A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

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lever 240 levier lever rame, to lie on the oars; des recrues, (mil.) to raise, procure, recruits; le siege, (mil.) to raise a siege. lever, m., rising, levee; rising (of the sun, moon, etc.); (man.) lilting of the foot; (top., etc.) survey, sketch, topographical sketch; surveying; plan, design (of a house, a machine). (In France the form leve is used by the geographical service of the army, that of lever being retained by the corps of engineers. Except where otherwise indicated, the following expressions relate to surveying:) par alignement, plotting, survey, by alignment; ft la boussole, compass survey (any other suitable instrument may be substituted for boussole); au 1 (man.) off the ground, out of bearing; du canevas, skeleton survey; du canevas de detail, filling in survey; du canevas d'ememble, skeleton survey of the whole area to be covered; par cheminement, plotting or survey by successive stations; d'une cdte, survey of a coast; a coup d'ceil, eye-sketch made on the terrain (without instruments); de detail, details, filling-in work, plotting of details; survey for the purpose of filling in; en detail, v. de detail: d'ensemble,- general survey; survey of a position (e. g., mil, of a set of works forming a system); expedie, sketch map, quick sketch, field sketch , topographical survey (1 :20000 to 1 :10000) ; de fortification, fortification surveying; general, general survey; hydrographique, hydrographic survey; par intersection, plotting, determination of points by intersection; irregulier, v. de reconnaissance; d'itineraire, road sketch, road map, road survey; de memoire, sketch, map, made from memory; au metre, sketch or survey by measurement (made for very short distances, without anglemeasuring instruments, and to a scale from 1 :500 to 1:100; angles computed from sides measured); de mine, mining survey; de nivele, contoured survey; par les perspectives, generic expression for photographic and other similar surveys; photographique, photographic survey; de plan, des plans, plot, plotting, of a survey; & la planchette, plane-table survey; de position, survey of ground for a position, esp. for a fort; de precision, accurate instrumental survey (1:500 to 1:10000); par rayonnement, plotting by polar coordi- eveur, m., de plans, engineer officer (Marbot). evler, m., lever, hand spike; crow, crowbar; arm; handle; (sm. a.) operating handle; carrier lever; spring catch (for detachable magazines); (mach.) arm. I. Artillery, small arms; II. Machinery, miscellaneous. I. Artillery, small arms. d'abatage, (art.) long handspike or crowbar; d'arret, (sm. a.) cartridge-stop lever; (art.) stopping lever, jamming lever; arret de repetition, (sm. a.) cut-off; arretoir, (F. nates; de reconnaissance, (mil.) reconnaissance sketch, map; par recoupement, plotting by resection; regulicr. accurate instrumental survey (1:1 0000 to 1:5000); par renseignements, sketch, survey, made on the spot, from information received, and not by actual sight; m,. art.) lever-stop; d'auget, (sm. a.) carrier lever; & bander, (r.f. art.) cocking lever; de chargement, (art.) projectile-hoist lever; de chevre, (art.) gin lever; de choc, (spar torpedo) contact lever; h crampon, (art.) lever with staple to hold it to the cheek of the carriage (obs.); cuvette, & cuvette, (art-.) gear, socket, lover; de cylindre, (sm. a.) operating handle; de declenchement, (art.) disengaging lever; (torp.) launching lever; de desserrage, (s. c. lever; art.) disengaging-brake de la detente, (torp.) firing lever; direcleur, (art.) traversing handspike; directeur h roulette, (art.) roller-, truck-lever; ecouvillon- , (mountain art.) rammer-lever (rammer used as a lever in packing and unpacking the piece); d'embarra.ge, (art.) embarring lever; d'embrayage, (art.) in-gear lever; & encliquetage, (s. c. art.) gearing lever, traversing lever; enfer h rouleaux, (art.) iron handspike (service of French s. c. carriages of old model); de frein, (art.) brake lever; brake-nut lever (Fr . 80mm ' gun); h, de, galet, (art.) roller handspike (one roller); h galets, (art.) roller handspike (two rollers); de galet(s) arriere, (art.) rear eccentric lever; h griffe, (s. c. art.) claw lever (used when, after firing, the breech screw is hard to turn); inferieur, (sm. a.) carrier lever; -ft lunette, (art.) carrying bar; de manoeuvre, (art.) hand lever, maneuvering lever, any operating lever; traversing handspike, trail handspike; (sm. a.) bolt handle, bolt lever; operating handle or lever; (of the Lebel) cut-off, magazine cut-off, locking lever; m,arin, (art.) handspike; mobile, v. & tenon; h pied de biche, pinch bar; de place, v. de siege; place en galere, v. s. v. galere; poignee, (art.) lever handle; (sm. a.) operating handle; de pointage, (art.) trail handspike; pontet, (sm. a.) lever trigger-guard (Winchester); - porte-patin(s), (art.) brake beam (Lemoine); -portereau, (art.) lifting bar, carrying bar; de prise d'air, (torp.) admission lever; : souterrain, mining survey; & la stadia, stadia survey; topographtque, topographical survey, sketch sum of the operations leading to a map of the terrain (1:20000 to 1:10000); de triangulation, geodetic survey, triangulation survey; & vue, eve sketch or map, made on the spot without iristruments (1:20000, 1:40000, 1:50000). Ifcverames, m., (command) "oars" (boat drill). rancher, (art.) stake of the -porteur, q. v.; de reglage, (art.) setting, adjusting, lever; de relevement, (Fr. s. c. art.) lifting lever; ft ressort, (art.) spring lever; de rouleau, (art.) roller handspike; & roulettes, (art.) roller lever; de serrage, (Fr. s. c. art.) compressing lever; de siege, (art.) common handspike; de soulevemcnt, (art.) eccentric lever;

Icvier 241 Hbertc levier suptrieur, (sm. a.) follower, carrier proper; fi tenon, ( F. m. art.) clutch-lever; fi tenon mobile, v. & tenon; de travers, (art.) traversing handspike. II. Machinery, miscellaneous. d'abatage, long lever; amplificateur, multiplying lever; d'arbre de relemge, weigh-shaft lever; fi articulations, toggle joint; bras de } lever arm; brise, joint lever, bent lever, angle lever, an-le beam, bell crank; a cames, cam lever; at changement, de changement de marche, re ersing lever; a cttquet, pawl lever; compose, combined lever; ft, contrepoids, counterpoised lever; (r. r.) switch lever; coude, v. brise; coude & angle droit, right-angled lever; a croc, -claw handspike; en croix, cross lever* de declenchement, disengaging, tripping, releasing, lever; a declic, rachet lever; de demoulage, (fond.) lifting lever; de la detente, expansion lever; a deux branches, & deux bras, crooked, l>ro"-en, lever; double-armed lever; de distribution, starting lever, link lever; de distribution fi mam, hand starting lever; droit, straight lever; d'embrayage, clutch lever, coupling lever; d'embramge et de desembrayage, gear lever, eir'aging 9K. disengaging lever, clutch lever; d'enclanche, gab lever; d'enclanchement, engaging, connecting, lever; d'eneoche, v. d'enclanche; a encliquet'ige, ratchet lever; to, eicentrique, excentrique, (r. r.) switch ie . er; defer, crowbar; afourchette, forked lever; fifourchette etd declic, forked ratchet lever; defrein, brake lever; a qriffe, pinch bar; d } impulsion, starting lever; d' injection, injection lever; intermobile, lever of the first order; interpuissant, lever of the third order; interresistant, lever of the second order; d main, hand lever; de manoeuvre, any operating leber, generic oppression for levers having special functions; (r. r.) switch lever; de mise en marche, en train, starting lever; du moderateur, y. du regulateur; & mouvement brise, toggle joint; oscUlant, rocking lever; pince de , claw of a handspike; 7- dc pompagc, pumping lever of a hvdraulic Jack; de pompe, pump lever; du premier (deuxieme. troisieme) genre, lever of the first (second, third) order; de reglage, adjusting, setting, lever; regulateur, du regulateur, regulator lever, standard lever; de regulation, rocker of the Creusot-rorliss ennne; de relevage, v. de changement de marche; de renvoi de mouvement du registre de vapeur, throttle-valve lever; a rochet, ratchet lever; de serrage, compressing lever; tightening, adjusting, lever; compressor; simple, simple lever; rocker arm; simple & plateau, simple lever-testing machine; de soupape, valve handle, valve lever; de soupape de surete, safety-valve lever; taille en biseau, beveled handspike; tourillon de , lever journal; aucc talon, shod lever; a vis, screw lever. 3877 17 -16 Igvite, f., frock coat; overcoat, surtout. 'armer de la (man.) to oppose the bit with theJips (said of a thick-lipped horse); il ' in ' } rim of a mine - pendante, flap; aux-s pendantes, flap-mouthed. 16zarde,f., crack, crevice (in masonry, etc ) (Fr a.unif.) sort of gold (silver) lace used to 'mark the grade of n. c. o. ISzarder, v. a. r., to crack, become cracked. Hage, m binding; (powd.) mixing or incorporating of ingredients. liais, m., lias. liaison, f., binding, tie; joint, joining, connection; (com-.) strengthening piece, brace; (ma* ) bond, pointing mortar; (mil.) connection or communication to be established between various officers or between various units and officers (field of battle, march: in a more limited sense, artillery and cavalry); the relation or connection between the guide and the unit, or between the guide of the entire unit and the guides of the subunits; - , (mil.) any means by which troops, lines, and echelons may be kept in touch with one another, or by which a c. o. may be kept in communication with the various units under his command; - anglaise, (mas.) - English bond; a articulation, (mach.) joint; - croisee, (mas.) cross bond; -, de (mil.) communicating (said of units, of the parts of the ammunition supply line from front to rear); - diagonale, (cons.) diagonal brace; - , (mil.) in touch; (mas.) with broken joints, so as to break joints; - de joint, (mas.) pointing mortar; manquant de- , - badly put together; h sec, (mas.) dry masonry. liaisonner, v. a., to join, bind; (mas ) to grout to point, to bond. liant, a., tenacious, tough (of metals); elastic (of springs); m., elasticity (of a spring); toughness (of metals); cohesion (of earth, land, etc ); (man.) suppleness (of a horse). liasse, f., bundle, file (of papers); string, tape. Itbage, m., (mas.) large, rough-dressed stone, rough ashlar. libellS, m., drawing up, wording (of an order, document). libeller, v. a., to draw up (a report, an opinion, liber, m.', bast, liber, inner bark. libe'rable, m., (Fr. a.) soldier that has completed his time in a given category. liberation, f., deliverance, discharge, acquittance; (mil.) liberation of discharge from military service after having accomplished all that the law requires; - de comptable, (adm.) discharge from administrative responsibility; notice sent to responsible officer (money and property) that his accounts are correct and have been passed, after auditing, by ministerial officers. liberf-, m., ( Fr. a.) man who has accomplished the military service required by law; soldier set at liberty after serving out his sentence, or after pardon. Iib6rer, v. a., to liberate, set free, exempt; (mil.) to discharge (a soldier); (adm.) to free from administrative responsibility, to pass the accounts of. liberte", f., freedom, liberty; (mach.) - play; du commerce, free trade; - du cylindre. (mach.) clearance; de garrot, (harn.) hollow of pommel; f

Icvier 241 Hbertc<br />

levier suptrieur, (sm. a.) follower, carrier proper;<br />

fi tenon, ( F. m. art.) clutch-lever;<br />

fi tenon mobile, v. & tenon;<br />

de travers, (art.) traversing handspike.<br />

II. Machinery, miscellaneous.<br />

d'abatage, long lever;<br />

amplificateur, multiplying lever;<br />

d'arbre de relemge, weigh-shaft lever;<br />

fi articulations, toggle joint;<br />

bras de<br />

} lever arm;<br />

brise, joint lever, bent lever, angle lever,<br />

an-le beam, bell crank;<br />

a cames, cam lever;<br />

at changement, de changement de marche,<br />

re ersing lever;<br />

a cttquet, pawl lever;<br />

<strong>com</strong>pose, <strong>com</strong>bined lever;<br />

ft, contrepoids, counterpoised lever; (r. r.)<br />

switch lever;<br />

coude, v. brise;<br />

coude & angle droit, right-angled lever;<br />

a croc, -claw handspike;<br />

en croix, cross lever*<br />

de declenchement, disengaging, tripping, releasing,<br />

lever;<br />

a declic, rachet lever;<br />

de demoulage, (fond.) lifting lever;<br />

de la detente, expansion lever;<br />

a deux branches, & deux bras, crooked,<br />

l>ro"-en, lever; double-armed lever;<br />

de distribution, starting lever, link lever;<br />

de distribution fi mam, hand starting lever;<br />

droit, straight lever;<br />

d'embrayage, clutch lever, coupling lever;<br />

d'embramge et de desembrayage, gear lever,<br />

eir'aging 9K. disengaging lever, clutch lever;<br />

d'enclanche, gab lever;<br />

d'enclanchement, engaging, connecting, lever;<br />

d'eneoche, v. d'enclanche;<br />

a encliquet'ige, ratchet lever;<br />

to, eicentrique, excentrique, (r. r.) switch<br />

ie . er;<br />

defer, crowbar;<br />

afourchette, forked lever;<br />

fifourchette etd declic, forked ratchet lever;<br />

defrein, brake lever;<br />

a qriffe, pinch bar;<br />

d }<br />

impulsion, starting lever;<br />

d'<br />

injection, injection lever;<br />

intermobile, lever of the first order;<br />

interpuissant, lever of the third order;<br />

interresistant, lever of the second order;<br />

d main, hand lever;<br />

de manoeuvre, any operating leber, generic<br />

oppression for levers having special functions;<br />

(r. r.) switch lever;<br />

de mise en marche, en train, starting lever;<br />

du moderateur, y.<br />

du regulateur;<br />

& mouvement brise, toggle joint;<br />

oscUlant, rocking lever;<br />

pince de , claw of a handspike;<br />

7- dc pompagc, pumping lever of a hvdraulic<br />

Jack;<br />

de pompe, pump lever;<br />

du premier (deuxieme. troisieme) genre, lever<br />

of the first (second, third) order;<br />

de reglage, adjusting, setting, lever;<br />

regulateur, du regulateur, regulator lever,<br />

standard lever;<br />

de regulation, rocker of the Creusot-rorliss<br />

ennne;<br />

de relevage, v. de changement de marche;<br />

de renvoi de mouvement du registre de vapeur,<br />

throttle-valve lever;<br />

a rochet, ratchet lever;<br />

de serrage, <strong>com</strong>pressing lever; tightening,<br />

adjusting, lever; <strong>com</strong>pressor;<br />

simple, simple lever; rocker arm;<br />

simple & plateau, simple lever-testing machine;<br />

de soupape, valve handle, valve lever;<br />

de soupape de surete, safety-valve lever;<br />

taille en biseau, beveled handspike;<br />

tourillon de , lever journal;<br />

aucc talon, shod lever;<br />

a vis, screw lever.<br />

3877 17<br />

-16<br />

Igvite, f., frock coat; overcoat, surtout.<br />

'armer de la (man.) to oppose the bit with<br />

theJips (said of a thick-lipped horse);<br />

il ' in ' } rim of a mine<br />

- pendante, flap;<br />

aux-s pendantes, flap-mouthed.<br />

16zarde,f., crack, crevice (in masonry, etc ) (Fr<br />

a.unif.) sort of gold (silver) lace used to 'mark<br />

the grade of n. c. o.<br />

ISzarder, v. a. r., to crack, be<strong>com</strong>e cracked.<br />

Hage, m binding; (powd.) mixing or incorporating<br />

of ingredients.<br />

liais, m., lias.<br />

liaison, f., binding, tie; joint, joining, connection;<br />

(<strong>com</strong>-.) strengthening piece, brace; (ma* )<br />

bond, pointing mortar; (mil.) connection<br />

or <strong>com</strong>munication to be established between<br />

various officers or between various units and<br />

officers (field of battle, march: in a more limited<br />

sense, artillery and cavalry); the relation or<br />

connection between the guide and the unit, or<br />

between the guide of the entire unit and the<br />

guides of the subunits;<br />

- , (mil.) any means by which troops,<br />

lines, and echelons may be kept in touch with<br />

one another, or by which a c. o. may be kept<br />

in <strong>com</strong>munication with the various units under<br />

his <strong>com</strong>mand; - anglaise, (mas.) - <strong>English</strong> bond;<br />

a articulation, (mach.) joint; - croisee, (mas.) cross bond;<br />

-, de (mil.) <strong>com</strong>municating (said of units, of<br />

the parts of the ammunition supply line from<br />

front to rear); - diagonale, (cons.) diagonal brace;<br />

- , (mil.) in touch; (mas.) with broken<br />

joints, so as to break joints; - de joint, (mas.) pointing mortar;<br />

manquant de-<br />

, - badly put together;<br />

h sec, (mas.) dry masonry.<br />

liaisonner, v. a., to join, bind; (mas ) to grout to<br />

point, to bond.<br />

liant, a., tenacious, tough (of metals); elastic (of<br />

springs); m., elasticity (of a spring); toughness<br />

(of metals); cohesion (of earth, land, etc );<br />

(man.) suppleness (of a horse).<br />

liasse, f., bundle, file (of papers); string, tape.<br />

Itbage, m., (mas.) large, rough-dressed stone,<br />

rough ashlar.<br />

libellS, m., drawing up, wording (of an order, document).<br />

libeller, v. a., to draw up (a report, an opinion,<br />

liber, m.', bast, liber, inner bark.<br />

libe'rable, m., (Fr. a.) soldier that has <strong>com</strong>pleted<br />

his time in a given category.<br />

liberation, f., deliverance, discharge, acquittance;<br />

(mil.) liberation of discharge from military<br />

service after having ac<strong>com</strong>plished all that the<br />

law requires; - de <strong>com</strong>ptable, (adm.) discharge from administrative<br />

responsibility; notice sent to responsible<br />

officer (money and property) that his<br />

accounts are correct and have been passed,<br />

after auditing, by ministerial officers.<br />

liberf-, m., ( Fr. a.) man who has ac<strong>com</strong>plished the<br />

military service required by law; soldier set<br />

at liberty after serving out his sentence, or<br />

after pardon.<br />

Iib6rer, v. a., to liberate, set free, exempt; (mil.) to<br />

discharge (a soldier); (adm.) to free from administrative<br />

responsibility, to pass the accounts of.<br />

liberte", f., freedom, liberty; (mach.) - play;<br />

du <strong>com</strong>merce, free trade; - du cylindre. (mach.) clearance;<br />

de garrot, (harn.) hollow of pommel;<br />


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