A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

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hydartlirosc 220 imperial hydarthrose, f., (hipp.) scientific name of windgall. hydrate, m., (chem.) hydrate; de chaux, calcic hydrate; en pate, liine powder paste; en poudre, lime powder. hydrate, (chem.) hydrated. hydraulique, a., hydraulic; f., hydraulics; hydraulic gear; belier , hydraulic ram; chaux , hydraulic lime; cimcnt , water cement; machine , ram, hydraulic engine; . outrage waterworks; presse , hydraulic, hydrostatic press; puissance water , power; roue water wheel. , hydrocarbon^, a., hydrocarbonic. hydrocellulosc, f., (expL) hydrocellulose; hydrocarbure, m., (chem.) hydrocarbon.; hydrodynamlque, a., hydrodynamic. hydro(-)eiectrique, a.", hydro-electric. hydro-extracteur, m., (expl., etc.) centrifugal drying machine, hydro-extractor. hydrofuge, a.* waterproof, water-tight (said of cements, etc.). hydrogfene, m., hydrogen. hydrogens, a., hydrogenized. hydrographe, m., hydrographer. hydrographie, f . , hydrography. hydrographique, a., ttydrographic. hydromecanique, a., hydraulic. ichnographe, m., machine designer. iclmographie, f., ichnography. ichnographique, a., ichnographic. iehthyocolle, f., isinglas, fish-glue. iconometre, m., (inst.) instrument for measuring distances on maps, -plans. icosaedre, m., icosahedron. identite, f., identity; carte d' , (Fr. a.) document (including a photograph in plain clothes) to be shown by officers and assimiles when claiming special rates on railraods; (in gen.) identification card, similar in idea to plaque d' , q. v.; plaque d' , (mil.) identification plate worn in war, issued on mobilization. idiostatique, a., (elec.) idiostatic. idoine, a., suitable (obs. word still used in administration); expert, expert. if, m., yew tree, yew; triangular framework, to support lamps (lampions) m illuminations. igne, a., igneous. ignition, f., ignition; en , ignited; entrer en , to ignite; mettre en , to ignite, set on fire; spontanee, spontaneous ignition. !le, f., island. illettre, a., illiterate; unable to read or write. Hot, m., islet; (top.) block, clump, or mass (of houses, etc.). image, f., image, picture, illustration; photograph (positive image); directe, (opt.) direct image; electrique, (elec.) electric image; floue, (phot.) "oyster;" negative, (phot.) negative; positive, (phot. ) positive; reclle, (opt.) real image; reflechie, (opt.) reflected image; renversce, (opt.) inverted image; virtuelle, (opt.) virtual image. imbiber, v. a. r., to soak, imbibe; to soak into imbibition, f., soaVing, imbibition. imboire, v. a., to imbue. imbrication, f., imbrication. imbricee, a. (feminine only), imbricated, imbricate; tuile , hollow tilo. I. hydrometre, m., (inst.) hydrometer. hydrometricite, f., v. hygrometricite . hydrometrie, f., hydrometry. hydrometrique, a., hydrometrie. hydropneumatique, a., hydropneumatic. hydropneumatisme, m., hydropneumatism. hydrostatique, a., hydrostatic, f., hydrostatics. hydro-ventllateur, m., hydroventilator. hygiene, f., hygiene. hygrometre, m., (inst.) hygrometer; a absorption (condensation), absorbing (eondensing, or chemical) hygrometer. 1 hygrometricite, f., hygrometricity. hygrometrle, f., hygrometry. hygrometriqizo, a., hygrometric. hygroscope, m., (inst.) hygroscope. hyporyctique, a., (mil. min.) having to do with the operations of underground war. hypotenuse, f., hypotenuse. hypotheque, f., mortgage. hypothequer, v. a., to mortgage. hypothese, f., hypothesis; tactique, (mil.) tactical situation (in maneuvers, exercises). hypsometre, m., (inst.) hypsometer. hypsometric, f., hypsometry; determination of heights. hypsometrique, a., hypsometric. hysteresis, m., (elec.) magnetic lag, hysteresis. tmbrifuge, a., rain-proof. immalleable, a., (met.) immalleable. immanoeuvrable, a., (nav.) unmanageable. immatrieulation, f., (mil.) taking up on (rolls of men, horses), mustering in (U. S. A.); (Fr. a.) inscription of a name on the registre matricule (q. v.); au corps, ( Fr. a.) taking up of a name on the regimental rolls (registre matricule); au rccrutement, (Fr. a.) in each regional subdivision, taking up of a name on the recruiting rolls (registre matricule). immatricule, f., enrollment, registry. immatricuie, m., (Fr. a.) soldier or employee of war department inscribed on rolls of the army. immatriculer, v. a., to enroll, register; (mil.) to put on the muster rolls "f the army. immerger, v. a., to immerse. immersion, f., immersion. immeuble, a., real (of property); m., landed property, real estate. immobilier, a., of lands, landed. immobilisation, f., (law) act of giving a real character to property; (mil.) tying down of a force to a particular position, immobilization. immobiliser, v. a., to fix in position; (law) to give property a real character; (mach.) to stop; (mil.) to immobilize, to fasten or tie down to a given position. immobility f., immobility; (mil.) state of being still in ranks (as at command, fixe!)-f (hipp.) immobility, inability of the horse to execute (voluntary movements); balkiness. impact, m., impact; centre d' , (ball.) center of impact; point d' , (ball.) point of impact. impair, a., odd, uneven. impasse, f., blind alley or lane; se trouver dans une to be in a , great difficulty. impedimenta, Impediments, m. pi., (mil.) baggage (especial baggage not directly needed for the combat). impenetrable, a., impenetrable, impervious. impeiietrabilite, f . , impenetrability. imperatrice, f., empress. imperial, a., imperial.

imperialc 221 incompetence Imperiale, f., top of a tent, of a carriage; imperial (tuft on the under lip). Impermeable, a., waterproof, impervious, permeable; m.., mackintosh (overcoat); b, I'air, air-tight; & I'eau, water-tight; au gaz, gas-tight; & to vapeur, steam-tight. im- Impermeabilisation, meabilization. f., waterproofing, imper- Incarcerer, v. a., to imprison. incendialre, a., incendiary; composition , v. s. v. composition; cylindre , v. s. v. cylindre; fusee , (artif.) incendiary rocket; obus , (artif.) carcass, incendiary shell; projectile , (artif.) incendiary projectile. incendle, m.. conflagration, fire; eruption (of a volcano); (mil.) burning, devastation by fire. impermeabiliser, v. a., to make water-proof. Imponderabffite, f., imponderability. imponderable, a., imponderable. Importable, a., importable. importateur, m., importer. importation, f., importation; droit d' , tariff, impost; prime d' , bounty on importation. importer, v. a., to import. imposer, v. a., to inflict, levy, impose (as taxes, etc.). imposition, f., imposition (of a tax, etc.). imposte, m., transom (of a door or window); (mas.) impost. impot, m., impost, tax. impotent, m., person who, for any physical reason whatever, can not earn a living. impraticable, a., impracticable; impassable (of roads, etc.); (fort.) impracticable (of the breach). impregnation, f., impregnation (as of wood). impregner, v. a., to impregnate (as wood). imprenable, a., (mil.) impregnable. impression, f., impression; printing; priming; en taille douce, copperplate printing. impressionner, v. a., (phot.) to " print." imprime, m., public document; blank form; (in pi.) printed matter. imprimer, v. a., to print; to impress; to give a first coat of paint; un mouvement, to set in motion. imprimerie, f., printing; art of printing; printing establishment; portative, (Fr. a.) portable press accompanying the headquarters of each army and of each group of armies. imprimeur, m., printer. imprimure, f., priming, priming coat. impropre, a., unclean, unfit; au service, unfit for service, useless. impulsion, f., impulse, impetus, shock; (mil.) impulse given a firing line by the arrival of reserves; donner I' d, to set in motion; to give, impart an impulse; force d' , propelling power. imputation, f., deduction of a sum of money; sum charged on the debit side of an account; charge. imputer, v. a., to place to account; to deduct a gum of money. imputrescibilite, f., imputrescibility. imputrescible, a., imputrcscible. Inabordable, a., inaccessible, as, (mil.) a position. inaccessible, a., inaccessible. inactif, a., inactive, unemployed. inaction, f., inaction; (man.) keeping a horse still while flexing the encolure. inanVmillable, a., (of earth, soil), not liable to scour, wash. inaguerri, a., (mil.) unwarlike; not trained or mured to war. InaHeaabilite, f., inalienability. inalienable, a., inalienable. inaliiable, a., (met.) nonalloying. inamovilite, f appareil de sauvetage pour ., state of being unremovable. inamovible, f., not removable. inattaquable, a., unassailable. incalcinable, a., incapable of calcination. mcalcine, a., nnealeined. incandescence, f., incandescence; white heat. incandescent, a., white hot, welding hot. incapacity, f., (law) lack of power to take a legal step. incarcerable, a., liable to imprisonment. incarceration, f., imprisonment. les s, fire crochet ft , escape; fire hook; echelle h, -. fire ladder; extincteur a' , fire extinguisher, fire engine; pompe h , fire engine; robinetb fire , plug; scau a fire bucket. , incendier, v. a., to fire, set on fire, burn, burn down. incertain, a., uncertain, variable; jheval , restless, fidgety horse; 'joints s, (mas.) irregular joints between stones of different sizes. incessible, a., that may not be ceded, uncedable. inceste, m., (Hipp.) in-and'in breeding. inchavirable, a., (of a boat) non-capsizable. incidence, f., incidence; angle d' , angle of incidence. incident, m., incident, accident; a., incident; s de tir, (art.) incidents that delay or arrest the fire. incineration, f., incineration, burning, reduction to ashes; des morts, cremation. incinerer, v. a., to incinerate, reduce to ashes, cremate. incisif, a., incisive; dent ve, incisor. incisive, f., incisor, incisive tooth; adulte, adult incisors, of second dentition; caduque, incisor of first dentition; de latt, v. caduque; de remplacement, v. adulte. inclinaison, f., inclination; obliquity; gradient, slope; angle; (elec.) dip of the needle; (nav.) heeling, angle of heel; (mm.) hade, underlay; aiguille d' : (elec.) dipping needle; de I'aiguille aimantee, (elec.) dip of the needle; boussole

hydartlirosc 220 imperial<br />

hydarthrose, f., (hipp.) scientific name of windgall.<br />

hydrate, m., (chem.) hydrate;<br />

de chaux, calcic hydrate;<br />

en pate, liine powder paste;<br />

en poudre, lime powder.<br />

hydrate, (chem.) hydrated.<br />

hydraulique, a., hydraulic; f., hydraulics; hydraulic<br />

gear;<br />

belier , hydraulic ram;<br />

chaux , hydraulic lime;<br />

cimcnt , water cement;<br />

machine , ram, hydraulic engine;<br />

. outrage waterworks;<br />

presse , hydraulic, hydrostatic press;<br />

puissance water , power;<br />

roue water wheel.<br />

,<br />

hydrocarbon^, a., hydrocarbonic.<br />

hydrocellulosc, f., (expL) hydrocellulose;<br />

hydrocarbure, m., (chem.) hydrocarbon.;<br />

hydrodynamlque, a., hydrodynamic.<br />

hydro(-)eiectrique, a.", hydro-electric.<br />

hydro-extracteur, m., (expl., etc.) centrifugal drying<br />

machine, hydro-extractor.<br />

hydrofuge, a.* waterproof, water-tight (said of cements,<br />

etc.).<br />

hydrogfene, m., hydrogen.<br />

hydrogens, a., hydrogenized.<br />

hydrographe, m., hydrographer.<br />

hydrographie, f . , hydrography.<br />

hydrographique, a., ttydrographic.<br />

hydromecanique, a., hydraulic.<br />

ichnographe, m., machine designer.<br />

iclmographie, f., ichnography.<br />

ichnographique, a., ichnographic.<br />

iehthyocolle, f., isinglas, fish-glue.<br />

iconometre, m., (inst.) instrument for measuring<br />

distances on maps, -plans.<br />

icosaedre, m., icosahedron.<br />

identite, f., identity;<br />

carte d' , (Fr. a.) document (including a photograph<br />

in plain clothes) to be shown by officers<br />

and assimiles when claiming special rates on<br />

railraods; (in gen.) identification card, similar<br />

in idea to plaque d' , q. v.;<br />

plaque d' , (mil.) identification plate worn in<br />

war, issued on mobilization.<br />

idiostatique, a., (elec.) idiostatic.<br />

idoine, a., suitable (obs. word still used in administration);<br />

expert, expert.<br />

if, m., yew tree, yew; triangular framework, to support<br />

lamps (lampions) m illuminations.<br />

igne, a., igneous.<br />

ignition, f., ignition;<br />

en , ignited;<br />

entrer en , to ignite;<br />

mettre en , to ignite, set on fire;<br />

spontanee, spontaneous ignition.<br />

!le, f., island.<br />

illettre, a., illiterate; unable to read or write.<br />

Hot, m., islet; (top.) block, clump, or mass (of<br />

houses, etc.).<br />

image, f., image, picture, illustration; photograph<br />

(positive image);<br />

directe, (opt.) direct image;<br />

electrique, (elec.) electric image;<br />

floue, (phot.) "oyster;"<br />

negative, (phot.) negative;<br />

positive, (phot. ) positive;<br />

reclle, (opt.) real image;<br />

reflechie, (opt.) reflected image;<br />

renversce, (opt.) inverted image;<br />

virtuelle, (opt.) virtual image.<br />

imbiber, v. a. r., to soak, imbibe; to soak into<br />

imbibition, f., soaVing, imbibition.<br />

imboire, v. a., to imbue.<br />

imbrication, f., imbrication.<br />

imbricee, a. (feminine only), imbricated, imbricate;<br />

tuile , hollow tilo.<br />

I.<br />

hydrometre, m., (inst.) hydrometer.<br />

hydrometricite, f., v. hygrometricite .<br />

hydrometrie, f., hydrometry.<br />

hydrometrique, a., hydrometrie.<br />

hydropneumatique, a., hydropneumatic.<br />

hydropneumatisme, m., hydropneumatism.<br />

hydrostatique, a., hydrostatic, f., hydrostatics.<br />

hydro-ventllateur, m., hydroventilator.<br />

hygiene, f., hygiene.<br />

hygrometre, m., (inst.) hygrometer;<br />

a absorption (condensation), absorbing (eondensing,<br />

or chemical) hygrometer.<br />

1<br />

hygrometricite,<br />

f., hygrometricity.<br />

hygrometrle, f., hygrometry.<br />

hygrometriqizo, a., hygrometric.<br />

hygroscope, m., (inst.) hygroscope.<br />

hyporyctique, a., (mil. min.) having to do with<br />

the operations of underground war.<br />

hypotenuse, f., hypotenuse.<br />

hypotheque, f., mortgage.<br />

hypothequer, v. a., to mortgage.<br />

hypothese, f., hypothesis;<br />

tactique, (mil.) tactical situation (in maneuvers,<br />

exercises).<br />

hypsometre, m., (inst.) hypsometer.<br />

hypsometric, f., hypsometry; determination of<br />

heights.<br />

hypsometrique, a., hypsometric.<br />

hysteresis, m., (elec.) magnetic lag, hysteresis.<br />

tmbrifuge, a., rain-proof.<br />

immalleable, a., (met.) immalleable.<br />

immanoeuvrable, a., (nav.) unmanageable.<br />

immatrieulation, f., (mil.) taking up on (rolls of<br />

men, horses), mustering in (U. S. A.); (Fr. a.)<br />

inscription of a name on the registre matricule<br />

(q. v.);<br />

au corps, ( Fr. a.) taking up of a name on the<br />

regimental rolls (registre matricule);<br />

au rccrutement, (Fr. a.) in each regional subdivision,<br />

taking up of a name on the recruiting<br />

rolls (registre matricule).<br />

immatricule, f., enrollment, registry.<br />

immatricuie, m., (Fr. a.) soldier or employee of<br />

war department inscribed on rolls of the army.<br />

immatriculer, v. a., to enroll, register; (mil.) to<br />

put on the muster rolls "f the army.<br />

immerger, v. a., to immerse.<br />

immersion, f., immersion.<br />

immeuble, a., real (of property); m., landed property,<br />

real estate.<br />

immobilier, a., of lands, landed.<br />

immobilisation, f., (law) act of giving a real character<br />

to property; (mil.) tying down of a force<br />

to a particular position, immobilization.<br />

immobiliser, v. a., to fix in position; (law) to give<br />

property a real character; (mach.) to stop;<br />

(mil.) to immobilize, to fasten or tie down to a<br />

given position.<br />

immobility f., immobility; (mil.) state of being<br />

still in ranks (as at <strong>com</strong>mand, fixe!)-f (hipp.)<br />

immobility, inability of the horse to execute<br />

(voluntary movements); balkiness.<br />

impact, m., impact;<br />

centre d' , (ball.) center of impact;<br />

point d' , (ball.) point of impact.<br />

impair, a., odd, uneven.<br />

impasse, f., blind alley or lane;<br />

se trouver dans une to be in a , great difficulty.<br />

impedimenta, Impediments, m. pi., (mil.) baggage<br />

(especial baggage not directly needed for<br />

the <strong>com</strong>bat).<br />

impenetrable, a., impenetrable, impervious.<br />

impeiietrabilite, f . , impenetrability.<br />

imperatrice, f., empress.<br />

imperial, a., imperial.

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