A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

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force 186 format force (s) navales, sea forces; de penetration, (art.) penetrating, perforating power; plan dcs s, force plan; prendre de , to force, to assault; prendre une ville de, d, ouverte, (mil.) to cany a town by storm; de projection (d'une arme d feu), (ball.) pro- jectile, shooting, power; publique, (mil.) in France, all the organizations that may be called upon to preserve order at home, and to repel a foreign enemy, (hence) the army, navy, gendarmerie, custom-house personnel, and the police, both rural and urban; (more particularly) the gendarmerie, (and in war) all troops, etc., on provost duty; d de rames, by pulling hard; de support, bearing power, capacity; de traction, traction, tractive, power; tractive, v. de traction; tube de , (elec.) tube of force; vive, vis viva, kinetic energy; de vive , by main strength. lorcf, a., forced, hard, severe (of weather); sprung, strained (of a mast, etc.); (mil.) forced (of a march); marche e, (mil.) forced march; travaux s, penal servitude; hard labor. forcement, m., (art., sm. a.) (act, means, of) forcing (projectiles to take the grooves); (art.) compression system of taking grooves; difference between maximum diameter of rotating band and diameter of bore measured from bottom of grooves; d , (mach.) by forcing (of assemblages, etc.); par affaissement, v. par compression; ceintured, de, , (art.) rifling band; par compression, (art.) forcing projectiles to grooves by compression; couronne de , (sm. a.) rifling band; par exces de calibre, (sm. a.) forcing obtained by making diameter of bullet greater than that of the bore; par expansion, (art., sm. a.) forcing by expansion; par inertie, v. par compression; au maillet, (sm. a., obs.) system in which bullet was splayed out by striking with a mallet on iron ramrod; systemed , (art.) compression system. forcer, v. a., to force, strain; to work; to compel; to break open or through; to wrench, to bend; (mil.) to overcome, storm; sur les avirons, to pull hard; le blocus, to force, run, a blockade; un cheval, to override a horse; la consigne, v. s. v. consigne; lefer, (fenc.) to engage the adversary's blade strongly; la main, d la main, (man.) of a horse, to refuse to obey, to force the bit, to bolt; une, la, marche, (mil.) to make a forced march; une passe, (nav.) to force a channel, to run by; un poste, etc., (mil.) to force or carry a post (a defile, passage, etc.); de, des, rames, v. sur les avirons; te , (art., sm. a.) to take the grooves. forces, f. pi., shears (e. g., tailor's, tinmen's); faire les , (man.) to open the mouth wide instead of backing (of a horse that his rider is trying to back). forcettes, f. pi., small shears; masting sheers. forceur, m., de blocus, blockade runner. forcite, f., (expl.) forcite; antigrisouteuse, fire-damp forcite; gelatine, a mixture of nitroglycerin and soluble nitrocellulose. forer, v. a., to bore, to drill, to pierce, to perforate; (art.) to bore (a gun); bane d , boring bench; instrument to, , borer; machined , boring machine. forerie, 1., boring house, shop; act of boring; boring machine; (art.) gun-boring machine; gun lathe; bane de , boring bench; horizontal, horizontal drilling machine; verticale, vertical drilling machine. foret, m., borer, drill, boring instrument; twisted bit; americain, twist drill; bit; boring tool, anglais, centrifugal drill; d arqon, breast drill; d bois, de charpentier, auger; d canon, borer, boring bit; d cuiller, shell auger; d langue d' aspic, flat drill; d langue de carpe, first bit in gun boring, rough borer; d main, hand drill; mi-rond, half-round drill; d rochet, ratchet drill, brace; russe, (art.) annular borer; tors, twist drill; torse, twisted bit or borer. forSt, f., forest, forest land, woodland; sauvage, trackless forest; one without paths or roads. foreur, m., borer (workman). foreuse, f., (mach.) drilling machine. forfait, m., contract, job; d , by the job; by contract; acheter (vendre) d . to buy (sell) a job lot; faire un , to contract, make a contract for anything. forge, f., forge; iron works; smith's forge; blacksmith's shop, smithy; (art.) battery forge; d'affinerie, (met.) bloomery, finery; d I'anglaise. (met.) rolling mill; brut de , rough-forged; de campagne, (art.) traveling forge; battery forge; field forge; fine , smith's coal; fixe, de garnison, (art.) garrison forge (as opposed to a field forge); fourgon- , (Fr. cav.) wagon forge, forming part of the cavalry regimental train (one to each squadron); de marechal-ferrant, farrier's forge; mener un cheval d la , (fan.) to take a horse tg the blacksmith; de montagne, (art.) mountain forge; operation de grosse - , (met.) the working of steel or of iron in large masses; piece de , forging; portative, hand forge, portable forge; roulante, (Fr. a.) the forge in use by the companies of the train (road forge); stable, (art.) permanent forge (in a siege park); venir de , to be forged at the same time with the main body or piece (said of small parts, e. g., front-sight mass); to be integral with; venu de , forged on (as opposed to inserted or let in); integral with; volante, portable forge. forg^, p. p., forged; wrought; d chaud (froid), hot (cold) forged; fer , wrought iron. forgeable, a., forgeable, malleable. forgeage, m., (met.) forging, operation of forging. forger, v. a., to forge, to hammer, to weld, to forge on; (hipp.) to overreach, (strictly) to forge; action de , (hipp.) forging, clicking; d chaud (froid), (met.) to forge hot (cold); d la mecanique, (met.) to work, shape, forge, by machinery (as opposed to shaping, etc., by hand); pressed , (met.) forging press. forgerie, f., smithing, smithery. forgeron, m., blacksmith. forgeur, m., blacksmith; de canons de fusil, (sm. a.) barrel forger; cannonier , v. de canons defusil. forgeuse, f.. < americaine, (mach.) forging machine (so called in France because of origin); Brown & Sharpe forging press. forgls, m., wire iron (of which wire is to be made). forjet, m.. (cons.) projection (out of line, out of plumb). forjeter, v. a., (cows.) to jut out, bulge, project; to be out of line, out of plumb. forjeture, f., v. forjet. format, m., siz,e (of books, of paper); in-8, etc., octavo, etc.

formation 187 fort formation, f., formation, forming, organization; (mil.) formation, organization; training; ( Fr. a, med.) medical unit (o. g., depdt de convalescents, hdpital d'evacuation); - d'attaque, (any) attack formation; -- d'attente, any formation preliminary to a maneuver or operation; - en bataille, (art.., cay.) formation in line; - par bataillons en masse, (inf.) line of battle with battalions in column of divisions, and deploying intervals, etc. (30 paces); - en 'batterie, (art.) formation in battery; - des cadres, instruction of subaltern grades, with special reference to training them to act as drillmasters for recruits; - en colonne, formation in column; - en colonne par piece (section), (art.) formation in column of pieces (sections, i. e., platoons, U. S. Art.); - de combat, combat formation ; - combince, a generic term for formations in echelon, for formations involving the use of offensive and defensive flanks, etc.; - constitutive, the organic constitution of a troop unit ; - de defile, march -past, review, formation; - deployee, any deployed formation; - derivee, derived formation (e. g., double column ) ; - doublee, (inf.) formation in which two ranks (either double or single) take the place of one (either double or single) when forming for a march by the flank; - echelonnee, formation in or by echelon; - eventuelle, formation not carried out at once, as a single maneuver, but involving a stay or delay between the first and last of it; - par file, formation by file; - par le flanc, formation by the flank; - ffroupee, dense formation, troops in mass; - en ligne, formation in line; - en ligne de colonnes, formation in line of columns; - en ligne deployee, (inf.) formation in line (company, battalion, regiment); - de manoeuvre, drill formation ; - de marche, march or route formation; - en marche, march formation; - en masse, formation in mass; -- normale, (so-called) normal formation (e. g., line of columns, mass, etc.); ' - au pare, v.-de rassemblement; passage, passer, d'une - & une autre, v. s. w. passage^ passer; - ployee, any ployed formation; - de position d'attente, v.d'attente; - preparatoire de combat, (art.) the formation taken by a battery on approaching the emplacement whence it is to open fire, consisting of the separation of the batterie de tir, q. v., or of the group of such -batteries, from the echelon, q. v., or group of echelons; -- de rassemblement, assembling, close, formation, e. g., of troops assembling from march formation preparatory to passage to combat formation; (Fr. art.) a synonym for the formation of a park (- avec materiel) -.the assembling of the teams and detachments preparatory to hitching up the guns and wagons (sans materiel); - de rendez-tous, an assembling formation by which a c. o. gets his troops well together and in hand in a designated place before undertaking definite operations against a specific objective; - de revue, formation for inspection; - de route, route formation, road formation; - sanitaire, (Fr. a. mcd.) any administrative unit of the medical service; - tactique, tactical formation; any formation relating to a definite tactical object; any formation enabling a troop unit to make the best possible disposition of its means of offense and of defense; - d'un train (r. r.) making up a train. forme, f., form, shape, figure, make; shoemaker's last; mold, frame; seat; layer of sand for paving stones; block; (siege) stage (in trench work); (hip (h p.) ring bone; bone spavin; (nav.) dry dock; forme, de , of proper, suitable, form; of a special shape (of tools); flottante, (nav.) floating dock; de radoub, (nav.) graving dock; sape sans s, (siege) sap driven at full size (without subsequent enlargement); stclie, (nav.) dry dock; tourmentee, irregular, twisted form. former, v. a. r., to form, frame, make, shape, mold, fashion, cut out, compose, plan, train, season; (mil.) to set up, drill, and instruct soldiers or sailors and to give them the military spirit; (mil.) to form up; le cane, (mil.) to form square; lesfaisceaui, (mil.) to make stacks; la haie, (mil.) to form troops one rank on each side of the street, or of a cortege; un siege, (siege) to begin a siege, to begin to open the trenches; une troupe, (mil.) to draw up a body of troops in a definite formation. formulaire, m., (med.) pharmacopoeia. formuie, f.. formula; form, model (as, for proceedings); (med.) prescription; d'equarnssage, in strength of materials, a formula showing relation between the exterior forces, factor of safety, and the dimensions (unknown) of the section considered; d'elasticite, d'equilibre, Hooke's law. fort,, a., strong; thick; considerable; skillful; high (of the wind); heavy (of the sea, rain); (mil.) strong (with reference to numbers)^ numbering; able to resist; strong (of a position), fortified (of a city, position); bow , thick wood; colle e, glue; de (25,000 hommes), (25,000) strong; place e, (fort.) stronghold; fortress, fortified position; de poids, overweighted, overloaded; terre e, heavy ground; ville e, fortified city. fort, m., strongest, thickest, or principal part; main point; midst; heart; depth; brunt, center, middle, etc.; skill; strength; (fort.) fort (contains no civilian population), esp. detached fort; redoubt; blockhouse; (mil.) thick (of a fight); (sm. a.) part of the sword blade near the hilt (clfaible). (Except where otherwise indicated, the following words relate to fortifications:) d'arret, stop fort; barrier fort (English name); d'attaque, fort lying in an attack, hence one that is attacked; au de, (in gen.) in the thick of; bastionne, bastioned fort; & batterie basse, fort with battery near the ground; & batterie haute, fort with elevated battery, as in a cavalier, etc.; de boi

force 186 format<br />

force (s) navales, sea forces;<br />

de penetration, (art.) penetrating, perforating<br />

power;<br />

plan dcs s, force plan;<br />

prendre de , to force, to assault;<br />

prendre une ville de, d, ouverte, (mil.) to cany<br />

a town by storm;<br />

de projection (d'une arme d feu), (ball.) pro-<br />

jectile, shooting, power;<br />

publique, (mil.) in France, all the organizations<br />

that may be called upon to preserve<br />

order at home, and to repel a foreign enemy,<br />

(hence) the army, navy, gendarmerie, custom-house<br />

personnel, and the police, both<br />

rural and urban; (more particularly) the<br />

gendarmerie, (and in war) all troops, etc., on<br />

provost duty;<br />

d de rames, by pulling hard;<br />

de support, bearing power, capacity;<br />

de traction, traction, tractive, power;<br />

tractive, v. de traction;<br />

tube de , (elec.) tube of force;<br />

vive, vis viva, kinetic energy;<br />

de vive , by main strength.<br />

lorcf, a., forced, hard, severe (of weather); sprung,<br />

strained (of a mast, etc.); (mil.) forced (of a<br />

march);<br />

marche e, (mil.) forced march;<br />

travaux s, penal servitude; hard labor.<br />

forcement, m., (art., sm. a.) (act, means, of)<br />

forcing (projectiles to take the grooves); (art.)<br />

<strong>com</strong>pression system of taking grooves; difference<br />

between maximum diameter of rotating<br />

band and diameter of bore measured from<br />

bottom of grooves;<br />

d , (mach.) by forcing (of assemblages, etc.);<br />

par affaissement, v. par <strong>com</strong>pression;<br />

ceintured, de, , (art.) rifling band;<br />

par <strong>com</strong>pression, (art.) forcing projectiles<br />

to grooves by <strong>com</strong>pression;<br />

couronne de , (sm. a.) rifling band;<br />

par exces de calibre, (sm. a.) forcing obtained<br />

by making diameter of bullet greater than that<br />

of the bore;<br />

par expansion, (art., sm. a.) forcing by expansion;<br />

par inertie, v. par <strong>com</strong>pression;<br />

au maillet, (sm. a., obs.) system in which<br />

bullet was splayed out by striking with a<br />

mallet on iron ramrod;<br />

systemed , (art.) <strong>com</strong>pression system.<br />

forcer, v. a., to force, strain; to work; to <strong>com</strong>pel;<br />

to break open or through; to wrench, to bend;<br />

(mil.) to over<strong>com</strong>e, storm;<br />

sur les avirons, to pull hard;<br />

le blocus, to force, run, a blockade;<br />

un cheval, to override a horse;<br />

la consigne, v. s. v. consigne;<br />

lefer, (fenc.) to engage the adversary's blade<br />

strongly;<br />

la main,<br />

d la main, (man.) of a horse, to<br />

refuse to obey, to force the bit, to bolt;<br />

une, la, marche, (mil.) to make a forced<br />

march;<br />

une passe, (nav.) to force a channel, to run by;<br />

un poste, etc., (mil.) to force or carry a post<br />

(a defile, passage, etc.);<br />

de, des, rames, v. sur les avirons;<br />

te , (art., sm. a.) to take the grooves.<br />

forces, f. pi., shears (e. g., tailor's, tinmen's);<br />

faire les , (man.) to open the mouth wide<br />

instead of backing (of a horse that his rider is<br />

trying to back).<br />

forcettes, f. pi., small shears; masting sheers.<br />

forceur, m.,<br />

de blocus, blockade runner.<br />

forcite, f., (expl.) forcite;<br />

antigrisouteuse, fire-damp forcite;<br />

gelatine, a mixture of nitroglycerin and<br />

soluble nitrocellulose.<br />

forer, v. a., to bore, to drill, to pierce, to perforate;<br />

(art.) to bore (a gun);<br />

bane d , boring bench;<br />

instrument to,<br />

, borer;<br />

machined , boring machine.<br />

forerie, 1., boring house, shop; act of boring; boring<br />

machine; (art.) gun-boring machine; gun<br />

lathe;<br />

bane de , boring bench;<br />

horizontal, horizontal drilling machine;<br />

verticale, vertical drilling machine.<br />

foret, m., borer, drill, boring<br />

instrument; twisted bit;<br />

americain, twist drill;<br />

bit; boring tool,<br />

anglais, centrifugal drill;<br />

d arqon, breast drill;<br />

d bois, de charpentier, auger;<br />

d canon, borer, boring bit;<br />

d cuiller, shell auger;<br />

d langue d' aspic, flat drill;<br />

d langue de carpe, first bit in gun boring,<br />

rough borer;<br />

d main, hand drill;<br />

mi-rond, half-round drill;<br />

d rochet, ratchet drill, brace;<br />

russe, (art.) annular borer;<br />

tors, twist drill;<br />

torse, twisted bit or borer.<br />

forSt, f., forest, forest land, woodland;<br />

sauvage, trackless forest; one without paths<br />

or roads.<br />

foreur, m., borer (workman).<br />

foreuse, f., (mach.) drilling machine.<br />

forfait, m., contract, job;<br />

d , by the job; by contract;<br />

acheter (vendre) d . to buy (sell) a job lot;<br />

faire un , to contract, make a contract for<br />

anything.<br />

forge, f., forge; iron works; smith's forge; blacksmith's<br />

shop, smithy; (art.) battery forge;<br />

d'affinerie, (met.) bloomery, finery;<br />

d I'anglaise. (met.) rolling mill;<br />

brut de , rough-forged;<br />

de campagne, (art.) traveling forge; battery<br />

forge; field forge;<br />

fine , smith's coal;<br />

fixe, de garnison, (art.) garrison forge<br />

(as opposed to a field forge);<br />

fourgon- , (Fr. cav.) wagon forge, forming<br />

part of the cavalry regimental train (one to<br />

each squadron);<br />

de marechal-ferrant, farrier's forge;<br />

mener un cheval d la , (fan.) to take a horse<br />

tg the blacksmith;<br />

de montagne, (art.) mountain forge;<br />

operation de grosse -<br />

, (met.) the working of<br />

steel or of iron in large masses;<br />

piece de , forging;<br />

portative, hand forge, portable forge;<br />

roulante, (Fr. a.) the forge in use by the<br />

<strong>com</strong>panies of the train (road forge);<br />

stable, (art.) permanent forge (in a siege<br />

park);<br />

venir de , to be forged at the same time with<br />

the main body or piece (said of small parts,<br />

e. g., front-sight mass); to be integral with;<br />

venu de , forged on (as opposed<br />

to inserted<br />

or let in); integral with;<br />

volante, portable forge.<br />

forg^, p. p., forged; wrought;<br />

d chaud (froid), hot (cold) forged;<br />

fer , wrought iron.<br />

forgeable, a., forgeable, malleable.<br />

forgeage, m., (met.) forging, operation of forging.<br />

forger, v. a., to forge, to hammer, to weld, to forge<br />

on; (hipp.) to overreach, (strictly) to forge;<br />

action de , (hipp.) forging, clicking;<br />

d chaud (froid), (met.) to forge hot (cold);<br />

d la mecanique, (met.) to work, shape, forge,<br />

by machinery (as opposed to shaping, etc., by<br />

hand);<br />

pressed , (met.) forging press.<br />

forgerie, f., smithing, smithery.<br />

forgeron, m., blacksmith.<br />

forgeur, m., blacksmith;<br />

de canons de fusil, (sm. a.) barrel forger;<br />

cannonier , v. de canons defusil.<br />

forgeuse, f.. < americaine, (mach.) forging<br />

machine (so called in France because of origin);<br />

Brown & Sharpe forging press.<br />

forgls, m., wire iron (of which wire is to be made).<br />

forjet, m.. (cons.) projection (out of line, out of<br />

plumb).<br />

forjeter, v. a., (cows.) to jut out, bulge, project;<br />

to be out of line, out of plumb.<br />

forjeture, f., v. forjet.<br />

format, m., siz,e (of books, of paper);<br />

in-8, etc., octavo, etc.

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