A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

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godet 206 gousset godet & graisse, graisseur, (mach.) oil cup, grease cup; ahuilc, oil cup; & suif, tallow cup; de support, (teleg.) insulator. godille, f., (boats) stern oar, scull. godiller, v. n., to scull. godilleur, m., sculler. godillot, m., (Fr. a.) military shoe (so called from name of manufacturer; no longer worn); (mil. slang) recruit. goe'lette, f., schooner, golf e, m., gulf. gomme,f.,gum; adragante, gum tragacanth; arabique, gum arabic; Zlastique, india rubber; explosive, (expl.) gum dynamite, explosive gelatin; quite, gamboge; laque, gum lac. gommelaquer, v. a., to gum lac. gond, m., hinge; hook, pintle; gudgeon collar; it s, hinged; de fiche, hinge hook; hors des s, off the hinges. gondille, f., v. godille. gondiller, v. a., v. godiller. gondolage, m., warping (of wood). gondolement, m., v. gondolage. gondoler, v. n., to warp (as a drawing board). gondolure, f., warping. gonflement, m'., swelling, distension; inflation of a balloon; quantity of gas necessary to fill a balloon; (sm. a.) swell in gun barrel (caused by sand, gravel, etc.). gonfler, v. a., to swell, swell out, distend; to inflate a balloon. goniasmometre, m., (inst.) goniometer. goniographique, a., v. goniometrique. goniometre, m., (inst.) goniometer; de pointage, (art.) aiming goniometer. goniometrique, a., angle measuring. gorge, f., throat, neck, mouth, opening; groove, channel, score, of a bulley; (tech.) recess, channel, furrow, groove, hollow; (top.) gorge, ravine, pass, strait, defile; (artif.) choke; (mach.) neck (of a journal); (sm. c.) groove, gorge, of a cartridge head; (fort.) gorge; splay (of a turret port); brisee, (fort.) broken gorge; de carte, roller of a map; de culasse, (art.) groove on breech (serves to hold couvre-cutosse, and is used in mechanical maneuvers); d'un essieu, (mach.) axle neck, shaft neck; de I'etui, (sm. a.) neck of a cartridge case; evase en , splayed out; de fusee, (artif.) choke of a rocket; de graissage, grease channel; de pigeon, (ham.) sharp, severe bit; de poulie, score, groove, of a block, of a pulley; -. de rupture, (art.) fuse-plug score; sous , (ham.) throat-latch; de vis, furrow of a screw. gorge, p. p., (hipp.) swelled; jambes es, swelled legs. gorger, v. a., to choke, fill up; (hipp.) to swell; une fusee, (artif.) to fill a rocket with composition. gorget, m., molding plane, gosier, m., throat. goudron, m., tar; des gaz} v. de houilk; de houille, coal tar; mineral, ,mineral tar, coal tar; asphalt; puits d tar , pit ot gas works; usine b ?, tar works; vegetal, vegetable tar. goudronnage, m., tarring; gras, (artif.) composition for tarred links (20 parts pitch to 1 tallow); sec, composition for tarred links (equal parts of pitch and of rosin). goudronner, v. a., to tar, to pay. goudroimerie, f., tar works. goudronneur, m., one who pays, lays on, tar. goufi're, m., gulf, whirlpool. gouffrfe, a., ribbed. gouge, f., gouge, spoonbit; d, baguette, half-round bit; d, bee de corbin, bent gouge; b, canon, barrel gouge; double, double gouge (i. e., of -section); b, ebaucher, turning gouge, round tool; triangulaire, parting tool. gouger, v. a., to gouge. goujat, m., armed peasant; mortar boy, mason's apprentice; apprentice in a small-arms factory; (mil.) soldier's servant (works for his bread only); de vaisseau, (nav.) powder monkey. go vi j on. m., pin, peg, dowel, dowel pin, gudgeon, clip; center pin, coak; (art.) plunger pin (of a fuse); d arret, stop pin; de charniere, hinge pin; chevilled , rag bolt; perdu, peg, dowel; de poulie, gudgeon; & vis, screw gudgeon; goujonner, v. a., to dowel, to pin. goujure, f., channel, score, score of a block, notch; groove. goulee, f., An, jet defonte, (fond.) channel from furnace to mold. goulet, m., neck of a bottle; gutter; (top.) narrow part of a stream, where the current is very swift; gut, channel, entrance of a port or harbor; (art.) fuse hole of a shell (rare); de fosse, (fort.) cunette. goulette, goulotte, f., small channel; groove, gullet, water channel. goum, m., an Arabic word denoting the gathering or reunion, under arms, of all the mounted men of a tribe (used by the French as scouts in Algiers and Turns). goumier, m., a member of a goum (q. v.), used as a scout, (hence) Arab scout. goupille, f., pin, peg, forelock; joint pin; key of a bolt, bolt pin; leather peg washer; d'arrct, (art. etc.) stop pin, stay pin; arretoir, (art.) pin stop, stay pin; double, split pin; fendue, split pin, forelock phi; pivot, pivot pin; tiressort, split pin; de surete, (art.) safety pin, fuse safety pin. goupiller, v. a., to pin, peg, dowel. goupillon, m., sprinkler for a forge. goupillonner, v. a., to sprinkle water. gourbi, m., (mil.) any improvised light shelter, shack (as of branches, of wattles); baraque , v. s. v. barest. gourbillage, m., countersinking. gourbiller, v. a., to countersink. gourde, f., cup, drinking cup. gourdin, m., cudgel, club, rope's board. gourdiner, v. a., to cob; to cudgel. end; cobbing gourmander, v. a., to reprimand harshly; un cheval, (man.) to checVk a horse violently with the bit, use him roughly with the Land. gourme, f., (hipp.) strangles; benigne, mild strangles; fausse bastard , strangles, improper expression for relapse of the strangles; jeter sa to run at the , nose; maligne, severe strangles. gourmet, v. a., (man., harn.) to curb. gourmette, f., (harn.) curb chain; curb; mors & , curb bit. gournablage, m., doweling, treenailing. gouraable, m., treenail. gournabler, v. a., to treenail. goussant, goussaut, a., horse. thickset; m., thickset gousset, m., armpit; gusset, gusset stay; bracket, brace; (carp.) angle brace; (harn.) cushion or pad to protect withers; d'assemblage, angle plate.

gotitte 207 grand goutte, f., drop; froide, (met.) blister (in a casting), bead or globule of oxidized metal (in an ingot); sereine, amaurosis; de suif, (elec.) contact point. gout Here, f., spout, guttering, gutter; synonym of gelicure, q. v.; (sm. a.) nollow of a blade, of a bayonet; (fort.) reentrant angle of intersection of two planes or faces, e. g., of the glacis; (med.) cradle (for a broken leg, etc., in bed); de I'cstoc, (sm. a.) groove for forging musket barrels; h fusee, (art.) rocket trough; de glacis, v. under main word, (fort.); des juguiaires, (hipp.) jugular gutter; pare-eclats, (fort.) the gutter of a turret, ser ing also as a protection against splinters; de tourelle, v. pare-eclats. gouvernail, m., (nav.) rodder, helm; (met.) porter bar; (of a bicycle) handle bar; ejjct de , (nav.) steerageway. gouvernant, m., governor, ruler. gouvernateur, m., (mach.) governor, regulator. gouverne, f., guidance; government; p-wr sa , for one's guidance. gouvernement, m., government; government house; command, direction, management; (nav.) steering; (mil.) government, command, of a fortified position; (mil. slang, Polytechnique) sword; militaire, ( Fr. a.) current name of the circumscriptions under the command of the governors of Paris and of Lyons, respecti\ely. gouverner, v. a. n., to govern, rule; manage, direct, regulate; to take care of, husband; (man.) to rein, rein up; (nav.) to steer. gouverneur, m., governor; (nav.) helmsman; (mil.) c. o. of a fortified position; designe, (Fr. a.) officer designated to command a place in case of war (has this title in peace only); general, governor-general; militaire, (Fr. a.) designation of the commanding generals of the gouvernements of Paris and of Lyons, respectively; de place, (mil.) c. o. of a fortified town or place. gouvion, m., large bolt, grace, f., pardon; quarter; coup de , finishing stroke; demarder to cry mercy, ask for quarter; droit de , pardoning power; faire Ac, to forgi\ e, remit, pardon. graeier, v. a., to pardon. grade, m., grade, rank, degree of rank; step; grade (of a circle, unit of angular measure); (mil.) grade; assimilation de , (mil.) assimilated rank; effectif. (mil.) real or actual grade (as opposed to brevet); honoraire, (mil.) honorary grade, grade higher than the one normally held; brevet grade; honor ifiquc, (mil.) complimentary grade (bestowed usually upon a foreign sovereign); 1 .lus eleve en , (mil.) the senior in grade; filter en , (mil.) to be promoted; primaute de , (mil.) seniority in one's grade; --litre, (mil.) brevet commission or grade. Krade, m., (mil.) the holder of a grade (applied usually to noncommissioned grades); d'encadrement, n. c. o. on the flank of a unit (who frames in the unit, as it were); en serre-file, n. c. o. in the line oi file closers. gradient, m., (top.) gradient, slope. Hradin, m., step; (fort.) step; (art.) notch; (sm. a) slide notch (of a rear sight) ; s de franch issement, (fort.) steps to get over the parapet, sortie steps; s de fusillade, (fort.) firing steps of a parapet; ;> de revers, (fort.) steps in the reverse slope of a trench; gradin(s) de sortie, (fort.) sortie steps; , de tranchee, (fort.) steps in a trench. gradine, f., stone cutter's tooth-edged chisel. graduation, f., (inst.) graduation; (art.) time scale (of a fuse); en portees, (art.) range scale; de reperage, (Fr. art.) correction scale of a reglette de correspondance. p., (inst.) graduated; (art., sm. a.) tige e, index rod. gradticr, v. a., to mark with divisions, to gradu- grain, m., grain, seed; (in pi) grain (as wheat, rye, etc.); fiber; squall; shower; (met.) grain (due to fracture); (mach.) bush, bushing, pillow, box, necking; (powd.) grain of powder (art.) direction sight; & s, grained; squally; aiguille, (met.) grain or fracture of crystalline aspect, with radiating needles; d' amorce, (artif.) primer; blanc, white squall; (met.) steel bar (pro- .duced by cementation from poorlv refined iron); de crapaudine, (mach.) bush, brass, or bearing of a socket; de decollage, (art.) gear ring; dfacettes, (met.) large grain or fracture, with facets; fin, (met., powd.) fine grain.; & sfins, (met., powd.) fine grained; gros , (met., powd.) large grain; h gros s, (met., powd.) large grained, coarse grained ; de lumiere, (art.) vent bushing; mettre (poser, visser) un de lumiere, (art.) to bush a gun; noir, black squall; d'or, (artif.) golden rain in fireworks; d'orge, (sm. a., art.) barleycorn fore sight; (carp.) sort of dovetail; reduction en s, granulation; reduire en s, to granulate; 6 s serres, close grained; truite, (met.) mottled fracture, with small radiating needles arranged in large stars. de iient, wind squall. grain age, m., v. grenage. grainailles, f. pi., defer, (mil.) small* shot of iron. grain e, f., seed; & d'epinards, with large bullion (of epaulets); de giberne, synonym of enfant de troupe; de Turquie, Indian corn. grainer, v. a., v. grener, grainoir, m., v. grenoir. grain tire, f., (met.) character of fracture. graissage, m., greasing, grease; lubrication; d, automatique, self-oiling. graisse, f., grease, unguent; d'armes, grease for arms in general; botted , grease box; ft canon, an unguent composed of two parts wax and one of kerosene, gun wax; coupe & , godet to, , tallow cup, greas cup; robineth , grease cock; verte, unguent for side arms and the exterior parts of firearms. graisser, v. a., (mach., etc.) to grease (as with tallow); to lubricate (as with oil); la lime, to clog a file. graisseur, m., (mach.) lubricator; automatique, self-acting lubricator; godet , & godet, grease cup; mecanique, self-acting, self-feeding, lubricator. grakrut, m., (expl.) grakrut. gramme, m., gramme. grand, a., great, grand, tall, large, main, principal, chief; m., a dignitary, person of dignity; (in pi. ) grown-up people ; le air, the open air; le de I'eau. highest point to which the tide has risen during the month; en . life-size; d'Eapagne, Spanish grandee.

gotitte 207 grand<br />

goutte, f., drop;<br />

froide, (met.) blister (in a casting), bead or<br />

globule of oxidized metal (in an ingot);<br />

sereine, amaurosis;<br />

de suif, (elec.) contact point.<br />

gout Here, f., spout, guttering, gutter; synonym<br />

of gelicure, q. v.; (sm. a.) nollow of a blade,<br />

of a bayonet; (fort.) reentrant angle of intersection<br />

of two planes or faces, e. g., of the<br />

glacis; (med.) cradle (for a broken leg, etc., in<br />

bed);<br />

de I'cstoc, (sm. a.) groove for forging musket<br />

barrels;<br />

h fusee, (art.) rocket trough;<br />

de glacis, v. under main word, (fort.);<br />

des juguiaires, (hipp.) jugular gutter;<br />

pare-eclats, (fort.) the gutter of a turret,<br />

ser ing also as a protection against splinters;<br />

de tourelle, v. pare-eclats.<br />

gouvernail, m., (nav.) rodder, helm; (met.) porter<br />

bar; (of a bicycle) handle bar;<br />

ejjct de , (nav.) steerageway.<br />

gouvernant, m., governor, ruler.<br />

gouvernateur, m., (mach.) governor, regulator.<br />

gouverne, f., guidance; government;<br />

p-wr sa , for one's guidance.<br />

gouvernement, m., government; government<br />

house; <strong>com</strong>mand, direction, management;<br />

(nav.) steering; (mil.) government, <strong>com</strong>mand,<br />

of a fortified position; (mil. slang, Polytechnique)<br />

sword;<br />

militaire, ( Fr. a.) current name of the circumscriptions<br />

under the <strong>com</strong>mand of the<br />

governors of Paris and of Lyons, respecti\ely.<br />

gouverner, v. a. n., to govern, rule; manage, direct,<br />

regulate; to take care of, husband; (man.)<br />

to rein, rein up; (nav.) to steer.<br />

gouverneur, m., governor; (nav.) helmsman;<br />

(mil.) c. o. of a fortified position;<br />

designe, (Fr. a.) officer designated to <strong>com</strong>mand<br />

a place in case of war (has this title in<br />

peace only);<br />

general, governor-general;<br />

militaire, (Fr. a.) designation of the <strong>com</strong>manding<br />

generals of the gouvernements of Paris<br />

and of Lyons, respectively;<br />

de place, (mil.) c. o. of a fortified town or<br />

place.<br />

gouvion, m., large bolt,<br />

grace, f., pardon; quarter;<br />

coup de , finishing stroke;<br />

demarder to cry mercy, ask for quarter;<br />

droit de , pardoning power;<br />

faire Ac, to forgi\ e, remit, pardon.<br />

graeier, v. a., to pardon.<br />

grade, m., grade, rank, degree of rank; step; grade<br />

(of a circle, unit of angular measure); (mil.)<br />

grade;<br />

assimilation de , (mil.) assimilated rank;<br />

effectif. (mil.) real or actual grade (as opposed<br />

to brevet);<br />

honoraire, (mil.) honorary grade, grade higher<br />

than the one normally held; brevet grade;<br />

honor ifiquc, (mil.) <strong>com</strong>plimentary grade (bestowed<br />

usually upon a foreign sovereign);<br />

1 .lus eleve en , (mil.) the senior in grade;<br />

filter en , (mil.) to be promoted;<br />

primaute de , (mil.) seniority in one's grade;<br />

--litre, (mil.) brevet <strong>com</strong>mission or grade.<br />

Krade, m., (mil.) the holder of a grade (applied<br />

usually to non<strong>com</strong>missioned grades);<br />

d'encadrement, n. c. o. on the flank of a unit<br />

(who frames in the unit, as it were);<br />

en serre-file, n. c. o. in the line oi file closers.<br />

gradient, m., (top.) gradient, slope.<br />

Hradin, m., step; (fort.) step; (art.) notch; (sm. a)<br />

slide notch (of a rear sight) ;<br />

s de franch issement, (fort.) steps to get over<br />

the parapet, sortie steps;<br />

s de fusillade, (fort.) firing steps of a parapet;<br />

;> de revers, (fort.) steps in the reverse slope<br />

of a trench;<br />

gradin(s) de sortie, (fort.) sortie steps;<br />

, de tranchee, (fort.) steps in a trench.<br />

gradine, f., stone cutter's tooth-edged chisel.<br />

graduation, f., (inst.) graduation; (art.) time<br />

scale (of a fuse);<br />

en portees, (art.) range scale;<br />

de reperage, (Fr. art.) correction scale of a<br />

reglette de correspondance.<br />

p., (inst.) graduated; (art., sm. a.)<br />

tige e, index rod.<br />

gradticr, v. a., to mark with divisions, to gradu-<br />

grain, m., grain, seed; (in pi) grain (as wheat,<br />

rye, etc.); fiber; squall; shower; (met.) grain<br />

(due to fracture); (mach.) bush, bushing, pillow,<br />

box, necking; (powd.) grain of powder<br />

(art.) direction sight;<br />

& s, grained; squally;<br />

aiguille, (met.) grain or fracture of crystalline<br />

aspect, with radiating needles;<br />

d' amorce, (artif.) primer;<br />

blanc, white squall; (met.) steel bar (pro-<br />

.duced by cementation from poorlv refined<br />

iron);<br />

de crapaudine, (mach.) bush, brass, or bearing<br />

of a socket;<br />

de decollage, (art.) gear ring;<br />

dfacettes, (met.) large grain or fracture, with<br />

facets;<br />

fin, (met., powd.) fine grain.;<br />

& sfins, (met., powd.) fine grained;<br />

gros , (met., powd.) large grain;<br />

h gros s, (met., powd.) large grained, coarse<br />

grained ;<br />

de lumiere, (art.) vent bushing;<br />

mettre (poser, visser) un de lumiere, (art.)<br />

to bush a gun;<br />

noir, black squall;<br />

d'or, (artif.) golden rain in fireworks;<br />

d'orge, (sm. a., art.) barleycorn fore sight;<br />

(carp.) sort of dovetail;<br />

reduction en s, granulation;<br />

reduire en s, to granulate;<br />

6 s serres, close grained;<br />

truite, (met.) mottled fracture, with small<br />

radiating needles arranged in large stars.<br />

de iient, wind squall.<br />

grain age, m., v. grenage.<br />

grainailles, f. pi., defer, (mil.) small* shot of<br />

iron.<br />

grain e, f., seed;<br />

& d'epinards, with large bullion (of epaulets);<br />

de giberne, synonym of enfant de troupe;<br />

de Turquie, Indian corn.<br />

grainer, v. a., v. grener,<br />

grainoir, m., v. grenoir.<br />

grain tire, f., (met.) character of fracture.<br />

graissage, m., greasing, grease; lubrication;<br />

d, automatique, self-oiling.<br />

graisse, f., grease, unguent;<br />

d'armes, grease for arms in general;<br />

botted , grease box;<br />

ft canon, an unguent <strong>com</strong>posed of two parts<br />

wax and one of kerosene, gun wax;<br />

coupe & , godet to,<br />

, tallow cup, greas<br />

cup;<br />

robineth , grease cock;<br />

verte, unguent for side arms and the exterior<br />

parts of firearms.<br />

graisser, v. a., (mach., etc.) to grease (as with<br />

tallow); to lubricate (as with oil);<br />

la lime, to clog a file.<br />

graisseur, m., (mach.) lubricator;<br />

automatique, self-acting lubricator;<br />

godet , & godet, grease cup;<br />

mecanique, self-acting, self-feeding, lubricator.<br />

grakrut, m., (expl.) grakrut.<br />

gramme, m., gramme.<br />

grand, a., great, grand, tall, large, main, principal,<br />

chief; m., a dignitary, person of dignity; (in<br />

pi. ) grown-up people ;<br />

le air, the open air;<br />

le de I'eau. highest point to which the tide<br />

has risen during the month;<br />

en . life-size;<br />

d'Eapagne, Spanish grandee.

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