A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

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fouteau 192 franchise fouteau, m., beech tree. foyer, m., hearth, fire in a hearth; home, one's own country; (met.) hearth; (mach.) fire box, furnace, stokehole; fire hole; (nav.) furnace; (elec.) electric light; (opt.) focus; d'affinage, (met.) refining hearth; d'affinerie, (met.) finery nearth or furnace; autel de furnace , bridge; avant v. , avant-foyer; bane du fire , bar; chauffe mecaniquement, self-feeding furnace; cul de furnace , crown; de finerie, v. d'affinage; fumivore, smoke-burning furnace; defusee, fuse cup; grand (met.) boshes of a blast furnace; & grille, (met.) grate furnace; grille du . fire grate; lumineux, generic term for focus or center of light; de mine, focus of a mine; ondule, corrugated furnace; ordinaire, plain furnace; porte du fire , door; principal, (opt.) principal focus; ae raffinerie, v. d affinage; h rechauffer, reheating hearth; reel, (opt.) real focus; rentrer dans ses s, to go back home (from maneuvers, etc.); renvoyer dans ses s, to send home; superieur, (met.) main body, belly of a blast furnace; virtuel, (opt.) virtual focus. frac, m., (un'if.) full dress single-breasted tunic (obs., except for the corps du contrdle, who, however, never wear it). fraction, f., fraction; constitute, (mil.) a complete unit; any part of a regiment or organic body whose constitution is provided for by the law on the organization of the army, i. e., any part having an organic existence; guide, (art.) in ranging, the fraction of the battery intrusted with keeping the range, i. e., that keeps up ranging fire; non-guide, (art.) the fraction of a battery that does the real firing against enemy with the range already got. fractionnement, m., (act of) subdividing, of breaking up into parts. fractionner, v. a., to subdivide, to break up into parts. fracture, f., breaking, fracture, rupture; comminutive, (med.) comminuted fracture; composec, (med.) compound fracture; simple, (med.) simple fracture. fracturer, v. a., to break (a leg, an arm). fragment, m., fragment; d'obus, (art.) splinter of a shell. fragmentation, f., fragmentation; (art.) breaking up of fraisage, m., reaming, reaming out; work along a right line perpendicular to axis of rotation of reaming shell, etc., on bursting; fracture of shell into fragments. bit . (in Fr. sm. a. manufactories); en bout, end reaming; lateral, side reaming. fraise, f., (mach.) cutter, reamer, milling tool, mill; countersink, rose bit; reaming tool, reaming bit; (fort.) fraise, pointed stake; en bout, end reamer; circulaire, cone bit; conique, angular cutter; de cote, side reamer; cylindrique, milling cutter; & defoncer, side-milling cutter, straddle mill; & dents rapportees, cutter with inserted teeth; de forme, formed milling cutter; de formes americaines, formed milling cutter; helico'idale, spiral mill; h planer, cylindrical planing tool; b, queue, end cutter, end mill, reamer; & roder, rose countersink; ft trancher, metal-slitting saw. fraisement, m., starling of a bridge; (fort.) state of having fraises. fraiser, v. a., (fort.) to fraise; (mach.) to countersink; to ream; to mill; to make true; un bataillon, etc., (mil.) to prepare a battalion for cavalry, by bayonets, or pickets, etc. (obs.); en bout, (mach.) to use an end-reamer, to endream; de cote, (mach.) to use a side-reamer, to sideream; un retranchement, (fort.) to install, set up, a row of fraises on the scarp or counterscarp slope; teteh , broaching head. fraiseuse, f . , (mach.) milling machine; universelle, universal milling machine. fraisil, m., cinders. fraisure, f., chamfered edge of a rivet hole; beaded border; curled or fringed border; countersinking; ream, reaming; any cavity produced by reaming; (fort.) row of fraises. franc, m., franc (coin and unit). franc, a., free; (man.) free (of a gait); (law) free, open (port, etc.); d'amble, (man.) pacing naturally; botte he. v. s. v. botte; de cottier, (horse) free in draught; d'eau, free of water; de etable, (nav.) end on; & etricr, v. s. v. etricr; de molestation de guerre, free from molestation of war; pierre he, (mas.) sound stone, free from defects; pompe he, dry pump; fratcheur, f., cat's-paw; puff of wind. fralchir, v. n., to freshen, to blow up fresh (of wind). frais, m. pi., expenses, cost; (law) costs; d' alleges, lighterage; de bureau, allowance for office expenses; de justice, (mil.) costs; de deplacement, v. de route; d'entretien, cost of maintenance; faux , extra charges, incidental expenses; d'inhumation, burial expenses; de proces, trial expenses; de route, (mil.) travel allowance, mileage; de service, (mil.) allowance for expenses to officers holding certain commands or fulfilling certain functions; de traversee, passage money. frais, a., fresh, cool; recent; fresh (not salted); fresh (rested); m., coolness; (nav.) fresh breeze (of wind); bouchefraichc, (hipp.) foaming, moist, mouth; vent , fresh breeze, hard wind. port , free port; de port, carriage free, franked; mile he, free city. franc-bord, m., path along a river or canal bank; (nav.) planking of a ship's hull; freeboard. franc-filin, m., v. s. v. filin. franc-funln, m., v. s. v.funin. franchir, v. a. n., to climb (a hill), to overcome (an obstacle); to clear, leap, or jump over; to cross, traverse, pass over; to exceed; to break through, overcome; to start from its seat, to project, as an (sm. a.) extractor; to freshen (of the wind); un chcval, (man.) to vault over a horse; la main, (man.) (of a horse) to get rid of the . control of, to pull away from, the hand; un vaisseau, (nav.) to free a leaky vessel by means of the pumps. franchise, f., exemption, immunity; freedom, liberty; franking privilege; (man.) willingness (of a horse); (law) right of asylum; en , duty-free; lieu de , place of refuge, of asylum; postale, franking privilege; telegraphique, telegraphic franking privilege.

franchissement 193 frein franchissement, m., facility of ingress and egress; d''extracteur , (sm. a.) slipping of the claw over the flange of the cartridge without extraction of the latter; du fosse, (mil.) passage, crossing, of the ditch; grading de (fort.) steps in the sides of a parallel or trench for facility of ingress and egress; francisation, f., register of a French vessel. franco, adv., post-free, carriage-free. Iranc-tireur, m., (mil.) franc-tireur, French guerrilla. frange, f., fringe. frappe, f . , striking face (of a hammer, etc.). frapper, v. a., to strike, hit, stab; to knock; (cord.) to frap, to bend, seize, lash on or to; d'amende, to fine; de contributions, to impose contributions; un cordage, une manoeuvre, (cord.) to seize or lash a rope in its place; d'cstoc, (fenc.) to thrust; d'estoc et de faille, (fenc.) to cut and thrust; un palan, (cord.) to clap on a tackle; palan sur garant, (cord.) to bend luff on luff; une poulie, (cord.) to strap a block; de prison, to imprison; de servitudes, (fort.) to lay under servitudes, q.v.; de tattle, (fenc.) to strike with the edge. frater, m., (mil.) barber (soldier-barber, familiar). fraude, f., fraud; smuggling; faire la , to smuggle. frauder, v. a., to defraud; to smuggle; les droits, to smuggle. frayS, p. p., traveled (of a road), beaten. frayer, v. a., to fray, rub against; to graze, brush; to open a way .trace or mark out a road; le chemind la breche, (mil.) to take the forlorn hope, to be the first to ascend a breach; se aux ars, (hipp.) to rub, become galled, in the region of the ars, q. v.; se un chemin, to break out a path; (mil.) to break through the enemy. frigate, f., (nav.) frigate; cuirassee, armored frigate; & vapeur, steam frigate. frein, m., bit of a bridle; bridle; curb; rein; check; control, restraint: drag (of a wheel); bicycle brake; (art.) recoil check; (art., mach.) brake; (sm. a.) catch, stop. I. Artillery; II. Miscellaneous. I. Artillery: d'affut,(art.) carriage brake; armer un v. s. v. , armer; d'arret, firing-position brake (15m Chatillon and Commentry turret); d bane d'obturation, tlirottling-bar recoil check; & beche de crosse, trail-spade recoil check; d blche d'essieu, (art.) axle-spade recoil check; de bout d'essieu & vis, screw axle brake; central, Elswick compressor; chaine de v. s. , v. chaine; circulaire, circular brake (Canet); d cones de friction, friction cone brake; dcontrctige, counter rod brake; & contrctige centrale, central counter rod brake (Canet); d cordes, rope brake, recoil check; d cordes Lemoine, Lemoine recoil check; d cotes inclinees, (hydraulic) brake with (variable orifices and) inclined sides; cylindre de , (art.) recoil cylinder; de deformation, generic exoression for a brake whose parts undergo a displacement on recoil, elastic brake; desserrer un , to release a brake; d disques de friction, friction disk brake; d effort constant, brake with variable orifices and constant resistance: 3877 17 -13 frein d'enfoncement, brake to take the downward thrust on the carriage (Locard); d etrier, bow compressor; d excentrique, eccentric brake; d fraisures, hydraulic brake with grooved cylinder; de, d friction, friction brake; dfrottement, friction recoil check; dfrotteurs, friction brake (plate compressor)funiculaire, the Lemoine brake; hydraulique, hydraulic brake; hydropneumatiquej hydropneumatic brake; d lame circulaire, circular compressor braked lames, compressor brake; Armstrong plate recoil check; d lames etd arcs, bow compressor; d lames centrales, plate compressor; d lames pendantes, Elswick compressor; Lemoine, Lemoine brake; d levier, lever brake; levier de , brake handle, lever; d machoires. clamp recoil check; d manette, clamp and handle (as in r. f. guns); mettre le , to put on a drag or brake; de moyeu, nave brake; de moyeu d cordes, funicular nave brake; d orifices constants et ecoulement libre, hydraulic brake with constant orifice and free discharge; d orifices fcrmes par une soupape chargee d'un poids constant (variable), hydraulic brake with closing valve of constant (variable) load; d orifices variables, hydraulic brake with variable orifices; d orifices variables et resistance constante, hydraulic brake with variable orifices and constant resistance; oter le , to take off the brake or drag; d patins, wheel brake, shoe; shoe brake; lock (for wheels, downhill); d patins et d cordes, (Fr. art.) the Lemoine rope and shoe brake; d peigne, (so-called) comb brake; de pointage, locking brake for elevating gear; elevation brake (Fr. l^ 111 short); a pompe, hydraulic brake; de recul, recoil brake; de recul d vis, screw recoil brake; regler un , to adjust a brake, a recoil check; d ressort, spring recoil check; de roues, wheel brake; de route, road brake; traveling brake; de route d vis, screw road brake; d sabot, block brake; shoe brake; sabot de , brake block; de serrage, tightening brake; serre, applied brake; de soulevementj, brake to resist overturning (Locard); d soupape chargee, loaded valve brake; de stirete, safety brake; detir, recoil brake ; d valve, Vavasseur hydraulic brake; rotating valve brake. d II. Miscellaneous: , fitted or equipped with a brake; d'absorption, absorbing brake or dynamometer; d air, (r. r.) air brake: atmospherique , (r. r.) airbrake; automateur, brake; automatique, self-acting continu, (r. r.) continuous brake; de couronne de piston, (mach.) junk ring stop; demi-interieur a , bicycle brake lodged in the steering post; dynamometrique , (mach.) friction brake; electrique, (r. r.) electric brake; d'entrainement brake; circulaire, circular bicycle garde , brakesman, brakeman;

fouteau 192 franchise<br />

fouteau, m., beech tree.<br />

foyer, m., hearth, fire in a hearth; home, one's<br />

own country; (met.) hearth; (mach.) fire box,<br />

furnace, stokehole; fire hole; (nav.) furnace;<br />

(elec.) electric light; (opt.) focus;<br />

d'affinage, (met.) refining hearth;<br />

d'affinerie, (met.) finery nearth or furnace;<br />

autel de furnace , bridge;<br />

avant v. , avant-foyer;<br />

bane du fire , bar;<br />

chauffe mecaniquement, self-feeding furnace;<br />

cul de furnace , crown;<br />

de finerie, v. d'affinage;<br />

fumivore, smoke-burning furnace;<br />

defusee, fuse cup;<br />

grand (met.) boshes of a blast furnace;<br />

& grille, (met.) grate furnace;<br />

grille du . fire grate;<br />

lumineux, generic term for focus or center<br />

of light;<br />

de mine, focus of a mine;<br />

ondule, corrugated furnace;<br />

ordinaire, plain furnace;<br />

porte du fire , door;<br />

principal, (opt.) principal focus;<br />

ae raffinerie, v. d affinage;<br />

h rechauffer, reheating hearth;<br />

reel, (opt.) real focus;<br />

rentrer dans ses s, to go back home (from<br />

maneuvers, etc.);<br />

renvoyer dans ses s, to send home;<br />

superieur, (met.) main body, belly of a blast<br />

furnace;<br />

virtuel, (opt.) virtual focus.<br />

frac, m., (un'if.) full dress single-breasted tunic<br />

(obs., except for the corps du contrdle, who,<br />

however, never wear it).<br />

fraction, f., fraction;<br />

constitute, (mil.) a <strong>com</strong>plete unit; any part<br />

of a regiment or organic body whose constitution<br />

is provided for by the law on the organization<br />

of the army, i. e., any part having an<br />

organic existence;<br />

guide, (art.) in ranging, the fraction of the<br />

battery intrusted with keeping the range, i. e.,<br />

that keeps up ranging fire;<br />

non-guide, (art.) the fraction of a battery<br />

that does the real firing against enemy with<br />

the range already got.<br />

fractionnement, m., (act of) subdividing, of<br />

breaking up into parts.<br />

fractionner, v. a., to subdivide, to break up into<br />

parts.<br />

fracture, f., breaking, fracture, rupture;<br />

<strong>com</strong>minutive, (med.) <strong>com</strong>minuted fracture;<br />

<strong>com</strong>posec, (med.) <strong>com</strong>pound fracture;<br />

simple, (med.) simple fracture.<br />

fracturer, v. a., to break (a leg, an arm).<br />

fragment, m., fragment;<br />

d'obus, (art.) splinter of a shell.<br />

fragmentation, f., fragmentation; (art.) breaking<br />

up of fraisage, m., reaming, reaming out; work along<br />

a right line perpendicular to axis of rotation of<br />

reaming<br />

shell, etc., on bursting; fracture of shell<br />

into fragments.<br />

bit .<br />

(in Fr. sm. a. manufactories);<br />

en bout, end reaming;<br />

lateral, side reaming.<br />

fraise, f., (mach.) cutter, reamer, milling tool, mill;<br />

countersink, rose bit; reaming tool, reaming<br />

bit; (fort.) fraise, pointed stake;<br />

en bout, end reamer;<br />

circulaire, cone bit;<br />

conique, angular cutter;<br />

de cote, side reamer;<br />

cylindrique, milling cutter;<br />

& defoncer, side-milling cutter, straddle mill;<br />

& dents rapportees, cutter with inserted teeth;<br />

de forme, formed milling cutter;<br />

de formes americaines, formed milling cutter;<br />

helico'idale, spiral mill;<br />

h planer, cylindrical planing tool;<br />

b, queue, end cutter, end mill, reamer;<br />

& roder, rose countersink;<br />

ft trancher, metal-slitting saw.<br />

fraisement, m., starling of a bridge; (fort.) state<br />

of having fraises.<br />

fraiser, v. a., (fort.) to fraise; (mach.) to countersink;<br />

to ream; to mill; to make true;<br />

un bataillon, etc., (mil.) to prepare a battalion<br />

for cavalry, by bayonets, or pickets, etc. (obs.);<br />

en bout, (mach.) to use an end-reamer, to endream;<br />

de cote, (mach.) to use a side-reamer, to sideream;<br />

un retranchement, (fort.) to install, set up,<br />

a row of fraises on the scarp or counterscarp<br />

slope;<br />

teteh , broaching head.<br />

fraiseuse, f . , (mach.) milling machine;<br />

universelle, universal milling machine.<br />

fraisil, m., cinders.<br />

fraisure, f., chamfered edge of a rivet hole; beaded<br />

border; curled or fringed border; countersinking;<br />

ream, reaming; any cavity produced by<br />

reaming; (fort.) row of fraises.<br />

franc, m., franc (coin and unit).<br />

franc, a., free; (man.) free (of a gait); (law) free,<br />

open (port, etc.);<br />

d'amble, (man.) pacing naturally;<br />

botte he. v. s. v. botte;<br />

de cottier, (horse) free in draught;<br />

d'eau, free of water;<br />

de etable, (nav.) end on;<br />

& etricr, v. s. v. etricr;<br />

de molestation de guerre, free from molestation<br />

of war;<br />

pierre he, (mas.) sound stone, free from defects;<br />

pompe he, dry pump;<br />

fratcheur, f., cat's-paw; puff of wind.<br />

fralchir, v. n., to freshen, to blow up fresh (of<br />

wind).<br />

frais, m. pi., expenses, cost; (law) costs;<br />

d' alleges, lighterage;<br />

de bureau, allowance for office expenses;<br />

de justice, (mil.) costs;<br />

de deplacement, v. de route;<br />

d'entretien, cost of maintenance;<br />

faux , extra charges, incidental expenses;<br />

d'inhumation, burial expenses;<br />

de proces, trial expenses;<br />

de route, (mil.) travel allowance, mileage;<br />

de service, (mil.) allowance for expenses to<br />

officers holding certain <strong>com</strong>mands or fulfilling<br />

certain functions;<br />

de traversee, passage money.<br />

frais, a., fresh, cool; recent; fresh (not salted); fresh<br />

(rested); m., coolness; (nav.) fresh breeze (of<br />

wind);<br />

bouchefraichc, (hipp.) foaming, moist, mouth;<br />

vent , fresh breeze, hard wind.<br />

port , free port;<br />

de port, carriage free, franked;<br />

mile he, free city.<br />

franc-bord, m., path along a river or canal bank;<br />

(nav.) planking of a ship's hull; freeboard.<br />

franc-filin, m., v. s. v. filin.<br />

franc-funln, m., v. s. v.funin.<br />

franchir, v. a. n., to climb (a hill), to over<strong>com</strong>e<br />

(an obstacle); to clear, leap, or jump over; to<br />

cross, traverse, pass over; to exceed; to break<br />

through, over<strong>com</strong>e; to start from its seat, to<br />

project, as an (sm. a.) extractor; to freshen (of<br />

the wind);<br />

un chcval, (man.) to vault over a horse;<br />

la main, (man.) (of a horse) to get rid of the<br />

. control of, to pull away from, the hand;<br />

un vaisseau, (nav.) to free a leaky vessel by<br />

means of the pumps.<br />

franchise, f., exemption, immunity; freedom,<br />

liberty; franking privilege; (man.) willingness<br />

(of a horse); (law) right of asylum;<br />

en , duty-free;<br />

lieu de , place of refuge, of asylum;<br />

postale, franking privilege;<br />

telegraphique, telegraphic franking privilege.

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