A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

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homogene 218 houille azicr- , (met.) ingot steel; homogene, a., homogeneous; fcr- , (met.) ingot iron. homologation, f., tion. (law) confirmation, legaliza- homolographe, m. . , (inst ) an instrument enabling one to prick mechanically, by mere sighting, the horizontal position of a leveling rod and to read the altitude of the point directly (Peauccllier and Wagner); homolograph. liomologuer, v. a., (law) to confirm, legalize. hoagre, a., (hipp.) gelded; clieval- , gelding; cuir- , Hungary leather. hoagroyer, v. a., to taw leather. hongrer, v. a., (hipp.) to castrate, cut, geld. hongroyfe, a., Hungarian, Hungary; towns, or else in open towns, to receive the wounded. horaire, a. , hourly; m. railroad , time-table; halte- , (mil.) hourly halt, horary halt; livre- , (r. r.) time-table. horizon, m., horizon; - apparent, v. - visible; - artificiel, artificial horizon; - aslronomique true , liorizon; eneleve, above the horizon; - & mercure, mercurial horizon; physique, v.rationnel, v. -visible; ratonne, v. - vrai; reduction^ V- reduction to the , horizon; reduirea V- to reduce to the , horizon; - sensible, \.visible; - visible, visuel, apparent, visible, - horizon; vrai, true horizon. horizontal, a., horizontal. horizontale, L~(top.) contour line, contour. horloge, f., clock; & eau , d'eau , clepsydra ; du loch, log glass; d longitudes, v. marine; marine, chronometer; monler une , to wind up a clock; regler une , to regulate a clock; remonler une , v. monter une ; de sable, hourglass; solaire, sundial. horloger, m., clockmaker. horlogerie, f., clock-, watch-, making; clock work. hors, m., prep., adv., outside of; honneur, m., honor; (in pi.), honors, military honors; atfaire d'-, duel; arme d'-, v. s. v. arme; champ d'-, (mil.) battlefield; croix d'- cross of the , Legion of Honor; dettcs d'-, gambling debts; faire- &, to honor (as a draft); (nat.) to aroid (as a rock, a shoal); -sfunebres, funeral honors; fusil d'-, v. s. v. fusil; -s de la guerre, honors of war; legion d'- , Legion of Honor; -s militaires, military honors; mourir au lit d'>- , (mil.) to be killed in battle; orAre d'- , Legion of Honor; point d'- , point of honor, pundonor; rendre Us -s, to give military honors, to pay honors; sabre d'-, v. s. v. sabre, hoiioraire, a., honorary; m. pi., honorarium. hdpital, m., hospital; - ambulant, a "first aid" hospital on the field of battle; - annexe, (Fr. a.) a hospital administratively attached to a regular military hospital (established in garrisons lacking full hospital facilities); - auxiliaire, (Fr. a.) Red Cross hospital (in war); - auxiliaire de campagne, (Fr. a.) Red Cross field hospital; - de campagne, field hospital; - central, (Fr. a.) the hospital to which an - annexe is attacned; -civil - militarise, civil mixte, v. - militarise; - & destination speciale, (Fr. a.) a hospital for infectious and contagious diseases; - d'eaux minerales, a hospital established at healing springs; - d'ctapes, the hospital of a gUe d'etapes; - d'evacuation,, hospital at the rear, receiving sick and wounded from the front and forwarding them to interior of the country, "overflow" hospital; fievre d'- , typhus fever; - militaire, post hospital; - militarise,-mixte, (Fr. a.) a civil hospital in which wards are specially assigned to the use of soldiers under the care of military surgeons; pourriture d' de batterie, (art.) from battery; cadre, (mil.) (of officers on the active list and employed) not on the rolls of a recnilar organization; in addition to or in excess of the statutory number; seconded (Brit.) (n. e., IT. S. A.); de combat, disabled; de cour, (law) out of court; d'eau, not level; d'ecole, (man.) long out of riding school (said of the horse); etre du montoir, (hipp.) , hospital gangrene; - temporaire, a hospital established in besieged to be lame in front; feu, (met.) out of blast, not working; la garde, v. s. v. garde; d'haleine, out of breath, out of wind; la main, (man.) hard-mouthed; metfre , (met.) to put out of blast; mettre d'eau, (art.) to depress a gun and close the vent and muzzle so that water will not lodge in it (an expression nearly obsolete); le du nonloir, (man.) off side; d'ceuvrc, ceumr, v. s. v. ceuvre; de la portee (du canon, etc.), out of range of (a gun, etc.); rang, v. s. w. peloton, section; service, (mil.) unserviceable; tour, (Fr. a.) out of turn (said of promotions bjr selection not counted among those determined by the law). hors-d'oeuvre, m., v. s. v. ceuvre. hors-montoir, m., (man.) off side. hors-oeuvre, adv., v. s. v. ceuvre. hospice, m., hospital; civil militarise, civil mixte, v. hopital militarise. hospitalisation, f., admission to and sojourn in a hospital. hospitalise, a., admitted to a hospital; homme man who has been m , hospital. hospitaliser, v. a., to receive in a hospital, hostile, a., hostile. hostility, f., (mil.) hostility, enmity; commenccr, ouvrir, les s, to open hostilities; conduire, poursuivre, les s, to carry on hostilities; suspendre les s, to suspend hostilities. hotchkiss, m., (art.) Hotchkiss gun (esp. the Hotchkiss revolving cannon). hdte, m., post; (mil.) (in France) a person who is compelled to furnish quarters to a soldier. hotel, m., hotel; (mil.) official residence (as of a general commanding a corps d'armee, of the heads of the various military schools, etc.); Dieu, hospital; dcs Invalides, pensioners' hospital, esp. the "Invalides," at Paris; Soldiers' Home, U. S. A.; du ministere de la guerre, seat of the war ministry in Paris; du quarlier general, v. under main word, (mil.)', de ville, town hall. hotte, f., scuttle; hod; basket for carrying earth, etc.; (chem., met.) hood, funnel hood. hone, f.,hoe. houer, v. a. , to hoe. houille, f . , coal; pit or sea coal; soft coal, bituminous coal; hard coal; aqglomeree, artificial fuel, pressed fuel; bitumineuse, soft, bituminous coal:

houille brunc, lignite; charbon de , coke; d, coke hoursou fle, v. grasse; collante, v. , grasse; demi-grasse, coal not quite so pasty as grasse; dtpdt de , coal deposit; store of coal; eclatante, anthracite coal; entrepot de store of , coal; de forge, forge coal; grasse, a term descriptive of any coal that becomes pasty; fat coal; smithy coal; grasse it courte flamme, close-, short-burning, short-flaming, coal; grasse d longue flamme, cannel coal; longflaming, long-burning, free-burning, smith coal (easily inflammable); grasse marechale, bast forge coal; luisante, anthracite coal; maigre, coal containing but little hydrogen; close-burning coal; marichale, v. de forge; non collante, v. maigre; proprement dite, bituminous coal; sans flamme, close-burning coal; seche, v. maigre; s(?che to, longue flamme, long-flaming, burning, free-burning, glance coal; tendre, soft coal; long- terreuse, v. brunc; tout-venante, rough coal, coal as it comes from the mine, mine run. houiller, a., containing coal, coaly. houiliere, f., coal mine, colliery. houillite, f., anthracite coal. iMHilan, m., (cat?. J uhlan. houle, f., swell (of the sea); battue, cross sea; defond, ground swell; longue, roller. lioulctte, f., trowel; spatula; (fond.) casting ladle. houleux, a., (of the sea) rough, rolling, heaving, swelling. houpie, f.,tuft; du menton, (hipp.) rounded protuberance on the lower lip. hourdage, m., (mas.) rubblework, rough casting; (cons.) pugging. hourder, v. a., (mas.) to roughcast; (cons.) to pug. hourdJs,.m. r (mas.) rubblework; (cons.) pugging; hollow brick. hourra, m., hurrah, cheer, sudden attack with cheers. housard, m., (cav.) hussar (rare). housarder, v. a., (cav.) to make a housardaille, q. v. liousardaiiie, f., (cav.) sudden and rapid attack or raid of a small party of cavalry (obs.). houssage, m., sweepings; nitre de , niter obtained by sweeping walls. housse, f., (harn.) horse cloth, saddlecloth, housing, housing cloth, shabraque; en bottes, croup housing; de chevat, saddlecloth, horse cloth; du collier, collar pad; de pied, en soulicrs, a housing coming below the leg of the rider (obs.); trainante, funeral housing. housser, v. a., to sweep, dust. nous sine, f., switch. houssiner, v. a., to switch, beat. houssoir, m., hair broom; whisk of feathers. houx, m., holly, holly tree. noyau, m., grubbing ax; pic , grubbing pick. huche, f., hutch, bin, trough, mill hopper; tub. hue! (in the United States) gee! (m England) haw! hufie, f., shouting, whoop, whooping. huer, v. a., to hoot. huilage, m., oiling. huHe, f ., oil; d-amande, almond oil; animalc, animal oil; antoxyde, rust-preventing oil, 219 hyckori huile dc balcinc, whale oil; 60? te & , oil cup; 'de bras, (jam.)' & bruler, Illuminating oil; buretted , oil can; - de cetaces, v. de baleine; de chanvre, de chenevis, hemp-seed oil; de coco, cocoanut oil; de colza, colza oil, rape oil; de colon, cotton-seed cil; cuite, boiled linseed oil; douce, sweet oil; eclairage d, I' , illumination by oil, oil lighting; eclair er & I' , to light by oil; essentielle, essential oil; explosive, (exfjl.) Nobel's name for nitroglyferin, detonating oil; defalne, beech-nut oil; fixe, fatty, fixed, oil; godet & , oil cup; de goudron, coal-tar oil; grasse, fatty, fixed, oil; any drying oil boiled with litharge, oxide of zinc, etc.; de lampe, lamp oil; de lin, linseed oil; de lin crue, raw Unseed oil; de lin cuite. boiled linseed oil; lourde, paraffin oil; heavy, thick oil; lourde de houille, oil from coal tar, used as disinfectant; mineralc, mineral oil; de naphte, petroleum; de navctte, rape-seed oil; - non-siccative, nondrying oil; d'ocuillette, poppy-seed oil; d'olive, oh've oil; de palme, palm oil; de pctrole, petroleum, eoal oil; de pierre, petroleum, rock oil; de pied deoceuf, neat's-foot oil; de poisson, fish oil; & quinquet, v. & bruler; de resine, rosin oil; de ricin, castor oil; siccative, drying oil; de terebenthine, (oil of) turpentine; de terre, v. de pierre; vegctale, vegetable oil; de vitriol, oil of vitriol, sulphuric acid; volatile, volatile oil. huiler, v. a., to oil, lubricate. huilerie, f., oil refinery. huilier, m., oil bottle, oiler, oil can. huis, m., door (obs.); d clos, behind closed doors. huisseric, f., door frame, doorcase. Imissier, m., usher; d'armes, sergeant-at-arms; appariteur, (Fr. a.) n. c. o. (sergeant) attached to a court-martial, and used to serve papers, look after the rooms, etc. huit-de-cblffres, m., (man.) figure of ei^ht, an air in which the horse traces a figure of eight. huit-pans, m., octagonal nut. liulan, m., (cat;.) uhlan, lancer. humectation, f., moistening, dampening; (powd.) dampening, liquoring. humecter, v. a., to moisten, dampen; (powd.) to liquor. humide, a., wet, damp; temps , wet weather. hune, f., (nav.) top (of a mast, of a military mast). liurassc, m., (mach.) hurst. hussard, m., (cap.) hussar; s de la mort. Black Hussars (German army); & 4 roues, (mil. slang) soldier of the train or army service corps. liussarde, f., & la , by means of rapine, etc.; botte h la , light cavalry boot; selleb, la , (harn.) light cavalry saddle. hutte,f., shed, hut; de bois, log hut. butter, v. a., to make an encampment of huts; to make huts, live in huts, et^. (rare). nyckori, m., hickory wood and tree.

homogene 218 houille<br />

azicr- , (met.) ingot steel;<br />

homogene, a., homogeneous;<br />

fcr-<br />

, (met.) ingot iron.<br />

homologation, f.,<br />

tion.<br />

(law) confirmation, legaliza-<br />

homolographe, m. .<br />

, (inst ) an instrument enabling<br />

one to prick mechanically, by mere sighting,<br />

the horizontal position of a leveling rod and to<br />

read the altitude of the point directly (Peauccllier<br />

and Wagner); homolograph.<br />

liomologuer, v. a., (law) to confirm, legalize.<br />

hoagre, a., (hipp.) gelded;<br />

clieval-<br />

, gelding;<br />

cuir- , Hungary leather.<br />

hoagroyer, v. a., to taw leather.<br />

hongrer, v. a., (hipp.) to castrate, cut, geld.<br />

hongroyfe, a., Hungarian, Hungary;<br />

towns, or else in open towns, to receive the<br />

wounded.<br />

horaire, a. , hourly; m. railroad , time-table;<br />

halte-<br />

, (mil.) hourly halt, horary halt;<br />

livre-<br />

, (r. r.) time-table.<br />

horizon, m., horizon; - apparent, v. - visible; - artificiel, artificial horizon; - aslronomique true , liorizon;<br />

eneleve,<br />

above the horizon; - & mercure, mercurial horizon;<br />

physique, v.rationnel,<br />

v. -visible;<br />

ratonne, v. - vrai;<br />

reduction^ V- reduction to the , horizon;<br />

reduirea V- to reduce to the , horizon;<br />

- sensible, \.visible;<br />

- visible, visuel, apparent, visible, - horizon;<br />

vrai, true horizon.<br />

horizontal, a., horizontal.<br />

horizontale, L~(top.) contour line, contour.<br />

horloge, f., clock;<br />

& eau , d'eau , clepsydra ;<br />

du loch, log glass;<br />

d longitudes, v. marine;<br />

marine, chronometer;<br />

monler une , to wind up a clock;<br />

regler une , to regulate a clock;<br />

remonler une , v. monter une ;<br />

de sable, hourglass;<br />

solaire, sundial.<br />

horloger, m., clockmaker.<br />

horlogerie, f., clock-, watch-, making; clock work.<br />

hors, m., prep., adv., outside of;<br />

honneur, m., honor; (in pi.), honors, military<br />

honors;<br />

atfaire d'-, duel;<br />

arme d'-, v. s. v. arme;<br />

champ d'-, (mil.) battlefield;<br />

croix d'- cross of the , Legion of Honor;<br />

dettcs d'-, gambling debts;<br />

faire-<br />

&, to honor (as a draft); (nat.) to aroid<br />

(as a rock, a shoal);<br />

-sfunebres, funeral honors;<br />

fusil d'-, v. s. v. fusil;<br />

-s de la guerre, honors of war;<br />

legion d'-<br />

, Legion of Honor;<br />

-s militaires, military honors;<br />

mourir au lit d'>-<br />

, (mil.) to be killed in battle;<br />

orAre d'-<br />

, Legion of Honor;<br />

point d'-<br />

, point of honor, pundonor;<br />

rendre Us -s, to give military honors, to pay<br />

honors;<br />

sabre d'-, v. s. v. sabre,<br />

hoiioraire, a., honorary; m. pi., honorarium.<br />

hdpital, m., hospital; - ambulant, a "first aid" hospital on the field<br />

of battle; - annexe, (Fr. a.) a hospital administratively<br />

attached to a regular military hospital (established<br />

in garrisons lacking full hospital facilities);<br />

- auxiliaire, (Fr. a.) Red Cross hospital (in war);<br />

- auxiliaire de campagne, (Fr. a.) Red Cross<br />

field hospital; - de campagne, field hospital; - central, (Fr. a.) the hospital to which an -<br />

annexe is attacned;<br />

-civil - militarise, civil mixte, v. - militarise;<br />

- & destination speciale, (Fr. a.) a hospital for<br />

infectious and contagious diseases;<br />

- d'eaux minerales, a hospital established at<br />

healing springs; - d'ctapes, the hospital of a gUe d'etapes;<br />

- d'evacuation,, hospital at the rear, receiving<br />

sick and wounded from the front and forwarding<br />

them to interior of the country, "overflow"<br />

hospital;<br />

fievre d'-<br />

, typhus fever; - militaire, post hospital; - militarise,-mixte, (Fr. a.) a civil hospital<br />

in which wards are specially assigned to the use<br />

of soldiers under the care of military surgeons;<br />

pourriture d' de batterie, (art.) from battery;<br />

cadre, (mil.) (of officers on the active list and<br />

employed) not on the rolls of a recnilar organization;<br />

in addition to or in excess of the statutory<br />

number; seconded (Brit.) (n. e., IT. S. A.);<br />

de <strong>com</strong>bat, disabled;<br />

de cour, (law) out of court;<br />

d'eau, not level;<br />

d'ecole, (man.) long out of riding school (said<br />

of the horse);<br />

etre du montoir, (hipp.)<br />

, hospital gangrene;<br />

- temporaire, a hospital established in besieged<br />

to be lame in front;<br />

feu, (met.) out of blast, not working;<br />

la garde, v. s. v. garde;<br />

d'haleine, out of breath, out of wind;<br />

la main, (man.) hard-mouthed;<br />

metfre , (met.) to put out of blast;<br />

mettre d'eau, (art.) to depress a gun and close<br />

the vent and muzzle so that water will not<br />

lodge in it (an expression nearly obsolete);<br />

le du nonloir, (man.) off side;<br />

d'ceuvrc, ceumr, v. s. v. ceuvre;<br />

de la portee (du canon, etc.), out of range of<br />

(a gun, etc.);<br />

rang, v. s. w. peloton, section;<br />

service, (mil.) unserviceable;<br />

tour, (Fr. a.) out of turn (said of promotions<br />

bjr selection not counted among those determined<br />

by the law).<br />

hors-d'oeuvre, m., v. s. v. ceuvre.<br />

hors-montoir, m., (man.) off side.<br />

hors-oeuvre, adv., v. s. v. ceuvre.<br />

hospice, m., hospital;<br />

civil militarise, civil mixte, v. hopital militarise.<br />

hospitalisation, f., admission to and sojourn in a<br />

hospital.<br />

hospitalise, a., admitted to a<br />

hospital;<br />

homme man who has been m , hospital.<br />

hospitaliser, v. a., to receive in a hospital,<br />

hostile, a., hostile.<br />

hostility, f., (mil.) hostility, enmity;<br />

<strong>com</strong>menccr, ouvrir, les s, to open hostilities;<br />

conduire, poursuivre, les s, to carry on hostilities;<br />

suspendre les s, to suspend hostilities.<br />

hotchkiss, m., (art.) Hotchkiss gun (esp. the<br />

Hotchkiss revolving cannon).<br />

hdte, m., post; (mil.) (in France) a person who is<br />

<strong>com</strong>pelled to furnish quarters to a soldier.<br />

hotel, m., hotel; (mil.) official residence (as of a<br />

general <strong>com</strong>manding a corps d'armee, of the<br />

heads of the various military schools, etc.);<br />

Dieu, hospital;<br />

dcs Invalides, pensioners' hospital, esp. the<br />

"Invalides," at Paris; Soldiers' Home, U. S. A.;<br />

du ministere de la guerre, seat of the war ministry<br />

in Paris;<br />

du quarlier general, v. under main word,<br />

(mil.)',<br />

de ville, town hall.<br />

hotte, f., scuttle; hod; basket for carrying earth,<br />

etc.; (chem., met.) hood, funnel hood.<br />

hone, f.,hoe.<br />

houer, v. a. , to hoe.<br />

houille, f . , coal; pit or sea coal; soft coal, bituminous<br />

coal; hard coal;<br />

aqglomeree, artificial fuel, pressed fuel;<br />

bitumineuse, soft, bituminous coal:

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