A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com


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gare<br />

care de tete, (r. r.) reversing station;.<br />

de triage, (r.r.) station for making up trams;<br />

aux voyageurs, (r. r.) passenger station.<br />

dessous, stand from under!<br />

j & vous, look out for yourself!<br />

garer, v. a., to shift, shunt (railway carriages);<br />

to put boats in a basin or dock ;<br />

se (of carriages) to pass each other on the<br />

road by turning out; (r. r.) to pass upon a side<br />

track.<br />

gargoullle, f., gargoyle; water pipe (in a gutter);<br />

'<br />

Ipur ring; (harn.) lower cheek eye of a bridle<br />

bit.<br />

gargousse, f., (art.) cartridge;<br />

fe<br />

d blanc, blank cartridge;<br />

de controle, standard cartridge;<br />

& espaces d'air, air-spaced cartridge;<br />

d'exercice, practice cartridge;<br />

like, choked cartridge;<br />

nue, exposed cartridge (i. e., not in pass box),<br />

obturatrice, self-sealing cartridge;<br />

sans poudre, dummy cartridge;<br />

de salut, pour salve d'artillerte, saluting<br />

cartridge;<br />

signal, signal cartridge;<br />

vide, cartridge bag.<br />

earzoussler, m., (art.) cartridge bag; pass box;<br />

S<<br />

*J_ & fond mobile, (F. m. art.) pass box with<br />

movable bottom for convenience of loading.<br />

202<br />

garni, m., filling; (cord.) rounding.<br />

sarnir, v. a., to fit, furnish, equip with; to stock,<br />

provide, supply, adorn; to rig; (cord.) to serve (a<br />

rope); (mach.) to pack (a stuffing box); to apply<br />

(as a chain to a sprocket wheel); (mil.) to man<br />

(a line), occupy a position; (Mm ) to put the<br />

harness (on a horse's back); (artif.) to fit the<br />

head and cone of a rocket;<br />

une amarre, (cord.) to put on a rounding;<br />

Us avirons, to ship the oars;<br />

une batterie, (art.) to fit out and equip a<br />

battery;<br />

1<br />

le cabestan, to rig the capstan;<br />

U chevre, (art.) to rig the gin;<br />

une epee, (sm. a.) to put on the guard;<br />

une fusee, (artif.) to fix the head and cone of<br />

a rocket;<br />

les joints, (mas.) to point;<br />

la ligne de feu, (mil.) to man, strengthen,<br />

the firing line;<br />

le magasin, (sm. a.) to fill the magazine;<br />

une place, (mil.) to supply a fortress (guns,<br />

etc., stores, etc.);<br />

un saucisson, (artif.) to fill up a saucisson<br />

where it is too thin;<br />

un terrain, (art.) to cover an area with falling<br />

projectiles.<br />

eamlsaire, m., a soldier billeted on a family whose<br />

'<br />

garnissage, m., facing, trimming; (sm. a.) general<br />

term for all the minor operations of getting<br />

a gun barrel to shape.<br />

garnlsseur, m., (sm. a.) finisher.<br />

gaz<br />

garniture, f., furnishing, furniture, fitting; mounting;<br />

set; trimming; filling; quilting; (in pi.)<br />

mountings, finishings; wards of a lock; lining,<br />

liner (esp. met.) lining of a furnace, of a converter;<br />

(mach.) bearing box; packing, stuffing;<br />

rd.) serving, rigging (standing and running);<br />

rr. .) outer er edge or border of a horseshoe<br />

ejecting beyond the wall of the foot); (*m.<br />

a., in pi.) fittings, mountings, of a rifle, cf a<br />

sword (bands, swivels, etc.); - acide, (met.) acid lining;<br />

artifices de - -d'artifices, , (artif.) rocket<br />

filling; - d'asbeste, (mach.) asbestos packing;<br />

- autoclave,-automatique, (mach.) self-acting<br />

packing; - basique, (met.) basic lining;<br />

- de boUe d'etoupe, (mach., etc.) packing;<br />

- en caoutchouc, (mach.) rubber packing;<br />

-- de chanvre, (mach.) hemp packing;<br />

- s de coffre, (mil.) all the fittings, fixed or<br />

movable, of ammunition, arms, equipment,<br />

and other chests;<br />

-- en cuir embouti, (mach.) cup leather packing;<br />

- en etoiles, (artif.) star heading of a rocket;<br />

- d'etoupe, (mach.) tow packing;<br />

-- defer, iron mountings;<br />

-<br />

defusee} (artif.) rocket heading;<br />

- de fusil, (sm. a.) small parts, mountings<br />

(bands, etc.) of a rifle;<br />

uragm packing;<br />

ic packing;<br />

piece de -, (mach.) patch piece, packing plate;<br />

de piston, (mach.) piston packing;<br />

plateau de , (mach.) packing plate;<br />

& poche, (mach.) "bag" pump packing;<br />

de pompe, pump gear;<br />

presse , (mach.) packing-plate, -block;<br />

presse-ctoupe, (mach.) stuffing piece;<br />

de rontelle & coupelle, (art.) cup washer,<br />

filling, or packing;<br />

de tete, (harn.) head gear , head harness.<br />

garoclioir, m., (cord.) rope laid the wrong way;<br />

en laid the , wrong way.<br />

garouenne,!, (mach.) hanger.<br />

garrot, m., (poiU.) rack stick; (hipp.) withers;<br />

de I'argon, (harn.) saddlebow;<br />

blesse au , (hipp.) wither-wrung, wither-<br />

galled;<br />

coupe, (hipp.) withers that are too short;<br />

fistule de , (hipp.) fistulous withers;<br />

mal de , v. fistule de ;<br />

noye, (hipp.) withers that are too low;<br />

de pansement, (med.) temporary or make shift<br />

tourniquet.<br />

garrotte, a., (hipp.) wither-wrung.<br />

garrotter, v. a., (pont.) to rack down.<br />

garroture, f., (cord.) packing hitch.<br />

gateau, m., cake; (powd.) calred mass at the bottom<br />

of the stampers; (expl.) disk (as of gun<br />

cotton).<br />

son had failed to respond to the conscription<br />

(obs.).<br />

gamison, f., (mil.) garrison;<br />

& . garrisoned;<br />

de defense, <strong>com</strong>plete or full garrison of a<br />

fortress or fortified position, i. e., the number of<br />

men necessary to make a fortress equal to its<br />

task in a campaign; (in a limited sense) the<br />

(increased) garrison of an attacked sector of<br />

defense;<br />

etre en h, to be stationed at;<br />

former la gatling, m., (r. /. art.) machine gun (as,<br />

de, to garrison;<br />

mettre dans, to garrison;<br />

normale, the garrison of an unattacked<br />

sector of defense (i. e., the number of men<br />

necessary to repel an open assault);<br />

de surete, in a fortress or fortified position,<br />

the minimum of troops needed to guard against<br />

the surprise or open assault;<br />

tenir &, to be stationed at or in;<br />

ville de , garrison town.<br />

e. g.,<br />

1<br />

ifl 'Nordenfeldt").<br />

gauche, f., left, left hand, left side; (mil.) left, left<br />

wing, left flank; (mach.) tap wrench; a., left;<br />

crooked; awkward.<br />

gauclur, v. a. n., to warp, shrink, get out of true;<br />

to tilt (a gabion).<br />

gauchissement, m., warping, bending, shrinking,<br />

getting out of true.<br />

gaule, f . , staff, rod , *<br />

pole;<br />

d'enseigne, (nav.) flagstaff (small, as at stem<br />

of ship);<br />

de pompe, (mach.) pump spear.<br />

gaulette, f ., wattle, withe.<br />

gavage, m., stuffing (as of pigeons).<br />

gayc, & , astraddle.<br />

gayet, m., (familiar term for) horse;<br />

maquiller un , v. s. v. maquiller.<br />

gayette,f.,v. galiette.<br />

gaz,m.,gas;<br />

becde , gas burner;

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