A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

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lunette 250 machine lunette, de campagne, field glass; s de cantonnier, (t. p.) stone-breakers' spectacles, eye-protector, worn by markers " in the butts; de chargement.(art.) loading hole of the Krupp wedge; d charnitre, (art.) synonym of volet, carrier ring; de chevaux, (man.) blinders (used on horses hard to mount); d e cheville-ouvritre, (art.) pintle eye; contre- , (art.) lower or bottom pintle cylindre- , (art.) cylinder gauge; band gauge; de demoulage, (fond.) lifting ring; d'equipement, (art.) rigging eye (of a cabestan de carrier); dfacettes, multiplying glass; fixe, (mach.) center rest; de fleche, (art.) pintle eye, lunette; de longue-vue, telescope; dc marqueur, (t. p.) marker's spectacles (having a wire mesh instead of glasses); mettre la au point, to focus a telescope; " micrometrique, telescope with stadia attachment, for measuring inaccessible distances; de nuit, night glass; plaque de , (art.) pintle eye-plate; polar imetrique, polariscope; proftl, (art.) profile gauge; pyrometrique, pyrometric telescope; de reception, (mil. sig.) receiving telescope; (art.) shot or ring gauge; de reception grande (petite), (art., etc.) maximum (minimum) gauge; de repere, lower telescope of a theodolite; verifying telescope; macadam, m., macadam, macadam pavemect. macadamisage, m., macadamizing. macadamisation, f., macadamization. macadamiser, v. a., to macadamize. macaron, m., (unif.) leather patch (under the button of a belt loop); (mach.) valve adjuster (of a locomotive). maceration, f . maceration. , macerer, v. a., to macerate. mac he, f., horse-mash. inachecoulis, m., v. machicoulis. machefer, m., slag, forge scale, hammer slag, scoria, clinkers. macheliSre, a., of the jaw; f., grinder; jaw tooth, mill tooth; dent , jaw tooth, grinder; mill tooth. machemoure, f . , bread dust. macher, v. a., to chew, grind; lefrein, (hipp.) to champ the bit. machete, m., matchet, machete. machicoulis, m., (fort.) machicoulis, machi- colation; crencau v. s. v. creneau. , machinal, a., mechanical. machinalement, adv., mechanically. machine, f., machine, engine; machinery, piece of mechanism, contrivance; bicycle; (r. r.) locomotive; (elec.) dynamo. I. Steam; II. Operating machines; miscellaneous; III. Electricity. I. Steam: (The full expression for steam engine being machine d vapeur, the following compounds are occasionally found with the phrase a vapeur following the word "machine,"' e. g., machine & vapeur & detente, instead of machine d detente, the shorter being the usual form.) & action directe, direct-acting engine; d admission et d echappement independants. scientific name for engines of the Corliss type; M. lunette de serrage, (art.) assembling hoop (of the French canon a balles, a ring or hoop connecting the rear and front blocks of the firing mechanism); stadimetrique, stadia; terrestre, terrestrial telescope: de verification, (art.) shot, etc., gauge; d vis de reglage, (art.) adjustable shot & vlseur, sighting telescope (e. g., for a compass, etc.); de votee, (art.) splinter-bar plate. lupin, m., lupin. lusin, m., (cord.) houseline, housing. lustrage, m., glossing, polishing. lustrer, v. a., to polish, to smooth. lut, m., luting, cement, lute. luter, v. a., to cement, to lute. lutte, f., struggle, fight, contest, strife; d'artillerie, (art.) artillery duel; generale de traction, (gym.) tug of war. hitter, v. a., to struggle, fight; to wrestle; to strive. lutteur, m., wrestler. lux, m., (elec.) unit of light (the illumination produced by one bougie decimale). luxation, f., dislocation; luxation. luxe, m., luxury; armes de , sporting arms; train de , (r. r.) first-class express. luxer, v. a., to dislocate, put out of joint. luzerne, f., lucerne (grass). lycopode, m., lycopodium. lyddite, f., (expl.) lyddite. lymphangite, flammation f., (hipp.) lymphangitis, of the lymphatic vessels in- and ganglions. lyre, f., lyre; cians). (unif.) lyre (insignia of musi- machine atmospherique, atmospheric engine; d balancier, beam engine, lever engine; d balancier de deuxieme ordre, half-beam engine; a balancier libre, grasshopper engine; & balancier simple, single-beam engine; & balancier superpose, overhead-beam engine; a balanciers lateraux, side-lever engine; d basscpression, low-pressure engine; d bielle articulee, engine with jointed connecting rod; d bielle directe, direct-acting engine; d bielle renversee> v. d bielle en retour; d bielle en retour, back-acting engine; return connecting-rod engine; saws bielle, v. oscillante; en clocher, steeple engine; dcommande directe, direct-acting engine; compound, compound engine; compound d n cylindres, n-cylinder compound engine; compound horizontaled cylindres accoles, horizontal cross compound engine; -compound honzontale d cylindres en tandem, horizontal tamden engine; compound d reservoir intermediate, (intermediate) receiver engine; d condensation , condensing engine; d condensation par surface, surface condensing engine; d condensation sans detente, condensing nunexpanding engine; sans condensation, noncondensing engine; d connexion directe, direct-acting engine; d connexion indirecte, beam engine, indirectacting engine; Corliss, Corliss steam engine; d cylindre oscillant, oscillating engine; d cylindres accouples, compound engine; d cylindres combines, intermediate-receiver engine; -

machine 251 machine machine a cylindres conjugues egaux, two-cylinder engine with cranks at right angles; {in cylindres, 7i-cylinder engine; d cylindres renverses, inverted, overheadcylinder engine; d declic, drop cut-off engine (generic term for engines of the Corliss type) ; demi-fixe, semiportable engine; d detente, expansion engine; & detente et & condensation, condensing expansion engine; & detente (et) sans condensation, noncondensing expansion engine; & detente double, double-expansion engine; d detente fixe, fixed expansion engine; d detente separee, (the strict French name for) compound engine; d detente simple, single-expansion engine; & detente variable, variable expansion engine; a detentes echelonnees, multiple expansion engine; sans detente, nonexpanding engine; sans detente et sans condensation, noncondensing nonexpansion engine ; diagonal?, inclined engine; ddisque, disk engine; ddoublecylindre, double-cylinder engine; d double effet, double-acting engine; & double expansion, double-expansion engine; d expansion, expansion engine; sans expansion, nonexpanding engine; fixe, stationary engine; dfourreau, trunk engine; dgrande vitesse, high-speed engine; d haute et d basse pression, compound engine; d haute pression, high-pressure engine; honzontale, horizontal engine; horizontal d fourreau, horizontal trunk engine; inclinee, v. diagonale; lente } low-speed engine; d lemer, lever engine; locomobile, portable engine; locomotive, (r. r.) locomotive; marine, marine engine; monocylindrique, single-cylinder engine; d mouvement de sonnette, bell-crank engine; -^ d moyenne pression, mean-pressure engine; d multiple expansion, multiple-expansion engine; ordinaire, double-acting engine; oscillante, oscillating engine; pilon, d pilon, engine of steam-hammer type; overhead-cylinder engine, inverted direct-acting engine, inverted vertical-cylinder engine; d piston annulaire, annular engine; portative, portable engine; d pression intermediate, medium-pressure engine; a quadruple detente, quadruple expansion engine; d quadruple expansion, quadruple expansion engine; d reaction, reaction engine; d rotation, rotative; rotary engine; d rotule, sort of oscillating engine; semi-fixe, semiportable engine; d simple coude, single-crank engine; d simple effet, atmospheric engine, singleacting engine; d simple expansion, single-expansion engine; d soupape, Sulzer engine; tandem, tandem engine; d tiroir, slide-valve engine; d triple detente, triple-expansion engine; d triple expansion, triple-expansion engine; d trois cylindres, three-cylinder engine; d un cylindre, single-cylinder engine; d vapeur, steam engine; machine d vapeur d piston, piston steam engined vapeurs combinees, binary engine; verttcale, vertical engine; verticaled action directe, direct-acting vertical engine; d vitesse moyenne, medium-speed engine; a volant rabattant, type of engine in which the fly wheel (upper part) turns toward the steam cylinder. II. Operating machines; miscellaneous: s accolees, separate engines, working one and the same shaft; accouplee, coupled engine; d affinite, ammomia freezing apparatus; a affuter, tool-grinding machine; d aiguiser, tool-grinder; d air, compressed-air freezing machine; d air chaud, hot-air engine; d air comprime, compressed-air engine; d aleser, fine borer, boring machine' cvlmder-boring machine; d aleser et d mandriner, chucking machine; alimentaire, feeding engine; : alternative, alternating (blowing) engine; d arracher les pilotis, pile drawer; d arrondir, finishing engine; aspirante, exhausting (ventilating) engine; d aubes, paddle engine; automatique d remandriner, (sm. a ) automatic resizing machine; auxiliaire, donkey engine, auxiliary engine; d barrette, (sm. a.) pistol-rifling machine; d battre les pieux, pile driver; d bois, woodworking machine; d brique, brick machine; d buriner, paring machine; d cadre, diamond-frame bicycle; dcalculer, calculating machine; d calibrer et d fraiser, (sm. a.) gauging and reaming machine; d calibrer et d sertir, (sm. a.) gauging and crimping machine; calorique, v. d air chaud; d camouflets, (mil. min.) camouflet borer; d canneler, fluting machine; obsolete term for d rayer; centrifuge, centrifugal machine; d cercler, hooping machine; d chainette, rifling machine (worked by a chain, obs.); chambre de la , engine room; d charger les flambeaux, (artif.) packing or loading tool; dcingler, (met.) squeezer; d cintrer, (plate-) bending machine; d cintrer les toles, plate-bending machine; d cintrer les tuyaux, tube-bending machine; d cinq culots, (sm. a.) machine for making -cartridge cases (obs.); d cisailler, shears; d cisailler d excentrique (d levier), eccentric (lever) shears; d colonne d'eau, pressure engine, waterpressure engine, hydraulic engine, hydraulicpressure engine; d colonne d'eaud double (simple) effet, double- Single-) acting pressure engine; de commettage, rope-laying machine; composee, compound machine (as distinquished from simple); d composer, typesetting machine; d comprimer, (sm. a.) bullet compressor; d comprimer I' air, air-compressing engine; conducteur de -, engine driver, engineer; s conjuguees, v. -s, accolees: constructeur de s, engine builder, engine designer; d copier, copying machine; d corder, cording machine; d coudre, sewing machine; d couper, cuttimg machine, cutter; tfe course, racing bicycle;

lunette 250 machine<br />

lunette, de campagne, field glass;<br />

s de cantonnier, (t. p.) stone-breakers'<br />

spectacles, eye-protector, worn by markers<br />

"<br />

in the butts;<br />

de chargement.(art.) loading hole of the Krupp<br />

wedge;<br />

d charnitre, (art.) synonym of volet, carrier<br />

ring;<br />

de chevaux, (man.) blinders (used on horses<br />

hard to mount);<br />

d e cheville-ouvritre, (art.) pintle eye;<br />

contre- , (art.) lower or bottom pintle<br />

cylindre- , (art.) cylinder gauge; band<br />

gauge;<br />

de demoulage, (fond.) lifting ring;<br />

d'equipement, (art.) rigging eye (of a cabestan<br />

de carrier);<br />

dfacettes, multiplying glass;<br />

fixe, (mach.) center rest;<br />

de fleche, (art.) pintle eye, lunette;<br />

de longue-vue, telescope;<br />

dc marqueur, (t. p.) marker's spectacles (having<br />

a wire mesh instead of glasses);<br />

mettre la au point, to focus a telescope;<br />

"<br />

micrometrique, telescope with stadia attachment,<br />

for measuring inaccessible distances;<br />

de nuit, night glass;<br />

plaque de , (art.) pintle eye-plate;<br />

polar imetrique, polariscope;<br />

proftl, (art.) profile gauge;<br />

pyrometrique, pyrometric telescope;<br />

de reception, (mil. sig.) receiving telescope;<br />

(art.) shot or ring gauge;<br />

de reception grande (petite), (art., etc.) maximum<br />

(minimum) gauge;<br />

de repere, lower telescope of a theodolite;<br />

verifying telescope;<br />

macadam, m., macadam, macadam pavemect.<br />

macadamisage, m., macadamizing.<br />

macadamisation, f., macadamization.<br />

macadamiser, v. a., to macadamize.<br />

macaron, m., (unif.) leather patch (under the<br />

button of a belt loop); (mach.) valve adjuster<br />

(of a lo<strong>com</strong>otive).<br />

maceration, f . maceration.<br />

,<br />

macerer, v. a., to macerate.<br />

mac he, f., horse-mash.<br />

inachecoulis, m., v. machicoulis.<br />

machefer, m., slag, forge scale, hammer slag,<br />

scoria, clinkers.<br />

macheliSre, a., of the jaw; f., grinder; jaw tooth,<br />

mill tooth;<br />

dent , jaw tooth, grinder; mill tooth.<br />

machemoure, f . , bread dust.<br />

macher, v. a., to chew, grind;<br />

lefrein, (hipp.) to champ the bit.<br />

machete, m., matchet, machete.<br />

machicoulis, m., (fort.) machicoulis, machi-<br />

colation;<br />

crencau v. s. v. creneau.<br />

,<br />

machinal, a., mechanical.<br />

machinalement, adv., mechanically.<br />

machine, f., machine, engine; machinery, piece<br />

of mechanism, contrivance; bicycle; (r. r.) lo<strong>com</strong>otive;<br />

(elec.) dynamo.<br />

I. Steam; II. Operating machines; miscellaneous;<br />

III. Electricity.<br />

I. Steam:<br />

(The full expression for steam engine being<br />

machine d vapeur, the following <strong>com</strong>pounds<br />

are occasionally found with the phrase<br />

a vapeur following the word "machine,"' e. g.,<br />

machine & vapeur & detente, instead of machine<br />

d detente, the shorter being the usual<br />

form.)<br />

& action directe, direct-acting engine;<br />

d admission et d echappement independants.<br />

scientific name for engines of the Corliss<br />

type;<br />

M.<br />

lunette de serrage, (art.) assembling hoop (of the<br />

<strong>French</strong> canon a balles, a ring or hoop connecting<br />

the rear and front blocks of the firing<br />

mechanism);<br />

stadimetrique, stadia;<br />

terrestre, terrestrial telescope:<br />

de verification, (art.) shot, etc., gauge;<br />

d vis de reglage, (art.) adjustable shot<br />

& vlseur, sighting telescope (e. g., for a <strong>com</strong>pass,<br />

etc.);<br />

de votee, (art.) splinter-bar plate.<br />

lupin, m., lupin.<br />

lusin, m., (cord.) houseline, housing.<br />

lustrage, m., glossing, polishing.<br />

lustrer, v. a., to polish, to smooth.<br />

lut, m., luting, cement, lute.<br />

luter, v. a., to cement, to lute.<br />

lutte, f., struggle, fight, contest, strife;<br />

d'artillerie, (art.) artillery duel;<br />

generale de traction, (gym.) tug of war.<br />

hitter, v. a., to struggle, fight; to wrestle; to<br />

strive.<br />

lutteur, m., wrestler.<br />

lux, m., (elec.) unit of light (the illumination<br />

produced by one bougie decimale).<br />

luxation, f., dislocation; luxation.<br />

luxe, m., luxury;<br />

armes de , sporting arms;<br />

train de , (r. r.) first-class express.<br />

luxer, v. a., to dislocate, put out of joint.<br />

luzerne, f., lucerne (grass).<br />

lycopode, m., lycopodium.<br />

lyddite, f., (expl.) lyddite.<br />

lymphangite,<br />

flammation<br />

f., (hipp.) lymphangitis,<br />

of the lymphatic vessels<br />

in-<br />

and<br />

ganglions.<br />

lyre, f., lyre;<br />

cians).<br />

(unif.) lyre (insignia of musi-<br />

machine atmospherique, atmospheric engine;<br />

d balancier, beam engine, lever engine;<br />

d balancier de deuxieme ordre, half-beam<br />

engine;<br />

a balancier libre, grasshopper engine;<br />

& balancier simple, single-beam engine;<br />

& balancier superpose, overhead-beam<br />

engine;<br />

a balanciers lateraux, side-lever engine;<br />

d basscpression, low-pressure engine;<br />

d bielle articulee, engine with jointed<br />

connecting rod;<br />

d bielle directe, direct-acting engine;<br />

d bielle renversee> v. d bielle en retour;<br />

d bielle en retour, back-acting engine; return<br />

connecting-rod engine;<br />

saws bielle, v. oscillante;<br />

en clocher, steeple engine;<br />

d<strong>com</strong>mande directe, direct-acting engine;<br />

<strong>com</strong>pound, <strong>com</strong>pound engine;<br />

<strong>com</strong>pound d n cylindres, n-cylinder <strong>com</strong>pound<br />

engine;<br />

<strong>com</strong>pound horizontaled cylindres accoles, horizontal<br />

cross <strong>com</strong>pound engine;<br />

-<strong>com</strong>pound honzontale d cylindres en tandem,<br />

horizontal tamden engine;<br />

<strong>com</strong>pound d reservoir intermediate, (intermediate)<br />

receiver engine;<br />

d condensation , condensing engine;<br />

d condensation par surface, surface condensing<br />

engine;<br />

d condensation sans detente, condensing nunexpanding<br />

engine;<br />

sans condensation, noncondensing engine;<br />

d connexion directe, direct-acting engine;<br />

d connexion indirecte, beam engine, indirectacting<br />

engine;<br />

Corliss, Corliss steam engine;<br />

d cylindre oscillant, oscillating engine;<br />

d cylindres accouples, <strong>com</strong>pound engine;<br />

d cylindres <strong>com</strong>bines, intermediate-receiver<br />

engine;<br />


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