A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com


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liteau 247 logemend<br />

liteau, m., strip; (fort.) riband (along palisading);<br />

de frottement, (art., etc.] friction band,<br />

strake, or guard;<br />

de palissades, (fort.) riband (along or on the<br />

top of a palisade).<br />

literie, f., bedding, bed and bedding.<br />

lltewka, f., (unif.) sort, of jacket or blouse.<br />

litharge, f., litharge.<br />

lithoclastite, f., (expl.) Uthoclastite.<br />

lithofracteur, m., (expZ.) lithofracteur.<br />

lithographe, m., lithographer;<br />

i mprimeur , lithographer.<br />

lithographic, f., lithography, lithographic establishment.<br />

Hihographier, v. a., to lithograph.<br />

iitiere, f., litter, stretcher; (hipp.) litter;<br />

etre sur la , (hipp.) to be sick, to be down;<br />

faire la , (hipp.) to bed down horses;<br />

sautee, (hipp.) litter that has been turned<br />

over with a fork.<br />

litre, m., liter.<br />

litteral, m., (Fr. a.) parts of the drill book to<br />

be memorized by drill masters; "booking"<br />

(U.S. M.A.).<br />

littoral, m. and a., coast, seacoast; littoral, sea<br />

frontier.<br />

liure, f., (cord.) seizing, lashing.<br />

livarde, f., (cord.) rubbing cord.<br />

Hvet, m., (nav.) sheer line.<br />

livraison, f., delivery; number of a periodical;<br />

marche de , contract to furnish.<br />

livrancier, m., deliverer, shipper, of goods,<br />

supplies; contractor for supplies; a., delivering,<br />

livre, m.,book;<br />

de bord, (nay.) ship's journal;<br />

fi chiffrer, cipher book, code;<br />

de <strong>com</strong>ptabilitc, (adm.) account book;<br />

de detail, (Fr. a. adm.) register; book of accounts<br />

(now registre de <strong>com</strong>ptabilitt);<br />

grand , ledger;<br />

-journal, journal or daybook;<br />

de loch, (nav.) log book, log;<br />

de notes, (top.) notebook; field book;<br />

1<br />

d 'ordinaire, (mil.) mess book;<br />

d'ordres, (mil.) orderly book;<br />

de signaux, signal book, signal code.<br />

livre, f., pound; a half kilogram; franc;<br />

metrique, a half kilogram ;<br />

sterling, pound sterling.<br />

livrer, v. a., to deliver, abandon, yield, give over<br />

or up, hand over, surrender; (mil.) to give<br />

(battle), to make (an assault);<br />

un assaut, (mil.) to make an assault;<br />

bataille, (mil.) to give battle;<br />

& la circulation, to open for traffic;<br />

un <strong>com</strong>bat, (mil.) to fight, give <strong>com</strong>bat;<br />

se , (man.) (of a horse) to yield to the impulse<br />

of the reins, of the legs.<br />

'livret, m., notebook; (mil.) soldier's pocketbook;<br />

d'armement, (Fr. a.) register or record of<br />

the arms in the hands of detached units;<br />

de bouche & feu, (art.) register for each gun<br />

(description and record of firing); record of<br />

artillery (U. S. Art.);<br />

d'emplacement des troupes, (Fr. a.) roster of<br />

troops and stations;<br />

d'etapes, ( Fr. a.) list of gites d' (tapes;<br />

individuel, (mil.) soldier's handbook;<br />

d'infirmerie, ( Fr. a.) sick book or record kept<br />

for each horse;<br />

matricule de cheval, (Fr. a.) descriptive book<br />

for each horse;<br />

matricule d'homme de troupe, (Fr. a.) descriptive<br />

book made out by the recruiting<br />

bureau for each man it enlists (sent to the<br />

unit which the man joins);<br />

matricule d'offlder, (Fr. a.) officer's record<br />

or descriptive book (made out by the major,<br />

or head of department, and kept by the c. o.,<br />

by the tresorier for staff officers);<br />

de munitions, ( Fr. a.) register of ammunition<br />

and of related material received and expended<br />

by the regiment;<br />

d'ordinaire, (mil.) mess account book;<br />

livret de solde, (Fr. a. adm.) register or account<br />

of sums paid to troops, establishments, officers<br />

not serving with troops, etc.<br />

lixiviation, f., (chem.) lixiviation.<br />

local, a., local; m., place, premises; (mil. and<br />

fort.) generic term for any room, apartment,<br />

or premises used in the military service, e. g<br />

barracks, storerooms, magazines, kitchens<br />

(does not include gun casemates or any other<br />

quarters or rooms in which guns are mounted);<br />

disciplinaire, (mil.) guardhouse, prison, cell;<br />

de punition. (mil.) any place where punishment<br />

is served,<br />

localite, f., locality.<br />

iocataire, m., f., tenant.<br />

locatif, a., occupier's , tenant's<br />

location, f., hiring, renting.<br />

locatis, m., (hipp.) hired hack; screw.<br />

loch, m.,(nav.) log;<br />

bateau de , log-ship, log chip:<br />

brevete, v. enregistreur;<br />

enregistreur, patent log;<br />

defond, ground log;<br />

jeter le , to heave the log;<br />

ligne de , log line;<br />

livre de , log book;<br />

ordinaire, <strong>com</strong>mon log;<br />

sablier de , log glass;<br />

tour de , log reel.<br />

locher, v. n., to oe loose (of a horseshoe).<br />

lochet, m., narrow spade.<br />

lo<strong>com</strong>obile, a., lo<strong>com</strong>obile; f., (mach.) portable<br />

engine, transportable steam engine.<br />

lo<strong>com</strong>oteur, a., producing lo<strong>com</strong>otion,<br />

lo<strong>com</strong>otif, a., lo<strong>com</strong>otive;<br />

force, puissance, ve, lo<strong>com</strong>otive power;<br />

machine ve. (r. r.) lo<strong>com</strong>otive engine.<br />

lo<strong>com</strong>otive, f., (r. r.) lo<strong>com</strong>otive<br />

" (ordinarily called<br />

machine," engine) ;<br />

allumee, lo<strong>com</strong>otive with steam up, fired<br />

lo<strong>com</strong>otive;<br />

articulee, double-ended lo<strong>com</strong>otive;<br />

chargee, v. allumee;<br />

express , express lo<strong>com</strong>otive;<br />

de gare. shifting engine;<br />

& grande vitesse, express engine;<br />

de, en, manoeuvre, v. de gare;<br />

d marchandises, freight engine;<br />

de montagne, mountain lo<strong>com</strong>otive;<br />

d, roues<br />

couplees, coupled engine;<br />

it roues zndependantes, libres, uncoupled<br />

engine;<br />

ft n roues, n-wheeled engine;<br />

routiere, road engine, traction engine;<br />

sans feu, firelesslo<strong>com</strong>otive;<br />

-tender,- & tender, tank engine;<br />

de terrassement , bogie engine;<br />

tivoyageurs, passenger engine.<br />

loge, f., lodge, hut, cabin; cell, box; booth.<br />

logement, m., lodging, ac<strong>com</strong>modation, quarters;<br />

room, house room; (mil.) billet, lodging,<br />

quarters; quartering, billeting, of troops; (Fr.<br />

a.) party sent in advance of a column on the<br />

march to look up and prepare quarters and<br />

supplies for the column on its arrival at des-<br />

tination; (art., sm. a., mach., tech.) bed, groove,<br />

seat, act of letting in; (siege) lodgment; (art.)<br />

dent, indentation, in the bore at the seat of<br />

the projectile;<br />

assiette du , v. s. v. assiette;<br />

billet de , (mil.) billet; billeting ticket;<br />

de boulet, (art.) seat (defect) of the projectile<br />

in smoothbore guns (due to pressure of<br />

du canon, (sm. a.) barrel groove;<br />

caverne, (fort.) subterranean shelter or<br />

quarters;<br />

chez I' habitant, (mil.) billeting;<br />

s et emmenagements, ac<strong>com</strong>modations;<br />

militaire, (mil.) quarters, quartering;<br />

des mines, (mil. min.) mine lodgment (parallel<br />

of the offensive, about 20 to 30 meters<br />

from most advanced mines of defense, and<br />

intended to be used as a starting point for<br />

offensive operations);<br />

de I'obtumtcur, etc., (art.) seat, recess, of tho<br />

obturator, etc. ;

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