A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

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fnfirmerie 224 iiiiiavigabJIite 1 ii fi riueric, f., infirmary; hospital for light diseases or slight wounds; d'etapes, v. s. v., etape; de fort, (Fr. a.) sort of hospital established in each besieged or invested fort; garc, de gare, (Fr. a.) hospital established during war in railroad station for the treatment of sick and wounded in transit, and of those too sick to continue the journey; de garnison, (Fr. a.) same as regimentaire, but organized in garrisons composed of detachments of different regiments; de gltes d'etapes, v. s. v. etape; -hopital, (Fr. a.) a regimental infirmary receiving the sick for treatment (established in garrison towns not having a regular military hospital, and some distance from regular military or civil hospital); regimentaire, (Fr. a.) regimental infirmary; veterinaire, horse infirmary. of the Infirmier, m., hospital attendant; private hospital corps (U.S.A.); commis aux Ventures, (Fr. a.) (formerly) hospital clerk (had no medical instruction or duties); d' exploitation, (Fr. a.) hospital attendant who does heavy work (loading ambulances, litters, etc., setting up tents, care of field material, etc.); -major, (Fr. a.) sergeant or corporal in charge of a division de malades, q. v. (responsible for ventilation, heating, good order, police, etc.); mecanicien, (Fr. a.) hospital attendant in charge of the engines of the establishment, hospital engineer; . militaire, (Fr. a.) hospital attendant belonging to the service de sante (i. e., not detailed from the troops); regimentaire, (Fr. a.) soldier detailed for duty in the infirmerie regimentaire; de visite, (Fr. a.) hospital orderly in direct attendance upon the sick (dresses wounds, gives medicine, distributes food, etc.). inflxer, v. a., to fix or set in (rare). inflammability f., inflammability. inflammable, a., inflammable. inflammateur, m., (elec.) firing key; (torp., expl.), igniter; d mouvement d'horlogerie, clockwork igniter. inflammation, f., inflammation (esp. of a powder charge); spread of the flames over the surface of grains; centrale, (sm. a.) center-fire (system); electriquc, (expl., art., etc.) firing or discharging by electricity; par percussion, (sm. a.) percussion fire; ptripherique, (sm. a.), rim-fire (system); retard d' , (art.) hang fire; spontanee, spontaneous inflammation. InflCchir, v. a., to inflect, t9 bend, to elbow. inflexible, a., inflexible, rigid. inflexion, f., inflexion, (art.) whipping, thrashing (of the chase of a gun); jumping of the gun when fired; droop. infliction, f., infliction. infliger, v. a., to inflict. influence, f., influence; (expl.) sympathy; detonation par , (expl.) sympathetic detonation, detonation by influence. In-folio, m., folio. information, f., investigation, inquiry; (in pi., mil.) intelligence, news, information in the informer, v. a. n., to inform, make known, acquaint; (law) to investigate a case, inquire into an accusation or charges. in foi tillable, a., (fort.) not susceptible of fortification. infracteur, m., infringer. infraction, f., infraction, breach, violation. infrastructure, f., (r. r.) roadbed; (more strictly) masonry work and earthwork; (pont.) structure under the roadway of a bridge. infraye, a., not opened (of a road). infusibilite, f., infusibility. infusible, a., infusible. infusotres, m. pi., infusoria. ingenieur, m., engineer; (mil.) military engineer; (Fr. nav.) naval constructor (two classes of, assimilated to captain and commander, respectively, U. S. N.); ahiUeur, artillery engineer; de cam,pagne, field engineer; en chef, chief engineer; des chemins defer, railroad engineer; civil, civil engineer; consultant, consulting engineer; -constructeur, (nav.) shipbuilder; des constructions navales, (nav.) naval constructor; du corps du genie maritime, (nav.) naval constructor; de cuirassement, armor engineer; du genie maritime, (nav.) naval constructor; geographe, surveyor, topographical engineer; hydrograpJie, hydrographer; (Fr. nav.) hydrographic engineer; hydrograpJie de Ire (2me) classe, (Fr. nav.) grades assimilated to captain and to commander, respectively, U. S. N.; inspecteur, superintending engineer; de la marine, maritime, naval construc- tor; - mecanicien, mechanical engineer; militaire, (mil.) military engineer .(a current, not an official, expression); des mines, mining engineer; opticien, maker of optical instruments; de place, garrison engineer; des ponts et chaussees, (French) government engineer (for bridges and roads); des poudres et salpetres, (French) engineer for manufacture of explosives; de routes, road engineer; sous assistant , engineer; ( Fr. nav.) assistant naval constructor (three classes of); sous hydrograpJie, ( Fr. nav.) assistant hydrcgrapher (three classes of); torpilleur, torpedo engineer. ingredient, m., ingredient; de proprete, (Fr. a.) cleaning material (soap, wax, polish, etc.). ingueable, a., unfordable. inhumation, L, burial. inhumer, v. a., to bury. ininflammabilite, f., uninflammability. ininflammable, a., uninflammable, ininfiammation, f., failure to inflame. initial, a., initial. point , (mil.) initial point of a march (in- accurate term); Vitesse e, (ball.) muzzle velocity. initiative, f., (mil.) initiative (bold, offensive spirit); esprit d' , spirit of initiative. injecter, v. a., to inject. injecteur, m., (steam) injector; aspirant, suction injector; automoteur, self-adjusting injector; Giffard, Giffard injector; universe!, universal injector. widest possible sense; (mil. law) preliminary investigation of a case (interrogatory of the accused and of witnesses and drafting of a report setting forth the facts, with all the injection, f., impregnation of wood; (steam) in- circumstances; corresponds to investigation by jection; the judge-advocate. U. S. A., only much eau d' , (steam) injection water; more formal and elaborate); report of an in- levicr, rolnnet, tiroir, tuyau, d' , (steam) injecvestigation;tion lever, cock, slide, pipe. service a' s, (mil.) a generic term for all means injonction, f., injunction; formal order, impera- of transmitting information, orders, intellitive command. gence, etc. innavigabillte, f., state of being unnavigable, Informe, m., investigation. (nav.) unseaworthiness.

innavigable 225 Instable innavigable, a., (of rivers, etc.) not navigable; (nav.) unseaworthv. lii-octavo, m., 8vo, octavo. inoflenslf, a., inoffensive; (of mechanisms) out of gear, out of action. inondation, f., inundation, overflow; (fort.) inundation (accessory defense); inferieure, (fort.) downstream inundation (below town or fort); laterale, moyennc, (fort.) an inundation opposite the town or fort; superieure, (fort.) upstream inundation (above town or fort); tendre unc , (fort.) to prepare an inundation. inonder, v. a., to inundate, overflow. in-plano, m., full sheet. in-quarto, m., 4to, quarto. inquiet, a., restless; cheval , (hipp.) restless, skittish horse. iiiquieter, v. a., (mil.) to annoy, harass, impede the enemy (a march, the passage of a river). insaisissable, a., (law) not liable to seizure or levy. inscriptible, a., inscribable. inscription, f., inscription; notice (as on a signboard); (mil. adm.) registry, enrollment; lime d' , register, record book; maritime, in France, registry of all persons living by the exercise of some maritime employment. inscrire, v. a., to register, inscribe, record; (mil.) to take up. inscrit, m., in France, any person forming part of the inscription maritime,- q . v.; definitif, any man belonging to the crew of a merchant vessel and having 18 months' sea experience (must be at least 18 years old); hors de service a sailor of 50, or any sailor dis- : charged as physically unfit; provisoire, any minor that can read and write and that intends to follow the sea. in-seize, m., I6mo., sixteenmo. insensibilisateur, a., (expl.) desensitizing. insensibiliser, v. a., (expl.) to desensitize. insensible, a., not sensitive; bouche , (man.) hard mouth. insensitif, a., insensitive. insurer, v. a. r., to insert, be inserted; (elec.) to put in circuit. insertion, f., insertion; fixe, (hipp.) origin of a muscle; mobile, (hipp.) insertion of a muscle. insigne, m., (found generally in the plural) insignia; marks of rank; s de grade, (unif.) insignia of grade; s de grade des sous-officiers hospitalises. (Fr. a.) insignia worn n. c. o. by and corporals that have been in hospital; de pointeur, (Fr. art.) grenade worn by the best gun layer of the battery for the year; de service, (mil.) any badge or mark indicating that the wearer is on duty; (Fr. a.) chinstrap down; de tir, (Fr. a.) insignia (pins or small hunting horns) worn on the left sleeve by the best shots. insolation, f., sunstroke,'heatstroke; (phot.) exposure to the sun. insoler, v. a., to expose to the sun (as hay, a blue print, etc.). insolubility, f., insolubility. insoluble, a., insoluble, insoudable, a., ( Met.) unweldable. insoumis, (Fr. a.) recruit that fails to join within the assigned time. insoumission, f., (Fr. a.) failure to join, of a man that has never served before. inspecter, v. a., to inspect, survey. inspecteur, m., inspector; surveyor; (mil.) inspector; (Fr. nav.) inspector (official of the commissariat, q. v., n. e. U. S. N.); adjoint, (Fr. nav.) assistant inspector (grade); 3877 17- -15 inspecteur d'armte, (Fr. a.) general of division, member of the conseil superieur de la guerre; d'armes, (Fr. a.) in each corps, a captain of artillery (sometimes more than one) charged with the yearly inspection of arms in the hands of the troops of the corps region; des cartoucher ies, (Fr. a.) general of brigade. coming from the artillery, inspector of cartridge factories (suppressed in 1897); en chef de Irt (2me) classe, (Fr. niv.) grades of the commissariat (n. e. U. S. N.); de la defense (d'un groupe), (Fr. a.) general officer detailed , in peace, to prepare the defense of a group of forts or of fortifications; des etudes, at the Polytechnique, title borne by a captain (of artillery, marine artillery, or of engineers) in charge of drill, discipline, etc. (nearest equivalent, tactical officer, U. S. M. A.); des forges, (Fr. a.) steel inspector, government inspector at a gun foundry; general, (Fr. a.) general officer detailed by the minister of war to inspect a regiment, a service, an establishment, etc.; provost-marshalgeneral; (Fr. nav.) senior grade of the engineer, construction, and medical departments, respectively; general permanent de cavalerie, (Fr. cav.) general officer, permanent cavalry inspector (v. s. v. inspection); 'general permanent des fabrications de Varlillerie, (Fr. art.) general officer, head of this inspection (v. s. v. inspection); general permanent des travaux de I'artillerie pour I'armement des cotes, (Fr. art.) general officer, member of the technical artillery committee, specially charged with this duty; de manufactures d'armes, (Fr. a.) inspector of small-arm manufactures, member of section technique of the artillery (abolished); medecin , (Fr. a.) medical inspector; technique, (Fr. a.) an inspector of the special services. inspection, f., inspection, survey, examination; (mil.) inspection; personnel of an inspecting department; charge, functions of an inspector; arme, (sm. c.)command for inspection of arms d'armee, (Fr. a.) inspection made by an inspecteur d'armee; d'armes, (Fr. a.) inspection of arms in the hands of troops (made by inspecteur d'armes); faire I' de, to inspect, examine; ' faire une , to make a survey, to inspect; des forges, (mil.) steel inspection duty; avec la garde, (mil.) (punishment for privates) parading with the guard; generale, (Fr. a.) inspection made by an in- information of the minister of war; generate de I'artillerie des armees, (Fr. a.) general artillery staff of a group of armies (similar staffs exist for the engineer and the administrative services); generale permanente de cavalerie, (Fr. cav.) the permanent inspection personnel of the French cavalry; generale des prevotes des armees, (Fr. a.) the provost service at the headquarters of a group of armies; passer d, I' , to undergo inspection; passer une , to make an inspection; permanenle des fabrications de I'artillerie, (Fr. art.) inspection department in charge of all technical and administrative matters relating to the manufacturing establishments of the ar- tillery. inspiration, f., insufflation. instability f., instability. instable, a., unstable; acier , (met.) steel that loses its properties;

fnfirmerie 224 iiiiiavigabJIite<br />

1 ii fi riueric, f., infirmary; hospital for light diseases<br />

or slight wounds;<br />

d'etapes, v. s. v., etape;<br />

de fort, (Fr. a.) sort of hospital established<br />

in each besieged or invested fort;<br />

garc, de gare, (Fr. a.) hospital established<br />

during war in railroad station for the treatment<br />

of sick and wounded in transit, and of<br />

those too sick to continue the journey;<br />

de garnison, (Fr. a.) same as regimentaire,<br />

but organized in garrisons <strong>com</strong>posed of<br />

detachments of different regiments;<br />

de gltes d'etapes, v. s. v. etape;<br />

-hopital, (Fr. a.) a regimental infirmary<br />

receiving the sick for treatment (established<br />

in garrison towns not having a regular military<br />

hospital, and some distance from regular military<br />

or civil hospital);<br />

regimentaire, (Fr. a.) regimental infirmary;<br />

veterinaire, horse infirmary.<br />

of the<br />

Infirmier, m., hospital attendant; private<br />

hospital corps (U.S.A.);<br />

<strong>com</strong>mis aux Ventures, (Fr. a.) (formerly)<br />

hospital clerk (had no medical instruction or<br />

duties);<br />

d' exploitation, (Fr. a.) hospital attendant<br />

who does heavy work (loading ambulances,<br />

litters, etc., setting up tents, care of field material,<br />

etc.);<br />

-major, (Fr. a.) sergeant or corporal in<br />

charge of a division de malades, q. v. (responsible<br />

for ventilation, heating, good order, police,<br />

etc.);<br />

mecanicien, (Fr. a.) hospital attendant in<br />

charge of the engines of the establishment,<br />

hospital engineer; .<br />

militaire, (Fr. a.) hospital attendant belonging<br />

to the service de sante (i. e., not detailed<br />

from the troops);<br />

regimentaire, (Fr. a.) soldier detailed for duty<br />

in the infirmerie regimentaire;<br />

de visite, (Fr. a.) hospital orderly in direct<br />

attendance upon the sick (dresses wounds,<br />

gives medicine, distributes food, etc.).<br />

inflxer, v. a., to fix or set in (rare).<br />

inflammability f., inflammability.<br />

inflammable, a., inflammable.<br />

inflammateur, m., (elec.) firing key; (torp., expl.),<br />

igniter;<br />

d mouvement d'horlogerie, clockwork igniter.<br />

inflammation, f., inflammation (esp. of a powder<br />

charge); spread of the flames over the surface<br />

of grains;<br />

centrale, (sm. a.) center-fire (system);<br />

electriquc, (expl., art., etc.) firing or discharging<br />

by electricity;<br />

par percussion, (sm. a.) percussion fire;<br />

ptripherique, (sm. a.), rim-fire (system);<br />

retard d' , (art.) hang fire;<br />

spontanee, spontaneous inflammation.<br />

InflCchir, v. a., to inflect, t9 bend, to elbow.<br />

inflexible, a., inflexible, rigid.<br />

inflexion, f., inflexion, (art.) whipping, thrashing<br />

(of the chase of a gun); jumping of the gun<br />

when fired; droop.<br />

infliction, f., infliction.<br />

infliger, v. a., to inflict.<br />

influence, f., influence; (expl.) sympathy;<br />

detonation par , (expl.) sympathetic detonation,<br />

detonation by influence.<br />

In-folio, m., folio.<br />

information, f., investigation, inquiry; (in pi.,<br />

mil.) intelligence, news, information in the<br />

informer, v. a. n., to inform, make known, acquaint;<br />

(law) to investigate a case, inquire<br />

into an accusation or charges.<br />

in foi tillable, a., (fort.) not susceptible of fortification.<br />

infracteur, m., infringer.<br />

infraction, f., infraction, breach, violation.<br />

infrastructure, f., (r. r.) roadbed; (more strictly)<br />

masonry work and earthwork; (pont.) structure<br />

under the roadway of a bridge.<br />

infraye, a., not opened (of a road).<br />

infusibilite, f., infusibility.<br />

infusible, a., infusible.<br />

infusotres, m. pi., infusoria.<br />

ingenieur, m., engineer; (mil.) military engineer;<br />

(Fr. nav.) naval constructor (two classes of,<br />

assimilated to captain and <strong>com</strong>mander, respectively,<br />

U. S. N.);<br />

ahiUeur, artillery engineer;<br />

de cam,pagne, field engineer;<br />

en chef, chief engineer;<br />

des chemins defer, railroad engineer;<br />

civil, civil engineer;<br />

consultant, consulting engineer;<br />

-constructeur, (nav.) shipbuilder;<br />

des constructions navales, (nav.) naval constructor;<br />

du corps du genie maritime, (nav.) naval constructor;<br />

de cuirassement, armor engineer;<br />

du genie maritime, (nav.) naval constructor;<br />

geographe, surveyor, topographical engineer;<br />

hydrograpJie, hydrographer; (Fr. nav.) hydrographic<br />

engineer;<br />

hydrograpJie de Ire (2me) classe, (Fr. nav.)<br />

grades assimilated to captain and to <strong>com</strong>mander,<br />

respectively, U. S. N.;<br />

inspecteur, superintending engineer;<br />

de la marine, maritime, naval construc-<br />

tor;<br />

-<br />

mecanicien, mechanical engineer;<br />

militaire, (mil.) military engineer .(a current,<br />

not an official, expression);<br />

des mines, mining engineer;<br />

opticien, maker of optical instruments;<br />

de place, garrison engineer;<br />

des ponts et chaussees, (<strong>French</strong>) government<br />

engineer (for bridges and roads);<br />

des poudres et salpetres, (<strong>French</strong>) engineer<br />

for manufacture of explosives;<br />

de routes, road engineer;<br />

sous assistant , engineer; ( Fr. nav.) assistant<br />

naval constructor (three classes of);<br />

sous hydrograpJie, ( Fr. nav.) assistant hydrcgrapher<br />

(three classes of);<br />

torpilleur, torpedo engineer.<br />

ingredient, m., ingredient;<br />

de proprete, (Fr. a.) cleaning material (soap,<br />

wax, polish, etc.).<br />

ingueable, a., unfordable.<br />

inhumation, L, burial.<br />

inhumer, v. a., to bury.<br />

ininflammabilite, f., uninflammability.<br />

ininflammable, a., uninflammable,<br />

ininfiammation, f., failure to inflame.<br />

initial, a., initial.<br />

point , (mil.) initial point<br />

of a march (in-<br />

accurate term);<br />

Vitesse e, (ball.) muzzle velocity.<br />

initiative, f., (mil.) initiative (bold, offensive<br />

spirit);<br />

esprit d' , spirit of initiative.<br />

injecter, v. a., to inject.<br />

injecteur, m., (steam) injector;<br />

aspirant, suction injector;<br />

automoteur, self-adjusting injector;<br />

Giffard, Giffard injector;<br />

universe!, universal injector.<br />

widest possible sense; (mil. law) preliminary<br />

investigation of a case (interrogatory of the<br />

accused and of witnesses and drafting of a<br />

report setting forth the facts, with all the injection, f., impregnation of wood; (steam) in-<br />

circumstances; corresponds to investigation by jection;<br />

the judge-advocate. U. S. A., only much eau d' , (steam) injection water;<br />

more formal and elaborate); report of an in- levicr, rolnnet, tiroir, tuyau, d' , (steam) injecvestigation;tion<br />

lever, cock, slide, pipe.<br />

service a' s, (mil.) a generic term for all means injonction, f., injunction; formal order, impera-<br />

of transmitting information, orders, intellitive <strong>com</strong>mand.<br />

gence, etc.<br />

innavigabillte, f., state of being unnavigable,<br />

Informe, m., investigation.<br />

(nav.) unseaworthiness.

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