A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

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Hhorte 242 ligne liberty dc languc, (ham.) port (of a bit); des mers, freedom of the seas; mettre en , to set at liberty, release, free, discharge; raise en , discharge, release; du piston, (steam) clearance; : de de rognon, (harn.) hollow of the cantle; troussequin, v. dc rognon. libraire, m., bookseller; editeur, publisher. Hbrairie, f., bookseller's shop; book trade. libre, a., free; at liberty, independent, released; loose; at large; open; (mach.) out of gear; b, I'air , in the open air; cspace clear , ground; plenty of room; au , (ball.) in free air (of combustion of powder, etc.). lice, f., lists, field, arena; entrer en to enter the lists. , licence, f., license, permission. Hcenclement, m., (mil.) disbanding, mustering out. licencier, v. a., (mil.) to disband, muster out. licet, m., leave, permission. licol, m., (harn.) halter; bride , v. s. v. bride; bridon -, v. s. v. bridon; d'ecurie, stable halter; deforce, shoeing halter (for refractory horse); collar for restraining horses in certain veterinary operations; de parade, (in the French cuirassiers and dragoons) bridle halter. licou, m., (harn.) halter; head collar, stable collar; d'abreuvoir, watering bridle. He, f., sediment, dregs. liege, m., cork; (harn.) knee-puff; & , corked; fossile, de montagne, asbestos, fossil cork. liement, m. , (fenc.) binding. lien, m., tie, strap, hoop; band, knot; iron band, strap; hoop for strengthening timber; brace; (in pi.) shackles, chains, irons, bonds; (cord.) lashing; (raacft.)link (of a link-motion); defer, enfer, iron strap or band; incline, tie-rod; pendant, hanging-tie. ller, v. a., to bind, tie, fasten, lash; to connect, join, unite; (fenc.) to bind the adversary's blade. lierne, f., rail, stringpiece; floor plank of a boat; (cons.) wall-plate (of a roof); de palee, tie piece for supporting king-post; tie, ribbon (bolted to a row of piles to keep them in place). lieu, m., place, spot; ground; room; order; locus; turn; (in pi.) premises; d'aisances, latrine , water-closet, "rear;" defranchise , asylum (refuge); porter en beau , (man.) to carry the head well. lieue, f., league; geographique, marine league; marine, marine league (3,556 meters); de poste, postal league (3,898 meters); commune, (so called) common league (4,444 meters); melrique, metric league, 4,000 meters. lieutenance, f., (mil.) lieutenancy. lieutenant, m., (mil. and nav.) lieutenant; (fig.) assistant; adjoint au tresorier, (Fr. a.) assistant of the capitaine tresorier; adjudant-major, (Fr. a.) a lieutenant acting as adjudant.-major; amiral, (nav.) vice-admiral (rare, not official); d'armement, (Fr. a.) in the infantry, a lieutenant charged with the repair, care, and accountability of the arms in service (acting ordnance officer, U.S. A.); de bora, (nav.) executive officer; colonel, lieutenant-colonel; en dcuxieme, second lieutenant; general, lieutenant-general; lieutenant d'habillemenl, (Fr. a.) the officier d'habillemcnt of separate battalions, of the bat- - talions of fortress artillery and of the squadrons of the train; d' instruction, v. s. v. instruction; en premier, first lieutenant; second , en second, second lieutenant; sous , sublieutenant; tresorier, (Fr. a.) the paymaster of separate battalions, of battalions of foot artillery, and of the train squadrons; de vaisseau, (Fr. nav.) lieutenant. ligan, v. lagan. ligature, f., ligature, tie, binding; (art.) choke of a cartridge bag; (elec.) twist joint. lignard, m., (mil. slang) foot soldier of the line, linesman. ligne, f., line; line (of railway, of telegraph, of cable, etc.); (railway) track; order; path in a forest; twelfth part of an inch; the equator; (fenc.) line, division; (man.) track (followed by the horse in riding school); (cord.) small rope, line (esp. Fr. art.) rope 75m long used with the 80mm gun on mountain duty; (mil.) line, line of battle, line of troops; rank; the line of the army (as opposed to irregular or light or special troops); line (as opposed to guards); (in ">l.) lines (quarters); (fort.) line of works. I. Arnllery, ballistics, fortification; II. Military operations, drill, formations; III. Technical and miscellaneous. I. Artillery, ballistics, fortifi^ion. d'ame, (art.) axis of the bore; d'apwroche, (siege) line of approach, trench; d'attaque, (siege) approach, trench; de I'axe, (art., sm. a.) axis of the piece produced; bastionnee, (fort.) bastioned line; de but, (art., sm. a.) range (line to target); capitale, (fort.) capital; de circonvallation, (siege) line of circumvallation; de combat, (siege) the line of works or of prepared positions of a line of investment; (more esp.) the part of tae line of investment composed of the two principal lines of works; de combat de la defense exterieure active, (siege) line held by the mobile troops of tae defense in advance of the permanent works; s de communication, (siege) communicating trenches; continue, (fort.) continuous line of works; de contre-approche, (siege) line of counterapproaches; de conlrevallation, (siege) line of countervallation; du cordon, (fort.) magistral; couvrante, (fort.) in defilading, the line below which a standing man will be safe (drawn from the crest to 1.8ra above the farthest point to be defiladed) & cremailleres, (fort.) indented, cremaillere line; de defense, (fort.) line of defense (bastion trace); mam line, as distinguished from a flank adjacent; line of frontier defenses; (siege) outer line; line of forts; line between the forts and the main body of the place; (torp.) line of torpedoes in a pass or channel; a demi-redoutes , (sieoe, fort.) a continuous line, with half redoubts at intervals; de depart, (ball.) line of departure, the tangent to the trajectory at its origin; d'explosion, (expl.) line, radius, of explosion; defeu(x), (fort.) interior crest; hauteur de la de mire, (ball.) line of metal elevation (obs.); s intermediates, (fort.) defensive lines joining the salients of the noyau central; line of works in the second line; a inlcrvalles, (fort.) a line of works with intervals between ; noncontinuous line of works, (iigncs Pidoll, Rogniat);

lignc 243 lignc nvestissement, (siege) line of investment; ii lunettes dctachees, (fort.) line of detached lunettes; magistrate, (fort.) magistral; dit milieu, (art.) line of metal (obs.); de mire, (ball.) line through sights, line of sight, sighting line; de mire artificielle, (ball.) artificial line of sight, (or simply) line of sight; de mire fixe, (ball.) line passing, through the fixed notches of the rear sight; de mire de n metres, (ball.) line of sight, using the elevation corresponding to a range of n meters; de mire naturelle, (ball.) line of sight corresponding to the zero of the rear-sight graduation; de mire primitive, (ball.) line of sight parallel to the axis of the piece; d'ouvrages, (fort.) line of works; sparalleles, (siege) parallels; de pointage, (ball.) v. de mire; prendre la de mire, (ball.) to look through the sights; to aim, take aim; prendre une telle de mire, (ball.) to use such and such a division or graduation of the rear sight; principale de defense, (fort.) the line of forts; de projection, (ball.) line of projection, the tangent to the trajectory at its origin; to, redans, (fort.) redan line; b, redans et courtines, (fort.) line of redans connected by curtains; a redans et & tenailles, (fort.) redan and tenailled line; & redoutes, (fort.) line of redoubts; & redoutes detachees, (fort.) line of detached redoubts; reperc, (art.) line joining two bench marks, used for laying guns; retranchee, (fort.) retrenched line, fortified line; de retranchements, (fort.) line of intrenchments; de site, (ball.) line from the center of the muzzle to the point aimed at (taken ordinarilj 7 as coincident with the de mire) ; de sol exterieur, v. de terre; tenaillee, d tenailles, (fort.) tenailled line; de terre, (fort.) ground line, ground level; de tir, (ball.) line of fire, of departure (uncorrected for jump), the axis of the piece produced (at the moment of inflammation of the charge); (t. p.) direction of fire at target practice on a range; de tir de polygone, (art.) firing line of a proving ground; de tranchee, (fort.) line of approach, trench. II. Military operations, drill, formations. d' approvisionnement , line of supply; d'appui, tactically, the second line in an attack, supporting the firing line; armee de , line of the army; d'attaque, tactically, the line, in its most general sense, that executes the attack, the first line; (more esp.) the attacking line, the first line in a cavalry charge; avant , y. avant-ligne; de bataille, line of battle in general; front occupied by the leading units (battle, maneuver, review); (more esp.) troops with their train de combat; ( Fr. inf. ) former name of deployee, q. v.; (Fr. cav.) formation in line; (of a brigade, division), line of regiments in line at intervals of 12 meters; ( Fr. art.) formation in line or in echelons (of several groups of batteries); de bataillons, (inf.) any formation in which battalions are ranged side by side on the same alignment; de bataillons en masse, (Fr. inf.) in the regiment, etc., line of battalions in mass; llgne par brigade en colonne de masses. (Fr. cav.) of the division, line of brigades in column of (regimental) masses; cavalerie de , v. s. v. cavalerie; de colonncs, any formation in which columns are side by side on the same alignment; (Fr. cav.) of a regiment, line of squadrons in platoon columns, at deploying intervals; of a brigade or division, line of regiments in line of columns at intervals of 12 meters, plus the front of three platoons; (Fr. art.) of a group, or of several groups, line of batteries in column of sections (platoons, U. S. Art.); de colonnes de compagnie, (inf.) line of company columns (battalion, regiment, etc.); de colonnes doubles, (mil.) line of battalions in double column; de colonnes par piece (section), (Fr. art.) of a group, or of several groups, line of batteries in column of pieces (sections, U. S. Art.) or of sections (platoons, U. S. Art.); de colonnes serrees, (Fr. art.) of several groups, line of groups in close column of bat- teries; en colonne par brigade en de masses, v. s. v. colonne; de combat, in general, line of battle, fighting line; (more esp.) tactically, the firing line, the first line, the firing line, with its supports; de communication, line of communication; conduire la , (nav.) to head the line; s convergentes, converging lines; de convoi, open space between an enemy and its base; couper la , to cut the enemy's line (also a naval term); de defense, in general, any line, of whatsoever nature, behind or on which a defense may be made or prepared; any line held to be defended; deploy ee, ( Fr. inf.) formation in line; de direction, line of direction; s divergentes, diverging lines; s doubles, double lines (said of an army pursuing two objectives); en , abreast; "fall in" (command); en echelons, line of echelons; dechiquier, checkerwise line; ennemie, enemy's line; entrer en , to take position in line, on the line; d'etapes, d'etapes auxiliaire, d'etapes de route, v. s. v. ctape; d'etapes routiere, the same as d'etapes de route; etre en , to be in line of battle; lire sur la meme , to be of the same rank; to be abreast; s exterieur es, exterior lines; defeu, the firing line; (in gen.) the line on which the action is going on; defile, (nav.) line ahead; in advance of the forcer la to hold a , position general line; formation en } any formation in line; de front, (mil., nav.) line abreast; defront de handiere, magistral line of a camp; hors les s, out of quarters; infanterie de , infantry of the line; s interieures, interior lines; ft intervalles, line with intervals; d'invasion, line of invasion; d'invasion naturelle, line of invasion leading to the capital; s-manceuvres, maneuver lines (the sum of the directions followed by an army in order to reach its objective) ; de manoeuvre, line of troops; in infantry combat formations, the third line, serving, in the case of large bodies, as an agent de liaison between the ailes decisive and demonstrative, respectively; in cavalry, the second line, maneuvering according to the results achieved by the first line, or d'attaque; (of operations) line leading to the frontier;

lignc 243 lignc<br />

nvestissement, (siege) line of investment;<br />

ii lunettes dctachees, (fort.) line of detached<br />

lunettes;<br />

magistrate, (fort.) magistral;<br />

dit milieu, (art.) line of metal (obs.);<br />

de mire, (ball.) line through sights, line of<br />

sight, sighting line;<br />

de mire artificielle, (ball.) artificial line of<br />

sight, (or simply) line of sight;<br />

de mire fixe, (ball.) line passing, through<br />

the fixed notches of the rear sight;<br />

de mire de n metres, (ball.) line of sight,<br />

using the elevation corresponding to a range<br />

of n meters;<br />

de mire naturelle, (ball.) line of sight corresponding<br />

to the zero of the rear-sight graduation;<br />

de mire primitive, (ball.) line of sight parallel<br />

to the axis of the piece;<br />

d'ouvrages, (fort.) line of works;<br />

sparalleles, (siege) parallels;<br />

de pointage, (ball.) v. de mire;<br />

prendre la de mire, (ball.) to look through<br />

the sights; to aim, take aim;<br />

prendre une telle de mire, (ball.) to use such<br />

and such a division or graduation of the rear<br />

sight;<br />

principale de defense, (fort.) the line of<br />

forts;<br />

de projection, (ball.) line of projection, the<br />

tangent to the trajectory at its origin;<br />

to, redans, (fort.) redan line;<br />

b, redans et courtines, (fort.) line of redans<br />

connected by curtains;<br />

a redans et & tenailles, (fort.) redan and tenailled<br />

line;<br />

& redoutes, (fort.) line of redoubts;<br />

& redoutes detachees, (fort.) line of detached<br />

redoubts;<br />

reperc, (art.) line joining two bench marks,<br />

used for laying guns;<br />

retranchee, (fort.) retrenched line, fortified<br />

line;<br />

de retranchements, (fort.) line of intrenchments;<br />

de site, (ball.) line from the center of the<br />

muzzle to the point aimed at (taken ordinarilj<br />

7 as coincident with the de mire) ;<br />

de sol exterieur, v. de terre;<br />

tenaillee, d tenailles, (fort.) tenailled<br />

line;<br />

de terre, (fort.) ground line, ground level;<br />

de tir, (ball.) line of fire, of departure (uncorrected<br />

for jump), the axis of the piece<br />

produced (at the moment of inflammation<br />

of the charge); (t. p.) direction of fire at target<br />

practice on a range;<br />

de tir de polygone, (art.) firing line of a proving<br />

ground;<br />

de tranchee, (fort.) line of approach, trench.<br />

II. <strong>Military</strong> operations, drill, formations.<br />

d' approvisionnement , line of supply;<br />

d'appui, tactically, the second line in an<br />

attack, supporting the firing line;<br />

armee de , line of the army;<br />

d'attaque, tactically, the line, in its most<br />

general sense, that executes the attack, the<br />

first line; (more esp.) the attacking line, the<br />

first line in a cavalry charge;<br />

avant , y. avant-ligne;<br />

de bataille, line of battle in general; front<br />

occupied by the leading units (battle, maneuver,<br />

review); (more esp.) troops with their<br />

train de <strong>com</strong>bat; ( Fr. inf. ) former name of<br />

deployee, q. v.; (Fr. cav.) formation in line;<br />

(of a brigade, division), line of regiments<br />

in line at intervals of 12 meters; ( Fr. art.) formation<br />

in line or in echelons (of several groups<br />

of batteries);<br />

de bataillons, (inf.) any formation in which<br />

battalions are ranged side by side on the same<br />

alignment;<br />

de bataillons en masse, (Fr. inf.) in the regiment,<br />

etc., line of battalions in mass;<br />

llgne par brigade en colonne de masses. (Fr. cav.)<br />

of the division, line of brigades in column<br />

of (regimental) masses;<br />

cavalerie de , v. s. v. cavalerie;<br />

de colonncs, any formation in which columns<br />

are side by side on the same alignment;<br />

(Fr. cav.) of a regiment, line of squadrons<br />

in platoon columns, at deploying intervals;<br />

of a brigade or division, line of regiments in<br />

line of columns at intervals of 12 meters, plus<br />

the front of three platoons; (Fr. art.) of<br />

a group, or of several groups, line of batteries<br />

in column of sections (platoons, U. S.<br />

Art.);<br />

de colonnes de <strong>com</strong>pagnie, (inf.) line of<br />

<strong>com</strong>pany columns (battalion, regiment,<br />

etc.);<br />

de colonnes doubles, (mil.) line of battalions<br />

in double column;<br />

de colonnes par piece (section), (Fr. art.)<br />

of a group, or of several groups, line of batteries<br />

in column of pieces (sections, U. S. Art.) or<br />

of sections (platoons, U. S. Art.);<br />

de colonnes serrees, (Fr. art.) of several<br />

groups, line of groups in close column of bat-<br />

teries;<br />

en colonne par brigade en de masses, v. s. v.<br />

colonne;<br />

de <strong>com</strong>bat, in general, line of battle, fighting<br />

line; (more esp.) tactically, the firing<br />

line, the first line, the firing line, with its<br />

supports;<br />

de <strong>com</strong>munication, line of <strong>com</strong>munication;<br />

conduire la , (nav.) to head the line;<br />

s convergentes, converging lines;<br />

de convoi, open space between an enemy<br />

and its base;<br />

couper la , to cut the enemy's line (also a<br />

naval term);<br />

de defense, in general, any line, of whatsoever<br />

nature, behind or on which a defense<br />

may be made or prepared; any line held to be<br />

defended;<br />

deploy ee, ( Fr. inf.) formation in line;<br />

de direction, line of direction;<br />

s divergentes, diverging lines;<br />

s doubles, double lines (said of an army pursuing<br />

two objectives);<br />

en , abreast; "fall in" (<strong>com</strong>mand);<br />

en echelons, line of echelons;<br />

dechiquier, checkerwise line;<br />

ennemie, enemy's line;<br />

entrer en , to take position in line, on the<br />

line;<br />

d'etapes, d'etapes auxiliaire, d'etapes<br />

de route, v. s. v. ctape;<br />

d'etapes routiere, the same as d'etapes<br />

de route;<br />

etre en , to be in line of battle;<br />

lire sur la meme , to be of the same rank;<br />

to be abreast;<br />

s exterieur es, exterior lines;<br />

defeu, the firing line; (in gen.) the line on<br />

which the action is going on;<br />

defile, (nav.) line ahead;<br />

in advance of the<br />

forcer la to hold a , position<br />

general line;<br />

formation en } any formation in line;<br />

de front, (mil., nav.) line abreast;<br />

defront de handiere, magistral line of a camp;<br />

hors les s, out of quarters;<br />

infanterie de , infantry of the line;<br />

s interieures, interior lines;<br />

ft intervalles, line with intervals;<br />

d'invasion, line of invasion;<br />

d'invasion naturelle, line of invasion leading to<br />

the capital;<br />

s-manceuvres, maneuver lines (the sum of<br />

the directions followed by an army in order<br />

to reach its objective) ;<br />

de manoeuvre, line of troops; in infantry<br />

<strong>com</strong>bat formations, the third line, serving,<br />

in the case of large bodies, as an agent de liaison<br />

between the ailes decisive and demonstrative,<br />

respectively; in cavalry, the second line,<br />

maneuvering according to the results achieved<br />

by the first line, or d'attaque; (of operations)<br />

line leading to the frontier;

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