A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com A French-English Military Dictionary - Sturmpanzer.com

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ier 174 fcr fer marchand, merchant iron, bar iron; martde, hammered iron; & massiau, bloom iron; mele. cast iron between white and gray; - meteorique, meteoric iron; metis, red short iron; micace, micaceous iron ore; de mine limoneuse, muddy ore; de mineral en roclie, stony ore; de mineral lerreux, earthy ore; mitis, alloy of iron and aluminium; mou. soft iron; natif, native iron; . ft nerf, fibrous iron; ncrfde , fiber of iron, fibrous texture; ncrveux, fibrous iron; noir, black cast iron; sheet iron for making tin plate; oligiste, oligist iron ore; oligiste micace, micaceous specular iron; oxyde rouge, red oxide of iron; oxydule, magnetic iron ore, magnetite; pailleux, weak iron, iron full of flaws; pftce ae } piece into which bloom is divided for working; platine, rolled iron; puddle , puddled iron; raffine, refined iron; riblons de , scrap iron; rouverin, red short iron; en saumon, pig iron; iron dross; scorie de , soude, welded iron, weld iron; souder le to weld , iron; spathique, spathic iron; speculate, specular iron; tcnace, ductile, tough, iron; tendre, cold short iron; touche, "aired " bar (cementation process); en tournure, iron turning3; usine de , ironworks, smelting works; zinque, galvanized iron. II. Structural iron, etc.: d'angle, angle iron; aplati, hoop iron; de bandage, tire iron; bande de , iron strap; en bandes, hoop iron; barre de , iron bar; en banes, bar iron; en berger, bar iron; h biseau, wedge-shaped iron; en bottes, bar iron; fi boudin, bulb iron; &C,C-iron; d, clou, nail iron; nail plate; conique, /\ iron (fer zores); & corniere, angle iron; creux, v. & boudin; & croir, + iron; demi-rond, half-round iron; s etaticftes, forgings; ebroudi, iron wire; s echaniillones, iron bars, rods, of definite cross section, and according to specifications or model (includes iron wire); & ecrou, screw plate; emaille, enameled iron; equerre de iron , knee; fac.onne, special iron; fendu, slit iron, nail rod; feuillard, strap iron, hoop iron; enfeuilles, sheet iron; fil de iron , wire; s forges, iron that has been more or less shaped and prepared for use; gros s, iron used in main or heavy work, and but roughly shaped; bl'\-\,en H , double-T iron, channel iron; en I, I-iron; en lames, sheet iron; & la mode, v. aplati; & nervure, flanged iron; ordinaire b, plancher, I-iron; plaque de , iron plate; en plaques, boiler plate; plat, hoop iron; s profiles, v. * speciaux; ler de roulage, thick iron wire; roule, rolled iron; en ruban, hoop iron; s sveciwux, iron of special cross section; i. e., U,T,I, V, L, etc., iron; a te, Tiron; d, triple nervure, double-I beam; en T, T iron; & double T, en T double, channel iron, H iron, double-T iron; tubulaire, n iron (fer zores); en, &, n > n iron; en V, V-iron; en n, niron; zores, n-, A~snaPe

fer 175 former fer Poret, a shoe without exterior border (thinner near the heel than near the toe, and has neither rights nor lefts); porte , horseshoe case; pour pieds combles, rocking shoe; T clever un , to calk or frost a horseshoe; de riviere, broad-plate shoe (covering the entire sole except the frog); b. saillie, shoe fitted with a projection to prevent slipping; b, la turque, shoe with unequal branches; ft une branche couverte, shoe with one broad branch; ft une ou deux eponges couvertes, shoe with one or two broad heels; ft une eponge tronquee, shoe with one heel removed. IV. Miscellaneous: ft et ft clou, solidly, firmly; battre le to fence; bois de , ironwood; de botte, boot-heel plate; ft, de, calfat, calking iron calking tool; z ft cheval, double winding staircase; (fort.) horseshoe fort; donner le , to set the tool (e. g., a rifling tool, after insertion); & donner, mettre, lefeu, v. s. v.feu; en ft cheval, crescent-shaped; de gaffe, head of a boat hook; de girouette, iron spindle of a vane; gris de , iron-gray; de lance, spearhead, lancehead, head; manier le , to wear the sword; ft marquer, brand, branding iron; mctlre aux s, un homme aux s, to iron a man; b, mi , (of rails, etc.) halved and lapping; fer-l>lanc, m., (met.) tin, tin-plate; brillant, iron covered with pure tin; terne, iron covered with one-half tin and one-half lead, or one-third tin and twothirds lead. fferir, v. a., to strike; (used only in) sans coup , without striking a blow. ferlage, m., (nav.) furling. ferler, v. a., (nav.) to furl. fermage, m., rent; (mil.) rent of grass on slope of works. fermail, m., clasp. fermant, a., closing; (fitted) with lock and key; hjour , v. s. v.jour. ferme, a., adv., firm, steady; unshaken; fixed, fast, steadfast, strong, stiff; (hi commands) steady! heave! pull together! achat (marche, vente) , binding purchase, contract, sale (involving certain delivery); contre prime, option; etre b, cheval, sur ses etriers, (man.) to have a steady seat; faire , (mil.) to make a stand; marche ft prix , v. s. v. marche; de pied , (mil.) at or from a halt; on a fixed pivot; sautcr de h , (man.) of a horse, to jump without advancing; tcnir , hold one's ground, stand fast; terre , terra firma. ferme, f., farm, farmhouse; lease; (cons.) girder, trussed girder; couple, truss, rib, frame, roof truss; pair of principal rafters; main couple; timber frame; centering frame; largest tinfber on a floor; ferme avec arbaletriers munis de contre-fiches, roof with single-trussed principals; cintree, arched truss; ft (une) clef pendanle , king-post truss; ft clefs pendantes, queen-post truss; ft contre-fiches, roof truss with trussed principals; courbe, polygonal roof; dcmi v. , demi-ferme,' b, deux contre-fiches pour chaque arbale- Irier, roof truss with double-trussed principals; & deux aiguilles rendantes, queen-post truss; droite, roof truss with principals at right jles; simple truss of rectilinear profile (as distinguished from one of curved profile); droite h deux pannes, purlined truss, principals at right angles; droite b, entrait, tiebeam truss or frame, with principals at right angles; droite b, entrait h 2 (ou 3) pannes, purlmed tiebeam, frame or truss, with principals at right angles; b, echarpes, scissors truss; ft entrait, tiebeam truss; defalte. ridgepole bracing or frame; & jambes de force, roof truss resting on struts (of which the mansard roof is an example); maitresse main , truss; ft la Palladio, a variety of tiebeam truss (frequently used by Palladio); Palladio truss; b, pans inegaux, truss of unequal prmci- porter la flamme et le dans, & la Philibert de Lorme, curved or arched to lay waste with fire and sword, carry fire and sword s 'de prisonnier, chains, shackles, fetters, irons; 11 repasser, flat-iron; a souder, soldering iron; copper bill; travaillant, reaming iron; a vitrage, window-pane framing made of iron. ferblanterie, f., tinwork, tinware. ferblantier, m., tinner, tin-plate worker. fgret, m., ferret; (met.) red hematite iron ore. roof truss; & plusieurs contre-fiches, English roof truss; avec poinQon en dessus, king-post truss; avec poinc,on en dessous, inverted king-post truss; -b, deux poinqons, queen-post truss; ft deux poinqons en dessous, inverted queenpost truss; de remplage. middle rafter; simple b, pompon, simple king-post truss; simple avec arbaletriers sans contre-fiches, roof with simple principals; b, tas de bois, truss in which the rafter is connected with tiebeam by blocks of wood notched into one another and bolted; triangulaire, truss. ferine, a., shut, closed; landlocked; (law) closed (of a sea, bay, etc.); (fort.) closed; & I' air, air-tight; b, I'eau, water-tight; par Us glaces, icebound; ft la gorge, (fort.) with a closed gorge; ouvrage , (fort.) closed work; ouvrage mi , (fort.) half-closed work (i. e., one whose gorge has a slight parapet, or palisades, fitc V entire les terres, landlocked. ferme-bouche, m., nwuth closer, mouth-piece (as, of an air-supplying machine in mines, to be worn by miners). ferme-circuit, m., (elec., torp., etc.) circuit & ' boule, (torp.) a ball - contact circuit closer; b, cone, (torp.) a cone-contact circuit fermer, v. a. r. n., to close, shut, lock, fasten, stop, clinch, bolt, pin, clasp; to bring two objects into one; to inclose; to close a port (by an embargo); to close (a draw in a bridge); (elcc.) to close (a circuit); (surv.) to close; (man.) to complete (a figure); Vangle, to place one's self so as to bring two objects in the same line; la communication, to shut off; un cours d'assises, (mas.) to lay the last stone of a course; un croc, (cord.) to mouse a hook; la marche, (mil.) to bring up the rear, to march in rear;

ier 174 fcr<br />

fer marchand, merchant iron, bar iron;<br />

martde, hammered iron;<br />

& massiau, bloom iron;<br />

mele. cast iron between white and gray;<br />

-<br />

meteorique, meteoric iron;<br />

metis, red short iron;<br />

micace, micaceous iron ore;<br />

de mine limoneuse, muddy ore;<br />

de mineral en roclie, stony ore;<br />

de mineral lerreux, earthy ore;<br />

mitis, alloy of iron and aluminium;<br />

mou. soft iron;<br />

natif, native iron;<br />

. ft nerf, fibrous iron;<br />

ncrfde , fiber of iron,<br />

fibrous texture;<br />

ncrveux, fibrous iron;<br />

noir, black cast iron; sheet iron for making<br />

tin plate;<br />

oligiste, oligist iron ore;<br />

oligiste micace, micaceous specular iron;<br />

oxyde rouge, red oxide of iron;<br />

oxydule, magnetic iron ore, magnetite;<br />

pailleux, weak iron, iron full of flaws;<br />

pftce ae } piece into which bloom is divided<br />

for working;<br />

platine, rolled iron;<br />

puddle , puddled iron;<br />

raffine, refined iron;<br />

riblons de , scrap iron;<br />

rouverin, red short iron;<br />

en saumon, pig iron;<br />

iron dross;<br />

scorie de ,<br />

soude, welded iron, weld iron;<br />

souder le to weld , iron;<br />

spathique, spathic iron;<br />

speculate, specular iron;<br />

tcnace, ductile, tough, iron;<br />

tendre, cold short iron;<br />

touche, "aired " bar (cementation process);<br />

en tournure, iron turning3;<br />

usine de , ironworks, smelting works;<br />

zinque, galvanized iron.<br />

II. Structural iron, etc.:<br />

d'angle, angle iron;<br />

aplati, hoop iron;<br />

de bandage, tire iron;<br />

bande de , iron strap;<br />

en bandes, hoop iron;<br />

barre de , iron bar;<br />

en banes, bar iron;<br />

en berger, bar iron;<br />

h biseau, wedge-shaped iron;<br />

en bottes, bar iron;<br />

fi boudin, bulb iron;<br />

&C,C-iron;<br />

d, clou, nail iron; nail plate;<br />

conique, /\ iron (fer zores);<br />

& corniere, angle iron;<br />

creux, v. & boudin;<br />

& croir, + iron;<br />

demi-rond, half-round iron;<br />

s etaticftes, forgings;<br />

ebroudi, iron wire;<br />

s echaniillones, iron bars, rods, of definite<br />

cross section, and according to specifications<br />

or model (includes iron wire);<br />

& ecrou, screw plate;<br />

emaille, enameled iron;<br />

equerre de iron , knee;<br />

fac.onne, special iron;<br />

fendu, slit iron, nail rod;<br />

feuillard, strap iron, hoop iron;<br />

enfeuilles, sheet iron;<br />

fil de iron , wire;<br />

s forges, iron that has been more or less shaped<br />

and prepared for use;<br />

gros s, iron used in main or heavy work, and<br />

but roughly shaped;<br />

bl'\-\,en H , double-T iron, channel iron;<br />

en I, I-iron;<br />

en lames, sheet iron;<br />

& la mode, v. aplati;<br />

& nervure, flanged iron;<br />

ordinaire b, plancher, I-iron;<br />

plaque de , iron plate;<br />

en plaques, boiler plate;<br />

plat, hoop iron;<br />

s profiles, v. * speciaux;<br />

ler de roulage, thick iron wire;<br />

roule, rolled iron;<br />

en ruban, hoop iron;<br />

s sveciwux, iron of special cross section; i. e.,<br />

U,T,I, V, L, etc., iron;<br />

a te, Tiron;<br />

d, triple nervure, double-I beam;<br />

en T, T iron;<br />

& double T, en T double, channel iron, H iron,<br />

double-T iron;<br />

tubulaire, n iron (fer zores);<br />

en, &, n > n iron;<br />

en V, V-iron;<br />

en n, niron;<br />

zores, n-, A~snaPe

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