A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

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lame 236 lancement lame de, en,fer, iron strap, band; defond, ground swell or wave; fort de la , (sm. a.) middle, main part of a blade; de frein, (art.) compressor plate; recoil checking plate or bar; brake strap; de gaz, tongue of gas; & gouttieres, v. evidee; grande (art.) compressor plate or bar; haute, high sea; de lance, (sm. a.) lance head; longue, long roller; & id Montmorency, v. evidee; non-evidee,(sm. a.) flat blade; pendante, v. grande ; percuteur, (sm. a.) firing pin (of the Spencer plat de la , (sm. a.) flat of the sword; plate, flat, smooth, blade; pleine v plate; de plomb, sheet lead; strip of lead (between the drums of a column) ; de pointage, (art.) pointe de la , (sm. a.) point elevation bar; of the blade; polaire, (elec.) the strip of a voltaic cell; de poudre, (powd.) pressed cake, milled cake; de robot, plane iron; de ressort, spring blade; de sabre, (sm. a.) sword blade; de scie, saw blade; de support, (art.) side lever (elevation gear); talon de la , (sm. a.) heel of the blade, part near the hilt; tranchant de la , edge of the blade; la de travers, cross sea; use lefourreau, (hipp.) said of a nervous, irritable horse; vieille , (mil. slang) old fellow, or chum. Iam6, a., laminated; plated (with). lamellaire, a., lamellar; laminated, lamellate, lamellated. lamelle, f., scale, plate, small disk; (expl.) gram, small disk; de mire, (art.) the visirklappe of the German field-artillery sight (sort of leaf, fixed on the field-gun sight, by means of which the use of plaques de naussc, q. v., may be avoided). lamelHs a., v. lamelMre. lamelleux, a., v. lamellaire. lamette, f., small leaf or plate; cramp, clasp; hoop or ring, used in wood construction, to meet a special stress; (sm. a.) leaf of a sight; (art.) end band, end band and hoop (of the splinter bar); amorce de , (art.) end-band loop; grande , (art.) middle band (of a splinter bar); de hausse, (sm. a.) sight leaf; de palonnier, (art.) swingletree end band; de voice, (art.) splinter-bar end band. laminage, m., (met.) rolling, laminating; (steam) throttling, wire-drawing: de tole, (met.) plate rolling. lamination, f . , lamination. laminS, a. , rolled. laminer, v. a. , (macJi.) to roll. lamineur, a., rolling; cylindre , (mach.) roller. laminitis, m., (hipp.) founder. laminoir, m., (mach.) roller (cylinder); . a rolls, roll; rolling mill; bandages, tire-rolling mill; cingleur, (met.) shingling roller; circulaire, bending roll; cylindre de , roller; degrossisseur , roughing roll; double, three-high roll or mill; ebauchoir, roughing roll; ft fers speciaux, roller or mill to turn out special forms; finisseur, finish ing rolls; de forme, roll or mill of special form to turn out special work ; ti lingots, ingot rolls; a mouvement alternatif, reversing rolls ; d plague(s), plate rolls, rolling mill, plate- rolling mi!l ; de puddi&gc, puddling rolls; laminoir a rails, rail mill; reversible, reversing roll; & tole(s), plate rollers, plate-bending machine, rolling mill; h trois cylindres, three-high roll. lampas, m., (Mpp.) lampas; bruler le , to burn off the excrescence of the palate. lampe, f., lamp, light; & arc, (elec.) arc light; & are voUa'ique, v. h arc; cul de , (art.) cascable; de Davy, (mm.) miner's safety lamp; en derivation, (elec.) shunt lamp; b, esprit de vin, spirit lamp; h, essence, spirit lamp; h gaz, gas lamp; & gaze metallique, v. de Davy; & incandescence, incandescentc, (dec.) incandescent light; a main, hand lamp; de mine, de mineur, (mm.) miner's lamp; & moderateur, moderator lamp; h mur, wall lamp; de nuit complete, (elec.) all-night lamp; portative & retournement, (mil. min.) miner's electric reversing lamp ; d, regutoteur, (elec.) arc lamp (i. e., with a feed or clutch for carbons); a souder. soldering lamp; de surete, v. de Davy; ft, suspension, hanging, swinging, lamp; temoin, (elec.) indicator lamp. lampion, m., sort of lamp used in illuminations; de parapet, (siege) iron pot full of resin, used in lighting up parapets (obs.). lampisterie, f., lamp locker. lancade, f., (man.) long kick, kick out. lancage, m., (nav.) launching. lance, f., rod, staff; upright or picket of a grating or iron fence; nozzle; slice, fire slice; (sm. a.) lance, spear; (artif.) tube filled with composition, used in fireworks (decorative pieces), to sketch out and vary the outline; allumelle. de , v.fer de ; de chevaux de frise, (fort.) arm or spear of a cheval de frise; couch er la , to slope the lance; coup de , v. s. v. coup; courir une , (man.) to ride at the rings; de drapeau, color staff; . fausse (nav.) Quaker gun; fcr de , (sm. a.) lance head; a feu, (art.) portfire (obs.); (steam) fire slice; a feu puant, (mil. min.) stink pot; de feu, (artif.) firework used in the defense of a breach; hfourche, (mil. tel.) poLe with hook, to put wires on branches of trees, etc.; Jiam,pe de , (sm. a.) lance shaft or pole; lame de , v. fer de ; Us de , v.fer de ; main de la , (man.) right hand, saber hand; mettre la pied en arret. to put the lance in rest; de la , (hipp.) off foot; a pompe, pump spear; port de la , v. s. v. port; porter la , v. s. v. porter; reposer la , v. s. v. reposer; de sonde, sounding rod. lance, m., throw or reach; (steam) (in indicator diagrams) the parts of a diagram due to mo- mentum and not to steam pressure. lancement, m., throw, throwing; (nav.) launching; (torp.) launching, discharge; (pont.) opera^ tion oi bridging; au-dessus (au-dessous) de la flottaison, (torp.) above (under) water discharge (of a torpedo); batter ie de (de tor pines'), (s. c. fort.) torpedo battery; exercice de , (torp.) torpedo-launching drill; (pont.) bridge drill; d'un pont, (pont.) construction of a bridge; pofitc de , (de torpilles), (torp.) torpedo-launching station;

lancement 237 largeur lancement de torpilles, (torp.) torpedo launching; tube de , (torp.) torpedo tube. lancer, v. a. r., to throw, hurl, dart; to rush upon to cast, let fly; (art.) to throw, fire (a projectile) (nav.) to launch (a vessel); (r. r.) to start (a train); (cord.) to throw (a rope); un cheval, un cheval au galop, (man.) to urge a horse into a gallop; un cordage, to heave a line; le plomb de sonde, to heave the lead; un pont, (pont.) to throw, construct, bridge; une torpille, pedo; to discharge, launch, a tor- une torpille au-dessus (au-dessous) de la flottaison, to discharge a torpedo above (under) water. lance-torpilles, n., (nav.) torpedo boat; torpedo tube; bateau-torpilleur , torpedo boat. lancette, f., lancet. lancier, m., (cav.) lancer, uhlan; oui les s, (/am.) go tell that to the marines. lancis, m., (mas.) operation of repairing a wall by the insertion of fresh and sound stones; stones used for such repair; jamb stone; sort of toothing, binding a revetment wall to its backing; de I'ecoincon, interior jamb stone; du tableau, exterior jamb stone. lande, f., (top.) heath, moor. landier, m., andiron. langage, m., language, speech; - chiffre, cipher language, i. e., signs of any and convenu, in cryptography, conventional language, using ordinary words with altered meaning. langue, f., tongue, language; (tech.) tongue, wooden quoin; (hydr.) tongue, neck of land, sand aides de la , (maw.) use of the voice in urging a horse, clucking; appel de , (man.) cluck; de balance, index of a balance; de bceuf, (mil. mm.) push pick; de carpe, double-edged armorer's tool; coup de , v. s. v. coup; donner de la , (man.) to excite, urge, a horse by clucking; doubler la -, (hipp.) to fold the tongue over or under the bit; defeu, tongue of fire; de sable, (hydr.) sand spit; serpentine, (hipp.) tongue always in motion; de terre, (h\ tongue of land. langtiette, f., tongue, tongue of a shoe, shoulder, thin quoin or wedge; iron plate between the sheaves of a block; pawl, detent; (mach.) assembling key, feather; (r. r.) switch rail, tongue rail, slide rail; (sm. a.) small steel rod, forming with others, the tromse, q. v., from which a sword blade is made; (carp.) feather, tongue; (mas.) partition wall of a chimney, of a wella , tongued; de balance, index or pointer of a balance; de ballon, valve of a balloon; a rainure et , (carp.) tongued and grooved; - rapportee, (carp.) inserted tongue. laniere, f., lanyard; thong, leather strap; tie; lash; imehpm tie; cloak strap; du crochet d'attelage, trace hook, thong; -goupille, thong used as a connecting pin; de la lance, thong of a lance; de revolver, (sm. a.) revolver strap. lanterne, f., lantern, light; skylight; small dome or cupola; lantern, lantern light; pommel knob- (fond) core barrel; mold spindle (of a loam mold); (mach.) lantern wheel, trundle; (art.) shot scuttle; pass box; powder, cartridge case box (obs.); tin case or canister; gun ladle (for loading with loose powder, obs.); (artif.) copp6r lcl.Cu.6J lanterne d'ambulance, (Fr. med.) hospital Iantern, to indicate position of dressing sta- lanterns~ ne red the other whiteV applique, wall lantern; & canon, (art.) gun ladle; - de chargement, (art.) projectile tray; shell de disque, (r. r'.) signal disk lantern; a'eclairage, ordinary illuminating Iantern- & eclipse, flash lantern; d'ecurie, stable lantern; -d gargousses, (art.) pass box' hampee, (art.) sort of loading scoop for muzzle-loading guns, by whichthe could be charge introduced without a bag (obs.); indicatrice, (mil.) a lantern to ate head- quarters, ammunition parks, etc - it main, portable lantern; 4 mitraiUe, (art.) sort of tin case or canister filled with bullets (obs.); - de niveau d'eau, (steam) water-gauge lampde noyau, (fond.) core-bar; (if large) corebarrel; core-iron, - core-rod; & reftecteurs, reflecting -- lantern; signal, signal - lantern; fisignaux, signal - lantern; sourde, dark lantern, bull's-eye lantern; de s&rete, (Fr. art.) magazine safety lantern; - de suspension, swinging lantern. lanterneau, m., skylight, lantern, lantern light. lapidaire, m., grindstone (axis vertical). laque, m., lacker, lacquer, japan. laque, f., lac, gum-lac, shellac; - en ecailles, shellac. laquer, v. a., to lacquer. lard, m., bacon. lardagc, m., thrumming. larder, v. a., to thrum, pierce, run through; (fort , siege) to picket, fasten down, secure with pickets (as fascines, etc.); - un cheval, (man.) to spur a horse until his sides are sore; - de coups d'epee, (/am.) to run through again and again; - unsaucisson, (fort., siege) to picket down a saucisson; to fasten two saucissons together by forcing the end of one into that of another. larderasse, f., (cord.) coarse rope made of junk. lardoire, f., pile-ferrule, band or hoop around a lardon, m., (met.) bit of iron or steel used to conceal or fill a crack in a forging, etc.; (sm. a.) plug, etc., for disguising a defect (in a gun barrel); (artif.) swarmer, rocket weighing less than 2 ounces. large, a., broad, wide; loose; cheval qui va-, (hipp.) horse that goes wide. large, m., breadth; (nav.) the high sea; sea room, offing; au - , (nav.) off shore, off; on the high seas; (mil.) keep off, stand off (sentinel's cry to warn passers-by to keep off, to avoid a point not to be approached, or to keep to the other side of the road); au- de____ , off of. . . . ; largeur, f., breadth, width; (nav.) beam (of a ship); - des cloisons, (art.) width of the - lands; en couronne, breadth at the top (of a dike or embankment); - exterieure, outside - width; en fond, width at the bottom (of a ditch, etc.); - en gueule, width at the top (of a ditch, - intcrieure, inside width;

lame 236 lancement<br />

lame de, en,fer, iron strap, band;<br />

defond, ground swell or wave;<br />

fort de la , (sm. a.) middle, main part of a<br />

blade;<br />

de frein, (art.) <strong>com</strong>pressor plate; recoil<br />

checking plate or bar; brake strap;<br />

de gaz, tongue of gas;<br />

& gouttieres, v. evidee;<br />

grande (art.) <strong>com</strong>pressor plate or bar;<br />

haute, high sea;<br />

de lance, (sm. a.) lance head;<br />

longue, long roller;<br />

& id Montmorency, v. evidee;<br />

non-evidee,(sm. a.) flat blade;<br />

pendante, v. grande<br />

;<br />

percuteur, (sm. a.) firing pin (of the Spencer<br />

plat de la , (sm. a.) flat of the sword;<br />

plate, flat, smooth, blade;<br />

pleine v plate;<br />

de plomb, sheet lead; strip of lead (between<br />

the drums of a column) ;<br />

de pointage, (art.)<br />

pointe de la , (sm. a.) point<br />

elevation bar;<br />

of the blade;<br />

polaire, (elec.) the strip of a voltaic cell;<br />

de poudre, (powd.) pressed cake, milled<br />

cake;<br />

de robot, plane iron;<br />

de ressort, spring blade;<br />

de sabre, (sm. a.) sword blade;<br />

de scie, saw blade;<br />

de support, (art.) side lever (elevation gear);<br />

talon de la , (sm. a.) heel of the blade, part<br />

near the hilt;<br />

tranchant de la , edge of the blade;<br />

la<br />

de travers, cross sea;<br />

use lefourreau, (hipp.) said of a nervous,<br />

irritable horse;<br />

vieille , (mil. slang) old fellow, or chum.<br />

Iam6, a., laminated; plated (with).<br />

lamellaire, a., lamellar; laminated, lamellate,<br />

lamellated.<br />

lamelle, f., scale, plate, small disk; (expl.) gram,<br />

small disk;<br />

de mire, (art.) the visirklappe of the German<br />

field-artillery sight (sort of leaf, fixed<br />

on the field-gun sight, by means of which<br />

the use of plaques de naussc, q. v., may be<br />

avoided).<br />

lamelHs a., v. lamelMre.<br />

lamelleux, a., v. lamellaire.<br />

lamette, f., small leaf or plate; cramp, clasp;<br />

hoop or ring, used in wood construction, to<br />

meet a special stress; (sm. a.) leaf of a sight;<br />

(art.) end band, end band and hoop (of the<br />

splinter bar);<br />

amorce de , (art.) end-band loop;<br />

grande , (art.) middle band (of a splinter<br />

bar);<br />

de hausse, (sm. a.) sight leaf;<br />

de palonnier, (art.) swingletree end band;<br />

de voice, (art.) splinter-bar end band.<br />

laminage, m., (met.) rolling, laminating; (steam)<br />

throttling, wire-drawing:<br />

de tole, (met.) plate rolling.<br />

lamination, f . , lamination.<br />

laminS, a. , rolled.<br />

laminer, v. a. , (macJi.) to roll.<br />

lamineur, a., rolling;<br />

cylindre , (mach.) roller.<br />

laminitis, m., (hipp.) founder.<br />

laminoir, m., (mach.) roller (cylinder);<br />

. a<br />

rolls, roll; rolling mill;<br />

bandages, tire-rolling mill;<br />

cingleur, (met.) shingling roller;<br />

circulaire, bending roll;<br />

cylindre de , roller;<br />

degrossisseur , roughing roll;<br />

double, three-high roll or mill;<br />

ebauchoir, roughing roll;<br />

ft fers speciaux, roller or mill to turn out<br />

special forms;<br />

finisseur, finish ing rolls;<br />

de forme, roll or mill of special form to turn<br />

out special work ;<br />

ti lingots, ingot rolls;<br />

a mouvement alternatif, reversing rolls ;<br />

d plague(s), plate rolls, rolling mill, plate-<br />

rolling mi!l ;<br />

de puddi&gc, puddling rolls;<br />

laminoir a rails, rail mill;<br />

reversible, reversing roll;<br />

& tole(s), plate rollers, plate-bending machine,<br />

rolling mill;<br />

h trois cylindres, three-high roll.<br />

lampas, m., (Mpp.) lampas;<br />

bruler le , to burn off the excrescence of the<br />

palate.<br />

lampe, f., lamp, light;<br />

& arc, (elec.) arc light;<br />

& are voUa'ique, v. h arc;<br />

cul de , (art.) cascable;<br />

de Davy, (mm.) miner's safety lamp;<br />

en derivation, (elec.) shunt lamp;<br />

b, esprit de vin, spirit lamp;<br />

h, essence, spirit lamp;<br />

h gaz, gas lamp;<br />

& gaze metallique, v. de Davy;<br />

& incandescence, incandescentc, (dec.)<br />

incandescent light;<br />

a main, hand lamp;<br />

de mine, de mineur, (mm.) miner's<br />

lamp;<br />

& moderateur, moderator lamp;<br />

h mur, wall lamp;<br />

de nuit <strong>com</strong>plete, (elec.) all-night lamp;<br />

portative & retournement, (mil. min.) miner's<br />

electric reversing lamp ;<br />

d, regutoteur, (elec.) arc lamp (i. e., with a<br />

feed or clutch for carbons);<br />

a souder. soldering lamp;<br />

de surete, v. de Davy;<br />

ft, suspension, hanging, swinging, lamp;<br />

temoin, (elec.) indicator lamp.<br />

lampion, m., sort of lamp used in illuminations;<br />

de parapet, (siege) iron pot full of resin, used<br />

in lighting up parapets (obs.).<br />

lampisterie, f., lamp locker.<br />

lancade, f., (man.) long kick, kick out.<br />

lancage, m., (nav.) launching.<br />

lance, f., rod, staff; upright or picket of a grating<br />

or iron fence; nozzle; slice, fire slice; (sm. a.)<br />

lance, spear; (artif.) tube filled with <strong>com</strong>position,<br />

used in fireworks (decorative pieces),<br />

to sketch out and vary the outline;<br />

allumelle. de , v.fer de ;<br />

de chevaux de frise, (fort.) arm or spear of a<br />

cheval de frise;<br />

couch er la , to slope the lance;<br />

coup de , v. s. v. coup;<br />

courir une , (man.) to ride at the rings;<br />

de drapeau, color staff;<br />

. fausse (nav.) Quaker gun;<br />

fcr de , (sm. a.) lance head;<br />

a feu, (art.) portfire (obs.); (steam) fire<br />

slice;<br />

a feu puant, (mil. min.) stink pot;<br />

de feu, (artif.) firework used in the defense<br />

of a breach;<br />

hfourche, (mil. tel.) poLe with hook, to put<br />

wires on branches of trees, etc.;<br />

Jiam,pe de , (sm. a.) lance shaft or pole;<br />

lame de , v. fer de ;<br />

Us de , v.fer de ;<br />

main de la , (man.) right hand, saber hand;<br />

mettre la<br />

pied<br />

en arret. to put the lance in rest;<br />

de la , (hipp.) off foot;<br />

a pompe, pump spear;<br />

port de la , v. s. v. port;<br />

porter la , v. s. v. porter;<br />

reposer la , v. s. v. reposer;<br />

de sonde, sounding rod.<br />

lance, m., throw or reach; (steam) (in indicator<br />

diagrams) the parts of a diagram due to mo-<br />

mentum and not to steam pressure.<br />

lancement, m., throw, throwing; (nav.) launching;<br />

(torp.) launching, discharge; (pont.) opera^<br />

tion oi bridging;<br />

au-dessus (au-dessous) de la flottaison,<br />

(torp.) above (under) water discharge (of a<br />

torpedo);<br />

batter ie de (de tor pines'), (s. c. fort.) torpedo<br />

battery;<br />

exercice de , (torp.) torpedo-launching drill;<br />

(pont.) bridge drill;<br />

d'un pont, (pont.) construction of a bridge;<br />

pofitc de , (de torpilles), (torp.) torpedo-launching<br />


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