A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com


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imperialc 221 in<strong>com</strong>petence<br />

Imperiale, f., top of a tent, of a carriage; imperial<br />

(tuft on the under lip).<br />

Impermeable, a., waterproof, impervious,<br />

permeable; m.., mackintosh (overcoat);<br />

b, I'air, air-tight;<br />

& I'eau, water-tight;<br />

au gaz, gas-tight;<br />

& to vapeur, steam-tight.<br />

im-<br />

Impermeabilisation,<br />

meabilization.<br />

f., waterproofing, imper-<br />

Incarcerer, v. a., to imprison.<br />

incendialre, a., incendiary;<br />

<strong>com</strong>position , v. s. v. <strong>com</strong>position;<br />

cylindre , v. s. v. cylindre;<br />

fusee , (artif.) incendiary rocket;<br />

obus , (artif.) carcass, incendiary shell;<br />

projectile , (artif.) incendiary projectile.<br />

incendle, m.. conflagration, fire; eruption (of<br />

a volcano); (mil.) burning, devastation by<br />

fire.<br />

impermeabiliser, v. a., to make water-proof.<br />

Imponderabffite, f., imponderability.<br />

imponderable, a., imponderable.<br />

Importable, a., importable.<br />

importateur, m., importer.<br />

importation, f., importation;<br />

droit d' , tariff, impost;<br />

prime d' , bounty on importation.<br />

importer, v. a., to import.<br />

imposer, v. a., to inflict, levy, impose (as taxes,<br />

etc.).<br />

imposition, f., imposition (of a tax, etc.).<br />

imposte, m., transom (of a door or window);<br />

(mas.) impost.<br />

impot, m., impost, tax.<br />

impotent, m., person who, for any physical reason<br />

whatever, can not earn a living.<br />

impraticable, a., impracticable; impassable<br />

(of roads, etc.); (fort.) impracticable (of the<br />

breach).<br />

impregnation, f., impregnation (as of wood).<br />

impregner, v. a., to impregnate (as wood).<br />

imprenable, a., (mil.) impregnable.<br />

impression, f., impression; printing; priming;<br />

en taille douce, copperplate printing.<br />

impressionner, v. a., (phot.) to " print."<br />

imprime, m., public document; blank form;<br />

(in pi.) printed matter.<br />

imprimer, v. a., to print; to impress; to give a first<br />

coat of paint;<br />

un mouvement, to set in motion.<br />

imprimerie, f., printing; art of printing; printing<br />

establishment;<br />

portative, (Fr. a.) portable press ac<strong>com</strong>panying<br />

the headquarters of each army and<br />

of each group of armies.<br />

imprimeur, m., printer.<br />

imprimure, f., priming, priming coat.<br />

impropre, a., unclean, unfit;<br />

au service, unfit for service, useless.<br />

impulsion, f., impulse, impetus, shock; (mil.)<br />

impulse given a firing line by the arrival of<br />

reserves;<br />

donner I' d, to set in motion; to give, impart<br />

an impulse;<br />

force d' , propelling power.<br />

imputation, f., deduction of a sum of money;<br />

sum charged on the debit side of an account;<br />

charge.<br />

imputer, v. a., to place to account; to deduct a<br />

gum of money.<br />

imputrescibilite, f., imputrescibility.<br />

imputrescible, a., imputrcscible.<br />

Inabordable, a., inaccessible, as, (mil.) a position.<br />

inaccessible, a., inaccessible.<br />

inactif, a., inactive, unemployed.<br />

inaction, f., inaction; (man.) keeping a horse still<br />

while flexing the encolure.<br />

inanVmillable, a., (of earth, soil), not liable to<br />

scour, wash.<br />

inaguerri, a., (mil.) unwarlike; not trained or<br />

mured to war.<br />

InaHeaabilite, f., inalienability.<br />

inalienable, a., inalienable.<br />

inaliiable, a., (met.) nonalloying.<br />

inamovilite, f appareil de sauvetage pour<br />

., state of being unremovable.<br />

inamovible, f., not removable.<br />

inattaquable, a., unassailable.<br />

incalcinable, a., incapable of calcination.<br />

mcalcine, a., nnealeined.<br />

incandescence, f., incandescence; white heat.<br />

incandescent, a., white hot, welding hot.<br />

incapacity, f., (law) lack of power to take a legal<br />

step.<br />

incarcerable, a., liable to imprisonment.<br />

incarceration, f., imprisonment.<br />

les s, fire crochet ft<br />

,<br />

escape;<br />

fire hook;<br />

echelle h, -. fire ladder;<br />

extincteur a' , fire extinguisher, fire engine;<br />

pompe h , fire engine;<br />

robinetb fire , plug;<br />

scau a fire bucket.<br />

,<br />

incendier, v. a., to fire, set on fire, burn, burn<br />

down.<br />

incertain, a., uncertain, variable;<br />

jheval , restless, fidgety horse;<br />

'joints s, (mas.) irregular joints between stones<br />

of different sizes.<br />

incessible, a., that may not be ceded, uncedable.<br />

inceste, m., (Hipp.) in-and'in breeding.<br />

inchavirable, a., (of a boat) non-capsizable.<br />

incidence, f., incidence;<br />

angle d' , angle of incidence.<br />

incident, m., incident, accident; a., incident;<br />

s de tir, (art.) incidents that delay or arrest<br />

the fire.<br />

incineration, f., incineration, burning, reduction<br />

to ashes;<br />

des morts, cremation.<br />

incinerer, v. a., to incinerate, reduce to ashes,<br />

cremate.<br />

incisif, a., incisive;<br />

dent ve, incisor.<br />

incisive, f., incisor, incisive tooth;<br />

adulte, adult incisors, of second dentition;<br />

caduque, incisor of first dentition;<br />

de latt, v. caduque;<br />

de remplacement, v. adulte.<br />

inclinaison, f., inclination; obliquity; gradient,<br />

slope; angle; (elec.) dip of the needle; (nav.)<br />

heeling, angle of heel; (mm.) hade, underlay;<br />

aiguille d'<br />

: (elec.) dipping needle;<br />

de I'aiguille aimantee, (elec.) dip of the<br />

needle;<br />


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