, pawnbroker's shop; de sante, private asylum; de ville, town house. maisonnage, m., building timber. maistrance, f., (nav.) warrant officers; dockyard staff. maitre, m., master, chief, head, owner; proprietor; teacher, instructor; foreman; in France, style of lawyers; (nav.) boatswain; (Fr. nav.) second grade of warrant officer (ranks with sergeant-major); (Fr. a.) designation of certain workmen (v. examples infra), who rank as marechal des logis chef; d 'academic, principal of a riding school; d'armes, (fenc.) fencing master; armurier, (Fr. a.) master armorer (incorrect expression for chefarmurier); arlificier, (Fr. a.) foreman of a (artillery) laboratory, master artificer; avoir les pieas en d danser, (man.) to turn out the toes too much; de bailment, master of a merchantman; de baton, (fenc.) single-stick teacher; bau, (nav.) midship beam;

maftre 257 malaclc maitre cable, best cable, main cable; calfat, head calker; de canne, v. de baton; canonnier, (nav.) gunner; canonnier en second, (nav.) gunner's mate; charge, (nav.) warrant officer in charge of stores; charpentier, (mil, nav.) master carpenter; chevron^ (cons.) principal, main rafter; compagnon, foreman; constructeur, (nav.) naval constructor; contrc , foreman; (nav.) boatswain's mate; cordier, ( Fr. a.) cordage master; . . % couple, (nav.) midship frame; d'ecluses, sluice master; ecole, schoolmaster; (hipp.) steady horse, used in setting the pace in training colts to gallop, or hitched up with a young horse under training; good horse used as a decoy in a sale (a poor horse being substituted on delivery); entrait, (cons.) tiebeam; d''equipage, (nav.) boatswain; es-arts, master of arts; d'escrime, (fenc.) fencing master; (Fr. a.) regimental fencing master; es-lois, jurist; en fait d'armes, v. d'armes; -ferrant, farrier; forgeron, ( Fr. a.) chief blacksmith; garcon, workman in powder mills; grand(-) , grand master; de hache, v. charpentier; mac,on, master mason; de manege, riding master; de manoeuvre, v. d'cquipage; marechal ferrant, ( Fr. a.) chief farrier in each mounted regiment (art., cav.); mecanicien, chief engineer; de musique, (mil.) bandmaster; nageur, swimming teacher; d'veuvre, foreman; d'ouvrage, master workman; ouvrier, (Fr. art., eng.) master workman; (in gen.) master workman; pilier, (cons.) arch pillar; pointeur, (Fr. art.) gunner (seacoast, U. A.); de port, harbor master; de paste, postmaster; poudrier, master workman of a powder factory; premier , (Fr. nav.) senior warrant officer (ranks with adjudant) ; de quai, wharfmaster; de quart, (nav.) boatswain's mate; quartier , ( Fr. nav.) petty officer (ranks with a corporal); se rendre dufeu, (art.) to subdue the hostile fire; second , ( Fr. nav.) grade assimilated to sergeant - in the army; second canonnier, (nav.) gunner's mate; seltier, (Fr. a.) saddler's sergeant; tambour , tambour, (mil.) instructor of drum music; torpilleur, (nav.) torpedo gunner; voilier, (nav.) sailmaker. maitresse, f., mistress, (in combination) principal, chief; ancre, best Bower; arche, principal arch (as of a bridge, etc.); bitte, pawl bitt of a capstan; ferme, (cons.) main truss or couple; partie, (nav.) midship bend, dead flat; piece, main timber, main piece; poutre, (cons.) principal beam, girder; tige de pompe, main pump-rod; varangue, (nav.) midship floor; voute, main vaulting. maitrise, f., mastership of a military order; grande , dignity of grand master. maitrtser, v. a., to master, control, subdue, overcome, keep under, command. 3877 17- -17 majest, f., majesty. majeur, a., great, greater, important; force e, act of God, superior force, circumstances beyond one's control, vis major. major, m., ( Fr.a.) field officer in immediate charge of the administration and accountability of a regiment (function, not a grade); shortened form of medec in-major; (mil. slang) at the Polytechnique, the head of the list, number one (major is sometimes used by the French to denote the major of services other than the French); adjudant v. s. . , y. adjudant; aide v. , aide-major; aide- general, (Fr. a.) general officer, assistant of the general, assistant chief of staff; clairon , bugle major; etat , v. etat-major; . gardien -, in French ports, a sort of chief of police; de la garnison, (Fr. a.) the executive officer of a garrison, assistant to the commandant d'armes; town major; general, (Fr. a.) chief of staff of a group of armies in war (for other cases see under general; nearest equivalent, U. S. A., adjutant-general); ( Fr. nav.) chief of staff; medccin de lere (2eme) classe, ( Fr. a.) surgeonmajor (captain); de place, town major (obs.); pilote , v. s. v. pilote; de queue, at the Polytechnique, the last man; the "endth," "endth'-' man, the "goat," (U. S. M. A.); ronde v. s. v. , ronde; sergent- , (Fr. a.) sergeant-major (nearest equivalent, U. S. A., first sergeant); major; tambour drum , de tranchee, (siege) field officer of the trenches, assistant to the general de tranchee in executive duties, police of the trenches, direction of working parties, etc., (permanent detail, one to each attack); trompette , trumpet major. majoration, f . allowance in excess of , actual needs, to meet contingencies, e. g.: d'essayage, clothes, etc., in excess of the number of men to be fitted, available in case clothes issued should not fit. majority, f., ( Fr. a.) function of a major; office of a major. makis, m., (Corsican) jungle. mal, a., bad, poor; wrong; sick, ill. mal, m., hardship, hard work; harm, hurt, evil; disease, malady; d'dne, (hipp.) scratches; blanc, white cankerous growth (in the throat of pigeons); de bois, v. ete brout; de brout, (hipp.) disease brought on by brousing on young shoots of trees; caduc, (hipp.) epilepsy; de ccrf, (hipp.) tetanus; d'encolure, (hipp.) generic name for contusions, etc., on the upper part of the encblure; d' Espagne, v. defcu; defeu, (hipp.) sleepy staggers; de garrot, (hipp.) fistula of the withers, fistulous withers; de mer, seasickness; de montagne, mountain sickness; de nuque, (hipp.) poll evil; du pays, homesickness; de rognon, (hipp.) saddle gall; inflammation (phlegmon) on the haunches; de taupe, (hipp.) poll evil; de terre, scurvy; de tete de contagion, (hipp.) anasarca glanders. malade, a. n., sick; patient; aux s, (mil.) sick call. se faire porter , (mil.) to get on the sickreport; role des s, (mil.) sick-report.

main 256 maitre<br />

main, en avant de la , (lit.) forward of the<br />

hand, said of a horse that plunges, etc.;<br />

de I'epee, sword hand;<br />

Ztre d droite (gauche), to work to the ri^ht<br />

(left) (right (left) foot leading);<br />

etre bien dans la , to obey the hand readily;<br />

forcer la , to pull on the arm; to pull, to try<br />

to jerk the reins out of the hand;<br />

franchir la , to pull <strong>com</strong>pletely out of control<br />

of the hand;<br />

gagner d, de, la , to get his head (away from<br />

the control of the horseman) ;<br />

de la gaule, v. de I'epee;<br />

haute, the right hand;<br />

hors , hors la , off side, off;<br />

ignorante, unskillful horseman ;<br />

Idcher la (d un cheval). to ride with a slack<br />

hand, to give a horse his head;<br />

de la lance, v. de I'epee;<br />

leger d la , easy on the hand (of the horse) ;<br />

marcher d droite (gauche), to turn, gallop,<br />

etc., to the right (left), right (left) flank of<br />

horse inside (riding school);<br />

mener un cheval en , to lead a horse in hand ;<br />

mener un cheval haut la ,<br />

to raise the hand<br />

(e. g., to keep a horse from stumbling);<br />

mettre un chevaldans la . to gather a horse;<br />

mine de , feeling the bit (by the hand);<br />

mise en , getting a horse in hand ;<br />

partir de la ,to take the gallop well; (substantively)<br />

a fine start (gallop);<br />

peserd la , to bear upon the hand;<br />

pousser un cheval sur la , to make the horse<br />

constantly feel the hand of the rider, in advancing;<br />

prendre en , to lead (horses);<br />

remise de . easing of the hand on the bit;<br />

rendre la d un cheval, to give a horse his head;<br />

savante, skillful horseman;<br />

sensible d la , v. leger d la main;<br />

sentir un cheval dans la , to feel that a horse<br />

answers to the bit;<br />

sous la , near side, near;<br />

soutenir la , to pull the bridle, to raise the<br />

hand;<br />

tenir la , to raise the hand;<br />

tenir la haute, to ride with a high hand;<br />

tenir la d un cheval, to guide a horse;<br />

a horse in<br />

tenir un cheval dans la , to keep<br />

hand;<br />

tirerd la , to pull (of a horse);<br />

tourner d toutes s, to take all the gaits easily;<br />

de travail, iron bar of a trave or travis ;<br />

travailler d droite (gauche), v. marcher d<br />

droite (gauche).<br />

III. Miscellaneous.<br />

d la , by hand; at hand;<br />

amarrer bonne , (cord.) to lash, secure, without<br />

slacking; to keep;<br />

avant hand over , hand;<br />

avoir de la , (fenc.) to be skillful in e ading<br />

parries;<br />

avoir la<br />

dure (legtre), to make a harsh (mild)<br />

use of one's authority ;<br />

avoir les armes belles, bien, d la , (fenc.) to be<br />

a graceful fencer;<br />

cdte de la , (met.) working side;<br />

coulante, hand rail;<br />

courante, blotter;<br />

courante defer, goose neck;<br />

de la , manual;<br />

d denrees, sort of grocer's ladle (for sugar,<br />

salt, etc.);<br />

la derniere , the finishing stroke or touch;<br />

d droite (gauche), on the right (left) hand;<br />

s'entretenir la , to keep one's hand in;<br />

de fer, spider, cramp, iron hanging clamp,<br />

iron fan- leader;<br />

haut la , with ease, "hands down;"<br />

d levee, free hand;<br />

longueur dela , span;<br />

mettre les armes, le fleuret, d la , (fenc.) to<br />

give the first instruction in fencing;<br />

main, mettre la dernitre d, to put the finishing<br />

touch to anything;<br />

d'olive, (harn.) trace-tug loop;<br />

de -papier, quire of paper;<br />

posed,<br />

la , handset;<br />

de poulie, block strap;<br />

prefer la d, to lend a hand, to help;<br />

scied deux s, crosscut saw;<br />

de sergent, clamp, cramp;<br />

sous la at , hand, ready;<br />

swr hand over , hand;<br />

tenir bond la v. amarrer bonne , ;<br />

tenir dans sa to be master , of;<br />

tenir la d, to attend to, see to, a thing;<br />

tour de , manual skill or dexterity.<br />

mainotte, f., body loop.<br />

main-d'oeuvre, f., labor, manual labor; workmanship,<br />

handiwork; cost of labor, wages.<br />

main-forte, f., armed assistance, e. g., the sup-<br />

port or assistance of the army in the execution<br />

of the laws.<br />

main-levfe, f., (law) replevin.<br />

main-militaire, f., the armed force of the State<br />

(charged with an execution, an expulsion).<br />

main-mise, f., (law) seizure, detention, arrest,<br />

attachment, distress; embargo (ships).<br />

maintenir, v. a., to keep up. keep in good order;<br />

to maintain, support, uphold, bear up; (mil.)<br />

to keep, hold, in check to hold ; ;<br />

se , (mil.) to hold one's ground.<br />

maintien, m., maintenance (of order, discipline,<br />

etc.); keeping in repair.<br />

maire, m., mayor.<br />

mairie, f., municipal headquarters; mayor's office<br />

of a <strong>French</strong> <strong>com</strong>mune; mayoralty.<br />

malls, m., Indian corn, maize, corn (U. S.).<br />

maisoii, f.. house; home, household; family; (mil.)<br />

official household, personal staff ;<br />

d'alienfs, insane asylum;<br />

d'arret, house of detention; (Fr. a.) place of<br />

confinement of officers punished for disciplinary<br />

reasons; of men going to join <strong>com</strong>pagnics<br />

de discipline; of soldiers traveling under guard<br />

ofthegendarmery;<br />

de bangue, bank ;<br />

en bois blinde, (fort.) blockhouse;<br />

de campagne (mil. 2 slang) cell;<br />

centrale, penitentiary;<br />

de <strong>com</strong>merce, firm, house;<br />

de correction, \. de detention; (Fr. a.)<br />

place of confinement of officers undergoing<br />

sentence, if not dismissed; of men sentenced<br />

for less than one year;<br />

de detention, house of detention;<br />

deforce, v. de detention;<br />

de justice, place of confinement of persons<br />

awaiting trial; (Fr. a.) place of confinement<br />

of persons undergoing trial and of persons<br />

awaiting execution of sentence;<br />

milUaire, in France, the military staff or<br />

household of the President; (mil.) military<br />

family of a general, the personal guard of a<br />

so ereign;<br />

de prct, pawnbroker's shop;<br />

de sante, private asylum;<br />

de ville, town house.<br />

maisonnage, m., building timber.<br />

maistrance, f., (nav.) warrant officers; dockyard<br />

staff.<br />

maitre, m., master, chief, head, owner; proprietor;<br />

teacher, instructor; foreman; in France,<br />

style of lawyers; (nav.) boatswain; (Fr. nav.)<br />

second grade of warrant officer (ranks with<br />

sergeant-major); (Fr. a.) designation of certain<br />

workmen (v. examples infra), who rank as<br />

marechal des logis chef;<br />

d 'academic, principal of a riding school;<br />

d'armes, (fenc.) fencing master;<br />

armurier, (Fr. a.) master armorer (incorrect<br />

expression for chefarmurier);<br />

arlificier, (Fr. a.) foreman of a (artillery)<br />

laboratory, master artificer;<br />

avoir les pieas en d danser, (man.) to turn<br />

out the toes too much;<br />

de bailment, master of a merchantman;<br />

de baton, (fenc.) single-stick teacher;<br />

bau, (nav.) midship beam;

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