A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

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gare care de tete, (r. r.) reversing station;. de triage, (r.r.) station for making up trams; aux voyageurs, (r. r.) passenger station. dessous, stand from under! j & vous, look out for yourself! garer, v. a., to shift, shunt (railway carriages); to put boats in a basin or dock ; se (of carriages) to pass each other on the road by turning out; (r. r.) to pass upon a side track. gargoullle, f., gargoyle; water pipe (in a gutter); ' Ipur ring; (harn.) lower cheek eye of a bridle bit. gargousse, f., (art.) cartridge; fe d blanc, blank cartridge; de controle, standard cartridge; & espaces d'air, air-spaced cartridge; d'exercice, practice cartridge; like, choked cartridge; nue, exposed cartridge (i. e., not in pass box), obturatrice, self-sealing cartridge; sans poudre, dummy cartridge; de salut, pour salve d'artillerte, saluting cartridge; signal, signal cartridge; vide, cartridge bag. earzoussler, m., (art.) cartridge bag; pass box; S< *J_ & fond mobile, (F. m. art.) pass box with movable bottom for convenience of loading. 202 garni, m., filling; (cord.) rounding. sarnir, v. a., to fit, furnish, equip with; to stock, provide, supply, adorn; to rig; (cord.) to serve (a rope); (mach.) to pack (a stuffing box); to apply (as a chain to a sprocket wheel); (mil.) to man (a line), occupy a position; (Mm ) to put the harness (on a horse's back); (artif.) to fit the head and cone of a rocket; une amarre, (cord.) to put on a rounding; Us avirons, to ship the oars; une batterie, (art.) to fit out and equip a battery; 1 le cabestan, to rig the capstan; U chevre, (art.) to rig the gin; une epee, (sm. a.) to put on the guard; une fusee, (artif.) to fix the head and cone of a rocket; les joints, (mas.) to point; la ligne de feu, (mil.) to man, strengthen, the firing line; le magasin, (sm. a.) to fill the magazine; une place, (mil.) to supply a fortress (guns, etc., stores, etc.); un saucisson, (artif.) to fill up a saucisson where it is too thin; un terrain, (art.) to cover an area with falling projectiles. eamlsaire, m., a soldier billeted on a family whose ' garnissage, m., facing, trimming; (sm. a.) general term for all the minor operations of getting a gun barrel to shape. garnlsseur, m., (sm. a.) finisher. gaz garniture, f., furnishing, furniture, fitting; mounting; set; trimming; filling; quilting; (in pi.) mountings, finishings; wards of a lock; lining, liner (esp. met.) lining of a furnace, of a converter; (mach.) bearing box; packing, stuffing; rd.) serving, rigging (standing and running); rr. .) outer er edge or border of a horseshoe ejecting beyond the wall of the foot); (*m. a., in pi.) fittings, mountings, of a rifle, cf a sword (bands, swivels, etc.); - acide, (met.) acid lining; artifices de - -d'artifices, , (artif.) rocket filling; - d'asbeste, (mach.) asbestos packing; - autoclave,-automatique, (mach.) self-acting packing; - basique, (met.) basic lining; - de boUe d'etoupe, (mach., etc.) packing; - en caoutchouc, (mach.) rubber packing; -- de chanvre, (mach.) hemp packing; - s de coffre, (mil.) all the fittings, fixed or movable, of ammunition, arms, equipment, and other chests; -- en cuir embouti, (mach.) cup leather packing; - en etoiles, (artif.) star heading of a rocket; - d'etoupe, (mach.) tow packing; -- defer, iron mountings; - defusee} (artif.) rocket heading; - de fusil, (sm. a.) small parts, mountings (bands, etc.) of a rifle; uragm packing; ic packing; piece de -, (mach.) patch piece, packing plate; de piston, (mach.) piston packing; plateau de , (mach.) packing plate; & poche, (mach.) "bag" pump packing; de pompe, pump gear; presse , (mach.) packing-plate, -block; presse-ctoupe, (mach.) stuffing piece; de rontelle & coupelle, (art.) cup washer, filling, or packing; de tete, (harn.) head gear , head harness. garoclioir, m., (cord.) rope laid the wrong way; en laid the , wrong way. garouenne,!, (mach.) hanger. garrot, m., (poiU.) rack stick; (hipp.) withers; de I'argon, (harn.) saddlebow; blesse au , (hipp.) wither-wrung, wither- galled; coupe, (hipp.) withers that are too short; fistule de , (hipp.) fistulous withers; mal de , v. fistule de ; noye, (hipp.) withers that are too low; de pansement, (med.) temporary or make shift tourniquet. garrotte, a., (hipp.) wither-wrung. garrotter, v. a., (pont.) to rack down. garroture, f., (cord.) packing hitch. gateau, m., cake; (powd.) calred mass at the bottom of the stampers; (expl.) disk (as of gun cotton). son had failed to respond to the conscription (obs.). gamison, f., (mil.) garrison; & . garrisoned; de defense, complete or full garrison of a fortress or fortified position, i. e., the number of men necessary to make a fortress equal to its task in a campaign; (in a limited sense) the (increased) garrison of an attacked sector of defense; etre en h, to be stationed at; former la gatling, m., (r. /. art.) machine gun (as, de, to garrison; mettre dans, to garrison; normale, the garrison of an unattacked sector of defense (i. e., the number of men necessary to repel an open assault); de surete, in a fortress or fortified position, the minimum of troops needed to guard against the surprise or open assault; tenir &, to be stationed at or in; ville de , garrison town. e. g., 1 ifl 'Nordenfeldt"). gauche, f., left, left hand, left side; (mil.) left, left wing, left flank; (mach.) tap wrench; a., left; crooked; awkward. gauclur, v. a. n., to warp, shrink, get out of true; to tilt (a gabion). gauchissement, m., warping, bending, shrinking, getting out of true. gaule, f . , staff, rod , * pole; d'enseigne, (nav.) flagstaff (small, as at stem of ship); de pompe, (mach.) pump spear. gaulette, f ., wattle, withe. gavage, m., stuffing (as of pigeons). gayc, & , astraddle. gayet, m., (familiar term for) horse; maquiller un , v. s. v. maquiller. gayette,f.,v. galiette. gaz,m.,gas; becde , gas burner;

gaz 203 genie gaz de combustion, gases of combustion; compteur & , gas meter; conduit & , gas pipe; conduit b, principal, gas main; eclairage au , gas lighting; d'eclairage, illuminating gas; eclairer au , to illuminate by gas; de houille, coal gas; impermeable au , gas-tight; reservoir de , gas holder, receiver; robinet de , gas cock; usine to, , gas works; tuyau ft , gas pipe; tuyau d principal, gas main. gazage, m., (met,) reduction by gaseous fuel, gaze, f., gauze; metallique, wire gauze; bpansement, (med.) dressing gauze. gazeifier, v. a., to transform into gas. gazette, f., gazette; lire la , (hipp.) to be off his feed (familiar). gazeux, a., gaseous. gazier, rn., gas fitter. gazogene, m., gas generator. gazomfctre, m., gasometev, receiver; & contrepoids, counterpoise receiver; d, lunette, telescopic gas holder; fimouvements libres, free receiver. gazon, m., grass; turf; sod; - de boutisse, header; molte de , sod (cut out in squares); de panneresse, stretcher; plaque, facing sod; pose de haut, head sod; de revetement, revetment sod; revetement en s, sod revetment; & talus, v. pose de haut. gazonnage, m., (fort.) sod work, sodding, revetting with scd. gazonnement, m., (fort.) v. gazonnage. gazonner, v. a., to turf, to sod, revet with sod. gazonneur, m., (fort.) sod layer. gelatine, f., gelatin; detonante, v. explosive; dynamite, (expl.) gelatin dynamite, Nobel's nitrogelatine; explosive, (expl.) explosive gelatin; gum dynamite; de guerre, (expl.) explosive gelatin, gum dynamite, blasting gelatin; obus ft, , (art.) shell filled with explosive gelatin. gelatinisation, f., (expl.) gelatinization. gelatiniser, v. a., (expl.) to gelatinize. gelbite, f., (expl.) gelbite. gclee, f., frost; blanche, hoar frost. gelcr, v. a. n. r., to freeze, become frozen. gelif, a., cracked, or liable to crack, by frost (stones, trees). gelignite, f., (expl.) gelignite. gelivite, f., liability to crack, etc., by frost. gCUvure, f., frost-crack (in trees, stones). gemelle, f., (cons.) fish, side piece, cheek. gendarme, m., (Fr. a.) gendarme, private of the gendarmerie; (in pi.) the gendarmerie; eleve , "lance" gendarme, lowest enlisted grade of the gendarmerie. gendarmerie, f., (Fr. a.) gendarmerie (civil duties, those of a constabulary; army duties, provost guard, prisoner's guard, direction and management of the trains regimentaires, when consolidated); headquarters of a gendarmerie post, the post itself; d'Afrique, the legion (Nineteenth) of gendarmerie serving in Algiers and Tunis; brigade de , v. s. v. brigade; coloniale, colonial gendarmerie; compagnie de , all the gendarmes of a depart- ment; - departementale, the gendarmerie serving in the departments of France; legion de , legion of gendarmerie, so called, consisting of all the companies of one and the same army corps region (four regions have two, and one three legions); maritime, the gendarmerie serving in the military ports of France. (mil.) general, general officer; darmee, army commander (unofficial, not technical); de brigade, general commanding a brigade (major-general); brigadier- , the English and American term brigadier-general; du cadre d'activite (de reserve), (Fr. a.) a general officer on the active (reserve) list of the etat-major general de I'armee; capitaine- , (Spanish) captain-general; : en chef, general in chief (no longer an official designation in France); de circonstnace, v. s. v. circonstance; colonel- , colonel-general (honorary title, not jbrench); commandant une armee, (Fr. a.) official designation of a de division designated to command, in case of mobilization, an army of two or more corps; commandant un corps d'armee, (Fr. a.) official designation of a de division assigned to the command of a corps; commandant un groupe d'armees, (Fr a ) official designation of a de division, commanding a group of armies on one and the same frontier, or in one theater of war; directeur, (Fr. a.) the general officer at the head of a direction of the war department; de division, general commanding a division (lieutenant-general) ; ^execution, a term used by Marbot for a general fitted to carry out orders, but not to exercise independent command; -feld-marechal, field marshal; gouverneur, (Fr.a.) the commanding general of the places de Paris, de Lyon, respectively; inspecteur, (Fr. a.) general officer specially detailed by the minister of war to inspect troops; -lieutenant, the equivalent, in services other than the French, of de division; lieutenant- , lieutenant-general (of services. other than the French); major, the equivalent, in services other than the French.of de brigade; major , the English and American term major-general (to be carefully distinguished from the following word); major , (Fr. a.) the chief of staff of all the armies in war (major is here a noun and general an adjective); de tranchee, (siege) c. o. of the trenches (daily detail, for each attack, of a general of brigade). generalat, m., (mil.) dignity or grade of general; duration of functions of a general officer. generate, f., (call) long roll (drums); alarm (bugles); general's wife. generalissime, m., (mil.) generalissimo, general in chief. gen6rateur, m., (mach., etc.) generator (as steam generator); a., generating; de courant, (dec.) current generator; de gaz, gas generator; - turbo-elcctrique, Parson's steam turbine, used to work a dynamo; &, de, vapeur, steam generator, boiler. generation, f., generation, production (as of steam, gases, etc.); g6neratrice, f.. (mach., etc.) generatrix, (elec.) generating dynamo; de I'dme, (art.) surface of the bore; de tourillon, (art.) upper surface of trunnion.. genfet, m., broom; (hipp.) jennet. geneter, v. a., (fan.) to bend horseshoes upward. genette, f., (harn.) Turkish bit; kind of snaffle; & la, , (man.) with short stirrups. genie, m., engineers, engineering; adjoint au , v. s. v. adjoint; chef du , y. s. v. chef; civil, civil engineering; corps du , (mil.) engineer corps;

gaz 203 genie<br />

gaz de <strong>com</strong>bustion, gases of <strong>com</strong>bustion;<br />

<strong>com</strong>pteur & , gas meter;<br />

conduit & , gas pipe;<br />

conduit b, principal, gas main;<br />

eclairage au , gas lighting;<br />

d'eclairage, illuminating gas;<br />

eclairer au , to illuminate by gas;<br />

de houille, coal gas;<br />

impermeable au , gas-tight;<br />

reservoir de , gas holder, receiver;<br />

robinet de , gas cock;<br />

usine to,<br />

, gas works;<br />

tuyau ft<br />

, gas pipe;<br />

tuyau d principal, gas main.<br />

gazage, m., (met,) reduction by gaseous fuel,<br />

gaze, f., gauze;<br />

metallique, wire gauze;<br />

bpansement, (med.) dressing gauze.<br />

gazeifier, v. a., to transform into gas.<br />

gazette, f., gazette;<br />

lire la , (hipp.) to be off his feed (familiar).<br />

gazeux, a., gaseous.<br />

gazier, rn., gas fitter.<br />

gazogene, m., gas generator.<br />

gazomfctre, m., gasometev, receiver;<br />

& contrepoids, counterpoise receiver;<br />

d, lunette, telescopic gas holder;<br />

fimouvements libres, free receiver.<br />

gazon, m., grass; turf; sod;<br />

- de boutisse, header;<br />

molte de , sod (cut out in squares);<br />

de panneresse, stretcher;<br />

plaque, facing sod;<br />

pose de haut, head sod;<br />

de revetement, revetment sod;<br />

revetement en s, sod revetment;<br />

& talus, v. pose de haut.<br />

gazonnage, m., (fort.) sod work, sodding, revetting<br />

with scd.<br />

gazonnement, m., (fort.) v. gazonnage.<br />

gazonner, v. a., to turf, to sod, revet with sod.<br />

gazonneur, m., (fort.) sod layer.<br />

gelatine, f., gelatin;<br />

detonante, v. explosive;<br />

dynamite, (expl.) gelatin dynamite, Nobel's<br />

nitrogelatine;<br />

explosive, (expl.) explosive gelatin; gum<br />

dynamite;<br />

de guerre, (expl.) explosive gelatin, gum<br />

dynamite, blasting gelatin;<br />

obus ft,<br />

, (art.) shell filled with explosive<br />

gelatin.<br />

gelatinisation, f., (expl.) gelatinization.<br />

gelatiniser, v. a., (expl.) to gelatinize.<br />

gelbite, f., (expl.) gelbite.<br />

gclee, f., frost;<br />

blanche, hoar frost.<br />

gelcr, v. a. n. r., to freeze, be<strong>com</strong>e frozen.<br />

gelif, a., cracked, or liable to crack, by frost (stones,<br />

trees).<br />

gelignite, f., (expl.) gelignite.<br />

gelivite, f., liability to crack, etc., by frost.<br />

gCUvure, f., frost-crack (in trees, stones).<br />

gemelle, f., (cons.) fish, side piece, cheek.<br />

gendarme, m., (Fr. a.) gendarme, private of the<br />

gendarmerie; (in pi.) the gendarmerie;<br />

eleve , "lance" gendarme, lowest enlisted<br />

grade of the gendarmerie.<br />

gendarmerie, f., (Fr. a.) gendarmerie (civil<br />

duties, those of a constabulary; army duties,<br />

provost guard, prisoner's guard, direction and<br />

management of the trains regimentaires, when<br />

consolidated); headquarters of a gendarmerie<br />

post, the post itself;<br />

d'Afrique, the legion (Nineteenth) of gendarmerie<br />

serving in Algiers and Tunis;<br />

brigade de , v. s. v. brigade;<br />

coloniale, colonial gendarmerie;<br />

<strong>com</strong>pagnie de , all the gendarmes of a depart-<br />

ment;<br />

-<br />

departementale, the gendarmerie serving in<br />

the departments of France;<br />

legion de , legion of gendarmerie, so called,<br />

consisting of all the <strong>com</strong>panies of one and the<br />

same army corps region (four regions have two,<br />

and one three legions);<br />

maritime, the gendarmerie serving in the<br />

military ports of France.<br />

(mil.) general, general officer;<br />

darmee, army <strong>com</strong>mander (unofficial, not<br />

technical);<br />

de brigade, general <strong>com</strong>manding a brigade<br />

(major-general);<br />

brigadier- , the <strong>English</strong> and American term<br />

brigadier-general;<br />

du cadre d'activite (de reserve), (Fr. a.) a<br />

general officer on the active (reserve) list of<br />

the etat-major general de I'armee;<br />

capitaine- , (Spanish) captain-general;<br />

: en<br />

chef, general in chief (no longer an official<br />

designation in France);<br />

de circonstnace, v. s. v. circonstance;<br />

colonel- , colonel-general (honorary title, not<br />

jbrench);<br />

<strong>com</strong>mandant une armee, (Fr. a.) official<br />

designation of a de division designated to<br />

<strong>com</strong>mand, in case of mobilization, an army<br />

of two or more corps;<br />

<strong>com</strong>mandant un corps d'armee, (Fr. a.)<br />

official designation of a de division assigned<br />

to the <strong>com</strong>mand of a corps;<br />

<strong>com</strong>mandant un groupe d'armees, (Fr a )<br />

official designation of a de division, <strong>com</strong>manding<br />

a group of armies on one and the same<br />

frontier, or in one theater of war;<br />

directeur, (Fr. a.) the general officer at the<br />

head of a direction of the war department;<br />

de division, general <strong>com</strong>manding a division<br />

(lieutenant-general) ;<br />

^execution, a term used by Marbot for a<br />

general fitted to carry out orders, but not to<br />

exercise independent <strong>com</strong>mand;<br />

-feld-marechal, field marshal;<br />

gouverneur, (Fr.a.) the <strong>com</strong>manding general<br />

of the places de Paris, de Lyon, respectively;<br />

inspecteur, (Fr. a.) general officer specially<br />

detailed by the minister of war to inspect<br />

troops;<br />

-lieutenant, the equivalent, in services other<br />

than the <strong>French</strong>, of de division;<br />

lieutenant- , lieutenant-general (of services.<br />

other than the <strong>French</strong>);<br />

major, the equivalent, in services other<br />

than the <strong>French</strong>.of de brigade;<br />

major , the <strong>English</strong> and American term<br />

major-general (to be carefully distinguished<br />

from the following word);<br />

major , (Fr. a.) the chief of staff of all the<br />

armies in war (major is here a noun and general<br />

an adjective);<br />

de tranchee, (siege) c. o. of the trenches (daily<br />

detail, for each attack, of a general of brigade).<br />

generalat, m., (mil.) dignity or grade of general;<br />

duration of functions of a general officer.<br />

generate, f., (call) long roll (drums); alarm (bugles);<br />

general's wife.<br />

generalissime, m., (mil.) generalissimo, general<br />

in chief.<br />

gen6rateur, m., (mach., etc.) generator (as steam<br />

generator); a., generating;<br />

de courant, (dec.) current generator;<br />

de gaz, gas generator;<br />

-<br />

turbo-elcctrique, Parson's steam turbine,<br />

used to work a dynamo;<br />

&, de, vapeur, steam generator, boiler.<br />

generation, f., generation, production (as of steam,<br />

gases, etc.);<br />

g6neratrice, f.. (mach., etc.) generatrix, (elec.)<br />

generating dynamo;<br />

de I'dme, (art.) surface of the bore;<br />

de tourillon, (art.) upper surface of trunnion..<br />

genfet, m., broom; (hipp.) jennet.<br />

geneter, v. a., (fan.) to bend horseshoes upward.<br />

genette, f., (harn.) Turkish bit; kind of snaffle;<br />

& la, , (man.) with short stirrups.<br />

genie, m., engineers, engineering;<br />

adjoint au , v. s. v. adjoint;<br />

chef du , y. s. v. chef;<br />

civil, civil engineering;<br />

corps du , (mil.) engineer corps;

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