A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

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hansiere 214 hausse hansiere, f., (cord.) hawser, haute, f., whip handle. happe, f., hasp; cramp iron; bed, axletree bed; semicircular wrapping plate or clout; h anneau, linch hoop and plate, clout plate and loop at end of axletree arm; & anneau ettt piton, wrapping plate and ring (ring attached by means of a piton); b, crochet, wrapping plate or clout terminating in a hook; & vtrole et & crochet ferme, iron plate beneath the fore end of a limber-pole. a weak but fine-looking horse. happelourde, m., (hipp.) happer, v. a., n., to seize suddenly; d la langue, to stick to the tongue (as clayey stones, etc.). haquenee, f., (hipp.) hack, hackney, nag (gentle horse); alter ia } (man.) to amble. haquet, m., drag or cart without side rails; (pont.) ponton wagon; mcnt. haras se, p. p., wornout, tired, done up; par la route, wayworn. harasser, v. a., to harass, jade, knock up, fatigue. haraux, m., stratagem for carrying off an enemy's horses while picketed or at grass. harcelage, m., v. harcelement. harcelement, m., harassing, galling. harceler, v. a., to harass (the enemy); to gall. hardes, f., pi., clothes, apparel, clothing. hardi, a., bold, intrepid, audacious; branche e, (harn.) bent branch or check of bridle bit. hardiesse, f., boldness, intrepidity, audacity. haricot, m., bean. haridelle, f., thin, poor, and worthless horse. harnachement, m., harness, saddlery in general; horse furniture; (cav.) saddle and bridle and parts; d'officier, officer's horse furniture; de selle , saddle and its outfit ( all parts) ; de trait, draught harness. harnacher, v. a., to harness. harnacheur, m., harnesser; harness 'maker. harnais, m., armor, accouterments; (harn.) horse trappings, harness; (mach.) train and gear (of wheels); (unif.) any kind of military clothing; d'angle, (mach.) bevel gearing; - d'attclage monte, (art.) artillery harness (driving from saddle); d'attelage en guides, (art.) harness of a team driven from seat; de bat, (art.) pack-mule harness; blanchir sous le , to turn old (gray) in the service, to grow ola in the profession of arms; & bricole, v. & poitrail; harnais h bricole renforce, (Fr. art.) harness used for very heavy weights (as a gun truck); de cirConstance, (Fr. a.) the same as-de limoniere, but lighter; d cottier (s), collar harness; ---de derrikre, (art.) wheel harness; de devant, (art.) lead harness; endosser le-, (mil.) to turn soldier, go into the army; d'engrenage, (mach.) set or troin of gearing; back gear; - de limoniere, shaft harness (two-wheeled vehicle); - metallique, (mach.) gearing with all tosth metallic; de milieu, (art.) swing harness; - mute, (mach.) gearing with veeth part wood, part metal; ft poitrail, breast harness; -- de retraite, anchoring binder; - tt traits r enforces, (art.) harness with reenforced traces (for very heavy weights). harpage, m., (mas.) toothing. harpe, f., (cons.) corner iron, cramp iron; (mas.) tooth, toothing stone, toothing; h bateau, (pont.) ponton wagon; h chevalets, (pont.) trestle wagon; & forge, (pont.) forge wagon of a bridge equi-

hausse du demi-tour de manivelle, (art.) elevation corresponding to one-half turn of the elevatingscrew handle; d derive, any sight fitted with a device for making lateral allowance; donner la , (art.) to give the elevation; droite, (art.) straight sight; de droite (gauche), (art.) sight on right (left) side of gun; en echelle, (art.) ladder sight (Hotchkiss 37am mount, etc.); sechelonnees, (art.) combined elevations; d'essai, (art.) trial elevation; d' 'exercise, (art.) sight for drill and instruction (using projectile d'exercice); d' experiences, any* special sight used in ballistic firing; fixe, (sm. a.) fixed sight; fixe d coulisse, (sm. a.) rear sight and slide; glissante, (sm. a.) sliding sight; d, gradins, (sm. a.) step sight, the foot or base having steps on which the slide rests; d gradins et d curseur, v. d curseur et & gradins; grande , (art.) long-range sight; instrument, (art.) rear sight (rare); d initiations continues, any sight giring continuous indications; d i ndications continues et d cran de mire unique, any single-notch sight giving continuous indications ; d indications discontinues, a sight in which the notch can be adjusted in only a few posi- tions; d indications discontinues et d cran de mire unique, sight with a single notch, capable of adjustment at fixed ranges only, at a limited number of ranges; du jour } (art.) the actual elevation used in the field, instead of the tabular elevation, and true for the day only; the elevation found when the range is obtained, corresponding to the determined range; d lamettes, (sm. a.) leaf-, folding-sight; sight v/ith leaves, plates, of various lengths, each with a notch, for a particular range; litcrale, (art.) side sight; d lunette, telescopic sight; mediane, (art.) central (radial) sight; de mire et de tir, tangent scale ; elevation itself; d miroir, (art.) reflecting sight; mobile, (sm. a.) movable sight; d niveau, (art.) spirit-level sight (also hausseniveau)', de n mhres, (sm. a., art.) the elevation corresponding to a distance of njneters; petite , (art.) short-range sight; pied de , (sm. a.) foot, rear-sight bed; plaque de , (German field art.) elevation plate; pratique, (ball.) distance from sight notch to upper element of gun barrel; provisoire, (art.) the elevation corresponding to the inferior limit of the wide fork (fourchette large)', du quart de tour de manivelle, (art.) the elevation corresponding to a quarter turn of the elevating screw; brtilonie. (sm. a.) extension sight; reelle, (bill.) the Male, q. v., corrected for jump; reelle theorique, (ball.) ratio of the reelle to the longueur de mire; tete de la , v. chapeau de la ; theorique, (bill.) ratio of the totale to the longueur de mire; d tige, (art.) rod sight; totale, (ball.) distance of the sight notch from a parallel to the gun axis through the point of the fore sight; totale comparative, (by.ll.) other name olhausse theorique,' d trou(s), (sm. a.) peep sight. hausse-col, m. , (vnif.) gorget (obs.); collar; (harn.) top of the collar. 215 hautc-mare liausser, v. a. n., to raise, elevate, lift, increase, augment; to heave, hoist; to rise (of a river); to rise (of prices); letir, (art.) (lit., "to elevate the fire"); to give the elevation. hausslere, f., v. aussiere. haut, a., high, tall, lofty; upper (of a room, story); upper(ofastream ; ofacountry);erect,elovated; deep (of water); high (of a stream, of the tide, of the seas); high (of prices); loud (of the voice); bright (of colors); distant, remote (of time); chief , principal, important, capital; hoisted, Hying (of a signal, a flag); e administration, the ministers and higher administrative personnel; Us -s A Ipes, the central chain of the Alps (and similarly of other mountain systems) ; batiment de bord, (nav.) ship of the line; de bord, (nav.) of high free-board; la chambre e, the (English) House of Lords; le commerce, the higher branches of the commercial world; e eau, high water; ecole, v. s. v. ecole; la e Egypte, upper Egypt (and similarly of other countries); la e finance, capitalists, bankers; fond, v. s. v.fond; fourneau, v. s. v. fourneau and haut-fourneau; efutaie, v. s. v.futaie; les es latitudes, high latitudes; maree e, high tide; e(s) maree(s), spring tide; time of spring tide; mer e, high tide; high sea; e mer, the high seas; messe e, high mass; e-paye. v. s. v. haute-paye; le Rhin, the upper Rhine (and similarly of other rivers); la e Seine, the Seine above Paris; le temps est , the clouds are flying high; tenir la bride e, (man,) to hold a tight, a short rein on; e trahison, high treason; la ville e, the upper town (as at Quebec). haut, m., height, elevation, top (of a tower, etc.); upper part of anything; (top.) mountain, height; summit, top; upper course of a stream; (nav., in pi.) top sides; (harn.) top cheek (of a bit); de bas en , de en bas, upward, downward; up-and-down motion; s et bas, long strokes (at the pump); de la branche, (harn.) top cheek of a bit; dujour, noon. haut, adv., up, upward; arme, (sm. a.) advance carbine! (command); I'arme, (sm. a.) (position of) advance carbine; les bras, (siege) commence workl (command intrench work); cheval chausse, (hipp.) a horse with a white stocking; cheval monte , monte, (hipp.) a horse with long, thin legs; la main, with ease (of. our familiar expression, "hands down"); mener un cheval la main, (man.) to ride with a high hand; le pied, spare (of horses, teams); (cav.) held (of horses, troopers dismounted to fight on foot); (r. r.) (of a train) containing no passengers; pistolet, (sm. a.) raise pistol! (command); le pistolet, (sm. a.) (position of) raise pistol. haut-bois, m., (mus.) oboe. hautbofste, m., oboe player. haut-bord, m., (nav.) ship of the line; vessel of high free-board; (in pi.) marines. haute-finance, f., v. s. v. haut. haute-futaie, f., v. s. v. futaie. haute-mar5e, f., high tide; spring tWe.

hansiere 214 hausse<br />

hansiere, f., (cord.) hawser,<br />

haute, f., whip handle.<br />

happe, f., hasp; cramp iron; bed, axletree bed;<br />

semicircular wrapping plate or clout;<br />

h anneau, linch hoop and plate, clout plate<br />

and loop at end of axletree arm;<br />

& anneau ettt piton, wrapping plate and ring<br />

(ring attached by means of a piton);<br />

b, crochet, wrapping plate or clout terminating<br />

in a hook;<br />

& vtrole et & crochet ferme, iron plate beneath<br />

the fore end of a limber-pole.<br />

a weak but fine-looking<br />

horse.<br />

happelourde, m., (hipp.)<br />

happer, v. a., n., to seize suddenly;<br />

d la langue, to stick to the tongue (as clayey<br />

stones, etc.).<br />

haquenee, f., (hipp.) hack, hackney, nag (gentle<br />

horse);<br />

alter ia } (man.) to amble.<br />

haquet, m., drag or cart without side rails; (pont.)<br />

ponton wagon;<br />

mcnt.<br />

haras se, p. p., wornout, tired, done up;<br />

par la route, wayworn.<br />

harasser, v. a., to harass, jade, knock up, fatigue.<br />

haraux, m., stratagem for carrying off an enemy's<br />

horses while picketed or at grass.<br />

harcelage, m., v. harcelement.<br />

harcelement, m., harassing, galling.<br />

harceler, v. a., to harass (the enemy); to gall.<br />

hardes, f., pi., clothes, apparel, clothing.<br />

hardi, a., bold, intrepid, audacious;<br />

branche e, (harn.) bent branch or check of<br />

bridle bit.<br />

hardiesse, f., boldness, intrepidity, audacity.<br />

haricot, m., bean.<br />

haridelle, f., thin, poor, and worthless horse.<br />

harnachement, m., harness, saddlery in general;<br />

horse furniture; (cav.) saddle and bridle and<br />

parts;<br />

d'officier, officer's horse furniture;<br />

de selle , saddle and its outfit ( all parts) ;<br />

de trait, draught harness.<br />

harnacher, v. a., to harness.<br />

harnacheur, m., harnesser; harness 'maker.<br />

harnais, m., armor, accouterments; (harn.) horse<br />

trappings, harness; (mach.) train and gear (of<br />

wheels); (unif.) any kind of military clothing;<br />

d'angle, (mach.) bevel gearing;<br />

- d'attclage monte, (art.) artillery harness<br />

(driving from saddle);<br />

d'attelage en guides, (art.) harness of a team<br />

driven from seat;<br />

de bat, (art.) pack-mule harness;<br />

blanchir sous le , to turn old (gray) in the<br />

service, to grow ola in the profession of arms;<br />

& bricole, v. & poitrail;<br />

harnais h bricole renforce, (Fr. art.) harness used<br />

for very heavy weights (as a gun truck);<br />

de cirConstance, (Fr. a.) the same as-de<br />

limoniere, but lighter;<br />

d cottier (s), collar harness;<br />

---de derrikre, (art.) wheel harness;<br />

de devant, (art.) lead harness;<br />

endosser le-, (mil.) to turn soldier, go into the<br />

army;<br />

d'engrenage, (mach.) set or troin of gearing;<br />

back gear; - de limoniere, shaft harness (two-wheeled<br />

vehicle); - metallique, (mach.) gearing with all tosth<br />

metallic;<br />

de milieu, (art.) swing harness;<br />

- mute, (mach.) gearing with veeth part wood,<br />

part metal;<br />

ft poitrail, breast harness;<br />

-- de retraite, anchoring binder; - tt traits r enforces, (art.) harness with reenforced<br />

traces (for very heavy weights).<br />

harpage, m., (mas.) toothing.<br />

harpe, f., (cons.) corner iron, cramp iron; (mas.)<br />

tooth, toothing stone, toothing;<br />

h bateau, (pont.) ponton wagon;<br />

h chevalets, (pont.) trestle wagon;<br />

& forge, (pont.) forge wagon of a bridge equi-<br />

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