A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com


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instabie 226 intendance<br />

instable, <strong>com</strong>bination , (chem.) unstable<br />

<strong>com</strong>pound;<br />

equilibre unstable , equilibrium.<br />

installation, f.. installation (of guns on board,<br />

in a work, of troops in a bivouac, cantonment);<br />

(tech.) plant.<br />

installer, v. a., to install; to mount (as guns).<br />

instance, f., (law) instance;<br />

premiere first instance.<br />

,<br />

instantane, a., instantaneous; m., instantaneous<br />

photograph;<br />

photographic<br />

phy.<br />

e, instantaneous photogra-<br />

Instituteur, m., teacher, tutor, instructor.<br />

instructeur, m., teacher, instructor; (mil.)<br />

drill instructor, drillmaster; (man.) riding<br />

master;<br />

capitainedrill;<br />

, (mil.) captain supervising<br />

caporal , sergentor<br />

sergeant;<br />

, (mil.) drill corporal<br />

officier , v. s. v. officier;<br />

de tir, (mil.) musketry instructor.<br />

instruction, f., instruction, education; circular;<br />

rules, directions, for anything; (mil.) instruction,<br />

training, (more narrowly) drill; (law)<br />

preliminary trial or hearing; inquiry, examination<br />

(synonym of information); (Fr. a.)<br />

the instruction or order for a march sent by<br />

the general in chief to corps or division <strong>com</strong>manders;<br />

camp d' , v. s. v. camp;<br />

sur la conduite de voitures, (art.) driving<br />

drill;<br />

des demandes de pension, (adm.) all the<br />

documents necessary to obtain a pension;<br />

division d' , ( Fr. a.) a division of the Ecole<br />

de Fontainebleau, <strong>com</strong>posed of lieutenants<br />

detached for one year irom their regiments<br />

to be trained in riding and as drillmasters;<br />

equestre, riding instruction;<br />

judiciaire, v. information;<br />

juge d' , (law) examining magistrate;<br />

lieutenant d' , (Fr. a.) at Fontainebleau,<br />

a lieutenant belonging to the division d' ,<br />

q. y.; at Saumur, a lieutenant of cavalry in<br />

training for the duties of capitaine-instructeur;<br />

a lieutenant of artillery in training for the<br />

duties of riding instructor and taking a special<br />

course in cavalry tactics;<br />

militaire preparatoire , in France, military<br />

instruction of youths of 17 to 20 years by socie-<br />

* ties organized for the purpose;<br />

.<br />

mimsterielle, (mil.) circular, war department<br />

circular;<br />

peloton d' , v. s. v. peloton;<br />

des recrues, recruit drill, etc.;<br />

du tir , target practice.<br />

instruire, v. a. to<br />

; instruct, teach, explain; (mil.)<br />

to train, drill; (law) to bring up a case or arrange<br />

a case for trial;<br />

un cheval; (man.) to train a horse;<br />

une pension, (adm.) to present in due form<br />

an application for a pension.<br />

instrument, m., instrument, musical instrument;<br />

tool, engine, implement; (law) instrument,<br />

deed, contract;<br />

affile, v. tranchant;<br />

& anche, (mus.) reed instrument;<br />

d'arpenteur, surveying instrument;<br />

d, bee, (mus.) instrument fitted with a mouthpiece;<br />

s de chauffe, firing tools;<br />

d cordes, (mus.) stringed instrument;<br />

joupant, v. tranchant;<br />

de leves, surveying instrument;<br />

de mathematique, mathematical instrument;<br />

d meche, (mus.) reed instrument;<br />

de percussion, (mus.) percussive instrument;<br />

de pointage, (art.) any aiming instrument or<br />

device;<br />

de<br />

precision, mathematical instrument;<br />

& reflexion, reflecting instrument;<br />

tranchant, edge tool;<br />

& vent, (mus.) wind instrument;<br />

verificateur de , verification, '(art.) inspecting,<br />

verifying instrument, gauge;<br />

de visile, (art.) inspecting instrument.<br />

instrumentaire, a., t&moin , (law) witness<br />

to a document.<br />

instrumenter, v. a., (law) to draw up legal papers,<br />

documents, deeds, contracts, etc.<br />

instrumentiste, m., (mil.) band musician.<br />

insubmersibilite, f., (of boats) state of being<br />

unsinkable.<br />

insubmersible, a., (of boats) unsinkable.<br />

insubordination, f., insubordination,<br />

insufflation, f., insufflation; (met.) blast.<br />

insufflsance, f . , insufficiency, lack;<br />

de numeros, (Fr. a.) in drawing by lot,<br />

excess of young men over the numbers contained<br />

in the urn.<br />

insult-able, a., (mil.) that may be attacked.<br />

Insult e, f., insult, affront; (mil.) sudden<br />

attack; coup de main; assault, open assault;<br />

hors d' , beyond reach of a coup de main;<br />

mettre hors d' , (fort.) to secure from a coup<br />

de main;<br />

& une sentinelle, interference with, assault<br />

on, a sentinel.<br />

insulter, v. a., (mil.) to surprise (a place or<br />

position).<br />

insurgg, m., insurgent.<br />

insurgence, f., riot, insurrection.<br />

insurger, v. a. r., to excite, cause to rise; to revolt,<br />

mutiny.<br />

insurrection, f., rising, revolt;<br />

& main armee, armed insurrection.<br />

intact, a., untouched, inviolate, unharmed.<br />

integrateur, m., integrator.<br />

intSgrometre, m. : (inst.) integrometer.<br />

intelligence, f., intelligence; collusion, understanding<br />

with, relations with;<br />

avoir des s, to have an understanding, relations<br />

with;<br />

avoir une double , to have an understanding,<br />

relations, with both sides;<br />

nouer des s, to establish relations (as wtih<br />

the enemy, with the besiegers, etc.).<br />

intemperies, f. pi., vicissitudes . of<br />

weather.<br />

intenable, a.. ( mil.) untenable.<br />

intendance, f., direction, administration of<br />

affairs; (Fr. a.) one of the branches (services)<br />

of the administration of the army.<br />

The intendance service <strong>com</strong>prises (1) the<br />

services of pay, military subsistence, clothing,<br />

camp equipage, cavalry (horse) equipment,<br />

travel and transportation, military<br />

bedding, and the approval of all disbursements<br />

connected with these services; (2) the<br />

approval of the outlays made by the troop<br />

units and establishments, the verification<br />

of issues in cash and materiel made from<br />

the military chests or from the magazines<br />

of these units or establishments; (3) the<br />

approval and the verification of the disbursements<br />

of the recruiting service and<br />

of the service of military justice; and (4)<br />

finally the administration of such personnels<br />

as are not attached to troop units and<br />

of all detached persons (isolcs) who draw<br />

pay, salary, or gratifications (n. e. U. S. A.;<br />

army service corps, very nearly, England);<br />

adjoint & I' , lowest grade of the intendance<br />

(rank of captain);<br />

adjoint & I' du cadre actif, an adjoint on the<br />

active or permanent list;<br />

adjoint & V du cadre auxiliaire, an adjoint that<br />

<strong>com</strong>es into the corps on mobilization (belongs<br />

to the cadre auxiliaire);<br />

attache d, I' , special grade (rank of lieutenant<br />

or of sublieutenant) of the cadre auxiliaire<br />

de I' (is not counted a fonction-<br />

the<br />

naire);<br />

cadre actif de I' the , permanent list of the<br />

corps;<br />

cadre auxiliaire de I' , <strong>com</strong>plementary list of<br />

the corps formed on mobilization;<br />

corps de I' militaire, official designation of<br />

the personnel of the intendance;<br />

fonctionnaire de I' v. , s. v. fonctionnaire;<br />

militaire, full designation of the intendance;<br />

officier d'administration du service del' v. s. v.<br />

,<br />


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