A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com


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in tendance 227 Intel-version<br />

iu tendance, service de I' , v. under main<br />

word;<br />

slaqiaire de V , an officer, who, after passing<br />

the first <strong>com</strong>petitive examination for entrance<br />

into the inlendance, is taking the course in<br />

administration at Paris, preparatory to final<br />

entry into the corps.<br />

Intendant, m., manager, director; (Fr. a.) intendant,<br />

officer of the inlendance, q. v.;<br />

de I'armee, the general, or militaire,<br />

at the headquarters of an army, when formed;<br />

du corps d'armee, the militaire at corps<br />

headquarters;<br />

general, the highest grade of the intendance<br />

(ranks with general of division);<br />

militaire, second grade of the intendance<br />

(ranks with general of brigade);<br />

sous militaire, subintendant (three classes.<br />

ranking with colonel, lieutenant-colonel, and<br />

major, respectively).<br />

Intensity f . , intensity;<br />

d'aimantation, (dec.) intensity of magnetization;<br />

du champ, (elec.) intensity of field;<br />

du courant, (dec.,) current strength;<br />

du tirage, (steam} intensity of draft.<br />

intenter, v. a., un proces,<br />

enter, an action against.<br />

(law) to bring,<br />

inter-ars, m., (hipp.) part of chest between the<br />

ars and the forearm,<br />

intercalate, a., intercalary.<br />

intercalation, f., intercalation.<br />

intercalement, m., (mil.) the putting of an increased<br />

number of men on the same line.<br />

intercaler, v. a., to intercalate; (elec.) to cut in,<br />

to insert, to connect with a circuit;<br />

une courbe horizonlale entre deux aulres, to<br />

find a point or points having a given reference.<br />

intercardinal, a., intercardinal, as NE., NW.,<br />

etc.<br />

intercepter, v. a., to intercept; to cut off (as a<br />

convoy); to close (as <strong>com</strong>munication); (6rt.) to<br />

take up (recoil); (steam) to cut off steam.<br />

interception, f., interception; (art.) taking up of<br />

recoil.<br />

interchangeable, a., interchangeable.<br />

interdiction, f., interdiction, prohibition;<br />

de <strong>com</strong>merce, prohibition of trad (with a<br />

country at war with the prohibiting country);<br />

des droits, loss of rights (civil, personal, etc.);<br />

legale, loss of rights, flowing from a legal condemnation<br />

(as to the penitentiary, etc.).<br />

interdire, v. a., to prohibit, interdict.<br />

inte'resse', m., interested party. . ,<br />

interference, f., interference.<br />

intfirieur, a., interior, inside, internal; (of measurements)<br />

in the clear; (mil.) interior, said of<br />

. duties within the post or enceinte, as opposed to<br />

duties without; (pont.) near (said of the side<br />

next to first bay built, or to last dismantled);<br />

m., interior, inside; interior department; home<br />

(as opposed to abroad).<br />

ft I' at home , (as opposed to abroad);<br />

minislere de I' interior , department;<br />

ministre de l !<br />

, secretary of the interior, home<br />

secretary;<br />

service , (mil.) interior economy.<br />

interim, m., interim; (adm.) the exercise of a<br />

function by a person not holding the corresponding<br />

grade;<br />

<strong>com</strong>mandcment par , (Fr. a.) <strong>com</strong>mand held<br />

under special orders of the minister of war by<br />

an officer not definitely invested with it.<br />

interimalre, a., ad interim; m., person performing<br />

duties of a position ad interim.<br />

interimat, m., state of " interim."<br />

interjeter, v. a., appel, (law) to appeal from a<br />

decision.<br />

interligne, f., space between two printed or written<br />

lines.<br />

interligner, v. a., to space lines (in writing).<br />

interlinear, a. v., to interline.<br />

iiitermediaire, a., intermediate, middle; m., medium,<br />

agent; (mach.) intermediate shaft;<br />

arbre , (mach.) intermediate, transmitting,<br />

shaft;<br />

par V de, by means of.<br />

Interrnittence, f., (mach., etc.) intermittence.<br />

intermittent, a., (mach.., etc.) intermittent.<br />

interne, a., internal; m., (med.) house surgeon.<br />

interns, m., (mil.) interned man.<br />

internemem, m., (mil.) state of being interned.<br />

interner, v. a., (mil.) to intern.<br />

interpolaire, a., (elec.) interpolar.<br />

interpolate!!!*, m., interpolator.<br />

interpolation, f., interpolation.<br />

interpolcr, v. a., to interpolate.<br />

interprete, m., interpreter;<br />

judiciaire, (mil.) interpreter of a courtmartial;<br />

s mUilaires, (Fr. a.) corps of interpreters<br />

serving in Algiers and in Tunis (two classes,<br />

s titulaires, <strong>French</strong>men by birth or naturalization;<br />

s auxiliaires, not . necessarily<br />

<strong>French</strong>men);<br />

principal, highest grade in the s militaires;<br />

s de reserve, (Fr. a.) special corps of interpreters<br />

attached in war to the various staffs<br />

and departments.<br />

interrogation, f., examination of witnesses.<br />

interrogatoire, m., (law) examination of accused<br />

parties, interrogatory; (mil. law) questions by<br />

any member of court, and answers thereto; (Fr.<br />

a.) preliminary examination of a prisoner by<br />

the judge-advocate;<br />

contradictoire, cross-examination.<br />

preliminaire, el lecture de I'acte d'accusation,<br />

arraignment;<br />

8ubir un , to undergo an examination,<br />

interroger, v. a., to interrogate, question, examine.<br />

interromnre, v. a., to close, to cut off, to interrupt<br />

(as <strong>com</strong>munications, steam, an electric current,<br />

etc.).<br />

interrupteur, m., (elec.) interrupter, contact<br />

breaker, circuit breaker;<br />

automatique, automatic interrupter;<br />

d'excitation, an excitation interrupter;<br />

d'inertie, an interrupter acting by inertia;<br />

- ft manette, switch;<br />

a mercure, mercury circuit breaker or interrupter.<br />

interruption, f., interruption, obstacle, obstruction;<br />

breaking (oi a current); break (in a railway<br />

track).<br />

intersection, f., intersection; (surv.) foresight;<br />

method by observations of a point from the<br />

extremities of a base line;<br />

en artier e, (aurv.) backsight;<br />

methode d' , (surv.) ordinary method of plane<br />

table surveying; in general, angle taking from<br />

the ends of a base line.<br />

intervalle, m., interval; (mil.) interval; (mil. min.)<br />

bay; distance between corresponding faces of<br />

consecutive mine frames or between consecutive<br />

frames;<br />

a s, bayed;<br />

de deploiement, (mil.) deploying interval;<br />

d'eclatement, (art.) horizontal distance from the<br />

point of burst to the nearest point of the target;<br />

de galerie, bay of a gallery;<br />

ouvert, (mil.) open, full, interval;<br />

de pu Us, bay of a shaft ;<br />

ouvertured' s, (mil.) opening of intervals;<br />

ouvrir les s, (mil.) to open intervals;<br />

serre, (mil.) close interval, reduced interval;<br />

serrement d' s, (mil.) closing of intervals;<br />

server les s, (mil.) to close intervals;<br />

des towns, (cord.) jaw.<br />

intervention, f., intervention; (mil.) intervention,<br />

i. e., the entry into action of troops hitherto<br />

unengaged.<br />

interversion, f., inversion; (mil.) inversion (at<br />


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