A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

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ligne 244 ligne ligne de manoeuvres, line of line cut- operations; ting probable lines of invasion (used by Brial- mont of a junction road in mountainous country); - de marche, line of march; marcher en , to march abreast; marcher sur la meme , to march abreast; to have or hold the same rank; (nav.) to sail in line, abreast; -de masses, (Fr. art.) line of groups in mass; ( Fr. cav.) of a brigade or division, line of regiments in mass; se mettre en to draw , up, form line, fall in; to take position in the line of battle; s multiples, multiple lines of operations (of an army simultaneously pursuing several objectives); d'operation(s), line of operation, of operations; (sometimes) line of communication with base; (mpre esp.) line (of operations) parallel to the frontier; ; s d' operation exterieures (interieures), exterior (interior) lines of operations; s d'operation multiples', lines when the various columns are separated by impassable obstacles, or are out of supporting distance; d'operation simple, a line of operations when the various columns are within supporting distance; pleine, solid line, line withptit intervals; se porter sur la to take , position on the line; premiere front , rank; de premiere , (that part, etc.) first used, first called upon, drawn on, or put into action; principale, in attack formations, the main line; ranger sur une , to form line, deploy into line; - de ravitaillement, line of supplies, along which supplies may be pushed to the front; refuser la to refuse the , line; regiment de , line regiment; -' de relevement, (nav.) quarter line; de resistance des avant pastes, line of grand guards; in line; de retraite, line of retreat; in advance or rentrer en , to resume position ronpre la , to hold a position in rear of a general line (defense); scrrer la , to close the line; simple, single line of operations, of maneuver; strategique, (any) strategic line; tactique de s, cavalry combat tactics (so called from the lines involved, - - d'attaque, de manoeuvre, qq. v., and the reserve); de tirailleurs, line of skirmishers; traverser la ennemie, v. couper la cnnemie; of the line. troupes de , troops III. Technical and miscellaneous. a adherence etcicremaillere, (r. r.) a line using both ordinary and cogged wheels; - adiabatique, (steam) adiabatic line of an in- dicator diagram; aerienne, overhead telegraph (telephone) line; d'alignement, base line; d'amarrage, (cord.) seizing or lashing line; d'arbres, (mach.) line of shafting; atmospherique, (steam) atmospheric line (indicator diagram) ; atmospherique moyenne, (steam) mean atmospheric line (indicator diagram); d'attrape, (cord.) heaving fine (as, to bring a hawser onboard); - de I'avance & V introduction, (steam) lead line (of an indicator diagram); de base, (surv.) base line; basse, (fenc.) lower line; des basses eaux, low-water mark; blanche, (cord.) untarred rope, cord; de campagne, (mil. teleg.) field telegraph line; ligne de ceinture, (r. r.) belt railway; de chainette, catenary; de charge, (nav.) load water-line; de charge extreme, (nav.) deep-water line; de chemin de fer (r. r.) railway, railway line; de collimation, (opt.) line of collimation; de compression, (steam) compression line (of an indicator diagram); de la contrepression, (steam) back-pressure line (of an indicator diagram); courbe, curved line; a cremaillere, (r. r.) cog railway; de dedans, (fenc.) inner line; de dcHors, (fenc.) outer line; - de douane, line of frontier customhouses; droite, right line; de droite, v. de dehors; de direction, line of direction; d'eau, level line; (nav.) water line; d'eau en charge, (nav.) load water-line; & d'eau, (nav.) between wind and water; - - electrique, telegraph line; s d'embranchement, v. s secondaires; d''engagement, (fenc.) line of offense; etre en , (hipp.) to cover (of the fore and hind le^s, both standing and moving); (fenc.) to be in position to face each other (of the two adversaries); equinoxiale, the equator; defaite, (top) watershed; ferree, (r. r.) railway; ferree de campagne, (mil r. r.) field railway; de flottaison, (nav.) water line, line of flotation; de flottaison en charge, (nav.) load water- line; de flottaison a lest, (nav.) ballast line; de flottaison legere, (nav.) light water- line; de foi, (inst.) fiducial edge; sighting line; lubber's line (of a compass); spider line; s deforce, (elec.) lines of force; de foulee, (cons.) line of tread of a staircase; gauche, de gauche, v. de dedans; goudronnee, (cord.) tarred line, rope; grande , (r. r.) main line; de halage, (pont.) tow line; haute, (fenc.) upper line; jiors } extraordinary, of marked excellence; hors ^ e j put of line, out of the way; d'introduction, (steam) admission line (of an indicator diagram); de joints, (mas.) edge (of a stone, brick in position); lege, v. sur lest; sur lest, (nav.) light water-line; de loch, (nav.) log line; meridienne, meridian/meridian line; meftre en premiere to , place in the first rank; mixte, (teleg.) a line partly overhead, partly underground; de moindre resistance, line of least resistance; moyenne des basses eaux, mean low-water line; de niveau, (top.) contour, level line; parcourue, sweep; de partage, de partage des eaux, (top.) ridge between two intersecting slopes, watershed; b, plomb, plumb line, vertical line; de plus grande pente, (top.) line of greatest slope; - pointillee, dotted line (as in drawings); des pressions zero, (steam) absolute, true zero line (of an indicator diagram); de prime, v. haute; principale, (r. r.) main line, trunk line; de quarte, v. de dedans; line of in- rampante, (mil. tclcg.) telegraph sulated wire, laid directly on the ground; de repere, (top.) reference line, bench-mark line;

ligne 245 limonite ligne de reswcct, maritime frontier (as at the threemile limit); de rupture, (expl.,etc.) line of rupture; s sccondaircs, (r. r.) branch lines, feeders; de secondc, v. basse; de sondc, lead line; sous-marine, submarine cable; submerged line; soulerraine, underground (telegraph, telephone) line; de. surete, life line; suspendue, v. de telegraphic line; aerienne; militaire, military telegraph , telegraphique (telephonique) telegraph (tele- phone) line; de terre, ground line; t'rrestrc ,land (telegraph) line; de thalwrg, (top.) intersection of the sides of a valley, line of junction of waters; de tierce, \ de dehors; ft tracer, (fort., etc.) tracing cord; trainanle, (tekg.) line laid on surface of ground ( telephone also); de visee, line of sight, of direction; visuclle, visual line; ft vote eiroite, (r. r.) narrow-gauge road; ft deux votes, (r. r.) double-track road; hunevoie, -ft voie unique, (r. r.) singletrack road; volante, (tcleg.) flying or temporary telegraph (telephone) line; volante de telegraphic militaire, temporary military telegraph. ligner, v. a., to mark with a chalk line; to rule (paper, etc.). lignerolle, f., (cord.) small line; twine made by hand, fox. lignette, f., twine. lignine, f., (expl.) v. lignose. lignite, m., lignite, brown coal. lignose, t.,(expl.) lignose (mixture of nitroglycerin and sawdust). lis;ue, f., league, confederacy. ligiier, v. a. r., to league, combine, form a league. limace, f., spiral pump, Archimedes 's screw. limacon, f . , snail ; cscalier en , winding stairs, spiral Jtaircase. limallle, f., filings, file dust; defonte, (met.) kish. limande, f., (carp.) graving piece; (cord.) parceling; (mil. min.) sheeting; de garniture, (mach.) packing gasket. 1 in lander, v. a., (carp.) to put on or apply a graving piece; (cord.) to parcel. limation, f., filing, rasping. limatule, f., small file. limature, f., file dust. limbe, m., (inst.) limb; ft complet, having a complete graduated circle; demi , half limb, half circle. rectifiable, adjustable limb; lime, f. file; d'A llemagne, straw-packed file; ft archet, bow file, riffler; barbochc, ripsaw file; barretle, small file of very fine cut; batarde, bastard file; a bouter, sharp file; a bras, arm file, rubber; ft cinon, barrel file; carree, 4/4 , square file; en carrelet, saw file; ft charniere, joint file, round-edge joint file; ft contre-taittc, double-cut file; coup de , file stroke; ft couteau, hack file; demi-douce , second-cut file; dcmi-ronde, half-round file; ft deux tranchanls, double-cutting file; ft dossier, ft dossieres, nicking file; douce, smooth file; cmpater la to , clog the teeth of a file; cnlevcr avec la to file , off; d' entree, entering file; fcndanle, key file; lime, hfcuttles de saugc, rifller; forte, roug^i file; grosse, coarse file; ft main, small file, hand file; manche de , file handle; mordant, rasp; moyenne, fine-toothed file; ft moyenne taille, bastard file; en paillc, v. d'A llemagne; au paquet, packet file; parallele, parallel file; petite ronde, rat-tail file; ft pilier, pillar file; plate, flat file; plated, main, flat hand-file; plate pointue, taper file; en queue de rat, rat-tail file; rctailler une . to recut a file; ronde, round file; rude, coarse file; ft scie(s), saw file; sourde, dead smooth file; superfine, dead smooth file; taillage des s, file cutting; taille d'une , cut; ft taille croisee. ft taille double, double-cut file; ft taille simple, single-cut file, float; tnilU.eh deux, double-cut file; taillee sans croisement, single-cut file; tattler une to cut a , file; tiers-point, en tiers-point, three-square file; trait de file , stroke; Iriangulaire, saw file, three-square file; ft trois carnes, trois quarts, SJ4, v. tiers-point. limer, v. a., to file; machined, , filing machine; ft la main, to file by hand; en long, to file lengthwise; en travers, to file across. limeur, m., filer; workman who files bayonets; filing machine, filing vise; etau , filing vise. limeuse, f., (mach.) filing-vise, -machine. limite, f., limit; bound; boundary; landmark, extremity; (as an adjective, appositionally) limiting; d'age, (mil.) retiring age; age limit (minimum and maximum) for entering schools; minimum age to enter certain corps or departments; aiteint par la d'age, (mil.) having reached retiring age; elastique, elastic limit; du tir, (art.) range; s de tolerance, (mach., art., etc.) limits of tolerance; de vitesse, limiting (i. e., maximum) ve- locity. limiter, v. a., to limit, bound, confine, restrict. limitrophe, a., bordering, neighboring, frontier, bounding, limiting. limon, m., mud, slime; shaft; thill; (cons.) stringpiece, string, outer string (of a staircase); en cremaillere, faux , (cons.) wall string. limoner, v. n.,'(of trees) to become large enough for thills. lin i on eux, a., slimy, muddy. Hi 11 onier, m., shaft horse, wheeler; sous-verge, off-wheeler. limoniere, f., shafts; four-wheeled carriage with shafts; & , (art.) system in which the shafts are attached to the limber by a tongue. brancard de in certain two-wheelers, side bar , in prolongation of the shaft; bras de , thill; ft bras de , (art.) system in which the shafts are rigidly attached to the limber; ft bras brises, (mountain art.) jointed shafts; voiture , ft four-wheeled , carrriage with shafts. limonite, f., (met.) limonite.

ligne 245 limonite<br />

ligne de reswcct, maritime frontier (as at the threemile<br />

limit);<br />

de rupture, (expl.,etc.) line of rupture;<br />

s sccondaircs, (r. r.) branch lines, feeders;<br />

de secondc, v. basse;<br />

de sondc, lead line;<br />

sous-marine, submarine cable; submerged<br />

line;<br />

soulerraine, underground (telegraph, telephone)<br />

line;<br />

de. surete, life line;<br />

suspendue, v.<br />

de telegraphic<br />

line;<br />

aerienne;<br />

militaire, military telegraph<br />

, telegraphique (telephonique) telegraph<br />

(tele-<br />

phone) line;<br />

de terre, ground line;<br />

t'rrestrc ,land (telegraph) line;<br />

de thalwrg, (top.) intersection of the sides of<br />

a valley, line of junction of waters;<br />

de tierce, \ de dehors;<br />

ft tracer, (fort., etc.) tracing cord;<br />

trainanle, (tekg.) line laid on surface of<br />

ground ( telephone also);<br />

de visee, line of sight, of direction;<br />

visuclle, visual line;<br />

ft vote eiroite, (r. r.) narrow-gauge road;<br />

ft deux votes, (r. r.) double-track road;<br />

hunevoie, -ft voie unique, (r. r.) singletrack<br />

road;<br />

volante, (tcleg.) flying or temporary telegraph<br />

(telephone) line;<br />

volante de telegraphic militaire, temporary<br />

military telegraph.<br />

ligner, v. a., to mark with a chalk line; to rule<br />

(paper, etc.).<br />

lignerolle, f., (cord.) small line; twine made by<br />

hand, fox.<br />

lignette, f., twine.<br />

lignine, f., (expl.) v. lignose.<br />

lignite, m., lignite, brown coal.<br />

lignose, t.,(expl.) lignose (mixture of nitroglycerin<br />

and sawdust).<br />

lis;ue, f., league, confederacy.<br />

ligiier, v. a. r., to league, <strong>com</strong>bine, form a<br />

league.<br />

limace, f., spiral pump, Archimedes 's screw.<br />

limacon, f . , snail ;<br />

cscalier en , winding stairs, spiral Jtaircase.<br />

limallle, f., filings, file dust;<br />

defonte, (met.) kish.<br />

limande, f., (carp.) graving piece; (cord.) parceling;<br />

(mil. min.) sheeting;<br />

de garniture, (mach.) packing gasket.<br />

1 in lander, v. a., (carp.) to put on or apply a graving<br />

piece; (cord.) to parcel.<br />

limation, f., filing, rasping.<br />

limatule, f., small file.<br />

limature, f., file dust.<br />

limbe, m., (inst.) limb;<br />

ft <strong>com</strong>plet, having a <strong>com</strong>plete graduated<br />

circle;<br />

demi , half limb, half circle.<br />

rectifiable, adjustable limb;<br />

lime, f. file;<br />

d'A llemagne, straw-packed file;<br />

ft archet, bow file, riffler;<br />

barbochc, ripsaw file;<br />

barretle, small file of very fine cut;<br />

batarde, bastard file;<br />

a bouter, sharp file;<br />

a bras, arm file, rubber;<br />

ft cinon, barrel file;<br />

carree, 4/4 , square file;<br />

en carrelet, saw file;<br />

ft charniere, joint file, round-edge joint<br />

file;<br />

ft contre-taittc, double-cut file;<br />

coup de , file stroke;<br />

ft couteau, hack file;<br />

demi-douce , second-cut file;<br />

dcmi-ronde, half-round file;<br />

ft deux tranchanls, double-cutting file;<br />

ft dossier, ft dossieres, nicking file;<br />

douce, smooth file;<br />

cmpater la to , clog the teeth of a file;<br />

cnlevcr avec la to file , off;<br />

d' entree, entering file;<br />

fcndanle, key file;<br />

lime, hfcuttles de saugc, rifller;<br />

forte, roug^i file;<br />

grosse, coarse file;<br />

ft main, small file, hand file;<br />

manche de , file handle;<br />

mordant, rasp;<br />

moyenne, fine-toothed file;<br />

ft moyenne taille, bastard file;<br />

en paillc, v. d'A llemagne;<br />

au paquet, packet file;<br />

parallele, parallel file;<br />

petite ronde, rat-tail file;<br />

ft pilier, pillar file;<br />

plate, flat file;<br />

plated, main, flat hand-file;<br />

plate pointue, taper file;<br />

en queue de rat, rat-tail file;<br />

rctailler une . to recut a file;<br />

ronde, round file;<br />

rude, coarse file;<br />

ft scie(s), saw file;<br />

sourde, dead smooth file;<br />

superfine, dead smooth file;<br />

taillage des s, file cutting;<br />

taille d'une , cut;<br />

ft taille croisee. ft taille double, double-cut<br />

file;<br />

ft taille simple, single-cut file, float;<br />

tnilU.eh deux, double-cut file;<br />

taillee sans croisement, single-cut file;<br />

tattler une to cut a , file;<br />

tiers-point, en tiers-point, three-square<br />

file;<br />

trait de file , stroke;<br />

Iriangulaire, saw file, three-square file;<br />

ft trois carnes, trois quarts, SJ4, v.<br />

tiers-point.<br />

limer, v. a., to file;<br />

machined, , filing machine;<br />

ft la main, to file by hand;<br />

en long, to file lengthwise;<br />

en travers, to file across.<br />

limeur, m., filer; workman who files bayonets;<br />

filing machine, filing vise;<br />

etau , filing vise.<br />

limeuse, f., (mach.) filing-vise, -machine.<br />

limite, f., limit; bound; boundary; landmark,<br />

extremity; (as an adjective, appositionally)<br />

limiting;<br />

d'age, (mil.) retiring age; age limit (minimum<br />

and maximum) for entering schools;<br />

minimum age to enter certain corps or departments;<br />

aiteint par la d'age, (mil.) having reached<br />

retiring age;<br />

elastique, elastic limit;<br />

du tir, (art.) range;<br />

s de tolerance, (mach., art., etc.) limits of<br />

tolerance;<br />

de vitesse, limiting (i. e., maximum) ve-<br />

locity.<br />

limiter, v. a., to limit, bound, confine, restrict.<br />

limitrophe, a., bordering, neighboring, frontier,<br />

bounding, limiting.<br />

limon, m., mud, slime; shaft; thill; (cons.)<br />

stringpiece, string, outer string (of a staircase);<br />

en cremaillere, faux , (cons.) wall<br />

string.<br />

limoner, v. n.,'(of trees) to be<strong>com</strong>e large enough<br />

for thills.<br />

lin i on eux, a., slimy, muddy.<br />

Hi 11 onier, m., shaft horse, wheeler;<br />

sous-verge, off-wheeler.<br />

limoniere, f., shafts; four-wheeled carriage with<br />

shafts;<br />

& , (art.) system in which the shafts are attached<br />

to the limber by a tongue.<br />

brancard de in certain two-wheelers, side bar<br />

,<br />

in prolongation of the shaft;<br />

bras de , thill;<br />

ft bras de , (art.) system in which the shafts<br />

are rigidly attached to the limber;<br />

ft bras brises, (mountain art.) jointed<br />

shafts;<br />

voiture , ft four-wheeled , carrriage with<br />

shafts.<br />

limonite, f., (met.) limonite.

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