A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

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machine 252 machine machine d creuser, dredger; dcurer, v. -d creuser; de dame, woman's bicycle; - d deblayer, excavator, chine; excavating ma- ddebourber, dredger; a decolleter, screw machine; de demi-routc, semiroadster (bicycle); demonter une , to take an engine to pieces; denivelee, machine, engine, out of line; ddesabler, foundry rattler; d diviser, dividing machine; d draguer, dredger; dresser une , to line up an engine; d dresser les ecrous, nut shaper; dechclles mobiles, v. d monter; d ecrire, typewriter; elcctro-mineur, (mil. min.) excavator; d clever I'cau, water-raising engine; d emboutir, chaser, chasing machine; dcmouler, grinding machine; to, enfoncer les pieux, pile driver; d engrenage, geared engine; d cnrouler, (art.) winding machine; & cnvelopper les balks, (sm. a.) jacket-seating machine; d'epuisement, pumping engine; d'epuisement ft pompe, pumping engine; d'essai, testing machine; d essay er les huiles, oil tester; & essayer les matieres premieres, testing machine; d estamper, swage tool; detaler, (cord.) spreader; ft clamper, v. d estamper: detirer, drawing frame; detrangler, choking frame; d excavation, excavating machine; d' extraction, hauling, hoisting, winding, engine; d' extraction & vapeur, steam hoist, steam hoisting engine; dfa^onner, shaper, shaping machine; d faqonner dite a reproduction, v. d faconner; faire arriere, en arriere, to reverse the engine, go astern; faire avant, en avant, to go ahead; de fatigue, a bicycle for heavy, rough work; dfaucher, v. recolter; a fcndre les dents, (roues) tooth- (wheel-) cutting engine; dfendre lefer, slitters, cutters; dfendre les machine djet vis, screw-slotting machine; d filer, spinning frame, machine; (cord.) ropespinning machine; a fileter, screw-cutting lathe; d force centrifuge, centrifugal machine; dforer, borer, boring machine; dforer (les canons), (art.) gun lathe; dforet fixe, fixed drill (work moves); dforete rotatifs, boring machine with rotating drills; d foret tournant, revolving drill (work fixed); d forger, forger, forging machine; a fraiser, milling machine; shaper, shaping machine; - d fraiser ordinaire, plain milling machine; - a fraiser suivant gabarit copying machine; d fraiser verticale, vertical spindle milling ma nine; franc,aise, v. h raboter; frigorifique, refrigerating machine; frigoriflquedair, v. d air; d gaz, gas engine; freezing machine (using a volatile gas); d gouttinc, swage tool; d gouvcrner, steam steering gear; de guerre, (mil.) (any) engine of war; d guillochcr, rose engine; dhelicc, screw engine; de hissagc, hoisting engine; d huile minerale, oil engine; hydraulique, hydraulic engine; infer nalc, \mU.) infernal machine, torpedo (ote.); de sable, sand blast, sand jet; sjumelles, twin engines; a laminer (les canons de fusil), (sm. a.) barrel roll; a levier, any lever engine or machine, levertesting machine; d limer, filing machine; & manometre, manometric testing machine; d maquer, (met.) squeezer; marteau-pilon, steam hammer; marteaud vapeur, steam hammer; d mater, sheers; sheer hulks; mettre la, en arriere, to reverse the engine; d meuler, grinding machine; de mise en marche, starting engine; mobile, transportable engine; d moieties, winding engine, whin, whim; & monter, (mm.) man-engine, mining engine; monter une to set , up an engine, to put an engine together; montcur de , engine fitter; a mortaiser, slotting, mortising machine; motrice, generic term for motor in widest sense; any engine furnishing power, prime mover; motriceh gaz, gas engine; d mouler, (fond.) molding machine; d moulures, molding machine; niveler une , v. dresser une ; de n chevaux, an w-horsepower engine; nourriciere, v. alimentaire; d onglet, (carp.) miter block; operatrice, any engine in which power is used to perform some specific work; operating machine; oscillantc, oscillating (blowing) engine; -outil, machine tool; outil v. , outil; .d peigner, (cord.) heckle, hatchel; d peler les pommes de terre, potato-peeler; d percer, punching machine, rock drill; d percer d colonne, column-drilling machine; & percer radiale, radial drill; d percer les rails, rail drill; d percer verticale, vertical drill; d perforatrice, rock-boring machine; d petrole, oil engine; pilote, (r. r.) pilot-engine; d planer, planing machine; d plateau, any machine in which the work is placed on a bed or table (plateau); singlelever testing machine; d plier les tdles, plate-bending machine; pneumatique, air pump, pneumatic machine; ventilator (as for mines); d poinqonner, punch, punching machine; d poinc.onncr d main, hand punch; d polir, polishing machine; d poser les grains de lumiere, (art.) vent drill (obs.); pourvu de s, engined; dc precision, generic term for any machine doing accurate work; d pression, press; (sm. a.) bullet-compressing machine; d pression d'eau, water-pressure engine; & profiler, profiling machine; d propulsion hydraulique, jet propeller engine; puits de , engine-pit, -shaft; d pulveriser et d corroyer les terres, (fond.) loam mill; d quart d'effet, an engine whose shaft makes two revolutions in one complete cycle (e. g., Otto engine); d rabater, planing machine, planer; d raboter d outil (plateau) tournant, planer in which the tool (the work) turns; rabotcuse, v. d raboter; d rainurc(s), grooving machine; a synonym of d barrette, q. v.; d rayer, (art., sm. a.) rifling machine; d rayer d guide lateral, (art.) rifling machine in which the tracer is guided by a groove in a plate; rcccptricc, driven engine;

machine 253 machine ft retolter. mowing machine; ft recouper, /raiser et calibrer, (sm. a.) trimming, reaming, and gauging machine (for the mouth of the cartridge case); ft rectifier les surfaces, grinding machine; ft rectifier les surfaces planes, surface-grinding machine ; ft refouler, upsetter; de renfort, auxiliary, assistant engine; ft reproduire, copying machine; ft retour ft vide, machine or tool that does work in one direction only ; ft river, riveting machine; ft romaine, testing machine on steelyard principle; ft rotation, v. rotative; rotative, rotary engine; rotary blower; de route, routine, roadster (bicycle); ft scier, sawing machine, saw; ft sertir, (art.) band seater; (sm. a.) crimping machine; simple, simple machine; ft sonder, sounding machine; soufflante, blowing, blast, engine; fan; soufflante ft colonne d'eau, water-pressure blowing machine; soufflante ft injection, steam-jet blower, apparatus; soufflante h piston, cylinder blowing en- Ripe; soufflante ft rotation, rotary blowing machine; soufflante ft tiroirs, slide-valve blowing engine; ft soufflet, v. soufflante; ft tattler les engrenages, gear-cutting machine; ft tattler les vis, screw-cutting lathe; ft tambour, treadwheel; ft tarauder, tapping machine; tender de , (r. r.) engine tender; ft tenons, tenoning machine; ft tete, cutter head (of a boring machine); thermique, heat engine; sans tige, v. soufflante; ft tourillonner, trunnion lathe; ft tourner (le oourrelet), (sm. a.) flange shaper " - (reloading tool); de traction, testing machine; ft travailler le bois, woodworking machine; ft triturer, (artif.) triturating apparatus; ft vapeur pour le changement de marche, steam reversing gear; ft vapeur de mise en marche, starting cylinder, starting engine; ft vent, generic term for blowing engines, fans, ventilators. III. Electricity: alternative, alternating-current dynamo; ft anneau plat, flat-ring dynamo; . compound, compound-wound dynamo; compound ft court shunt, short-shunt compound-wound dynamo; compound ft long shunt, long-shunt compound-wound dynamo; continue, continuous-current dynamo; ft courants aUernatifs, alternating-current machine; ft courants continus, continuous-current dynamo or machine; ft courants redresses, unidirectional dynamo; dynamo, dynamo; dynamo-electrique, dynamo-electric machine; dynamo; dynamo-electrique auto-excitatrice, self-exciting dynamo; dynamo-electrique biphasee, two-phase, diphase dynamo; dynamo-electrique bipolaire, bipolar machine; dynamo-electrique hypercompound, hypercompound dynamo; dynamo-electrique ft excitation derivee, shunt dynamo; shunt-wound dynamo; dynamo-electrique d excitation en double circuit, compound dynamo; dynamo-electrique ft excitation independante, separately excited dynamo; machine dynamo-electrique ft excitation simple, series dynamo; - dynamo-electrique ft intensite constante, constant-current dynamo; - dynamo-electrique multipolaire, multipolar machine ; - dynamo-electrique ft potentiel constant, constant-potential dynamo; - a ejfets de quantite, quantity dynamo-electric machine; - ft effets de tension, tension dynamo-electric machine; - electrique, (any) electric machine; - electrique ft cylindre, cylinder electrical machine; - electrique ft friction, friction machine; - electrique d, frottement, friction - machine; electrique par influence, induction - machine; electrique ft plateau, plate machine; - electrodynamique, electrodynamic machine; - electromagnetique, electromagnetic - machine; electrophorique, electrophone - machine; electrostatique, electrostatic machine; - a excitation composee, - compound dynamo; ft excitation derivee, shunt-wound dynamo, shunt dynamo; -- ft excitation independante, separately excited dynamo; - ft excitation simple, series-wound dynamo, or scries dynamo; -- excitatrice, exciter; - excitee en derivation, shunt dynamo; --- excitee en serie, series dynamo; -- generatrice, generator, generating - dynamo; hydro-electrique, hydro-electric machine; - d' induction, induction machine; - magneto, magneto-electric machine; --magneto-electrique, magneto-electric machine; - ft la main, hand machine; - . multipolaire, multipolar machine; - photo-electrique, searchlight; - polyphasee, polyphase-current machine; - rheostatique, rheostatic machine; - en serie, series-wound dynamo, series dynamo; -- triphasee, three-phase - dynamo; unipolaire, unipolar machine. machinerie, f., machinery. machiniste, m., machinist; - de locomotive, (r. r.) engine driver, locomotive engineer. machoire, f., jaw; (mach., etc.) clamp, jaw of a clamp, fork, clip, dog; (hipp.) jaw tooth with the mark; (sm. a.) clip; - de bielle, (mach.) connecting-rod fork; chargeurb,- , (sm. a.) clip; - cylindrique, (r.f. art.) sleeve; - d'etau. vise jaw; - defrein, brake jaw, clamp. macmahon, m., (mil. slang) head of Medusa on top of helmet. mac.on, m., mason; bricklayer; aide--, hod carrier, mortar mixer; - en brique, briqueteur, bricklayer; maitre- , master mason; - en - pierre, en pierres de tattle, stone piseur, pise"-mason; poseur, rough mason. maconnage, m., mason's work. masonner, v. a., to do masonry work; to wall up, block up (a door, a window); en degres, to build up stair-wise; de remplage, to do coffer work; par retraites, v. en degres. maconnerie, f., masonry, stonework, brickwork; bond; appareillee, ashlar masonry; ft assises reglees, coursed masonry; de beton, concrete work or construction; de, en, blocage, filling in, rubblework; de blocaille, rubblework ; bloquer la , in foundations, to place the foundation blocks against the face of the excavation;

machine 253<br />

machine ft retolter. mowing machine;<br />

ft recouper, /raiser et calibrer, (sm. a.) trimming,<br />

reaming, and gauging machine (for the<br />

mouth of the cartridge case);<br />

ft rectifier les surfaces, grinding machine;<br />

ft rectifier les surfaces planes, surface-grinding<br />

machine ;<br />

ft refouler, upsetter;<br />

de renfort, auxiliary, assistant engine;<br />

ft reproduire, copying machine;<br />

ft retour ft vide, machine or tool that does<br />

work in one direction only ;<br />

ft river, riveting machine;<br />

ft romaine, testing machine on steelyard<br />

principle;<br />

ft rotation, v. rotative;<br />

rotative, rotary engine; rotary blower;<br />

de route, routine, roadster (bicycle);<br />

ft scier, sawing machine, saw;<br />

ft sertir, (art.) band seater; (sm. a.) crimping<br />

machine;<br />

simple, simple machine;<br />

ft sonder, sounding machine;<br />

soufflante, blowing, blast, engine; fan;<br />

soufflante ft colonne d'eau, water-pressure<br />

blowing machine;<br />

soufflante ft injection, steam-jet blower, apparatus;<br />

soufflante h piston, cylinder blowing en-<br />

Ripe;<br />

soufflante ft rotation, rotary blowing machine;<br />

soufflante ft tiroirs, slide-valve blowing<br />

engine;<br />

ft soufflet, v. soufflante;<br />

ft tattler les engrenages, gear-cutting machine;<br />

ft tattler les vis, screw-cutting lathe;<br />

ft tambour, treadwheel;<br />

ft tarauder, tapping machine;<br />

tender de , (r. r.) engine tender;<br />

ft tenons, tenoning machine;<br />

ft tete, cutter head (of a boring machine);<br />

thermique, heat engine;<br />

sans tige, v. soufflante;<br />

ft tourillonner, trunnion lathe;<br />

ft tourner (le oourrelet), (sm. a.) flange shaper<br />

"<br />

-<br />

(reloading tool);<br />

de traction, testing machine;<br />

ft travailler le bois, woodworking machine;<br />

ft triturer, (artif.) triturating apparatus;<br />

ft vapeur pour le changement de marche, steam<br />

reversing gear;<br />

ft vapeur de mise en marche, starting cylinder,<br />

starting engine;<br />

ft vent, generic term for blowing engines,<br />

fans, ventilators.<br />

III. Electricity:<br />

alternative, alternating-current dynamo;<br />

ft anneau plat, flat-ring dynamo; .<br />

<strong>com</strong>pound, <strong>com</strong>pound-wound dynamo;<br />

<strong>com</strong>pound ft court shunt, short-shunt <strong>com</strong>pound-wound<br />

dynamo;<br />

<strong>com</strong>pound ft long shunt, long-shunt <strong>com</strong>pound-wound<br />

dynamo;<br />

continue, continuous-current dynamo;<br />

ft courants aUernatifs, alternating-current<br />

machine;<br />

ft courants continus, continuous-current dynamo<br />

or machine;<br />

ft courants redresses, unidirectional dynamo;<br />

dynamo, dynamo;<br />

dynamo-electrique, dynamo-electric machine;<br />

dynamo;<br />

dynamo-electrique auto-excitatrice, self-exciting<br />

dynamo;<br />

dynamo-electrique biphasee, two-phase, diphase<br />

dynamo;<br />

dynamo-electrique bipolaire, bipolar machine;<br />

dynamo-electrique hyper<strong>com</strong>pound, hyper<strong>com</strong>pound<br />

dynamo;<br />

dynamo-electrique ft excitation derivee, shunt<br />

dynamo; shunt-wound dynamo;<br />

dynamo-electrique d excitation en double circuit,<br />

<strong>com</strong>pound dynamo;<br />

dynamo-electrique ft excitation independante,<br />

separately excited dynamo;<br />

machine dynamo-electrique ft excitation simple,<br />

series dynamo; - dynamo-electrique ft intensite constante, constant-current<br />

dynamo; - dynamo-electrique multipolaire, multipolar<br />

machine ; - dynamo-electrique ft potentiel constant, constant-potential<br />

dynamo; - a ejfets de quantite, quantity dynamo-electric<br />

machine; - ft effets de tension, tension dynamo-electric<br />

machine; - electrique, (any) electric machine;<br />

- electrique ft cylindre, cylinder electrical machine;<br />

- electrique ft friction, friction machine;<br />

- electrique d, frottement, friction - machine;<br />

electrique par influence, induction - machine;<br />

electrique ft plateau, plate machine;<br />

- electrodynamique, electrodynamic machine;<br />

- electromagnetique, electromagnetic - machine;<br />

electrophorique, electrophone - machine;<br />

electrostatique, electrostatic machine;<br />

- a excitation <strong>com</strong>posee, - <strong>com</strong>pound dynamo;<br />

ft excitation derivee, shunt-wound dynamo,<br />

shunt dynamo;<br />

-- ft excitation independante, separately excited<br />

dynamo; - ft excitation simple, series-wound dynamo, or<br />

scries dynamo; -- excitatrice, exciter; - excitee en derivation, shunt dynamo;<br />

--- excitee en serie, series dynamo;<br />

-- generatrice, generator, generating - dynamo;<br />

hydro-electrique, hydro-electric machine;<br />

- d' induction, induction machine;<br />

- magneto, magneto-electric machine;<br />

--magneto-electrique, magneto-electric machine;<br />

- ft la main, hand machine; - . multipolaire, multipolar machine;<br />

- photo-electrique, searchlight; - polyphasee, polyphase-current machine;<br />

- rheostatique, rheostatic machine;<br />

- en serie, series-wound dynamo, series dynamo;<br />

-- triphasee, three-phase - dynamo;<br />

unipolaire, unipolar machine.<br />

machinerie, f., machinery.<br />

machiniste, m., machinist; - de lo<strong>com</strong>otive, (r. r.) engine driver, lo<strong>com</strong>otive<br />

engineer.<br />

machoire, f., jaw; (mach., etc.) clamp, jaw of a<br />

clamp, fork, clip, dog; (hipp.) jaw tooth with<br />

the mark; (sm. a.) clip; - de bielle, (mach.) connecting-rod fork;<br />

chargeurb,-<br />

, (sm. a.) clip; - cylindrique, (r.f. art.) sleeve; - d'etau. vise jaw; - defrein, brake jaw, clamp.<br />

macmahon, m., (mil. slang) head of Medusa on<br />

top of helmet.<br />

mac.on, m., mason; bricklayer;<br />

aide--, hod carrier, mortar mixer;<br />

- en brique, briqueteur, bricklayer;<br />

maitre-<br />

, master mason; - en - pierre, en pierres de tattle, stone<br />

piseur, pise"-mason;<br />

poseur, rough mason.<br />

maconnage, m., mason's work.<br />

masonner, v. a., to do masonry work; to wall<br />

up, block up (a door, a window);<br />

en degres, to build up stair-wise;<br />

de remplage, to do coffer work;<br />

par retraites, v. en degres.<br />

maconnerie, f., masonry, stonework, brickwork;<br />

bond;<br />

appareillee, ashlar masonry;<br />

ft assises reglees, coursed masonry;<br />

de beton, concrete work or construction;<br />

de, en, blocage, filling in, rubblework;<br />

de blocaille, rubblework ;<br />

bloquer la , in foundations, to place the<br />

foundation blocks against the face of the excavation;

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